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1st Arque Mechanized Ordinance

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The 1st Arque Mechanized Ordinance is somewhat of an oddball in the Imperial Guard forces of Ultima Segmentum. After a full scale Imperial invasion began on the Tau held world of Mont'yr J'karra was launched, Imperial intelligence vastly underestimated the Tau defense on the planet, and starting from the planetary beachhead invasion 500 Guardsmen gave their lives for every square inch of ground. Within 4 Months almost the entire battleforce was stricken down by the Tau's Mont'ka tactics, the worst bloodbath being the 1st Battle of Cobalt Highlands, where 4 whole regiments were wiped out by a combined Hammerhead/Devilfish blitz. High Colonel Cyrus Tac of the 245th Marathon, the highest ranking officer that survived, reorganized what survivors evaded capture, and launched a desperate counterassualt on the Tau flank, Ominously located at Cobalt Pass, the same sight of that devastating massacre. High Colonel Tac pushed a desperate spearhead through the Tau defenses until a stray grenade managed to hit one of the mysterious Ethereals with it's shrapnel. The Tau forces quickly threw themselves into disarray, and High Colonel Tac managed to sweep up the confused Tau in a fusillade of Lasgun fire. For his heroic efforts, Tac was awarded governorship of the planet, though he refused, preferring the blazes of battle to bureaucratic paperwork. The surviving forced were reformed into the 1st Arque, after the planets new name. High Colonel Tac can still be seen on battlefields through the sector, his regiment having picked up the practice of recruiting from regiments that have been battered beyond repair.

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Why I Started This Army

I used Imperial Guard as my first wargaming army because I liked the fact that you could go for almost any type of forces you want. From Tanks to hordes and everything in-between, IG has it all.


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