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User:Eiluj The Farseer

= The Eldar and their path = Long ago are the days when Harlequins were feared by all and Eldar did not yet have vehicles (except jetbikes and man Harlequin jetbikes were cool). With 6th Edition on the horizon and the Craftworld Eldar on their 4th Edition Codex, I am hoping that there will be a 6th Edition Reprieve. I still believe that the Eldar are a very viable army. I am just hoping that a new codex will breath new life into the codex to give some hope for long ago shelved units like phoenix lords etc. I have played Orks and Space Marines, but my first love will always be for the Eldar. I supose that since they were the first army I built and played in Warhammer back when it was Rogue Trader Rules, they will always have a special place in my heart. I would love to have a viable foot eldar army again. With 5th edition having so much emphasis on Mech, it is hard to compete with foot sloggers. I am hoping to see improvements on B.S. of vehicles in the next codex. I mean come on they live for thousands of years and the Eldar trusted to pilot their waveserpents has a measly B.S. 3 come on do they only let the old and senile or young pups drive these things or what. Or how about a 10 point cost upgrade for veteran pilot? Same thing with the War Walkers - though they can still dish out a lot of pain esp. if guided. I am just curious as to what other Eldar players think would be a good and fair change to a new codex, if we get one any time soon. It seems more likely that they will continue to pump out a bunch of space marine codexes because Emperor knows we need more of those.


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