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Battlefortress Driver with Krusha Wheel

Howdy all. I'm putting together a 1000 point Green Tide list for a coming tournament and wanted your thoughts.

++ Army Roster (Xenos - Orks) [1,000pts] ++

Detachment: Green Tide

Warboss [80pts]: Attack squig, Bloodthirsty Belligerence, Power klaw

Warboss in Mega Armour [100pts]: Raucous Warcaller, Warlord

Weirdboy [55pts]

Boyz [170pts]
. Boss Nob
. . Power klaw and slugga
. 19x Boy w/ Slugga and choppa: 19x Choppa, 19x Slugga

Boyz [85pts]
. Boss Nob
. . Power klaw and slugga
. 9x Boy w/ Slugga and choppa: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga

Boyz [170pts]
. Boss Nob
. . Power klaw and slugga
. 19x Boy w/ Slugga and choppa: 19x Choppa, 19x Slugga

Boyz [85pts]
. Boss Nob
. . Power klaw and slugga
. 9x Boy w/ Slugga and choppa: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga

Gretchin [40pts]
. 1 Runtherd and 10 Gretchin
. . 10x Gretchin: 10x Close combat weapon, 10x Grot blasta

Meganobz [150pts]
. 5x Meganob w/ Killsaw and power klaw: 5x Killsaw, 5x Power klaw

Trukk [65pts]: Wreckin' ball

++ Total: [1,000pts] ++

The plan is to have the warboss with one block of 20 boyz, footslogging to the middle objectives and sitting there. The weirdboy with the other 20 boyz, Da Jumpin' towards the enemy. 10 boyz in a trukk, going up the board - if the trukk survives, it goes back and picks up the meganobz and helps ferry them up the board too.

Some questions that I have though:

1. Would it be better with the weirdboy having the Bloodthirsty Belligerence enhancement so that he can jump the boyz in and then have a better chance of a successful charge? For that matter, should I just attach the warboss and the weirdboy to the same block of boyz?
2. Would the meganobz be better suited to going in the trukk from the start? It makes for an obvious target for the enemy, but it will also get them into battle quicker.

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