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317th Provisionary Force (Imperial Guard army)

Full Army Photo

The 317th Provisionary force is built around the concept of a "remnants" force, made up of remainders of other regiments. These forces may be all that remains of a destroyed army, stragglers separated from their main force, or units awaiting permanent assignment. Typically, such forces are inefficient and poor in battle. The 317th is no exception. Dubbed "The Emperor's Table Scraps", they are crushed far more often that not.

Unit Photos

Lord Commissar in front of Command Cruiser

Company Command Squad (including 2 Bodyguards)

Techpriest with his team of servitors

Veteran squad, Valhallan remnants

Veteran squad, Steel Legion remnants

Scout Sentinels

Leman Russ Demolisher

Precious objectives...

Army List

My 750 point force:

HQ: Lord Commissar

HQ: Techpriest w/4 Servitors

Tr: Veteran Squad w/1 Flamer, 1 Meltagun; mounted in a Chimera

Tr: Veteran Squad w/1 Grenade Launcher, 1 Missle Launcher; mounted in a Chimera w/hull Hvy Flamer

FA: 2 Scout Sentinels

HS: Leman Russ Demolisher

This list was mostly based around what I've got(and what I wanted to paint). At some point, I'd like optimize the vet squads by making 1 a tank killer(2 more meltas) and the other more of a versatility squad(with 2 more grenade launchers). As I'd hate to drop anything I've got now, this'll probably go into a higher point force.

Why I Started This Army

Originally, this started as a project painting an army for a friend to use against my Space Marines, but I really enjoyed painting the figures and ended up buying a whole lot more for them than he did. Now, he's got around 500 points in while I've bought about another 1500 pts for myself.


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