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4 New or newish Faction Ideas - To increase the Xeno's population  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Lizardmen Dex - Could be Renamed now that they are in 40k - something along the lines of being surivivors...
- Think of them as Benvolent Orks that are smaller elite unit based army rather than hordes, excellent melee, average shooting distance, good shooting strength, low volume shooting, Unit buffing abilities, Poison shooting
- Poor against volume shooting due to low model count, No psykers, No Anti Air aside from 1 flyer, short range, little access to AV13, 14 shooting
- Battle Bros with Tau, Xenos Auxillary Dex
- Allies of Convenience with Imperium
- Hate Eldar, Orcs, Necrons, Tyrannids, Chaos
- Left the universe of the WHFB End Times and Appeared in the 40k Universe
- The last of the Slann died out using their pyschic might to bring the Lizardmen to the 40k Universe
- This all happens around the time of the Necrotyr war against the Old Ones. One of the Old One that created the Lizardmen in the other Universe took pity and also felt great joy that one of his/her creations escaped and decided to hide them away and protect them in the far reaches of the 40k Galaxy.
- The Old One is told of the chaos gods and the dangers that psykers pose on the immaterium. The Old One tries to go back to the other Old ones and convince them not to create Psykers to combat the Ctans and Necrons. He/She fails.
- History unfolds as it does. Except now these Lizardmen are a part of the 40k universe. Their worlds are in the uncharted Halo Stars regions on the far fringes of the galaxy.
**Lizardmen are an anti psyker race that cannot be affected by Blessings or Maledictions.
**Lizardmen WHFB units would be directly converted, aside from their psyker units. Bitz to replace weapons would be available.
**Play style - Close Combat oriented, Cavalry, Fast Close Combat MCs, 12-24" shooting.
+ Skink based units have statline of BS4, WS3, S3, T3, I4, W1, A1, Ld8 Sv 6+
+ Saurus based units have a modified marine statline of BS3, WS5, S4, T4, W1, A2, I3, Ld9 Sv4+
+ Kroxigors are slow and purposeful, BS2, WS4, S5, T5, W2, A2, I2, Ld7, Sv3+
+ Saurus knights - Cavalry - BS3, WS5, S5, T5, W2, I4, A3, Ld9 Sv3+
+ Razordon - Artillery MC - As long as skink handlers are alive the beast acts normally. Unit toughness is mixed against close combat. Against shooting the Razordon's toughness is used. Owning player decides what models die if wounds are taken. If the skinks die, the Razordon wanders randomly attacking the closest enemy unit - move the unit to the closest enemy unit. Skinks BS is used when firing the Razordons attacks. Once Skinks Die the Razordons BS is used. Statline for Razordon - BS2, WS4, S5, T7, W3, A1, I2, Ld10 Sv2+ Fearless.
+ Salamander - Artillery MC - Same as Razordon
Fast Attack
+ Ripperdactyl - Jump Infantry - Close combat oriented
+ Terradon - Jump Infantry - shooting oriented
+ Stegadon - Transport MC - Open Topped - 12" movement
+ Carnosaur - Close combat MC / Chariot - 12" movement
+ Troglodon - Shooting MC / Chariot - 12" movement
+ Bastiladon - Heavy tank like MC - strong Shooting
+ Engine of the Gods - Heavy tank like Transport MC - 6" movement - Unit buffing

Xenos Auxilliary Dex - Battle Bros with Tau, Lizardmen, Allies of Convenience with All Factions
- This dex would incorporate Fluff units from these factions into one mercenary type Dex. To much to choose from. I leave that to you
Demiurg - An intelligent alien race of short, stocky humanoid traders and asteroid miners, they are almost purely space-borne in their massive and majestic commerce vessels. Their history is unconfirmed, as are their origins, intentions and current threat to others. All that is known about them is based at best on speculation. The Demiurg are known to have allied with the Tau, serving as trading partners of the Tau Empire. They were initially introduced to the Tau via their mutual relations with the Kroot. From the Demiurg, the Tau acquired their knowledge of Ion Cannon technology, which is now heavily used by the Tau in their armies and fleets. Two Brotherhoods of Demiurg, the Srry'Tok and Thurm, are known to have joined the Tau Empire outright.
Galg - The Galg are a frog-like amphibious alien species who often serve as mercenaries for the Tau Empire. Members of the Galg race are covered in green scales and appear to most humans as large, humanoid frogs. The Tau Empire normally maintains a small number of Galg mercenaries within their ranks but Galgs can be found in the employ of many different factions across the galaxy as long as the price is right. As with most alien species, the Galgs hate Mankind, even when humans serve as their employers, because of the Imperium's intolerance for all intelligent alien races.
Kroot - The Kroot are a species of savage humanoids who are a member species of the Tau Empire and who evolved from avian precursors. A unique feature of the Kroot is that they evolve by selecting traits of their defeated foes to absorb by eating them, unleashing the only known form of Lamarckian selection ever discovered by the Imperium among a xenos species. Kroot who prey extensively on a particular species will begin to take on the anatomical and mental characteristics of that creature. When absorbing the DNA in this manner of sentient species such as Orks and humans, they may also take on cultural aspects of that race as well. In order to gather genetic material from all over the galaxy, the Kroot offer themselves as mercenaries, and sell their services to anyone willing to pay them. They travel the galaxy taking limited contracts from both major and minor races and are regularly employed by the Tau.
Nicassar - The Nicassar are a non-humanoid, ursine-like xenos species of powerful psykers who are allied with the Tau. The Nicassar are driven by an insatiable curiosity to explore and travel across the galaxy. It was this drive which led a flotilla of Nicassar Dhows to make contact with the Tau, resulting in the Nicassar becoming the first non-Tau race to become an addition to the fledgling Tau Empire. Their contribution to the Greater Good is the provision of starships for the Tau Navy, particularly vessels involved with reconnaissance and exploration duties, which are often crewed by the Nicassar themselves rather than the Tau Air Caste. The propulsion and navigation of all Nicassar vessels stems from the potent psychic powers that define the Nicassar species. For this reason, the Tau have been careful to prevent the Imperium of Man, which is known for its extreme persecution of psykers, from discovering the existence of the Nicassar within their empire. The Nicassar are utilised by the Tau only for spacefaring; their own limited mobility makes them highly ill-suited for ground combat.
Tarellians - The Tarrelians are a minor reptiloid species. Anatomically they are narrow-waisted and possess broad shoulders, while they stand slightly shorter on average than humans. Because of their long snouts and their predilection for working as mercenaries, they are often referred to as Tarellian "Dog-soldiers" by humans. During the Great Crusade, Imperial Expeditionary Fleets virus-bombed most of the Tarellian homeworlds, almost wiping out the entire species. This has resulted in the Tarellians bearing a grudge and eternal enmity towards the Imperium that has lasted for ten millennia. In 998.M41, a Tarellian civilisation was devoured by the Tyranid Hive Fleet Moloch during its advance from the galactic north and the Kiltor Sector.
Vespid - The Vespid are a vaguely insectoid species, though this narrow term is an imperfect one that fails to account for many aspects of their unusual physiology. Their bodies are encased in a chitinous exoskeleton and sport many lethally sharp barbs. They see by way of three pairs of eyes, one pair perceiving the ultraviolet range, one the normal visible spectrum, and the last the infrared. It is assumed that the Vespids see in all three ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum simultaneously, and therefore have a perception of their surroundings unique to their race. Vespids can fly by way of a pair of hard chitin wings, which also emit a continuous ultrasonic tone with which the species appears able to modulate and control the workings of their crystal-based technology. The Vespids are a member species of the Tau Empire.

Rak'Gol - Battle Bros with Necrons - AoC with Xenos Auxiliaries, Hated by Everyone Else
- The Rak'Gol are vicious xenos marauders and a relatively new threat within the Koronus Expanse of the Halo Stars adjacent to the Calixis Sector. The species was encountered by the Imperium first in the dim stars past the Alenic Depths in the 8th century of the 41st Millennium. A xenos breed of which little is known for fact, they take the appearance of rough-hewn and irregular stone reptilids, eight-limbed and over three metres long. Chalky white in colour and mantis-like in bodily arrangement, Rak'Gol warriors favour cybernetic augmentation to increase their abilities and replace lost limbs. Their point of origin remains unknown, as does the motivation for their sporadic attacks on human-held worlds and vessels, other than to slaughter indiscriminately and steal minerals and weapons. Their rasping, screeching language remains incomprehensible, and no successful communication between the Rak'Gol and humanity has been recorded; no Rak'Gol has ever been captured alive. Indeed, even their name is taken from children's stories of mythical monsters from the settlement of Footfall's slums, legends which they superficially resemble.

Olamic Quietude - I think It would be cool to revive this faction as an anti IOM faction - Allies of Convience with Everyone but, Nids, IOM, Chaos and Orks - Name sucks, could be renamed after they remerge in the galaxy. Like "The Remnant"
- The Olamic Quietude was a technologically advanced cybernetic human civilisation that had been founded during the Dark Age of Technology and over the course of 15,000 standard years merged themselves so completely with their advanced technology -- as a possible result of the influence of unknown xenos -- that there was little left of them that could be considered truly human. The Quietude lived in vast and deep techno-hive cities protected by an artificially-extended icecap on their unnamed homeworld, an otherwise lifeless but heavily defended planet. They were encountered by the Imperium of Man's 40th Expeditionary Fleet near the end of the Great Crusade in the late 30th Millennium, and utterly annihilated by the 3rd Great Company of the Space Wolves Space Marine Legion, another of the Abhuman pretenders to the human future wiped out by the forces of the Emperor of Mankind.

- This race would I think be an instant hit. I picture them as really advanced humanoid race out to exact vengance against the IOM for nearly wiping them out. They'd hate everyone that would seek to destroy other species having almost been destroyed themselves.
- I picture some of the sculpts from infinity. Slender androginous cyborgs that use advanced new forms of weapons. Probably smaller armies, no psykers, can hack vehicles, lots of drones, aerial superiority units, long range strikes, commando teams. Would be interesting...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/06/28 17:59:27

Knights / Assassins 800  
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

You can always run as counts-as.

CC reptilian hordes? Ork counts-as with lizard man models.

Proto-humanoid tribalism? Kroot.

The corruptable swarm (ok, these guys are canon but IIRC extinct)? Nids.

Making new rules is fun;(see: proposed rules). Fluff is more fun, and with convincing counts-as, you needn't worry too much about getting the rules fair.

If you show up with some Lizard people ragers who are working with Tau, if they're done awesome, it's a lot easier to say OK battle brothers with Tau, but use the Ork Dex than it is to fully review a full custom codex.

(On a related note, I'd love to do a Lizard/Dinosaur-happy Exodite-controlled world as Counts AS Tyranids. So many big dinosaurs, and skinks could do decent small bugs.)
Made in us
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets

So, Lizardmen in space? That's basically the Seraphon in Age of Sigmar.

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Made in ca
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

 jreilly89 wrote:
So, Lizardmen in space? That's basically the Seraphon in Age of Sigmar.

I honestly don't know jack about AOS. Maybe I heard about that somewhere. I do recall of course that they packed up and floated away on a chunk of land at the end times.

This still works. Some of them went to AOS's realm while the rest went looking for the Old One.

Knights / Assassins 800  
Made in us
Khorne Veteran Marine with Chain-Axe


Someone mentioned the idea of a MC-heavy Lizardman-like army in a thread a few days ago. I like that idea, where there are very very few models on the table, but everything is a Monstrous Creature.

4000 pts
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2500 pts Hive Fleet Gungnir

St. Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go. I owe my soul to GW's store. 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I would like to see 40K Skaven. That would be a fun army to play.
Made in ca
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

I'd like to see the Kroot graduate to full army status.

They already have the basics there and their tyranid-like adaptability gives them room to develop. Their ability to also use weapons also lets them differ from Tyranids; maybe monstrous creatures combined with crude warmachines (so think nids + dark eldar vehicles).

Gwar! wrote:Huh, I had no idea Graham McNeillm Dav Torpe and Pete Haines posted on Dakka. Hi Graham McNeillm Dav Torpe and Pete Haines!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I have an Autograph!

Kanluwen wrote:
Hell, I'm not that bothered by the Stormraven. Why? Because, as it stands right now, it's "limited use".When it's shoehorned in to the Codex: Space Marines, then yeah. I'll be irked.

When I'm editing alot, you know I have a gakload of homework to (not) do. 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Naaris wrote:
 jreilly89 wrote:
So, Lizardmen in space? That's basically the Seraphon in Age of Sigmar.

I honestly don't know jack about AOS. Maybe I heard about that somewhere. I do recall of course that they packed up and floated away on a chunk of land at the end times.

This still works. Some of them went to AOS's realm while the rest went looking for the Old One.

They're pretty much all dead. They get remembered into existence now.

Having literal Lizardmen seems like a bad idea to me.

tremere47-fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate, leads to triple riptide spam  
Made in gb
Humorless Arbite


Well the Kroot Codex is coming soon, so that's another Xeno for us soon TM.

After that there are loads of already canon Xenos to choose from, like the Rak'Gol as you've said, some of which are very interesting. My personal favourite is the Thyrrus.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/06/28 22:46:18

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