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Galactic Conquest - A map based 40k Expansion V1.0

Galactic Conquest - an Unofficial Warhammer 40'000 Expansion

By Dastardly Dave


- This is an unofficial expansion that can be used to play a campaign which is set over 50+ planets, it can be found Here

For a version with blank, printer friendly backgrounds, go here

Download it from Dakka here: Dastardly Dave- Galactic Conquest


Hello, and welcome to the game of Galactic Conquest - The expansion which lets you fight battles over entire star systems, sub-sectors, sectors or even the entire Galaxy! (this would however be enormous, and I don't recommend trying it)

If you're anything like me, and play 40k - you'll often wish you could fight campaigns that let players fight it out for control of large areas of space, rather than just single planets, as in ordinary map based campaigns or 'Planetary Empires' - as produced by Games Workshop.

When I heard that this expansion was coming out, I thought: "Great! Finally an expansion that lets me conquer the galaxy!" Imagine my disappointment when I looked at the details of the expansion on the GW website and saw it only contained one planet. One planet isn't nearly big enough, so I didn't buy it.

A few years later I stumbled apon the rules for the 1990 version of Mighty Empires - In PDF form - on the 'Out of production' section of the Games Workshop website. After looking it over, a germ of an Idea began to form within my mind. What if I could adapt these rules, and create an expansion which would allow me to conquer vast swathes of the universe?

Two months, 3 drafts, a lot of play-testing and rules changing later, I finally finished V1.0 of the Rules allowing war-gamers to fight over the galaxy.

The PDF you are about to be linked to contains all the rules, counters, and templates you need to play the main game of Galactic Conquest. I can't draw/Photoshop to save my life, so there are no counters for the Ship Battle rules as yet. I apologize for this, and will add in these, and possibly some other things with V2.0.

I hope you enjoy playing any campaigns you create, and please post any comments/ suggestions you have about the game on the article discussion thread here on DakkaDakka. Alternatively, you can E-mail me at dastardlydave@hotmail.co.uk

To all those who have helped me create this, thank you, and there's even a acknowledgements page at the back of the PDF.


The File can be found here

For a version with blank, printer friendly backgrounds, go here

You can also download the blank version here: Dastardly Dave- Galactic Conquest


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