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MESGB basic move phase questions  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Hi, as a family, bought into MESBG many years ago but never really started playing the game. But it's now time to resurrect this hobby. Hello to everyone here.
I have basic questions about the move phase;

If your piece has a move range of 6" and it wants to charge (line of sight?) an enemy, does the 6" range have to reach the enemy's base or just be enough to get into its control zone? So effectively the move range is 7".

Is charging the only method to engage an enemy hand-to-hand? That is, if a piece is moved in an arc (avoiding an obstacle) to reach an enemy (I assume this is not a charge as it's not in a straight line), can it move into the enemy control zone and take part in the fight phase?

Any clarification would be great, thanks. Or a pointer to the rule in the book; I have 3rd edition printed rules and a 2018 PDF.
Made in gb
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

Hey! Hope you're enjoying the game sofar!

So for question 1, you have to have enough move to actually get into base contact. So if you're over 6" away you won't be able to make a charge with a model. And you're not allowed to finish a move with a model within 1" of an enemy unless you're charging them (or they have no control zone for.whatever reason, such as being paralysed or having already been charged)

For question 2, a charge does not have to be in a straight line, you just have to have enough movement to end your model's move in base contact with the enemy model. You can move around other models (but can't enter the control zones of other enemy models as you go) and move around barriers, obstacles and other terrain features. You can also cast a magical power during your move.

You do need to be able to draw line of sight from your model to the enemy model at the start of their move to be able to make the charge though.

Hope that helps!
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

That's great, thanks!
So a charge is just a move into base contact providing you have line of sight before the move takes place.
Made in gb
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

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