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ProHammer Classic - An Awesomely Unified 40K Ruleset for 3rd - 7th Edition  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in fr
Intrepid Macross Business Owner

Ah ok make sense. i don't think you need to call out it in return fire but there is definitively a need to put in the psychic part that you can only invoke during your turn (including witchfire obviously)
Made in co
Fresh-Faced New User

Hi people, im new to tabletop warhammer and wargames in general, do you think Prohammer clasic would be a good choice for a newby like me? im aware of opr, but i find it a little too simple.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/14 17:47:09

Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

klator wrote:
Hi people, im new to tabletop warhammer and wargames in general, do you think Prohammer clasic would be a good choice for a newby like me? im aware of opr, but i find it a little too simple.

It is heavily modified, as it is trying to unify 3rd-7th ed in the 7th ed rule set. it really depends on your player group our group did something similar with far fewer changes based on 5th ed instead, or if you have a group that straight up wants to play an older editon "pure" the old rulebooks and codexes are still around.

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

I think the added complexity of ProHammer is less from trying to be cross-codex edition compatible and more to do with the added mechanisms - the reaction system, crossfire, expanded morale (pinning, broken state), declared shooting, etc.

That said, I think the rules are comprehensive and should work even if you haven't played 40K before. And if you need codex access, you can hit up Wahapedia archive for all things 7th edition.

Check out the turn summary aid on the first post. That does have about 90% of the core rules more or less on a single 11x17 sheet.

Want a better 40K?
Check out ProHammer: Classic - An Awesomely Unified Ruleset for 3rd - 7th Edition 40K... for retro 40k feels!
Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

Hey, just started reading this and gotta say, awesome job! It feels nostalgic as hell, even if it was only 9 years ago

A few questions cause Admec is stupid

1 can any character join another squad?
2 how do you play knights in this? Just as walkers?
3 Would the mega Force org with the imperial knights be okay to play with?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/16 14:33:21

413th Lucius Exterminaton Legion- 4,000pts

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The Royal Court of BlüdGrave- 2,000pts || Atalurnos Fleetbreaker's Akhelian Corps- 2500pts
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Dakka Veteran


(1) "Independent Characters" can join other squads. See the Independent Characters section of the rules under UNIT TYPE DETAILS chapter.

(2) Knights and super heavy vehicles are not really covered well in ProHammer - mostly because my groups never really used them.

As a stop gap measure, most of the rules for super-heavy vehicles in the 7th edition rulebook would appear to work mostly fine. Super Heavies have higher Hull point values however, which translated into ProHammer's Structure Points could be problematic. I might consider the following adjustments when it comes to damaging super-heavies:

* Keep their current number of Hull Points and treat these as Structure Points
* Structure points get used to degrade vehicle destroyed/explored results normally per ProHammer.
* Additionally, when taking Engine Damaged, Weapons Destroyed, or Immobilized results on the Penetrating hit table, one structure point must be spent to lower the result by 1. Additional structure points may be spent to lower it further.

Want a better 40K?
Check out ProHammer: Classic - An Awesomely Unified Ruleset for 3rd - 7th Edition 40K... for retro 40k feels!
Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

 Mezmorki wrote:

(1) "Independent Characters" can join other squads. See the Independent Characters section of the rules under UNIT TYPE DETAILS chapter.

(2) Knights and super heavy vehicles are not really covered well in ProHammer - mostly because my groups never really used them.

As a stop gap measure, most of the rules for super-heavy vehicles in the 7th edition rulebook would appear to work mostly fine. Super Heavies have higher Hull point values however, which translated into ProHammer's Structure Points could be problematic. I might consider the following adjustments when it comes to damaging super-heavies:

* Keep their current number of Hull Points and treat these as Structure Points
* Structure points get used to degrade vehicle destroyed/explored results normally per ProHammer.
* Additionally, when taking Engine Damaged, Weapons Destroyed, or Immobilized results on the Penetrating hit table, one structure point must be spent to lower the result by 1. Additional structure points may be spent to lower it further.

Alright, that can all work! It would give them some of the staying power they had in 7th, which is the biggest thing I would be looking for, and can stop them from being one shotted by a stray las cannon.

since they are super heavy walkers, should the stomps be played the same-ish? Maybe removing the "on a 6 the model is removed from play" and instead giving it the same treatment as a Destroyer weapon?

413th Lucius Exterminaton Legion- 4,000pts

Kaptin KlawJaw's FreeBootahz!-1,500pts

The Royal Court of BlüdGrave- 2,000pts || Atalurnos Fleetbreaker's Akhelian Corps- 2500pts
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

You could also just use the original FW rules (imperial armor 1 first edition) where titans and superheavies were designed to be used in normal games. a knight is effectively a baby warhound- knights are superheavy walker/2 structure points. uses the superheavy damage table. walks 12", sprints for 18" but can only fire 1 gun or runs for 24" and fires no guns, titanic stride also allows them to walk over intervening terrain or models as long as the knight can still be placed. can split fire and has an onboard tech marine/repair ability for mobility/weapon damage on a 5+. titan stomp is also an option. 1 attack at initiative 1 hits on WS2 and hits all models in B2B contact with a S10 AP2 attack. additionally superheavy walkers cannot be locked in CC with anything that isn't also a superheavy walker or gargantuan creature.

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear 
Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

 aphyon wrote:
You could also just use the original FW rules (imperial armor 1 first edition) where titans and superheavies were designed to be used in normal games. a knight is effectively a baby warhound- knights are superheavy walker/2 structure points. uses the superheavy damage table. walks 12", sprints for 18" but can only fire 1 gun or runs for 24" and fires no guns, titanic stride also allows them to walk over intervening terrain or models as long as the knight can still be placed. can split fire and has an onboard tech marine/repair ability for mobility/weapon damage on a 5+. titan stomp is also an option. 1 attack at initiative 1 hits on WS2 and hits all models in B2B contact with a S10 AP2 attack. additionally superheavy walkers cannot be locked in CC with anything that isn't also a superheavy walker or gargantuan creature.

I like this fix a lot too, though it seems to be custom made for warhounds only. Still, the stomp attack makes sense, even if it is less effective than the 7th edition ones.

speaking of 7th ed... a though occured to me. There should be no problems porting 1st edition HH rules to prohammer, right? I.E. having orks or chaos fighting legionaries or mechanicum

413th Lucius Exterminaton Legion- 4,000pts

Kaptin KlawJaw's FreeBootahz!-1,500pts

The Royal Court of BlüdGrave- 2,000pts || Atalurnos Fleetbreaker's Akhelian Corps- 2500pts
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

Yes HH 1.0 is literally Alan Bligh taking 7th ed and "fixing" it so it is pretty well mostly compatible with any 3rd -7th ed codexes. if you were to use it with HH specifically the eldar/dark eldar, orks and necrons were actually around during the HH time period. even the named characters aside from orks.

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear 
Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

 aphyon wrote:
Yes HH 1.0 is literally Alan Bligh taking 7th ed and "fixing" it so it is pretty well mostly compatible with any 3rd -7th ed codexes. if you were to use it with HH specifically the eldar/dark eldar, orks and necrons were actually around during the HH time period. even the named characters aside from orks.

oh, thats perfect then. I have been dying to play admec properly again for the longest time, especially now that I got a 3d printer. Definitely going to be giving prohammer a shot sometime, even on TTS!

413th Lucius Exterminaton Legion- 4,000pts

Kaptin KlawJaw's FreeBootahz!-1,500pts

The Royal Court of BlüdGrave- 2,000pts || Atalurnos Fleetbreaker's Akhelian Corps- 2500pts
Made in us
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran

Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra

I'm thinking of giving this a try, and I was wondering if y'all could advise me as to which Codices to get.

I have some Imperial Guard / Astra Militarum models, and I was wondering if there was any Codex that has rules for both Rough Riders and Tauroxes. 6th ed? 7th ed?

Also, what's the most fun Tyranid Codex to use? I have mostly old models from 1st-4th editions.

"Calgar hates Tyranids."

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