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I'm Haramdour, I'm a high school teacher and run the school's 40k club in conjunction with our local store.

I field Blood Angels (and some assorted Tau left over from my younger days).

I have two main army lists, a DoA and Mech and some 600 point school league lists to train the kids for the local rounds. We run a kill team campaign at the local GW every Wednesday, that list sees the most action...all lists are included below, it'd be great to know your thoughts on them and any advice you guys have on running a club!

1,000 point Descent of Angels Force HQ Choice Captain Irdanos - 145 points Power fist, infernus pistol, melta bombs

Elite Choices Sanguinary Guard - 225 points 5 Sanguinary Guard with death masks

Sanguinary Priest - 50 points

Troop Choices Assault Squad IV - 204 points 8 Assault Marines; 6 with bolt pistol and close combat weapons, one with a meltagun. Sergeant has bolt pistol, Power weapon, close combat shield and melta bombs. Drop pod.

Assault Squad VII - 181 points 7 Assault Marines; 5 with bolt pistol and close combat weapons, 1 with plasma pistol. Sergeant has plasma pistol, power weapon and melta bombs.

Assault Squad X - 171 points 7 Assault Marines; 5 with bolt pistol and close combat weapons, 1 with flamer. Sergeant has hand flamer, power weapon and melta bombs.

Scout Squad - 120 points 5 scouts with Sniper rifles, Camo cloaks, sergeant has locator beacon and melta bombs

996 points

additions for 1,500 points...

Commander Dante - 225 points

Sanguinary Priest - 90 points Jump pack and power weapon

Vanguard Veteran Squad - 375 points (replaces Assault Squad VII) 8 veterans with power weapons, 1 with plasma pistol. Sergeant has glaive encarmine. All have jump packs and melta bombs

Remove scout sergeant's melta bombs 1,500 points

1,500 point Mechanised Assault Force

HQ Captain Irdanos - 145 points Power fist, infernus pistol, melta bombs

Elite Sanguinary Priest - 50 points

Troop Assault Squad - 214 points 8 Assault Marines; 6 with bolt pistol and close combat weapons, one with a meltagun. Sergeant has bolt pistol, Power weapon, close combat shield. Rhino transport

Death Company - 510 points 6 death company, 2 with power weapons, 2 with power fists, 1 with a hand flamer Land Raider transport

Tactical squad - 250 points 10 space marines, missile launcher, meltagun. Sergeant has power fist Rhino transport

Fast Attack Baal Predator - 145 points Flamestorm cannon, heavy flamer sponsons, hunter killer missile

Heavy Support Whirlwind - 90 points

Dreadnaught - 150 points Assault cannon, blood fist, drop pod 1,500 points

Kill Team Sanguinary Guard with Furious charge (Captain)

Sanguinary Guard

Vanguard Veteran with melta bomb, Jump pack and Feel no pain

Assault Marine

Tactical marine with meltagun

Tactical Marine with Missile launcher and Relentless

Scout with Sniper rifle and camo cloak

Scout with bolter

School League List

Captain Irdanos - 140 points Bolt Pistol and Power weapon, Jump pack

Sanguinary Guard - 200 points 5 Sanguinary Guard

Assault Squad - 115 points 5 Assault Marines. Sergeant has power weapon

Assault Squad - 120 points 5 Assault Marines, 1 with flamer. Sergeant has power weapon 599 points


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