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This page was written for no reason in particular. I was browsing through Dakka user names and noticed not many had theirs set up. I thought I'd do the Warchief proud by making my own.

My Gaming History

My first army were the Ultra Marines. Why you may ask? Although I was tempted to try Blood Angels (I liked Jawa Ball's videos), their story quickly grew on me. At the time the Blood Angels didn't have a current codex whereas almost everything in the SM dex leaned towards the Ultra Marines.

As I pondered the meaning of life, my friend Crunch was also interested in starting a 40k army; his own Waaaaagh, and this made the decision easy. The Black Reach box set was $45 at the time, so we ordered one each and split the models. There's nothing like that new plastic smell! Mmmmm.... sniff...... *twitch*

2x Box sets included: 2 Captains 10 Tactical Marines with 2 FL and 2 ML 10 Terminators 2 Dreadnaughts Templates, books, etc

Not a bad start considering it was all plastic (I was just learning about some pewter horror stories).

The itch to buy reared it's ugly head and soon the Emperor demanded I invested in transports. Rhinos, Razorbacks, Drop Pods, and a Land Raider joined the ranks. After a few months I had a pretty solid 2k to work with. My wallet groaned as my army cheered!

Death to the Heretics!

Ultramarines, though fun to look at, quickly became victims of their own strict regime and the term "strength in numbers" soon became the determining factor in many battles. So often did I watch as loyal SM armies were torn asunder by the frothing shennanigans of horde armies.

I turned to painting for answers. At the very least they could look cool while they died in droves to the enemies of mankind. Surely the Emperor would not let his Elite soldiers fall to the hands of heretics, mutants, and overall freak shows.

In a dream I heard a raspy whisper If you build it, they will come. James Earl Jones is that you? No, it wasn'!

I awoke to find my wallet mumbling low gothic in my ear...


Now the choice of starting a new army came about. I wanted something fresh so IG, Orks, SoB, NiDs, Eldar, CSM, and Tau were out (we had plenty of those already). I dropped by my FLGS and rummaged through his pile of 40k stuff. He had what I was yearning for; a mismarked Chaos Daemons Battleforce! I left his store with box in hand, eyes dilated, a bead of drool hanging from my mouth, and giggling like a school girl. *DERP*

Chaos Daemons were everything I hoped for; powerful and unpredictable! When the Chaos Gods were merciful they granted over-whelming victories. Other times they laughed as Tzeench played with my dice rolls. Still, I had a lot of fun playing them. Their points now is around 7000. I hope to one day play them at full force against

Currently the Daemons lay waiting for a challenger. I hope to resurrect them soon when 6th edition drops.

Thanks for reading -Chi3f :D


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