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Army List

Kroot 1000 pts

Kroot Master Shaper Moonson Knarloc, Meltagun, Power Weapon, Melta bombs, Auspex, Bionics, Extra Armour, Blood of the stalker, Mark of the favored child, Pech Crier, Veneration charm, Ork Hybrid : 189

Shaper Council (5 Shapers) Knarloc mounts, Meltaguns, Melta bombs, Auspexs, Bionics, Extra Armour, Kroothawk totem, Eyes of the Kroothawk, Veneration Charms, Ork Hybrid : 385

Kroot Carnivore Kindred (Shaper and 9 Kroot) Eviscerator, Extra Armour, Blood of the stalker, Pech Crier, Veneration Charm, Ork Hybrid, Armour : 213

Kroot Carnivore Kindred (Shaper and 9 Kroot) Eviscerator, Extra Armour, Blood of the stalker, Pech Crier, Veneration Charm, Ork Hybrid, Armour : 213

Kroot 2000 pts

Kroot Master Shaper Moonson Knarloc, Meltagun, Power Weapon, Melta bombs, Auspex, Bionics, Extra Armour, Blood of the stalker, Mark of the favored child, Pech Crier, Veneration charm, Ork Hybrid : 189

Shaper Council (5 Shapers) Knarloc mounts, Meltaguns, Melta bombs, Auspexs, Bionics, Extra Armour, Kroothawk totem, Eyes of the Kroothawk, Veneration Charms, Ork Hybrid : 385

Kroot Carnivore Kindred (Shaper and 9 Kroot) Eviscerator, Extra Armour, Blood of the stalker, Pech Crier, Veneration Charm, Ork Hybrid, Armour : 213

Kroot Carnivore Kindred (Shaper and 9 Kroot) Eviscerator, Extra Armour, Blood of the stalker, Pech Crier, Veneration Charm, Ork Hybrid, Armour : 213

Kroot Master Shaper Hyperactive Nymune Organ Adaption, Flamer, Power Weapon, Melta bombs, Auspex, Bionics, Extra Armour, Blood of the stalker, Pech Crier, Veneration charm, Ork Hybrid: 168

Shaper Council (5 Shapers) Hyperactive Nymune Organ Adaption, Flamers, Melta bombs, Bionics, Extra Armour,Veneration Charms, Ork Hybrid : 365

Kroot Carnivore Kindred (Shaper and 9 Kroot) Flamer, Extra Armour, Blood of the stalker, Pech Crier, Veneration Charm, Ork Hybrid, Armour : 194

Kroot Carnivore Kindred (Shaper and 9 Kroot) Flamer, Extra Armour, Blood of the stalker, Pech Crier, Veneration Charm, Ork Hybrid, Armour : 194

Kroot 3000 pts

Kroot Master Shaper Moonson Knarloc, Meltagun, Power Weapon, Melta bombs, Auspex, Bionics, Extra Armour, Blood of the stalker, Mark of the favored child, Pech Crier, Veneration charm, Ork Hybrid : 189

Shaper Council (5 Shapers) Knarloc mounts, Meltaguns, Melta bombs, Auspexs, Bionics, Extra Armour, Kroothawk totem, Eyes of the Kroothawk, Veneration Charms, Ork Hybrid : 385

Kroot Carnivore Kindred (Shaper and 9 Kroot) Eviscerator, Extra Armour, Blood of the stalker, Pech Crier, Veneration Charm, Ork Hybrid, Armour : 213

Kroot Carnivore Kindred (Shaper and 9 Kroot) Eviscerator, Extra Armour, Blood of the stalker, Pech Crier, Veneration Charm, Ork Hybrid, Armour : 213

Kroot Master Shaper Hyperactive Nymune Organ Adaption, Flamer, Power Weapon, Melta bombs, Auspex, Bionics, Extra Armour, Blood of the stalker, Pech Crier, Veneration charm, Ork Hybrid: 168

Shaper Council (5 Shapers) Hyperactive Nymune Organ Adaption, Flamers, Melta bombs, Bionics, Extra Armour,Veneration Charms, Ork Hybrid : 365

Kroot Shaman Bio-Craft : 80

Kroot Carnivore Kindred (Shaper and 9 Kroot) Flamer, Extra Armour, Blood of the stalker, Pech Crier, Veneration Charm, Ork Hybrid, Armour : 194

Kroot Carnivore Kindred (Shaper and 9 Kroot) Flamer, Extra Armour, Blood of the stalker, Pech Crier, Veneration Charm, Ork Hybrid, Armour : 194

Kroot Hunter Kindred (Shaper and 9 Kroot) Auspex, Extra Armour, Pech Crier, Veneration charm, Ork Hybrid, Armour : 190

Kroot Hunter Kindred (Shaper and 9 Kroot) Auspex, Extra Armour, Pech Crier, Veneration charm, Ork Hybrid, Armour : 190

Kroot Hunter Kindred (Shaper and 9 Kroot) Auspex, Extra Armour, Pech Crier, Veneration charm, Ork Hybrid, Armour : 190

Kroot Hunter Kindred (Shaper and 9 Kroot) Auspex, Extra Armour, Pech Crier, Veneration charm, Ork Hybrid, Armour : 190

Feral Kroot Kindred Ork Hybrid : 170

Why I Started This Army

I started this army because it played so differently to the other armies I've collected over the last few years (Orks, Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, Tyranids, Sisters of Battle and Imperial guard). I just loved the idea of the kroot popping up all around an Imperial guard Mechanized company or a linebreaker squadron and laying into them with melta fire, and Eviscerators. Or sitting back and disintegrating Infantry based armies with round after round of sniper fire.

Modeling and converting the Master Shaper and his shaper council was fun. Using Parts from the Lizard Men Saurus Cavalry, some metal Meltaguns, modeling putty.


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