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azekio hem dashaque was a character who fell out of the epic mind blowing cheating we called "playing necromunder" when my friends and i were yoots. he was my van saar leader. he had a powerfist a plasma pistol a needle pistol and a power sword. i think he had every skill and injury - or injeron as we called them - by the end. and full stats of course. mainly from picking on my youngest brothers esher gang who rolled 1's for everything every time. and cheating on an enron scale. his only rival in power was cleaver - my friend griffs evisorator zealot, also a "broken" cheatacaust.. the last game we played the had an epic battle on a piece of gantry as it fell down a bottomless shaft into the sump. no one won (i did - but he - sir humphrey style recolects differently). necromunder will always be my favorite. any shotgun is still refered to as a malik after my one legged one eyed shotgun toting death machine.

'zek out


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