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Hello all, this article is about informing/entertaining you about my "Under construction" army - every now and then i'll update my small IG strike force with picture, fluff etc. so stay tuned :)

Kanak 501st

The Kanak 501st is orientated in the Gothic sector - they have been under constant raid by chaos renegades for nearly a year and through out this time, the men of Kanak 501st have become hardened, disciplined veterans of the Emperor. The first major event for the 501st began in the orbiting moon of Kanak, the moon provides a natural strategic position for ally or foe. Thousands of factories and star ports litter the forest like environment of Caldas as it serves as a trading station for nearby worlds of the imperium. The first sign of chaos appeared when Caldas got entombed in a wave of darkness which lasted for several days, fortunately the 501st had just been raised a few weeks earlier, young heroic men attempting to prove to others and themselves of what they are capable off - unfortunately for them, the chaos Gods had other plans...


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