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User:Marc Wesley

I come to this site as a 'veteran' wargamer. Yet, I, also, come to this site as a relative 'raw-recruit' to the latest incarnation of most wargames currently running the mill. You will often find me espousing the joys of a game of Necromunda, but ask me to play AoS, and I'll likely look at you disdainfully.

Nevertheless, I have decided that it is about time that I reengaged with the contemporary, and I am currently in the process of knocking together an army of Thousand Sons Heresy period Space Marines. Why did I decide upon this? Well, I can prove rather loyal, and - given that I have a Thousand Sons 40k army - I thought it would be interesting to mirror that army, albeit in red.

This bring me to the purpose behind this 'article': to record the fun that I am having whilst getting back to grips with a hobby that I have long neglected. For the most part, I imagine that I will document how my army is looking; particularly how the painting is coming along. The army, itself, isn't being created in order to beast any opponent that might come its way; for I am far too inexperienced with the current rules set to be able to craft such an army. Its simply going to be a representation of an army that I like the look and feel of. In other words, in an army driven by emotion, as opposed to tactics.

Adding an extra splash of flavour to this army creation, I have less than a month to get it completed, and painted, before it is to be used in a rather large Heresy/40k hybrid game. Nothing better than a deadline to motivate oneself!

Hoping that the images attach, they show a start that I have made on the army. The first image shows a techmarine made from a particularly old Space Marine model (I'm not quite sure what the claw hand is supposed to be doing/holding...), along with an accompanying marine. Then the other image shows my commander/librarian conversion: I have edited the colour of the picture in order to show some of the detail on the black undercoated model.

I am sure that I shall upload a number of other images as things progress! Now, to the painting station...


An update: I have gotten around to completing my first squad of 20 marines. In addition, I have made a start on my squad of Cataphractii Terminators.


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