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Some Basic Info

Hordini is just your regular everyday dude who also likes to play games and sometimes even tries to speak the language of Germany, which is called German.


  1. Adventurous type things
  2. Reading
  3. Music
  4. Gaming
  5. Learning German (and other stuff too)
  6. Film
  7. Miscellaneous

Games Hordini Enjoys

  1. Flames of War
  2. Hordes (although he doesn't play it much)
  3. Battlefleet: Gothic
  4. Warhammer (both flavors)

Games Hordini Thinks he Probably Would Enjoy but has not Actually Played Yet

  1. Mordheim
  2. Necromunda
  3. Rocket's Red Glare (or some other historical ruleset for the War of 1812)
  4. Battletech


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