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Okay with the new codex there will be a change in anything being up til i finish redoing my army

Why I Started This Army

Well my first plan of my army was a hardened regiment from a planet near Cadia... That went out the window. I planned only a army of four thousand points... again out the window. My present plan contains 26 leman russ, 4 complete companies of infantry and 3 artillery companies. Plus a planed ten super heavies... Baneblade variants and Machuaris Heavy tanks... Presently I'm working on the first two companies along with one of my tanks companies. In total (Minus the few super heavies and forge world stuff) it totals out at around 10500 point... After I complete all my infantry companies... I plan on doing a Stalingrad map called Novograd (a real city in a country near Russia) Where tanks and monstrous creatures will have a hard time fighting back... hehe


When a planetary system is near the Tau border... I usually fights Tau forces... When a planet is near a group of Ork infested planets.. It fights desperately to hold its ground... Well that's the Situation of Capella on the Eastern Fringe of the Ultima Sigmentum. for two hundred years was the system completely forgotten about. Until the Tau's third sphere of expansion. Quickly three of the four planets moons fell and the other planets could barely hold their ground. for five years, War raged among the system. For five years did the Capellian regiments call for help to the near by planets of Fira and Staios. No answer came back.

When the situation looked desperate, regiment on their last legs were finally ordered to retreat to Iron Ridge on Capella IV to make a final stand. Of the seven remaining regiments, there was one that was formed during the defense of Novograd on Capella IV. The 153rd regiment was formed out of twenty regiments, many on their last legs. When they reached Iron ridge they learned of the casualties they had inflicted on the Tau ground forces. More then 50% of their Armour was gone and now they were weak enough to beat in the defense of Iron Ridge.

The 153rd regiment was placed on the left flank, next to the most successful regiment the 82nd. Instead of letting the Tau get a hold of trenches or equipment, Bunkers were rigged to explode if Tau soldiers entered them, tank emplacements were made so the read Armour would always be exposed to the defenders. But none of this was needed as the Tau forces. Like lightening, swiped in from the East. Facing the 153rd and the 82nd. The Battle raged for a full week before the Tau forces finally gave the order to fall back. The Tau forces in the Capellian system were to far strung out to hold the lands they obtained and fight in an extended battle. From the battle came the remain 10 regiments, the 153rd regiment battered and bloody, but standing tall. then last year of the conflict was kicking the Tau forces of Capella I, II and III. Alairis was left untouched because of an Ork attack on the remain Tau forces.

The next ten years came and the ten honoured regiments were reinforced and re-equiped. As the last of the soldiers received the new rifles and fresh training, the Inquestion appeared. They had heard of Capella's success in defeating the Tau and heard of them retaking most of the system. When they arrived they talked to the governor Militant, whom was an ex-commander of a regiment, about the battle. Capella III was found to be harboring Tau soldiers whom had surrendered to the Capellain regiments. Instead of executing just the Tau, the Inquisitor ordered the evacuation of one third of the population then the destruction of the planets with any one on it. The Capellian regiments were in an uproar and tried their best to evacuate everyone they could. Just under 3/8 of the population was successfully evacuated. Unfortunately the Inquisitor became impatient and destroyed it. They left leaving 100 Commissars to watch for signs of corruption. None were ever found.

Another five years passed and the on again off again conflict with the orks arose. Finally, twenty years after the Tau took it from them, the Alairis regiment requested they retake there home planet. for the next three and a half years it was turned down, while some regiments increased their size. Now, the 153rd 94 82 and 19 regiment lead the way in retaking the lost planet of Alairis. Twenty years of fighting has made the regiments Xenos Ork and tau... Now they take on the toughest challenge yet.

The Hundred and fifty third regiment consists of 20 infantry companies, every four an engineering company and every fifth a Trench company, 16 Leman Russ companies, 2 super heavy companies and 5 support companies, along with 9 artillery companies. They are Ork Xeno-fighters, Sharpshooters, Iron Disciplined, Independent Commissars and Hardened Veterans.


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