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User:Ari Refskegg

Welcome to my intro...

I was heavily into historical wargames during the eighties, using the old W.R.G. rules (are they still around?), having at various times a Teutonic Knights, Mongol and latterly a Hungarian army of the reign of Matthius Corvinus, all at 2,000 points.

After a break of over 20 years I am now starting to get involved in 40k gaming, although I must admit I am finding it difficult to adjust to shooting and combat being resolved by individuals, instead of the unit as a whole... (I reckon GW make as much from dice sales as from models!)

I have always liked the quirkier, more off-beat, style of models and so was drawn to the imagery of the Space Wolves. A quick look online to see the detail in the models, and their conversion potential, confirmed this choice - but with a twist!

Having Norse ancestry (Ari Marsson, Leif Ericsson’s navigator, was one of my direct ancestors!) my models would have a distinctly Viking look and feel to them.

The Space Wolves are notorious for their disdain for the rigidity of the Codex Astartes so I decided that my army would be a spin-of Chapter, dedicated to the fight against Chaos but equally coming to the assistance of any who found the might of the Emperor oppressive...

There are NO Imperial eagles anywhere within the army! Indeed, the only place where any eagle insignia appears is on the jump squad which are called Eagle claws.

All units are named after characters from the Icelandic sagas and unit types also reflect this heritage.

Chapter Oath Brothers of the White Wolf

Wolf Lord Jarl (Earl)

Rune Priest Skald (Poet, Lawgiver)

Wolf Priest Hamrammur (Shapeshifter)

Wolf Guard Ulfhadnir (Wolfbearers)

Lone Wolf Einvigi (Single Combat)

Grey Hunters Eiður Bróðir (Oath Brothers)

Skyclaws Örn Kló (Eagle Claws)

Long Fangs Skotfimur Maður (Marksmen)

Wolf Scouts Skátir (Scouts)

I am initially building 750 points worth, with the intention of expanding this slowly to around 2,000pts.

Units will only appear on the gaming table once complete, although as I get a lot of pleasure from converting my models, no matter how minor, I will be posting photos of them as they are built in my gallery. (I wish others would, as I like to see which parts have been used, before the eye is distracted by the brilliant paint-job)

I intend that no two models will be similar, nor will any be ‘straight out the box’.

Scouts use a mixture of Chaos Marauders, Scouts, and assortments from the ‘bitz-box’.

Power Armoured models are a mixture of Space Wolves, SW accessory sprue, Dark Angels Upgrade sprue, Chaos Marines, Space Marines and WHFB Dwarves.

Terminator Armoured models combine SW Wolf Guard with Chaos Termies.

In all cases a trawl of the ‘net has provided a treasure trove of parts which have been used to add individual touches.

I hope to be able to customise the Razorbacks along the same lines...

I would like to get feedback on these, although I understand that it is not possible to select voting for ‘coolness’ only, so have disabled all voting.

Once the units are completely painted I will add them to the gallery with voting enabled.

I am under no illusions regarding my painting ability (table-top at best) and have been astounded and humbled by the standard of some of the contributors in the gallery here on Dakka-Dakka...

I will also be slowly building a small force of Dark Eldar - The Kabal of the Envenom'd Heart

I look forward to any comments, but would ask that you do not add me to your list of ‘friends’ until we have had some correspondence first!

Blessun af ísbjörn til þú...

Ari Refskegg


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