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Heyy Guys! :D

Zepher here with his article page(as if you didn't know! :D)

currently working on 3 armies at the present moment, which are:

1. Blood Angels, I can make a maximum of 1850 pts. with this army if I use one or two proxies (hoping to revise this problem later!) not a lot painted (actually only about 10% :$) but it's getting there :D

2. Chaos space marines, My first army ( :) ) Iron Warriors 2500 pts. It's stalled at the minute due to my new-found love of Blood Angels! :D

3. Chaos Daemons, a Khorne and Slaanesh mixture here with a bit of Nurgle and Tzeentch thrown in as well! :D (Can't wait for the new models!!! :D)

I have toyed with the idea of starting an eldar army but never went through with it really :/ if any Eldar players ( or anyone who knows! ) could give me some tips on their strenths and weaknesses I'd be very grateful!! :)

I also hope to start a Tyranid force in future, but after finishing what I've started me thinks!! :D

always ready for a talk on MSN (which I'm never off of!!! :L :$ ) or PM here on Dakka :)


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