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Made in nl
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


With the start of the old world i decided that i needed to start a new army. Beastmen it would be.
I got some bestigors 10 and ungors 10 from a friend of mine. i looked at the vanguard box of the beastmen
and would have ordered it but beastmen got kick from AOS. lucky me i got one from a small shop.
got the beastlord from a gw shop in Aachen germany

so i have

beastlord extra handweapon

20 bestigors, dont think i need more
10 gors with extra handweapon, only save they can get is from a shield so i go for extra attack
10 ungors with bows
10 ungors with spear and shield
3 dragon ogres

all infantery that can have command have it.

What units i do need more from gors? ungors? or centigors?

Will wait till gw brings them back but would like some advice before buying more.

full compagny of bloodangels, 5000 pnt of epic bloodangels
5000 pnt imperial guard
5000 pnt orks
2500 pnt grey knights
5000 pnt gsc
5000 pnts Chaos legionars
4000 pnt tyranids
4000 pnt Tau
Made in us
Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

you may want to check out the Herdstone thread for some list ideas. But looking at your models, you're going to want a couple of items:
Razorgors - either chariots or just a unit of them and there are some great 3D prints on etsy for this unit and chariots. These are what I wish spawn are - D3 impact hits, 3 S5 AP-2 when they charge into combat. They should be able to kill the enemy before they strike you. Also, the units are fast!
Dogs are great for redirecting charges.
Gors are great units on the charge. They will hit like Chaos Warriors but at about half price. Just make sure they get a 3"+ charge off. If you can throw in the banner of rust with a BSB they can do a lot of work. I like big units but others have been successful with smaller units.
Bestigors work well with you Shaman. I'd suggest a unit of 14. Don't try to be an anvil with this unit, it will die.
Ungors are great when combined with chariots. They provide a great screen for chariots and chariots can move through them due to chariot runners. Spears are great but I think archers are better only because you don't want to get into combat.
Minotaurs are very strong. They have foe render too. Give them a shield and if they pass their primal fury, their hand weapon has AP-2. Give them great weapons and they are S5 but they strike at I1. Get a Minotaur general and one of these units becomes Core.
Dragon Ogres are the best unit in the game. Their I is 2 so give them a great weapon and heavy armor so their save is 3+. They are fast and hit like a ton of bricks.
Cygor is a walking stone thrower that scares wizards.
Gorghon is nasty! Send him towards characters or monsters as he has both killing blow and monster slayer. He also has a lot of attacks to fish for 6s to wound!
Shaggoth is a fun monster too.

Made in nl
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


Thanks for the tips.

full compagny of bloodangels, 5000 pnt of epic bloodangels
5000 pnt imperial guard
5000 pnt orks
2500 pnt grey knights
5000 pnt gsc
5000 pnts Chaos legionars
4000 pnt tyranids
4000 pnt Tau
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut

I can recommend Razorgors and Gors, being both core there is not reeason not to!!

And gors are one of the most flexible units in the army (and the whole game):
- Just 5 skirmishers with musician: excelent & cheap screen.
- 10 in ambush, still cheap and a threat.
- 10 in ranks as support/redirecting.
- Big block with Totem of Rust/Poison (hammer).
- Even bigger block with a Stubborn character (anvil).

I need to get more!!

Razorgors also super flexible:
- just 1 as a cheap light chariot/chaff/redirector/expendable rocket-like unit.
- 2 as some kind of heavy chariot.
- 3 plus magic buff (or horn of the first beast nearby) for an efficient hammer.
Made in nl
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


For ambushe i want to use the ungors they are cheap and if the ambushe doesnt get on the table its not a problem. There job is to kill warmachine crews.

full compagny of bloodangels, 5000 pnt of epic bloodangels
5000 pnt imperial guard
5000 pnt orks
2500 pnt grey knights
5000 pnt gsc
5000 pnts Chaos legionars
4000 pnt tyranids
4000 pnt Tau
Made in gb
Devastating Dark Reaper


At 2,000pts I have two units of 20 gors with extra hand weapons and a unit of 5 minotaurs with great weapons all with ambush. They work to catch the enemy in a pincer attack against my main battle line of 28 bestigors with wargor BSB and beastlord attached, 5 razorgors, ghorgon and dragon ogre shaggoth.

As my main battle line advances the enemy are constantly trying to second guess/prevent space opening up for my ambushing units.

There are very few units that can deal with a big unit of bestigors in the front and 5 minotaurs in the rear. If the dice aren't kind on your ambush rolls your opponent's paranoia can still help those troops on the battlefield.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/08/23 22:57:06

Imperial Fists - 10,000pts Daemons - 8000pts Hive Fleet Moloch - 10,000pts
Black Templars - 4000pts Goff Orks - 8000pts Death Guard - 3500pts
Dark Angels - 4000pts World Eaters - 3000pts Alaitoc Craftworld - 8000pts
Space Wolves - 4000pts Black Legion - 9000pts Heretics & mutants - 2000pts
Grey Knights - 4000pts Dark Eldar - 5000pts Cadian Imperial Guard - 5000pts
Tau - 4000pts Catachan Imperial Guard - 1000pts Necrons - 7000pts
Blood Angels - 4000pts Biel-tan Craftworld - 2000pts Eldar Corsairs - 1000pts
Agents of the Imperium - 1500pts
Imperial Knights - 2000pts Death Watch - 1500pts
Adeptus Mechanicus - 3000pts Harlequins - 1000pts Genestealer Cult - 2000pts
Blood Ravens - 1000pts Thousand Sons - 2500pts 
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