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Hi If any body can read this, this is a personal archive For Awsome Quotes Army Lists Those kinds of things, so lets start it off!

--------- Orks aren't about armour saves.

Orks are about having too many models on the table, and wasting the other guy's time with your movement phase.

Orks are about having the toughest units on the table.

Orks are about not caring about how many bodies are left in a long winding trail until the squad is down to less than a third its starting strength.

Orks are about rolling more dice then you can count without the aid of a calculator or a pen and paper.

Orks are about having totally fething insane characters tearing gak down like Doc Grotsnik, Ghazghkull or Snikrot.

Orks are about being too fething awesome to die...

-------------- If violence doesn't solve your problems, you're obviously not an Ork.

Fancy armor and genetic augmentation is for pussies!

Make sure you have the current codex, make sure by looking here http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/381858.page yes, I play GKs. "Cheese" you say? Hey, i been Playing GKs since their Force Weapons bypassed EW, everyone was WS5, Stormshields ONLY worked in CC, and Justicars cost 50 fricking points each!!! Don't you accuse me of Cheese! I waited for this Cheese and if i am not going to use it against you. Why I aught to shove it in the heater grates and turn the Thermostat up to 70 degrees. CELSIUS! TAKE THAT

Thought for the Day - Never use the powerfist hand to wipe


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