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Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I'm currently using a KR Multicase with re-purposed 40k Eldar foam trays for carrying my Flames stuff around in, but seeing as how my collection is growing rather rapidly and the dimensions on some things aren't exactly perfect for 28mm trays, I've been looking into getting a case and some trays purely for FoW stuff. Most people I know use Battlefoam and their pre-cut range of FoW trays, but being hopeless with sizes and exceedingly paranoid about ordering the wrong thing--especially expensive 'wrong things'--I'm really unsure about which trays would work for me in what combinations.

Currently, the only armies I plan to use are:
EW Czech Panzers - Dual 38(t) HQ, 2x 4 38(t)s, 1x 5 II Cs, 2-4x 8-rads, 4x sd kfz 10/5s, Stuka.
EW Gebirgsjager - HQ Platoon w/ 2x MG34s, Maximum 2x Full Gebirgs platoons (incl. mortar and cmd), 4x GW34 mortars (incl. cmd + observer team), maximum 1x full pioneer platoon (incl. cmd), 3x 5cm PaKs (+cmd), 4x 3.7cm PaKs (+cmd), 2x 8-rads, 4x sd kfz 10/5s, Stuka.
MW Fallschirmjager - HQ Platoon w/ 1 Sniper, 2x Full Fallschirm platoons, 1x Short Fallschirm platoon, 2x Recoilless guns (+cmd), 3x Marder III (7.62cm), 3x 5cm PaKs (+cmd), 3x NW41s (+cmd, obs, kubel), 4x FlaK38s (+cmd).
LW Soviet Guards Tankovy - 20x T-34/85, 3x DShK Trucks (+AA bases), 3x SU-100s, Sapper Company w/ 2 Platoons (+cmd), Short Spets (+cmd, HTs).

I don't want to store all of them in the same case at once, but some level of multi-purpose would be preferred. I only use armour in LW currently, so my Brits aren't listed because the Tankovy requirements are pretty much exactly what my Brits need + more space (excepting, perhaps, room for 4 25pdrs/heavy mortars). Currently, my Czech Panzers fit neatly into a single old Eldar tray, with the exception of the Stuka and the 10/5s, so they're not a huge issue, but the infantry forces don't really fit anywhere, and with some of the guns protruding off the base at the short side, I'm not sure how to fit 7 PaKs into any of the Battlefoam trays, nor where to put the (Zvesda) Stuka.

The amount of options and measurements is a little confusing, and I can't help just zoning out when trying to make sense of them, so any help or advice pertaining to how to pick trays/cases would be a huge help. Cheers.

Mandorallen turned back toward the insolently sneering baron. 'My Lord,' The great knight said distantly, 'I find thy face apelike and thy form misshapen. Thy beard, moreover, is an offence against decency, resembling more closely the scabrous fur which doth decorate the hinder portion of a mongrel dog than a proper adornment for a human face. Is it possibly that thy mother, seized by some wild lechery, did dally at some time past with a randy goat?' - Mimbrate Knight Protector Mandorallen.

Excerpt from "Seeress of Kell", Book Five of The Malloreon series by David Eddings.

My deviantART Profile - Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Madness

"You need not fear us, unless you are a dark heart, a vile one who preys on the innocent; I promise, you can’t hide forever in the empty darkness, for we will hunt you down like the animals you are, and pull you into the very bowels of hell." Iron - Within Temptation 
Made in ca
Been Around the Block

check about the website http://us.battlefoam.com/categories/Flames-of-War-Bag-and-Foam-Trays/
they have special trays
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I know they do--I even acknowledged it in my post. I maybe rambled a bit and wasn't clear. I don't know which of the trays on offer, and in what combinations, would be the best for the job. Like I said for the PaKs for example, some of the guns overhang, and I don't know how much clearance a medium base slot gives for that. The amount of options, the number of different layouts, and the varying measurements, are too confusing for me.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/09/08 22:04:32

Mandorallen turned back toward the insolently sneering baron. 'My Lord,' The great knight said distantly, 'I find thy face apelike and thy form misshapen. Thy beard, moreover, is an offence against decency, resembling more closely the scabrous fur which doth decorate the hinder portion of a mongrel dog than a proper adornment for a human face. Is it possibly that thy mother, seized by some wild lechery, did dally at some time past with a randy goat?' - Mimbrate Knight Protector Mandorallen.

Excerpt from "Seeress of Kell", Book Five of The Malloreon series by David Eddings.

My deviantART Profile - Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Madness

"You need not fear us, unless you are a dark heart, a vile one who preys on the innocent; I promise, you can’t hide forever in the empty darkness, for we will hunt you down like the animals you are, and pull you into the very bowels of hell." Iron - Within Temptation 
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


A year back I luckily won and army and it came in a KR case which was perfect and it's still serving well.

I have also stored troops in plastic clear really useful cases with KR trays in them and they work really well

Old warriors die hard

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