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The Ogre Big Smashit's tale

Smashit looked to his left(or more like what he guessed was his left) An empire swordsman was in the process of charging him, screaming wildly. All it took was one bellow to send the soldier head over heels. Smashit trudged over to the man, and simply raised his club and smashed. He smashed another three times, until the swordsman's brains were covered all over his club. He turned around and spied his fellow bulls unit. He hefted his weapon, and stumbled up the hill.

The surroundings would have been a nice scene if it werent for the Ogre assault. The once-pretty forests were now stumps and smoke. The wonderful flower beds were crushed and stained with blood. A bridge used to be over the river, but was now piles of rubble thanks to a stray cannonball. Suddenly, one of the bull's heads exploded in a cloud of smoke and blood as a cannon went off. Another was shot down along with the sound of 10 muskets shooting at the same time. Smashit broke into a run and accidentally crashed into a bull.

The pair tumbled over, and when they stopped tumbling down the hill, the bull smashed him in the face with his gauntlet. "Wot do ya fink you'se doin?! You is supposed ta get da 'oomans an' kill 'em all, not me ya little twat!" He took another punch, but by then Smashit was really mad. He grabbed the ogre and headbutted his nose then slammed him over the head with his club. The Bull did a little twirl, then collapsed on top of an Empire horseman.

End of Part one, expect more!


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