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Starting with the Protectorate of Menoth Battlebox

The Protectorate of Menoth is a religious faction that is ruled by priests with the power of its knights, fire, and the faith of their average citizen. They weather the attacks of their enemy through attrition based benefits, and then they synergize their abilities to counter attack. Some of their attacks feature Fire Effects and Fire Damage or the Magical Weapon Ability.

One way to start with the Protectorate is by buying the Battlebox and playing small games using only a warcaster and the three warjacks that come with him.

What to Order

Two Battleboxes were produced for the Protectorate of Menoth. The first was all metal, and you will know that it's metal because the warcaster, High Exemplar Kreoss, looks like this:

Product Code: PIP 22001

However, the plastic boxed set has the following product code:

Product Code: PIP 32062


Whichever Protectorate of Menoth boxed set you start with, they come with the same model types, just different sculpts and materials.

High Exemplar Kreoss

Kreoss is one of the Protectorate's most competitive warcasters. He protects his forces from attacks with the Defender's Ward Spell and denies enemies their spells with either his Lamentation Spell or the Purification Spell.

Then he stops the enemy in its tracks by invoking the Menoth's Wrath Feat, knocking down his enemies and then casting the Immolation Spell at them or sending his warjacks after them.


The Crusader is the Protectorate's hard hitting generic heavy warjack. It's as slow as a Khadoran warjack, though it's not as heavily armored. With its powerful weapon it has the potential to light enemies on Fire or simply destroy them outright.


The Revenger provides the Protectorate's warcaster-priests with an Arc node with which to extend their power and control. Its repulsor shield fends off attackers that would try to block the arc node's use by pushing them back every time they hit the warjack. Then, when offense is required, the Revenger has its Powerful Charge Ability to help it hit higher DEF models when charging.


The Repenter is an inexpensive warjack that ignores concealment and other defensive benefits when it uses its Spray Attack, and ignores shields when attacking with its War Flail's Chain Weapon Ability. When enemies are hit by the spray attack, they are automatically affected by a Fire Effect, which can be really dangerous on warcasters who rely on high Defense stats to make up for a low Armor score.

Tactics with the Protectorate Battlebox

Fire, knockdown, and you

Despite the humble POW 12 of Kreoss' Incinerate spell, an easy way to get about winning the game is Kreoss' patented pop n' drop technique. Kreoss' feat is one of the most powerful feats in the game, if you can set up his feat to knock down the enemy warcaster/warlock and moving up the Revenger to about 8" of the knocked down 'caster/'lock, you can now fire off 2 boosted damage Incinerates, which can quite possibly kill an enemy 'caster/'lock. If this doesn't do it, you can allocate 1 FOC to the Repenter before your activations, and then if he's in range he can add another POW 12 attack if necessary, with boosted damage of course. Even if your opponent runs a heavily armored Warcaster, if they somehow survive these attacks there's a significant (and with the Repenter, definite) chance that your opponent's warcaster will suffer Fire damage, which should be suitable to finishing the game.

Beyond the Battlebox

The Protectorate has many, many great infantry units that synergize with Kreoss, with Exemplar Errants, Temple Flameguard, and the Choir of Menoth being prime candidates. The Choir in particular is almost near mandatory, and even a minimum unit can work wonders. If you feel like running a more combat oriented list, Knights Exemplar, Temple Flameguard and a Paladin of the Wall are all great additions, while those of you who wish to smite from afar Deliverers and Exemplar Errants are great as well. Solos can vary, but Dartan Vilmon, Vassals of Menoth and Seneschals are great additions for a force worthy of the Creator.


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