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so you figured out that you wanna play orks and stick to ``red wuns goes fasta!´´.and you want to play but dont know wich tactic to use.as a speed freak you always want to have everything fastmoving by mounting them in trukks or battlewagons and smash them fast.in this article im only gonna make the tactics for the units i think is neccecarily(make an article on how to spell that lol)in an speedfreaks army.

HQ:a warboss is always good to have and mount him wit 5 or 9 nobs and a painboy.take an PK to him and an attack squig on the charge he gets 7 strength 10 attacks.its good couse in planetstrike you need to smash dem metal huts!and because of the special rule:da big boss the nobz will count as troops the bigmek:the bigmek is great!i like to have him with burna kustom megablasta and attack squig!trust me,he will take out infantry and even medium armoured tanks such as the vindicators,wich are a pain in the ass.id like to stick him in a skorchawagon with 11 burnaboys.

wazdakka gutsmek:what can i say?hes awesome with a kustom megablasta,PK and even better dakkaguns!!and with the bike of the aporkalypse on the turn he turbo boosts he gets to fire his weapons.so on the first turn you can kick som butt.and his special rule allows you to field warbiker mob as troop choice


elite:the nobz:i LOVE nobz!their awesome take a squad of 5 or 10 guys take a waagh!banner 4 pks and 5 big choppas in a trukk with your warboss.OH and dont leave home without a painboy so you get feel no pain.your opponent, if he knows what he is doing he going to fire all of his weapons(almost)on this squad so take this as an opportunity to get the other ladz to closecombat.

the burnaboys:have these ladz in a skorcha wagon and you will light the opponents butt.remember to grin like an ork when you get 12 burna templates and make a hell lot of damage.to get antitank stuff in this squad get 3 bigmeks with kustom megablastas.

the tankbustas:OK these guys is a need in apocalypse.you dont have much weapons to take out that baneblade.stick them in a looted wagon and you will get them to combat quickly.always take them with 2 tankhammers.a nob with a pk is always good to have.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- troops:BOYS:ok these ladz will form the core of your army.take 11 boys with a nob and a pk.never leave home without this.i like to have sluggas and shootas but i u wants som dakka take shootas.take an bosspole and take a mob of ard´boyz take 1 bigshoota.

the transport:for every mob you can,TAKE A TRUKK.i love these containers on wheels.take red paintjob a wreckin ball and boarding planks.because of the wreckin ball u can go and smash tanks after the delivery.


fastattack:stormboys:take at least 7 with a nob and pk.this will give you a hell of a punch in closecombat.and i u got some points left,take zagstrug instead of a nob.

warbuggies:these thing isnt that bad so take a squadron of 3 or 2 with skorchas and red paintjob.

warbikes: take a squad with 6 and uppgrade one to a nob and take a pk.you need to get in close range to shoow with your dakkaguns and charge.if u have wazdakka take these guys as troops.


heavy:battlewagon:this is the tank where u can transport 2 squads of nobs.take a deffrolla and red paint job.take a zapp gun if u can and 2big shootas and 1 rokkit launcha.turbo boost the first turn drop the package and tankshock the enemy.

deff dread:i love these things!thats why i am scratch building 22 of these things.take them with 2 extra dread ccw or 2 skorchas.get in close combat with tanks or flame troops.

killakanz:im on the way on scrathbuilding these thing to.take them in squadrons of 3 with skorchas or grotzookas.get stuck in with them and shoot 2 small blasts strength 6 ap ap 5.

looted wagon:take these with red paintjob and skorchas and wreckin ball .the tactic is simple, get stuck in and flame them



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