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Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I have just started playing 40k and after a few games I feel like I am lacking shooting, I wanted to see if anyone had any improvements for my current army list. I am playing in a small escalation league and the other players are tau, necrons, blood angels and tyranid. In addition to what is in the list I have 3 nurgle bikers, nurgle bike lord, 6 chosen, 2 dreadnoughts, plenty of marines, 5 chaos spawn, and 5 terminators of which I am planning to convert 4 into oblits I would prefer to change the list with what I already own but will buy more if it would be a big improvement.

Terminator Lord
-MoN, Blight Grenades, PF, LC
5 Terminators
-champ - PF, Combi-melta
-MoN, Icon of Despair, Reaper autocannon

Missile Launcher, Twin-Linked Lascannon
Missile Launcher, Twin-Linked Lascannon
Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon

10 cultists, flamer, shotgun
10 cultists, heavy stubber

7 plague marines, 2 melta, rhino
7 plague marines, 2 melta, rhino


Thank you in advance
Made in us
Hellacious Havoc

Everywhere at once..

If long range is a problem for you invest in a couple Havoc squads. A five man havoc squad with the mark of nurgle and x4 heavy bolters comes to 130pts. Thats 5 T5 guys that are Ld 9 and throw out 12 S5 Ap4 shots with a 36" range. Fun unit to play against Nids

I am changed . . . an outcast now.  
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Thanks for the quick reply. I hadn't even considered those and should be able to convert them easily from what I have already. One squad replacing one of the Helbrutes would really give me a lot more shots.
Made in us
Hellacious Havoc

Everywhere at once..

No problem. Happy gaming!

I am changed . . . an outcast now.  
Made in us
Automated Rubric Marine of Tzeentch

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

CSM are not known for great shooting power. Also, Helbrutes are not very cost effective in terms of shooting. I mean, give em a Reaper AC for an 105 point helbrute. Compare that to a 23 point havoc with an AC.

If you want firepower, you have to, just have to go Slaanesh.

You gotta go Noise Marines. Throw in some Tri-Las predators and havocs for good measure.

"We are the Red Sorcerers of Prospero, damned in the eyes of our fellows, and this is to be how our story ends, in betrayal and bloodshed. No...you may find it nobler to suffer your fate, but I will take arms against it." -Ahzek Ahriman
1250 Points of The Prodigal Sons  
Made in us
Painlord Titan Princeps of Slaanesh

Lolz at csm gun line!

If you stick with nurgle, then msu plague squads with a pair of plasma guns is a slow foot slog army that gets to the mid of the board and lays down 12"-24" shots great for mc n light tanks n TEq. Combo that with Nurgle oblitz to get lascannons and and plasma cannons.

As Changerofways says, get 6 squads of 10 noise marines and 2 blastmasters. Support with lascannons havocs or preds. I personally would have a noise squad with 10 sonic blasters to act as a buffer. And 1 assault squad to counter attack.
Made in us
Xenohunter with First Contact

Indianapolis, IN

I just played my first game in years, also playing Nurgle CSM. Obliterators will do well.
Even though he costs a few more points, it was too much fun running Typhus and a bunch of plague zombies (cultists).
Because of how slow most of our stuff is, bikers will add some much needed speed to your list. I am working on 5 bikers w/ 2 melta and champ with pf to add to mine.
Alternatively, I read a lot of good things about running 5 or so spawn with a Biker Lord. I played with the idea of running the usual Biker Lord w/ MoN, Fistyclaws, and BBoS, but it just seems too unfluffy to me. I haven't worked out a Nurgle Lord other than Typhus yet, but Typhus is so much fun! Though I haven't used him in a league - just a couple friends and i play. I lost to a nasty Guard gun line, but it was my first game in a long time and my Helturkey isn't finished yet.

What is best in life? To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women. Grrr.  
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I'm not looking to do a gunline list, I get that they wouldn't be a great choice for that. I mainly just felt that I was light on numbers I guess, my last game was at 1250 though so it was basically the same list but with only one unit each of cultists and plague marines which was a mistake I wanted to see how this list looked beforehand this time. If there is are any better suggestions for what to run I'm not really set on anything and have no problem using non-nurgle units in the army. Below is a slightly updated list with no helbrutes, a unit of havocs and a few points to spare.

Terminator Lord
-MoN, Blight Grenades, PF, LC
5 Terminators
-champ - PF, Combi-melta
-MoN, Icon of Despair, Reaper autocannon

10 cultists, flamer, shotgun
10 cultists, heavy stubber

7 plague marines, 2 melta, rhino
5 plague marines, 2 plasma

5 Havocs, 4 heavy bolter


This is 1204pts what would you recommend using the remaining for, I only have 3 bikes and found they died too easily without more. If I drop the terminator lord I can add either
a bike lord with 5 spawn and a 5 man plague marine unit with plasmas
a bike lord with 5 spawn and 2 obliterators
If you were to include just one or two units of noise marines what would you take them in place of?

I didn't think about how expensive the helbrutes were comparatively I thought as a vehicle they would have survived well enough to make up for the additional cost.
Thank you for the help
Made in za
Annoyed Blood Angel Devastator

South Africa

nurgle biker lord with the black mace.... give him a biker escort with 2 metla or plasma and a champion with a pw..

T6 bikers are brutal they've pulled me back from the brink most recently against necrons and eldar and many other times in the past..

oblits are just too expensive from my experience of them.

I'd also drop the 5 plague marine squad and add a sorcerer MoN mastery 2/3.

and i'd take a preditor with autocannon & 2 las instead of heavy bolor havocs, but that's my preference.

We are the sons of Sanguinius, the protectors of Mankind. Aye, we are indeed the Angels of Death.

Angels Redemptive: 5000 pts
Plague Legion: 2000 pts  
Made in us
Hellacious Havoc

Everywhere at once..


Drop the RA and all the special weapons for your cultists. They points are better served elsewhere
Also I believe you must pay for a PF on your Termi Champ but a PA is free, he will kill just the same at S5 as he will at S8 just wont be popping vehicles
Make both PM squads 6 man and put them both in rhinos (since you have the points now if you've done the above)
With the spare points add 2 more termis to your command squad and slap mark of nurgle on those havocs

just mo

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/10/14 00:45:55

I am changed . . . an outcast now.  
Made in us
Spawn of Chaos

Never take the Nurgle Icon, it's almost never worth it; Fear just isn't that good of an ability. If you REALLY want to use it, play the Crimson Slaughter, as everything gets Fear naturally. If you're using it for the +1 to assault results, take the Icon of Vengeance. Unless you're taking the dataslate, Helbrutes typically aren't that great, and even then they should be kitted out for CC rather than shooting.
Made in us
Hellacious Havoc

Everywhere at once..

I believe I said mark not icon

I am changed . . . an outcast now.  
Made in nl
Deadshot Weapon Moderati

 jackflashultra wrote:
I believe I said mark not icon

He is talking about the terminator squad in the OP
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Thanks for all the additional help,
I have removed the icon, added 2 terminators, switched from the power fist to power weapon on the champion, changed the terminator lord for a bike lord with black mace, which ended up killing a Tzeentch daemon prince in a game last night, I gave the havocs MoN, and because I don't have a predator I filled in the remaining points by changing to havocs with 3 heavy bolters, 1 missile laucher, 1 lascannon, and 1 plasma. But the whole havoc squad died to 1st turn assault by a daemon prince, they did 3 wounds on overwatch so I think that was pretty good considering. The below is the list I ended up using and I did fairly well, and my Typhus model finally came in but they are now finecast.

Bike Lord
-MoN, Blight grenades, Black mace

7 terminators
-MoN, champ with power weapon

15 cultists
-heavy stubber

15 cultists
-heavy flamer

6 plague marines
-2 melta, rhino

6 plague marines
-2 plasma, rhino

5 chaos spawn


6 Havocs
-MoN, 3 heavy bolter, 1 missile launcher, 1 lascannon, 1 plasma

Made in us
Hellacious Havoc

Everywhere at once..

How did your PM do? Heldrake?

Also if you are going to run a cultist blob (just a thought) make your two x15 man squads into a twenty man squad, drop HF and HS. Add a second CL lord with nothing but a PW (80pts)

Now your opponent has a CL heading up the field in a fearless blob and twenty extra wounds. Make the CL as scary as you want to distract him from other things on the table.

I am changed . . . an outcast now.  
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

The PM did great, I will try the bigger blob and an extra chaos lord. I have recently gotten Typhus so I may try to work zombies in instead of the cultists, my next game will be at 2000 so it will give me a little extra room for things.
Made in us
Xenohunter with First Contact

Indianapolis, IN

Zombie Cultists + Typhus are very fun to play IMO. Make sure you take a few large blobs so that it's worth it. Doesn't work very well in lower point games, but should be a lot of fun at 2,000 pts. I don't know about competitive play, but in the friendly games I play with friends everyone loves playing against the Zombie cultists and Typhus. I have about 60 of them made from Fantasy Zombies mixed with Cadians. I don't simply add zombie arms to Cadians, but actually trim away the arm up to the shoulder pad, snip the shoulder off the zombie arm, pin it to the cadian shoulder pad and remaining shoulder bit, and add a bit of greenstuff to represent torn clothing. You'll also have to pin the zombie heads as there is no nub to fit one on a Cadian body, but it's a simple thing. Also add a bit of greenstuff around the pin to build a neck if necessary. Not very noticeable.

I'm playing with the idea of using some Ghoul bits I one in an auction. I was shaving and trimming the zombie heads with hair to fit in an empty cadian helmet. It takes a while to get it right and still looks a little odd size wise, but these are zombies so who cares!! The Ghoul heads fit in the empty cadian helmets with much less work and still fit with the general aesthetic IMO. And you can use the spare hands off the zombie banner by trimming the hand and cuff off the Cadian arm, trim the zombie banner arm just a little to where it sits right on the trimmed cadian arm, and PRESTO! It makes for good looking zombies with both arms out, hands trying to snatch some fresh flesh! Talking about it is getting me all excited to build more!

My friends and I are working on building a Campaign that includes 100 to 200 zombies and some special rules fighting them. So yeah, Zombies and Typhus are so much fun.

What is best in life? To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women. Grrr.  
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