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The Battle Book - Warhammer 40k 5th Edition Missions for Veteran Players


Most of the concepts in this article are based on the ideas of others. I borrow material from missions I've played in tournaments, campaigns, and more than a decade of Warhammer 40k gaming starting in the 90's with 2nd edition. If you see something in here that you suggested in a forum post please don't go ballistic. I'm not trying to steal anyone's ideas and pass them off as my own. The goal of this work is to assemble a coherent alternative to the base missions in the 5th edition rule-book. It's a work in progress.

I've started things off with 3 basic missions that are evolved versions of 4th edition missions.

The Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Battle Book

Special Rules and Items

Each mission may list a number of these special rules to be in effect. Refer to this section to see what effect the rule has. Many of them are variations on 4th edition special rules.

Loot Counters - The number and spacing of loot counters will be specified in the mission description. Scoring infantry units that start their movement phase in base contact with a loot counter may carry the loot counter with them when they move. Units carrying a loot counter may not ride in a vehicle, run, fleet, or assault nor may they use special rules that let them perform a special move during the assault phase. Loot counters are dropped if a unit is destroyed, tank shocked, leaves the table or falls back for any reason. A dropped Loot counter remains on the board where it was dropped. Loot counters may not be voluntarily carried off the board unless the mission specifically says otherwise.

Battle points - Each player’s 6 most expensive units are worth 1 battle point. Some missions instruct players to designate units as "Marked for Death." Units that are “Marked for Death” are worth +1 battle point. Army commanders (see below) are worth an additional +1 battle point. Other objectives are worth battle points as described in the mission description. A unit must be wiped out at the end of the game for battle points to be awarded. (The basis for this rule originated in the Dakka Proposed Rules Forum)

Extra Turns - The mission may require that turns beyond turn 6 be played. See the mission description for exact details

Rapid Deployment - The following unit types deploy normally unless their codex or unit entry specifies otherwise: Tank, Skimmer, Jump Infantry, Bike, Jetbike, Eldar Jetbike, Vehicle (Fast), Beasts, Cavalry. All other units are held in reserve. All units held in reserve in this way come in automatically on turn 4 if they have not already entered the game. Units with a dedicated transport must begin the game on the table in their transport. Deep striking units do NOT automatically enter on turn 4. They must continue to roll per the normal 40k rules. Chaos Daemons still deploy according to their own special rules in their codex. (This is based on the "Reverse Escalation" setup rule from past Adepticon 40k Team Tournaments)

Army Commanders - Both players must designate one HQ unit as an Army commander. The selection must be “logical.” (i.e. no declaring that your Librarian is the commander when you also have Marneus Calgar on the field!) Typically your highest-point cost HQ will be used but there may be justifiable exceptions. If you or your opponent can't agree on what is "logical" then simply pick commanders by rolling a d6 of shame.

Escalation - Each Player divides his army into 2 equally sized groups. The player who sets up first chooses one group to deploy on the battlefield. The other group is held in reserve. The player who sets up second then does the same. Chaos Daemon armies still deploy as described in their Codex.

Support Marker - A support marker may be represented by any objective marker, counter, or chit. This marker is placed in coherency with a unit as if it were a member of that unit. In the case of a vehicle it’s considered to be inside the vehicle – just place it on top of or next to the model. Units that can “never hold objectives” such as Chaos Spawn or Necron Scarabs may not carry a marker. The marker has no effect on game play and should just be moved aside if it gets in the way. The marker is destroyed if the unit carrying it is wiped out or flees off-table. Missions that utilize support markers will specify what exact role they play in the mission.

Win, Bonus, and Draw Conditions

Many of the missions list multiple win conditions. These conditions are usually phrased in the form of a declaration such as “I have more battle points than my opponent at the end of the game.” Unless noted otherwise a player need only make one win declaration to win the game. Even though multiple win conditions may be listed it is usually only possible to satisfy one of them. Likewise the win conditions are written such that it is impossible for both players to qualify for a win condition. (Editor's Note: If anyone discovers a mission where it's theoretically possible for both players to win it's because I missed something during proofreading. Please let me know if you spot anything that's screwy.)

Bonus conditions are usually straightforward declarations such as “My army commander is still alive at the end of the game.” These conditions are described in greater detail within missions that utilize them.

Finally, Draw conditions are typically stated as general statements summarizing the outcome of the game such as “neither player has an uncontested scoring unit within 6” of the objective.” When draw conditions are met it will be impossible for either player to declare a win condition.

Special Note: In all missions, regardless of objectives, if all of a player’s units have been destroyed or have fallen back off the board that player automatically loses the game.

The Missions

Seek and Destroy

Force Org: Standard

Special Rules: Battle Points, Army Commanders

Setup and Deployment Pitched Battle


Players roll off and take turns designating one of their own units as “Marked for Death.” Players then take turns designating one enemy unit as “Marked for Death. Place a marker next to such units or note which units are marked on a piece of paper.


+3 Battle Points if a player claims a Tactical Bonus. Each player may only score points for ONE of the following tactical bonuses (even if he qualifies for more than one.)

All of my “marked for death” units are still alive, on-board, and not falling back at the end of the game I have one or more scoring units in the enemy deployment zone I have destroyed all of my enemy’s HQ units but all of mine are on the table at the end of the game

Draw Condition: If the players’ scores are within the specified number of points from each other then the game is a draw:

250-999 points: 1 point
1000-1499 points: 2 points
1500-2000 points: 3 points
2001+ points: 4 points

Win Condition: The game is not a draw and I have more battle points than my opponent


Force Org: Standard

Special Rules: Battle Points, Army Commander, Support Markers

Setup and Deployment: Spearhead


Players roll off and the loser chooses two non-troops units in his army to carry a support marker. The other player then does the same.


Each player may only claim each item once (in other words they're not scored on a "per unit" basis.)

+5 Battle Points: I have an uncontested scoring unit in a neutral table quarter at the end of the game.

+2 Battle Points: I have an uncontested scoring unit in my own deployment quarter at the end of the game.

+7 Battle Points: I have an uncontested scoring unit in my enemy’s deployment quarter at the end of the game.

Tactical Bonuses (Players may claim any/all of these.)

+2 Battle points:I have at least one Support Marker in a neutral table quarter that I control at the end of the game

+3 Battle points: I control my enemy’s deployment table quarter and I have at least one Support Marker in that table quarter at the end of the game.

+1 battle point: I control both Neutral table quarters at the end of the game

+1 battle point: My enemy’s army commander is destroyed or off-board at the end of the game and mine is on the board and not fleeing.

Win Condition: I have more battle points than my opponent at the end of the game

Draw Condition: My opponent and I have the same amount of battle points.


Force Org: Standard

Special Rules: Loot counters, Support Markers, Extra Turns

Setup and Deployment: Pitched Battle with modified deployment rules. See “Setup”


To control a loot counter a scoring unit must be within 3” of it at the end of the game and there must be no enemy units within 3”

A loot counter controlled by a unit carrying a support marker counts as 2 loot counters for scoring purposes at the end of the game.

If at the end of turn 6 both players control an equal amount of loot counters the game will be played for one additional turn. If at the end of turn 7 both players still control an equal amount of loot counters then the game is a draw. Use common sense when proceeding into turn 7. If the score is zero to zero and neither player has any scoring units left then there’s obviously no point playing another turn unless of course you really want to. Do not use the rules in the Warhammer 40k Rule-book for “Ending the Game” (p90.)


1. Roll a d3. The number of loot counters used in the mission is d3+3.
2. Roll off
3. Winner places the first loot counter. Loot counters must not be less than 12” from a board edge or another loot counter. Players alternate placing loot counters until they have all been placed.
4. The loser, followed by the winner assigns a support marker to one of their units.
5. Deployment zone is randomly assigned by coin toss. The players agree which deployment zone is “heads” and which is “tails” and flip a coin to decide who deploys where. (This reflects the semi-random nature of two armies running into each other while scouring a battlefield for the elusive “loot.”)
6. Roll off
7. Winner chooses to deploy first and take first turn or deploy second and take second turn
8. Deploy armies
9. Begin game. "Seize the initiative" may not be used.


Win Condition: I control more loot counters than my opponent at the end of the game

Draw Condition: Both players control an equal number of loot counters

That's all I have time for! I'll keep expanding on this article in the future.

Brian P (It posted as "anonymous." Clearly I have not mastered the article system yet.)


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