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Stelek's Tyranid MC Assault Army


Here's my Tyranid MC Assault Army, for any player to make a specific kind of Tyranid army that's been dead since 3rd edition.

Note that this does not involve Stealer shock, or gaunt hordes, or warrior spam.

This is all about MC and their little friends.

I'm going to build this list for 1500, 1750, 2000, 2250, and 2500 points.

Those lists will be at the bottom of the article.

Unit Selections


Tyrant and 3 Tyrant Guard. This unit is the core to the army. Don't try and min/max or save points.

Run it as suggested.

Hive Tyrant: Acid Maw, +1 WS, Implant Attack, Toxin Sacs, Scything Talons, Lash Whip & Bone Sword, Flesh Hooks. Tyrant Guard (3): Lash Whips.

Now do the same unit again, and give both Tyrants Shadow in the Warp. It's the only Psychic defense you get, better bring it.


Carnifex. You want these guys to crush someone. Good, they will.

Biogear: Scything Talons x2, Toxic Miasma, +1 WS. Now you hit most regular troops on 3+, with 5 attacks on the charge. You also stop WS5 from hitting you on 3+, which is important for survival.


Rippers. Give them +1WS and +1S. This makes most regular troops stop hitting you on 3+, let's you hit weak troops on 3+, and S4 lets you glance most vehicles.

Mandatory for objective missions:

Gaunt Brood. Spinefists, without number. All this unit does is secure your own objective. Get in range of it, get into cover, hide, go to ground. It's an 80 point investment in an 'I win' button. Remember on turn 5 if this unit was killed previously, it will automatically re-enter and let you take your objective again.

Just one of these will do. Your aim is to eliminate the enemy army entirely and contest any objectives.

Fast Attack

Raveners. I laughed at these in 4E, but in 5E with a little bit of tactical acumen you can really make your army a strong cocoon, which makes the army better all around.

You only use these at 1750+ point games.

Unit (6): Scything Talons, Rending Claws.

Heavy Support

Carnifex. Same as the elite.

Biogear: Scything Talons x2, Toxic Miasma, +1 WS. Now you hit most regular troops on 3+, with 5 attacks on the charge.


No dancing away from it, it IS coming.

40 T6 MC wounds.

How do you get across the board?

Let the Rippers run through terrain. Anyone shoots at them, go to ground. Enjoy your 2+ save, laugh.

The Hive Tyrant Super Units go first, in terrain. Carnifex behind. This way, everyone gets a cover save.

When you add Raveners, they should be between the Tyrant Super Units and the Fexes, so you get better cover saves from more angles.

Run at the enemy until within assault range. You will get beat on, but with a 4+ cover save you will do much better.

At higher points values, if you cannot get cover (lame, at higher points values there should be MORE terrain, not less people!) run the Tyrants in front of the Raveners in front of the Fexes.

If you arrive relatively intact, people are going to be surprised at how quickly they fold.

Remember Catalyst!! That is what makes your Fexes scary. They might die, but they still get to go. So don't be afraid to lose a fex to a lucky hit, send it in!

Remember your training! 24" from each table edge, should go 1/2 of this army. If you get a Spearhead mission, thank the Great Devourer for your fortune and prepare to feed!

Don't forget to put Lash Whips into dangerous CC units. That's what they are there for!

That's about it really. It's simple, it's devastating, it's a bit boring until you get into CC but that's the way it goes. And the bonus is, it isn't tiring since you aren't moving 200 guys!



Here are copies of the Army Lists.


HQ: 1 Hive Tyrant w/Acid Maw; Adrenal Glands +1 WS; Implant Attack; Toxin Sacs +1 St; Lash Whip & Bonesword; The Shadow in the Warp; Scything Talons (x1)
Retinue: 3 Tyrant Guard w/Lash Whips; Rending Claws

HQ: 1 Hive Tyrant w/Acid Maw; Adrenal Glands +1 WS; Implant Attack; Toxin Sacs +1 St; Lash Whip & Bonesword; The Shadow in the Warp; Scything Talons (x1)
Retinue: 3 Tyrant Guard w/Lash Whips; Rending Claws

Elite: Carnifex w/ Adrenal Glands +1 WS; Toxic Miasma; Scything Talons (x2)
Elite: Carnifex w/ Adrenal Glands +1 WS; Toxic Miasma; Scything Talons (x2)
Elite: Carnifex w/ Adrenal Glands +1 WS; Toxic Miasma; Scything Talons (x2)

Troop 1: 4 Ripper Swarms w/ Adrenal Glands +1 WS; Toxin Sacs +1 St
Troop 2: 4 Ripper Swarms w/ Adrenal Glands +1 WS; Toxin Sacs +1 St
Troop 3: 4 Ripper Swarms w/ Adrenal Glands +1 WS; Toxin Sacs +1 St
Troop 4: 10 Gaunt Brood w/ Spinefists; Without Number

Heavy: Carnifex w/ Adrenal Glands +1 WS; Toxic Miasma; Scything Talons (x2)
Heavy: Carnifex w/ Adrenal Glands +1 WS; Toxic Miasma; Scything Talons (x2)
Heavy: Carnifex w/ Adrenal Glands +1 WS; Toxic Miasma; Scything Talons (x2)


Add Fast Attack: 6 Ravener w/ Rending Claws; Scything Talons (x1)


Add Fast Attack: 5 Warriors w/ Twin-Linked Deathspitter, +1 Str, and Wings (255 points, will need to trim to fit it).


Add Fast Attack: 6 Ravener w/ Rending Claws; Scything Talons (x1)


Add Fast Attack: 5 Warriors w/ Twin-Linked Deathspitter, +1 Str, and Wings (255 points, will need to trim to fit it).


Add Fast Attack: 6 Ravener w/ Rending Claws; Scything Talons (x1)


Add Fast Attack: 5 Warriors w/ Twin-Linked Deathspitter, +1 Str, and Wings (255 points, will need to trim to fit it).


Double size of all troops selections.

The End

The article author is Stelek (that's me!).


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