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22squadron imperial navy army profile

22 squadron imperial navy. A combined combat unit consisting of astartes terminators, scouts and land speeders, and imperial valkyries, vendettas and veteran grenadiers. the squadron is shrouded in secrecy yet is idolised and vilified across the imperium. almost every file on the squadron is classified.

==Unit Photos==

Hq 2 cadian command squads (unknown weaponry at the moment)

Troops 3/4 squads of cadian veterans. (carapace armour) sergeants equipped with shotguns and special weapons are flamers.

3 heavy weapon teams (autocannons/mortars)

3 scout squads (1 sniper unit, 2 with bolters) each transported in a land speeder storm with assault cannon

Elites 2 terminator squads Unknown weapons

Fast Attack

2 valkyrie assault transports with lascannon and multiple rocket pods. heavy bolter sponsons

1 vendetta gunship

2-3 land speeder tornadoes/ tempests

1 drop pod

I started the squadron after a previous imperial armour unit survived few games and needed an airbourne feel to it, i also wrecked most of the minitures through over painting so there wont be any pics for a bit as it will be started from scratch, but expect a death korps feel to the marines.


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