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New Nurgle palet tryout on a blightking, comments?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

It has taken me a lot of time to finally even get to start on my (assembled and black basecoated) pile of shame to a mortal Nurgle army, Glottkin included -_- (so that's a very big pile in more ways than one) and theorycrafting a palet for it has been all the more difficult because I do not want to use the same palet as other armies of which I also have many.
I already did a white, blue and cyan palet on a snow biome with my disposessed, a red, orange, dark grey and beige palet on my Eldar, green, cyan and silver palet on my Tyranids, dark green, bronze and dark gold palet on my elves and a all colors in camo patterns mashup with bluish desaturated greens on my Orks. Very few options therefor remained..

Best I could think of was something purplish but I didn't want to make a Nurgle army look Slaanesh.. so I eventually decided to look up ingot types of ultima online for a good metal idea and figured agapite would be the best option.

I also chose to make the skin of the Nurglekin as pale as possible so that every color could be left subtle and still be noticable.. ultimately wanting to keep the palet bleached and work more with gradient darkening than anything else..
I finished the armor with some dryed spots of desaturated peach (almost beige) to make it look deteriorated.

I also chose to make whichever gore was to be created -oxblood- (in my case using berserker bloodshade) hued as of all things I wanted to avoid -green- to be anywhere near the lilac tinted armor (purple+green really gives me a headache, I avoid it at all costs whenever I can)

I redid the chains and chainlink bits twice, first trying it in dark blue but it was too fluorescent against the armor, then with gold but it made the blightking look too much slaaneshi, so settled with the oxblood on which I painted a darkened leadbelcher (mixed with black), the bells I layered with dark blue to darkened leadbelcher to silver, failing to think of something better.. but might redo them with red.. will have to think about it.

The horns and wood of the axe are laquered a bit with casondara yellow shade in the middle, but mostly a custom brown gradient into black with some apothecary white effects, the axe is carefully built up with many layers of light pink to stone types tints sponged on until I washed it with apothecary white aswell.

I am contemplating making the gradient tentacle end in oxblood rather than dark grey atm though..

The mini was coated in matte stormshield, but the tentacle and the ends of the horns are coated in gloss ardcoat instead.


any thoughts?

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2024/04/29 13:53:03

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

The mini looks good, but your pallet is very uniform. Most of the accent/spot/detail colors are on the back, so when looking at the mini from the front, nothing really catches the eye. And while realistic, makes for a dull game piece on the table.

I think it might work well if it was on a saturated base. Like a filthy little diamond on a rich deep velvet base.

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

 Nevelon wrote:
The mini looks good, but your pallet is very uniform. Most of the accent/spot/detail colors are on the back, so when looking at the mini from the front, nothing really catches the eye. And while realistic, makes for a dull game piece on the table.

I think it might work well if it was on a saturated base. Like a filthy little diamond on a rich deep velvet base.

As for accents, this was probably not the most decorated mortal to any showcase, but the most bland (which is why I picked it to do a tryout on).. for instance there will ofcourse be a lot more to eyecandy-paint on a blightking with a belly-mouth or one with butcher-skirt to dirty' etc.

I was not sure on the base yet, went a bit back and forth on two ideas being either going with the drowned men type theme of deep blue and purple on which rotting seashells and coral are placed (want to avoid kelp/moss/swampgreen etc on the puple+green issue) or something with crystals.. but feared that crystals would make it too much slaaneshy.

Oh now that I think of it, also finally settled on my theme idea for my leagues of votann; will be making those into standing on literal piles of gold coins like a bunch of wealth obsessed hoarders, I think that would fit anyway.

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

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