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Falling Skies Series Finale. A Rant  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Member of the Ethereal Council

Ok, so I have followed this series sense it premiered. I loved the series and all it seasons....
Until the last episode. I could deal with tom mason being saved over and over again. its "Everything happens to main Char syndrome"
But my god, the last 30 minutes of the final. it was Deus Ex Machina. First, not only does the Queen decide to not immediatly kill him but lecture him, then walk away, only to then come back and kill him. His Wives death scene is completely meaningless because it gets revealed she is pregnant, so you know she will survive.
They ruined the character of pope, who was the highlight of the series, turning him into a psycho. They introduce new Characters who exist just to die.
And the preachy, PREACHY ending. Where the war made them better. They somehow after the aftermath got in like, 5 months(cause his wife has a baby bump, but not that big" Hundred of world leaders together, with tons of formal nice looking clothes at a completely restored lincoln memorial(How did they repair it??)
Im just disappointed by this ending. It like having you award winning dog who come home and poop on you new carpet

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Nihilistic Necron Lord

Kill the queen, and every other member of the species spontaneously explodes.

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Hellish Haemonculus

Boskydell, IL

Spoiler tags would be delightful.

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(Leadership-shenanigans for Eldar of all types.) 
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Badass "Sister Sin"

Camas, WA

I disagree with pretty much the whole premise of the OP. With their allies and the whole remaining population of the US already outside DC, it wouldn't be hard to get pretty much anything done.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
As for Pope, he was far from a psycho. He was a man broken by lost love who realized, in his final hour, that he was wrong. Tom forgave him and he passed somewhat peacefully.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/08/31 21:55:05

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Made in us
Member of the Ethereal Council

 pretre wrote:
I disagree with pretty much the whole premise of the OP. With their allies and the whole remaining population of the US already outside DC, it wouldn't be hard to get pretty much anything done.

That wasnt my biggest problem. my biggest where the Dues Ex Machina that where there, and it seemed cool characters and possible conflicts just get shoved aside.

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Pyro Pilot of a Triach Stalker

New York

In my opinion, the show got too big and dropped too many cool Ishpheni strategies that they didn't flesh out (hybrid humans, the re-education camps, mass ghettos, and the clones) and that whole Nazca lines/Ishpheni princess thing could've been left out (making the Ishpheni primal conquerors instead of revenge seeking things. The Volm could've just explained that Earth was a huge tactical resource.

The clones were the thing that bothered me the most (though Tom Mason being a clone (how he got back to base so quickly at the beginning of the season) and then leading the resistance into a trap would';ve been amazing.

As for Anne, I wondered what the writers would do, as war seems to be the only thing bonding these two, but this was a rapidly wrapped up story and everyone got a happy ending (though Tom leading the country as Anne's last wish could've been a more bittersweet/satisfying end).

As for Pope, the whole psycho story line he got this season was more annoying than anything, but I"m glad they finally started to show how psychologically messed up everyone was getting (PTSD, lots of rage, keeping your family in body bags in the back....), but Pope felt like a way to stretch it out. He could've gotten a nice ending where he dies in battle with that girl. Also, did he get respite from that family that was basically untouched by the war?
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Lady of the Lake

Bad writing is bad writing, often it will be covered in distracting flashy effects; like Michael Bay movies.

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