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Made in gb
Despised Traitorous Cultist

As some of you know i'm thinking of starting my own space marine chapter so i was wondering whether Dark Vengeance would be a good place to start, only because i could expand my chaos army (haven't got a hellbrute yet) and i could get a start on my space marine chapter.

My space marine chapter at the moment is:
The Ravenwing
1 Scout squad
5 assault marines
1 tactical squad
1 rhino

Not the best but i bought it off my cousin a while ago, just wondering whether Dark Vengeance would be a good addition to this or if i should buy other units.

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

by the Ravenwing, I assume you mean the Ravenwing battle force?

Dark Vengence is a good buy for a starting DA or Chaos player. It is still the best source for chaos cultist models, has very good sculpts.

if you don't have the BRB for 7th ed, then its even a better buy. as it has the mini-rulebook.

I like to say I have two armies: Necrons, and Imperium.....
Made in gb
Despised Traitorous Cultist

Yeah the Ravenwing battle force, that seems quite good as i don't have the BRB for seventh

Made in us
Tunneling Trygon

The cultists are the only good thing in the Chaos side of the DV. The Dark Angels can use the terminators and bikes and such, but no Chaos army worth anything is going to use the Chosen as they are set up. Too much of a point sink for the return. Raptors without jump packs. The Helbrute is unupgraded, and can't be altered because it's a snap together unit, so you're stuck with the Multimelta. If that's what you want, sure, but if you ever want something changed, well, that's a waste of money because they are not meant to be altered in any way. If your main goal is to boost up your Dark Angels, sure, but there's a lot of wasted Chaos models in DV and you shouldn't buy it expecting to get a good Chaos list.
Made in us
Focused Dark Angels Land Raider Pilot

Green Bay

The ravenwing battleforce is quite misleading. It's actually just one full bike squad.

rigeld2 wrote:
Now go ahead and take that out of context to make me look like a fool.
Made in nz
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

New Zealand

 SharkoutofWata wrote:
The cultists are the only good thing in the Chaos side of the DV. The Dark Angels can use the terminators and bikes and such, but no Chaos army worth anything is going to use the Chosen as they are set up. Too much of a point sink for the return. Raptors without jump packs. The Helbrute is unupgraded, and can't be altered because it's a snap together unit, so you're stuck with the Multimelta. If that's what you want, sure, but if you ever want something changed, well, that's a waste of money because they are not meant to be altered in any way. If your main goal is to boost up your Dark Angels, sure, but there's a lot of wasted Chaos models in DV and you shouldn't buy it expecting to get a good Chaos list.

I agree that much of the Chaos stuff is a bit useless, but the Helbrute can at least be quite easily modified using the warpflame gargoyles from the Chaos vehicle sprue into having twin linked Lascannon/Autocannons. Cultists definitely are the money from the set though.

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter

Chicago, Illinois

How much is it again. I might need to save for it.

From whom are unforgiven we bring the mercy of war. 
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 nolzur wrote:
The ravenwing battleforce is quite misleading. It's actually just one full bike squad.

A bike squad is minimum 2 bikers and 1 Sergeant.

The Ravenwing(read: Dark Angels) Battleforce included enough parts to make two separate 2 bikers and 1 Sergeant units, with one of the squadrons including an Attack Bike. The Land Speeder could be used for either a Support Squadron or making Sammael mounted in a Land Speeder since the bits for that are included in the Ravenwing Accessory Pack.

If you want to though the entire thing can be fielded as one huge squad.

I don't know whether or not they have repackaged the Battleforce any, but when I got the Battleforce it included the following:
2x Dark Angels Ravenwing Bike Squadron($41.25 each--includes the Ravenwing Accessory Pack)
1x Land Speeder($30)
1x Ravenwing Accessory Pack(meaning there were 3 in total but one was meant just for your Land Speeder, which puts it at $14.25 by itself)

That prices the whole shebang at $126.75 individually(without tax) but for the MSRP of $110(which can be had for cheaper because of discounters etc).

So if you're wanting to do a Ravenwing styled force with 3 units of bikers(one squad having an Attack Bike) and Sammael mounted in a Land Speeder(Sableclaw is a relic Land Speeder with a Night Halo and does not change his points cost at all) and then fielding your Scout Squad on foot, Assault Marines as Deep Striking, and the Tactical Squad mounted in a Rhino?
You could have a kind of fast moving force I think.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/07/22 21:49:00

Made in us
Focused Dark Angels Land Raider Pilot

Green Bay

 Kanluwen wrote:
 nolzur wrote:
The ravenwing battleforce is quite misleading. It's actually just one full bike squad.

A bike squad is minimum 2 bikers and 1 Sergeant.

Please read what you quote. I said one full bike squad, which is exactly what you get in the battleforce box. Thanks for trying.

rigeld2 wrote:
Now go ahead and take that out of context to make me look like a fool.
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