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Newish Imperial Player, Commander Choice Strategy Discussion  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California


I'm curious to discuss the overall approach of Commanders when making early purchases.

Thus far I own beat-stick Vader and Veers (without any heavy vehicles).

I'm ponder a third Commander, and the nuance involved in the decision is highly interesting.
Yet, also a bit overwhelming.

We may start with 400 or 500 point games. I actually love the Imperial female commander's straightforward but helpful style.
On a powerful fun note, I'm keen on Palpatine for full sized games.
I'm uncertain atm if we can play more than one commander in a match. Not near a rule book quick glance.

Do you find that unit synergy is the most important aspect? Or their overall abilities and possibly force power?

Thanks in advance.

~ Shrap

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Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

Sticksville, Texas

I am just starting with Empire myself as well... and for my choice of Commanders, I really just went with what I liked and planned to buy.

I have Vader, Veers, and Versio.

Mainly since it gives me a good variety of Commander types. Vader is a melee beat stick who will do a lot of the work himself. Veers is more of a traditional infantry/combined arms leader, while Versio offers good long range shooting, some tricks, and the ability to quickly close if used in her operative form.

Versio as my third Commander was also decided by me purchasing a squad of Imperial Special Forces instead of Death Troopers. Mainly because the ISF (as Inferno Squad) gives me a multi-wound unit that pairs well with Versio.

So, I guess I went mainly for play style, overall army visual coherency, and then unit synergy.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Versio is really good. Kallus is looking like he might be really fun, but Versio is a really useful piece in that she a solid commander while still being an effective combat piece in her own right.

I'd also recommend operative Vader. He's a solid alternative way to run Vader and the command cards he adds really helps the commander version as well.

Papa Palp is really strong but demands a lot of practice to get the most out of him and often a different build direction than other commanders. He's a good choice when you feel like you've got a good handle on the faction.
Made in gb
Villanous Scum

In skirmish (500pts) games you can have a single commander and an operative, regular games (800pts) you can have 2 of each.

Though I am not an Imp player I would recommend looking at Krennic, he works incredibly well with a thematic build of Shoretroopers and Death troopers and has some really good command cards.

On parle toujours mal quand on n'a rien à dire. 
Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

Sticksville, Texas

 LunarSol wrote:
Versio is really good. Kallus is looking like he might be really fun, but Versio is a really useful piece in that she a solid commander while still being an effective combat piece in her own right.

I'd also recommend operative Vader. He's a solid alternative way to run Vader and the command cards he adds really helps the commander version as well.

Papa Palp is really strong but demands a lot of practice to get the most out of him and often a different build direction than other commanders. He's a good choice when you feel like you've got a good handle on the faction.

Hate to sidetrack the conversation, but having a hard time deciding on how to build my Iden Versio when she arrives on Wednesday. Sniper or Blaster? Which is more versatile?

Read some madness about a melee Iden Versio loadout somebody took to a tournament and did well with... but I would rather just run Vader if I wanted to run into melee...
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

I think both of the special weapons make her look kind of generic compared to the squad leader fist. I went with the standard E-11 and then glued the sniper on her back as a backup weapon. I feel like it covers all 3 options fairly well. Picture in spoiler:

Made in us
Wicked Ghast

Sharpsburg, MD

Iden is way cheaper on points than Vader and survives a bit longer as she isn't seen as much of a threat as a jedi. Interesting someone brought her as melee focused.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

 Pael wrote:
Iden is way cheaper on points than Vader and survives a bit longer as she isn't seen as much of a threat as a jedi. Interesting someone brought her as melee focused.

It is.

I went with Krennic for now, I think he'll be fun to begin with.
Thanks all.

~ Shrap

Rolling 1's for five decades.
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