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Made in us
Crazed Wardancer


Figured I would start a new thread to try to keep on top of the Bushido Risen Sun reveals and releases for this year.

From the March 10th release wave we have Ojobe from The Descension, Takashi Kumiko from the Prefecture of Ryu, Ito Sadako from the Ito Clan, Minimoto Akasuki from the Minimoto Clan, Grey Pilgrim and Dark Pilgrim

From the April 30th release wave we have Taburo the Unbreakable from the Savage Wave, Wolf Ryoshi from the Shiho Clan, Spectre from the Shadow Wind Clan, Haitake guard B from The Descension, Akuto from the Silvermoon Syndicate, and Animated Militia from the Cult of Yurei

From the July release wave we have Whale Hunters from the Jung Pirates, Village Militia from the Temple of Ro-Kan, Minimoto Koyama from the Minimoto Clan, Ogai the Skybreaker from the Savage Wave, Eddo Ashigaru from the Prefecture of Ryu, and Ito Yudai from the Ito Clan,

'The Deep', a new Jung Pirate themed warband was shown off for the UK Games Expor

Electric Eel (Jung Pirates)

Jung Terrain set


Here are the teases for the next wave

Wolf Spears of Shiho Clan

Path of a Thousand Names

Warui for Cult of Yurei

Nachin & Kibin of Silvermoon Syndicate

Fudo, the Illuminator for Silvermoon Syndicate

Daranibe of The Descension

This message was edited 10 times. Last update was at 2024/08/26 02:26:11

Made in us
Inspiring Icon Bearer

Colorado Springs, CO

Gah. I love so many of GCTs models. I really need to find a group that plays here.

One of them filthy casuals... 
Made in us
Crazed Wardancer


When the first Goonhammer article about it came out, I just shared the link with some friends and said I got the stuff if you want to try it out; got one hooked so far...
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

They do some of my fav minis, also gave me an excuse to go full colour which I jut enjoy so much.
Made in us
Crazed Wardancer


First model for this wave has been revealed as Ogai the Skybreaker; his teaser pic was the middle left in the first image.

"All of this has happened before and will happen again, so say the unaging sages in The Temple of Ro-Kan’s tower of eternal wisdom. The Temple has fought and defeated The Savage Wave before. The monks of old sealed the Oni world of Krazzor away from their own, but some of that old invading force remained here, trapped in the Jwar Isles. There are known to be precisely a dozen Oni Ancients, but The Temple knows only four names. Ogai may be seen as the leader of the Twelve Ancients, but that may be human minds projecting their own notions onto an inscrutable culture. Ma’Kid, Taburo, and Urian follow Ogai, all recognisable by their greyer, weathered skin. Now that the current Savage Wave has been reunited with the Bakemono of the Jwar underworld, the fate of the Jwar Isles can only turn toward disaster.

Ogai is the biggest Oni seen this age since Rashka, The Devastator, and he has the profile to match. The Twelve Ancients all have the same advantage as our existing remnant from the previous Wave, Eldest Brother, in that they have Regeneration. Ogai also has Endurance, meaning he will have a healthy defence pool once he’s finished swinging his club. Speaking of which, with base +3 Strength and Powerful Attack available (Plus the ubiquitous Strong Trait), he can hit hard, and in fact, he usually maxes the damage chart. Finally, the unique Ki Feat, Riazzur’s Flight (Named for a story told on the Oni Homeworld), is a powerful control option if you have a model you simply cannot deal with. Playtesters named this Ki Feat “Oni Gokusatsu”."



Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

They've had some superb Oni lately. Not my faction of choice, but really great sculpts.
Made in us
Crazed Wardancer


A couple more previews dropped; first the Whale Hunters for the Jung pirates. Their hint was the upper right one in the first picture.

"Whale hunting is a significant source of meat, blubber, oil, and bone, which is used in all kinds of products across the Jwar Isles and even exported to the mainland. All of these hunters are competent sailors. Outside of hunting season, or when no whaling is permitted north of Jwar, they may take work on other ships.

With a decent ranged attack, a Reach melee weapon and the Jump Up trait, these models have a good breadth of applications. They also have a chance to apply Bleed, which creates a possible synergy with the sharks. However, the main reason for being excited about these models is their Rice Cost. Eight is cheap for a body, and Jung can always use more Kaizoku on the battlefield."




Second we have Ito Yudai for the Ito clan, whose hint image was the bottom right of the first image. He was also recently featured in the short story for the Grand Masters tournament at the UK Games Expo.




Automatically Appended Next Post:
Another reveal has dropped, Village Militia for the Temple of Ro-Kan. Their hint was the upper left in the first teaser picutre.

"Up in the Ro-Kan Mountains, there is rarely a need for an organised militia as most villages are protected from bandits and outsiders by the monks of the Temple. This works well enough that most organised groups know not to target villages up in the mountains. Still, the villages need protection, and most have a group of their people to watch the village at night, stop any excessive conflict between families and keep back wild animals. They solve most of their problems by bringing shouting villagers and fire to scare off the upland bears and mountain gorillas. They lack real training, and unfortunately, layers of straw armour may protect them from snake bites and even simple knives and sticks, but they are no match for a katana.

Have you ever been playing your Bastions of the Mountain Warband and thought you didn’t have enough villagers for a peasant uprising? This is what you have been waiting for! With as low a Rice Cost as possible, these villagers will run away to find even more defenders, allowing you to play a true swarm of villagers, or will these extra bodies make your Warband able to fit a tricksy kitsune or sacred kami?"




This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/29 22:44:43

Made in us
Crazed Wardancer


More reveals! Kinda sad that it's just appending the post so the thread doesn't get bumped.

First, CGT Studios revealed that they have a themed force for sale at UK Games Expo (May 31st - June 2nd) which is also available from their webstore, The Deep; The Deep is an undersea themed force for the Jung Pirates.
Link to order them, https://gctstudios.com/catalog/new-specials

A drowning woman's heart torn asunder by her greedy husband’s apathy and avarice. Her unending rage becomes a terrible curse as she sinks slowly into the cold, dark embrace of the deep. But the raw power of time and tide will not let her die; they have work for her and those who once embodied a similar unrequited anger. A red pearl, the focus of her wrath, becomes a death sentence to whoever possesses it. What the seas have wrought, no one can tear asunder. There is no escaping them, those of the deep or the red pearl. Betray the pirate queen at your peril!


You can also get an Electric Eel to go with the force

Get some of the nose crabs separate

or Jung Terrain set

Exclusively at the Expo, they have some early releases which will be coming to the webstore at a later date. These will be Shiho Shirak (Shiho Clan), Satou Sadao (Prefecture of Ryu), Master Charlyn (Temple of Ro-Kan) and Kenichi Gemu (Silvermoon Trade Syndicate); all teased in the second teaser pic.

Shiho Shirak

Satou Sadao

Master Charlyn

Kenichi Gemu

Now back to the regular reveals, Eddo Ashigaru for the Prefecture of Ryu. There teaser image was the bottom left of the first image.

"The Eddo Garrison rarely leaves Eddo, which allows them to wear the heavier armour they are known for. As a garrison, they also wield heavy naginata rather than the lighter yari. Since Hiro’s ascension to the Family seat, he has sent the Eddo ashigaru further afield. They are known for their intense personal loyalty to Hiro. These ashigaru have spent much time with the young samurai on patrols and in Eddo. They bear the burden of their heavy gear, marching far from home without complaint, and any would give their life for their daimyo.

Options for Armour (3), Brutal and Powerful Attack gives Claws of the Dragon a decent melee bruiser, not needing to rely on Push attack and Reach for Melee. Of course, you pay for this in Rice, so how will your list change?"




And last, but not least, is Minimoto Koyama for the Minimoto Clan; teaser pic was the middle right in the first pic.

"Minimoto Koyama is a living legend to both those who are sent to and who serve at the Garrison of the Damned. She has served at the Garrison most of her adult life, and in an expedition into the underworld, suffered a shame no other Minimoto could bear: the loss of her armour. The only piece she brought back came to house the kami that has been named Aoi. Koyama feels an obligation to the ashigaru who stood by her when all she had was shame, and she finds herself coming into conflict with the Nanashi more often than not. Should a scout come to her for aid, she will lead the way, Aoi glowing in one hand, and an axe ready in the other.

Minimoto Koyama brings further variety to the Minimoto samurai and is the epitome of a samurai used to fighting back the bakemono horde. She brings useful abilities for finding camouflaged foes, and she can light up the area around her using Aoi, mitigating Darkness effects. Of course, being a Minimoto samurai, Koyama is no slouch in combat either, even if she wields an axe instead of a tetsubo."




That's all the reveals for this wave; limited quantities of this wave will be available at UK Games Expo and the preorder on the webstore should be up mid-June.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Definitely excited to see what that Shiho guy does. First model in that line to really pop in a little while after the initial hype.
Made in us
Crazed Wardancer


The models from the last wave are available at there store. https://gctstudios.com/catalog/new-specials

Here are the teases for the next wave

Also seems they are going to be showing off a whole new faction at Gencon, 'The Awoken'.

From the image you would guess they are spider related... and then looking at the URL for the image you would be 'yup, spiders...'

I wonder if they are going to end up like the 'Tarantulos Brood' from Warcry; mostly human looking with some spider elements, kinda like the 'Ito Clan' with their snake elements. Or if they are going to be like the 'Nerubians' from WoW; mostly spider looking with some human elements like 'The Descension' with their bird people.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

I'm sure its something Jorigumo inspired.
Made in us
Crazed Wardancer


 LunarSol wrote:
I'm sure its something Jorigumo inspired.

Looks like you were right LunarSol; I wasn't familiar with their lore before.

The guys over at Goonhammer has a preview and breakdown of the new force: https://www.goonhammer.com/bushido-risen-sun-gen-con-release-preview-the-awoken/
Made in us
Crazed Wardancer


The Awoken are on sell through the webstore for today only: https://gctstudios.com/catalog/new-specials

Joyless Smiles and Dark Eyes - Themed Warband

The Awoken Terrain Pack

Ren, Powerful Hatred

Akita, Princess of Fear and Pain

Made in us
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

i really like the spider designs, but why are they all so "tits out". some restraint might have been appreciated

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

It's mostly to drive up the body horror aspect. From the 360 pictures I've seen their yukata hang loose like that because its torn in the back where the spider legs and stuff are tearing through the skin of their back and they're essentially molting their flesh off.
Made in us
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

interesting... guess i'll have to see the models in person to make a proper judgement. the game seems pretty good for its female rep from what i've seen, so this certainly stands out in its sexualization

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in fr
Trazyn's Museum Curator

on the forum. Obviously

 LunarSol wrote:
It's mostly to drive up the body horror aspect. From the 360 pictures I've seen their yukata hang loose like that because its torn in the back where the spider legs and stuff are tearing through the skin of their back and they're essentially molting their flesh off.

It's also a clear reference to jorogumo, which are spider monsters from Japanese mythology that takes the guise of an attractive woman to lure man to their webs.
Basically their equivalent to Greek Sirens.
So yeah, having her "tits out" is fairly appropriate given the subject matter.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/08/10 23:43:38

What I have

Westwood lives in death!
Peace through power!

A longbeard when it comes to Necrons and WHFB. Grumble Grumble

Made in us
Crazed Wardancer


Looks like GenCon has messed with the flow of reveals before preorder as GCT showed off one reveal and wave 18 has come to preoder.

The Tanaka clan may be small in number, but their martial skills are legendary. Its unique wolf pack-like fighting style allows it to move and skirmish as one. Because it is so close-knit, they quickly learn each other's fighting techniques, anticipating when and what will happen at any given time. This unit calls itself the Wolf’s Teeth, as it wields spears, thus making their coordinated attacks all the more silent and deadly.

Wolf Spears are deceptive in their melee capability, especially when against fighting Exhausted models, which gives them a buff. With their feat, combined with the Group Trait, they should be up to the heights of Melee Pool 4. As with much of the Wolf Clan, set-up and group activations at the right time are the path to victory. Shiho players can also include these models, and alternative Ashigaru are suitable to provide options when list building




As for the rest of wave 18

Path of a Thousand Names

Warui for Cult of Yurei

Nachin & Kibin of Silvermoon Syndicate

Fudo, the Illuminator for Silvermoon Syndicate

Daranibe of The Descension

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