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User:Dark Lord Seanron

Avatar: Battles in the Four Kindoms - A Skirmish Game by Seanron

“The way of the sword doesn't belong to any one nation. Knowledge of the arts belongs to us all.” – Piandao, Fire Nation Sword Master & Member of The Order of The White Lotus

Once, the Four Kingdoms lived in peace. A time of prosperity and elemental harmony reigned in the land. However, all that changed when the Fire Nation attacked. The Four Kingdoms are now in turmoil. The careful balance laid out by the elements is in a state of flux. The Fire Nation has broken all bonds of loyalty and valor in its ruthless assault of its sister-kingdoms, leading to despair and darkness.

The Avatar, the master of all four elements, has been called to put an end to the war, but he cannot hope to triumph alone. Armies march in his name to take back what has been taken, whilst black and red banners cast shadows of despair over the unsuspecting innocents. Heroic individuals lead their people in an epic struggle for freedom and conquest, and every day epic sagas begin and end on the fields of battle.

The core of the earth quakes as the Earth Kingdom and The Fire Nation clash.

The sea’s themselves attempt to swallow the lands as the Water Tribes sail from their polar homes.

And the skies howl mournfully at the loss of the Air Nomads, the grave injustice done by the Fire Nation hanging heavy in the air.

Something must be done to correct the balance. Someone must step into the cold glare of destiny and take a stand. Someone must win through, in The Battles in the Four Kingdoms.

‘Avatar: Battles in the Four Kingdoms’ is a tabletop skirmish game in which two (or more) players lead groups of heroes and their followers in battles and confrontations set against the rich tapestry and lore of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Players choose either to fight for or against the Avatar, and lead tailored groups known as Troupes against other groups in scenarios and straight-up battles to see who shall succeed.

Players can create their own troupes from any of the Four Kingdoms, or use pre-made Troupes known as Heroic Troupes to play the game. Several Troupes can be involved in one game, and there are several scenarios and mission to choose from to make the game more challenging, and more importantly fun.

Eventually, you will be able to play larger and more intricate games involving multiple combinations of Troupes and missions, eventually mimicking epic moments from Avatars history such as the Fire Nations purging of the Air Nomads, The Grand Seige of Ba-Sing Sai, or The Day of Black Sun. However, whilst these rules do give you structure, feel free to edit or change them to make your game more enjoyable.


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