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Hello, I am Sledgio and it seems that this is my article. I will update it with news of any armies I am currently doing, paint schemes I am trialling or cool stuff in my collection. First things first, I collect mainly 40k (blood angels sanguinary guard army [1500pts] and 3rd company [6000pts]; dark angels deathwing [2000pts] army; and tau tank army [3000pts]). I also have a moderately sized WHFB army (high elves [1500pts]) consisting mainly of islands of blood kits. My original gander into the realms of warhammer was with Lotr strategy battle game, and I was nine so I bought what was cool (some orcs, an ent, frodo, some elf spearmen, the odd random character) before on the release day of wotr, I made an impulse buy of a war mumak, that I built in the hour before the giant battle to celebrate the new release and it fought wonderfully, so I purchased a small force to accompany it, entirely on horseback [1000pts]. I also have a human blood bowl team, the tenth sea titans [1000k gp, but I can adapt easily to play 1500k gp] :) so, there are my armies, and I think I shall now tell you about my gaming life. My local gw is Liverpool, and I go there frequently, more to paint than game. My school does not have a gaming club unfortunately, as wargaming is generally looked on to be very 'nerdy' and 'uncool'. But, I have two friends who live close by who are into the hobby, so each of our houses are the field for many battles!! They both play elder, with one having a small marines army and the other a small tyranids and blood angels force. My favourite space marine chapter is the dark angels, due to their supreme background and inner strength, and I see a little of myself in lion el'jonson (strength, passion, intellect, if a little arrogance and certainly not modesty). All of these things, breaking through even though half of their brothers were horribly tempted by the dark gods, plus the fact that they have a major rivalry with the overrated and simply stupid space wolves (their geneseed is as mutilated as blood angels', but I can't complain about the chapter structure, seeing as we, the dark angels don't follow the words of guillemann word for word). The dark angels are by far my favourite chapter. :) Also, I do have a slight respect for the chaos (it may or may not have anything to do with being a dark angels collector), I like the fluff and their characters, as well as the fact that they are so different, yet still marines!!

Ps, I didn't mean to offend any space wolves fans, or space wolves out there, the rivalry between our chapters cannot be suppressed, and sometimes I may go a bit far. :)

In the words of the Lion:

'Is it over?'

-P409 descent of angels


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