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Hey guys! Going to have my first custodes game in like 2 years. I made 2 lists that are fairly similar but world like some feedback on how you think they'll preform and what you recommend switching out. Cheers in advance!

First one! Bikes and Footsloggers.

++ Army Roster (Imperium - Adeptus Custodes) [2,000pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size: 2. Strike Force (2000 Point limit)

Detachments: Shield Host

Show/Hide Options: Agents of the Imperium are visible, Imperial Knights are visible, Legends are visible, Titans are visible, Unaligned Forces are visible, Unaligned Fortifications are visible

+ Epic Hero +

Trajann Valoris [150pts]

+ Character +

Blade Champion [125pts]: Auric Mantle

Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator Armour [140pts]: Castellan Axe

Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [145pts]: Panoptispex, Salvo launcher

+ Battleline +

Custodian Guard [225pts]

. 4x Custodian Guard (Guardian Spear): 4x Guardian Spear

. Custodian Guard (Vexilla, Praesidium Shield & Misericordia)

+ Infantry +

Allarus Custodians [195pts]

. 3x Allarus Custodian (Castellan Axe): 3x Balistus grenade launcher, 3x Castellan Axe

Allarus Custodians [130pts]

. 2x Allarus Custodian (Guardian Spear): 2x Balistus grenade launcher, 2x Guardian Spear

Custodian Wardens [250pts]

. 4x Custodian Warden (Castellan axe): 4x Castellan Axe

. Custodian Warden w/ Vexilla: Guardian Spear

Prosecutors [50pts]

. 4x Prosecutor: 4x Boltgun, 4x Close combat weapon

+ Mounted +

Vertus Praetors [225pts]

. 3x Vertus Praetor (Salvo Launcher): 3x Interceptor lance, 3x Salvo launcher

Vertus Praetors [150pts]

. 2x Vertus Praetor (Salvo Launcher): 2x Interceptor lance, 2x Salvo launcher

+ Vehicle +

Caladius Grav-tank [215pts]: Twin arachnus heavy blaze cannon

++ Total: [2,000pts] ++

Second one has some more machinery and an assassin but no bikes.

++ Army Roster (Imperium - Adeptus Custodes) [1,990pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size: 2. Strike Force (2000 Point limit)

Detachments: Shield Host

Show/Hide Options: Agents of the Imperium are visible, Imperial Knights are visible, Legends are visible, Titans are visible, Unaligned Forces are visible, Unaligned Fortifications are visible

+ Epic Hero +

Trajann Valoris [150pts]

+ Character +

Blade Champion [125pts]: Auric Mantle

Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator Armour [145pts]: Castellan Axe, Panoptispex

+ Battleline +

Custodian Guard [225pts]

. 4x Custodian Guard (Guardian Spear): 4x Guardian Spear

. Custodian Guard (Vexilla, Praesidium Shield & Misericordia)

+ Infantry +

Allarus Custodians [195pts]

. 3x Allarus Custodian (Castellan Axe): 3x Balistus grenade launcher, 3x Castellan Axe

Allarus Custodians [130pts]

. 2x Allarus Custodian (Guardian Spear): 2x Balistus grenade launcher, 2x Guardian Spear

Custodian Wardens [250pts]

. 4x Custodian Warden (Castellan axe): 4x Castellan Axe

. Custodian Warden w/ Vexilla: Guardian Spear

+ Vehicle +

Caladius Grav-tank [215pts]: Twin arachnus heavy blaze cannon

Telemon Heavy Dreadnought [235pts]: 2x Iliastus accelerator culverin

Venerable Land Raider [240pts]: Hunter-killer missile, Storm bolter

+ Allied Units +

Vindicare Assassin [80pts]

++ Total: [1,990pts] ++

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