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Made in us
Dakka Veteran

As they are Psykers, do they get Psyker cards like the CSM or Tyranids? Also how would I go about assigning him powers. Still learning a bit of the advanced stuff, just had my first games yesterday using the DA set so I almost have the basics down

Nothing more fun than tabling an opponent 
Made in ca
Enigmatic Chaos Sorcerer

British Columbia

They don't have a unique psychic list. They only use the Rulebook powers. There is a set of cards available for them if you want the quick reference.

*It should be noted there is a possibility that the current cards and spells will be outdated if replaced in the new rulebook*

 BlaxicanX wrote:
A young business man named Tom Kirby, who was a pupil of mine until he turned greedy, helped the capitalists hunt down and destroy the wargamers. He betrayed and murdered Games Workshop.

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

I see, I probably won't update to the new edition if it's a whole new thing on its own for a while as me and my friends literally just started and I am not gonna buy a bran new rulebook when I haven't even finished reading this one lol.

As for the cards, I can't seem to find them online, do you know where I can look?

Nothing more fun than tabling an opponent 
Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran


Zodiark wrote:
As they are Psykers, do they get Psyker cards like the CSM or Tyranids? Also how would I go about assigning him powers. Still learning a bit of the advanced stuff, just had my first games yesterday using the DA set so I almost have the basics down

You don't need psyker cards, just bookmark the part of your 40k rulebook about spells (if it's the minirulebook then it's near the back).

To assign him spells varies. For dark angles the highest level your Libby can be is level 2. A level 1 librarian under NORMAL circumstances gets one base spell. The base spells are at the top of each of the magic tables. (prescience, pyroxism, flame breath, smite, and telekenisis).

A level 2 librarian (which is obtained by buying an upgrade) can get two spells. His second spell is from the same table as your level 1 spell (for example a level 2 librarian has flame breath (his level 1, and then gets to roll on the pyromancy chart for his level 2). You see what spell he gets from the table (for the duration of the game) by rolling a 1d6 before deployment and the result indicating what your second spell is.

Now I'll discuss casting. When you have a level 2 libby he has two spells. On each of your turns he has two casting tokens called "warp charges". All primary (level 1) spells cost 1 warp charge meaning they can be cast twice in a single turn. However some level 2 spells cost 2 warp charges. So until you get them memorized via repetition refer to your spells table to see how many charges it costs. At the start of each of your turns your warp charges are restored completely.

Finally I'd like to point out the differences with librarian ezekiel. Ezekiel is our special character librarian. He is a level 2.5. He has three warp charges. He also has three spells (one that is predetermined by the codex, his level one, and his level 2 that he rolls for normally)

DA army: 3500pts,
admech army: 600pts
ravenguard: 565 pts

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

So in your example of flame breath, since it is a pyromancy spell, the second has to be from the same tree or can he have another spell from a different tree.

Nothing more fun than tabling an opponent 
Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran


Zodiark wrote:
So in your example of flame breath, since it is a pyromancy spell, the second has to be from the same tree or can he have another spell from a different tree.

they must be from the same tree.

DA army: 3500pts,
admech army: 600pts
ravenguard: 565 pts

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Okie dokie. And for generic Librarians, like the one that comes in DV, I can pick power I want? The mini reference sheet and rulebook doesn't have him listed as even having psychic powers

Nothing more fun than tabling an opponent 
Made in ca
Enigmatic Chaos Sorcerer

British Columbia

 ionusx wrote:
Zodiark wrote:
As they are Psykers, do they get Psyker cards like the CSM or Tyranids? Also how would I go about assigning him powers. Still learning a bit of the advanced stuff, just had my first games yesterday using the DA set so I almost have the basics down

You don't need psyker cards, just bookmark the part of your 40k rulebook about spells (if it's the minirulebook then it's near the back).

To assign him spells varies. For dark angles the highest level your Libby can be is level 2. A level 1 librarian under NORMAL circumstances gets one base spell. The base spells are at the top of each of the magic tables. (prescience, pyroxism, flame breath, smite, and telekenisis).

A level 2 librarian (which is obtained by buying an upgrade) can get two spells. His second spell is from the same table as your level 1 spell (for example a level 2 librarian has flame breath (his level 1, and then gets to roll on the pyromancy chart for his level 2). You see what spell he gets from the table (for the duration of the game) by rolling a 1d6 before deployment and the result indicating what your second spell is.

Now I'll discuss casting. When you have a level 2 libby he has two spells. On each of your turns he has two casting tokens called "warp charges". All primary (level 1) spells cost 1 warp charge meaning they can be cast twice in a single turn. However some level 2 spells cost 2 warp charges. So until you get them memorized via repetition refer to your spells table to see how many charges it costs. At the start of each of your turns your warp charges are restored completely.

Finally I'd like to point out the differences with librarian ezekiel. Ezekiel is our special character librarian. He is a level 2.5. He has three warp charges. He also has three spells (one that is predetermined by the codex, his level one, and his level 2 that he rolls for normally)

A couple key errors in here. You don't automatically get the Primaris Power on your Psykers. You roll one die for each mastery level and can then substitute one of your selections with the Primaris if you wish.

You may also not cast one spell more than once per turn.

Also Warp Charges are restored at the beginning of each player's turn. Allowing you to cast certain spells which can be used in the enemies turn as well as activating your force weapon etc.

 ionusx wrote:
Zodiark wrote:
So in your example of flame breath, since it is a pyromancy spell, the second has to be from the same tree or can he have another spell from a different tree.

they must be from the same tree.
Incorrect. You may take powers from any chart you have both access to and mastery levels to allow rolling further powers.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/05/05 18:42:29

 BlaxicanX wrote:
A young business man named Tom Kirby, who was a pupil of mine until he turned greedy, helped the capitalists hunt down and destroy the wargamers. He betrayed and murdered Games Workshop.

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