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In the Forest there is only war... Smurfs vs...  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
Who would you rather see the smurfs battle
David and the Gnomes
The Kebler Elves
Both of them with a mid battle uprise attack by gargamel and the trolls

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Made in us
Yellin' Yoof

I was talking to some folks at my bad movie group

we were complaining about the movie and talking about what we'd make, I suggested a sword an sorcery epic war story of the barbarian like smurfs armed with axes and spears mounted on there trained dire rabbits going to war against the snooty Kebler elves (they act like tolken elves) who attack from the trees mounted on squirrels and humming birds.

one person suggested the war would be better between the Smurfs and the Gnomes (of David and the gnomes) since they would be ground armies, allow for more animal mounts and there would be more reasons for them to war then with cookie making elves.

I see the smurfs being good fighters with powerful drudic magics from papa smurf (and Tinker acting like a made ork med building wooden power armor for himself)

The Elves being agile nimble fighters with good long range weapons and air superiority

The gnomes being physicly stronger then smurfs but with weaker magics and more technology

One reason I can think of for the war between Smurf and Elf is to the smurfs are striking back against the elven raiders who plunder there smurff berry patches

Against the gnomes it could be similar The gnomes are striking back in retaliation for smurf raiding parties targeting Gnome women for smurf brides.

What do you think would be a better story?

Maybe I could do a battle of 3 armies kinda thing... ehhh not sure

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/09/05 03:25:18

Made in us
Hellish Haemonculus

Boskydell, IL

The Gummi Bears.

Welcome to the Freakshow!

(Leadership-shenanigans for Eldar of all types.) 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Burtucky, Michigan

 Jimsolo wrote:
The Gummi Bears.

Bouncing here and there and everywhere!!

They'd make great shock troops with that go juice they are so fond of
Made in us
Yellin' Yoof

Hmmmm I think the gummi bears are too big for a war faction compared to the others but I could see them selling juice to each side
Made in us
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle

The Dog-house

I saw smurfs and thought you meant the ultramarines... Ill be going now

H.B.M.C.- The end hath come! From now on armies will only consist of Astorath, Land Speeder Storms and Soul Grinders!
War Kitten- Vanden, you just taunted the Dank Lord Ezra. Prepare for seven years of fighting reality...
koooaei- Emperor: I envy your nipplehorns. <Magnus goes red. Permanently>
Neronoxx- If our Dreadnought doesn't have sick scuplted abs, we riot.
Frazzled- I don't generally call anyone by a term other than "sir" "maam" "youn g lady" "young man" or " HEY bag!"
Ruin- It's official, we've ran out of things to talk about on Dakka. Close the site. We're done.
mrhappyface- "They're more what you'd call guidlines than actual rules" - Captain Roboute Barbosa
Steve steveson- To be clear, I'd sell you all out for a bottle of scotch and a mid priced hooker.
Made in us
Resolute Ultramarine Honor Guard

Peoria IL

Wait, this isn't Ultramarines!?

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Stealthy Grot Snipa

New England

 Lobukia wrote:
Wait, this isn't Ultramarines!?

I am fairly sure this is the synopsis of the Ultramarines Movie.

Made in us
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle

The Dog-house

 Da Kommizzar wrote:
 Lobukia wrote:
Wait, this isn't Ultramarines!?

I am fairly sure this is the synopsis of the Ultramarines Movie.

That was written by Dan Abnett though... He writes good stuff

H.B.M.C.- The end hath come! From now on armies will only consist of Astorath, Land Speeder Storms and Soul Grinders!
War Kitten- Vanden, you just taunted the Dank Lord Ezra. Prepare for seven years of fighting reality...
koooaei- Emperor: I envy your nipplehorns. <Magnus goes red. Permanently>
Neronoxx- If our Dreadnought doesn't have sick scuplted abs, we riot.
Frazzled- I don't generally call anyone by a term other than "sir" "maam" "youn g lady" "young man" or " HEY bag!"
Ruin- It's official, we've ran out of things to talk about on Dakka. Close the site. We're done.
mrhappyface- "They're more what you'd call guidlines than actual rules" - Captain Roboute Barbosa
Steve steveson- To be clear, I'd sell you all out for a bottle of scotch and a mid priced hooker.
Made in pt
Stalwart Dark Angels Space Marine

Wait actual smurfs or the ultramarines? I honestly don't know!
Made in gb
Space Marine Scout with Sniper Rifle

 Tactical_Spam wrote:
I saw smurfs and thought you meant the ultramarines... Ill be going now

And welcome everybody, to Warhammer: 40,000...

The Lego Communist:
2000pts Bane Of Sanity.

The Executioner:
500pts Deathwing Cohort.

Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

The Netherlands, Europe

Thread necromancy, although I discovered it since the poll was frontpaged today.....

Anyway, interesting question. You guys obviously weren´t the only ones thinking about it:


Dakka member SkaredCast actually made an Ultrasmurf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/560322.page?userfilterid=73296
Very funny!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/07/01 18:28:59

Made in gb
Psychic Prisoner aboard a Black Ship

Has anyone at GW named a demon or traitor 'gargamel' yet?
Made in ie
Norn Queen

Dublin, Ireland

Put them up against the Fraggles.

Down in.....do da do

Dman137 wrote:
goobs is all you guys will ever be

By 1-irt: Still as long as Hissy keeps showing up this is one of the most entertaining threads ever.

"Feelin' goods, good enough". 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I would invest in a miniatures game of this.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka



you forgot to add the most feared and hated foe of the Smurf-

The Evil Monchichi.

Second would be the dastardly Snorks, They will not be denied!

And Third, and probably the most heinous .... The Heathen Pretty Pony.

Don't kid yourself, no one can stand against them.

At Games Workshop, we believe that how you behave does matter. We believe this so strongly that we have written it down in the Games Workshop Book. There is a section in the book where we talk about the values we expect all staff to demonstrate in their working lives. These values are Lawyers, Guns and Money. 
Made in us
Keeper of the Flame

Monticello, IN

I would have voted "The Keebler Elves" but it wasn't an option...


For 4-6th WFB, 2-5th 40k, and similar timeframe gaming

Looking for dice from the new AOS boxed set and Dark Imperium on the cheap. Let me know if you can help.
 CthuluIsSpy wrote:
Its AoS, it doesn't have to make sense.
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Smurfs vs Murder Fish Gnomes.
[Thumb - unknown.png]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/03/21 15:35:58

Made in it
Regular Dakkanaut

 Tim 121RVC wrote:


Ah the Smurfmarines!
I had a friend who actually painted his Ultramarines with white pants and white helmet (red for the Gran Master and yellow for the veterans). Initially it was meant to be a joke, but then he decided to keep them in that way and actually call the the Smurfmarines from the planet of Smurfmar.

P.S. Can I add to the poll David the gnome and the Ewoks?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/06/09 18:09:48

The answer is inside you; but it is wrong. 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Eastern US

The Snorks
Made in de
Annoyed Blood Angel Devastator

Frankfurt, Germany


Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Havic1137 wrote:
The Snorks

the gasmask mutants from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/05 21:03:22

'Awsum' is the highest rating I can give something based on quality. Example: I would call it an 'Awsum' AWS-8Q instead of an 'Awesome'
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my firstborn blood angels army blog: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/813479.page

Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

Nah. The Snorks were an attempt to do the smurfs again, but this time undersea. A pretty deliberate imitation to cash in again, they are mostly remembered for not being memorable.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/04/06 01:14:11

Efficiency is the highest virtue. 
Made in de
Annoyed Blood Angel Devastator

Frankfurt, Germany

Voss wrote:
Nah. The Snorks were an attempt to do the smurfs again, but this time undersea. A pretty deliberate imitation to cash in again, they are mostly remembered for not being memorable.

that looks awful, I think the mutants from stalker are more memorable.

'Awsum' is the highest rating I can give something based on quality. Example: I would call it an 'Awsum' AWS-8Q instead of an 'Awesome'
Yes-Close To The Edge is the best song of all time and I'll virus bomb/PPC anyone who says otherwise
my Plog:
my firstborn blood angels army blog: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/813479.page

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