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Just a few things about me

Nearing my 30's. I started playing in 2000. My first army was a home-grown Marine list. Since then I have dabbled in Chaos, Imperial Guard, and even more Marines. I really enjoy painting and playing Fantasy. I have near 3000 points in HEs, Empire, and Dwarfs. I've also got a WOC army in the works.

I've got my first child on the way. His name is Carson. He's going to be a hyper little dude if he takes after my wife and me. We hope that he is doing well and I aspire to make a geek out of him.

I have two Dachsunds. Charley and Lily. Charley has long red tan-colored hair, he weighs about 25lbs, and is a great dog. He let's us know if he needs to go outside. His hobbies include licking, sleeping, and barking. Lily is a little monster. She weighs about 7lbs. She has is mostly white with black spots. Her hobbies include humping charley and getting into tissues. She is a sweet dog and great with kids.

I live in Joplin, MO where I am the sole member/leader of the Joplin Area Warhammer Society (JAWS). We had another member, but he was too cool for school and left to pursue a job opportunity in Dallas, TX.

I work for an electric utility company and am looking to finish my education in December of 2009.

Outside of Gamesworkshop games and products, I enjoy reading, hunting, fishing, and videogames. I also visit the movie theatre when possible.

I think of myself as an average Joe, but that's a good thing.


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