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Currently working on a Mechanized SM Battle Company painted as Iron Warriors. I plan to be done by Thanksgiving. Check it out: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/554768.page

I also have: ~6,000 points Marines ~5,000 points Guard ~5,000 points Chaos Marines ~3,500 points Eldar ~3,500 points Orks ~3,000 points Tyranids ~2,000 points Dark Eldar ~1,500 points Dark Angels ~1,500 points Blood Angels ~1,500 points Necrons ~1,000 points Grey Knights ~500 points Battle Sisters ...And growing! Most everything is on foot.

I plan to pick up Tau eventually. I probably will never play Space Wolves or Daemons.

I like building and converting models. I'm very good a conversions, such as a dual power-fist AoBR captain or a LotD Plasma Cannon. I'm also quite good at painting, if I get around to it. Usually, my models never get primed...

I played my first game using some friends models back in 4E. 5th came out a month later, so thats when I really got into 40k. I started with Guard and the AoBR set, gave the Orks to a friend (who'd want to play orks, anyways <<), kept the marines (cause they were cool). Moved to Albuquerque, and got some marines and Eldar from my uncle. Over the next four years, my guard shrank (traded off for marines), my marines swelled (from AoBR to two battle companies and the first company...), and the Eldar stayed about the same. I found a lot of the old, plastic DE warriors in my store's bits box (the only models I've ever considered giving back after buying...) and added 2 Razorwings to the set. Later, they had 5 carnifex for $5 each, so I started playing 'Nids. I found a bunch of boyz and gretchin in the bits box, and started playing orks (after making myself some trucks and such). Bought DV when it came out, and have added to the stuff. Got some Blood Angels characters (Mephiston, Corbulo, Tycho, some dreds) from a friend of a friend, started playing Blood Angels. Got a great deal on the CSM, mainly because the entire army is combat oriented in a shooty edition, so I stopped using my vanilla marines as CSM, and got a bunch of guard as well. Now I'm at college. Everything went into storage, but I got a mech company of SM (almost all reject models, missing important bits, like arms...), some necrons, a bit of eldar and some genestealers.... I play whatever I feel like, but I do best with a C:SM/IG combo list.

I've played walking shooty armies since I started. People laughed at my TFC and 4x Plasma Cannon Devs. Everyone was puzzeled by my walking IG Vets and my walking Tactical Terminators. Walking DE warriors didn't get far. GK without any psy-weapons or paladins?!? I lost. A lot. 5E was something like 2W/1D/97L. But I didn't have the money for transports, and before you say "But you could afford all that?", realize that most of it was from a bits box over the course of four years. $1 a model is really a decent price, even if it is just a torso on legs.... My eldar had 2 squads of 5 Dire Avengers each as all the troops at 2500 point games. My TFC is an old Thudd gun and a marine with a scratchbuilt servoharness. Of course, when 6E came out, it was great! All my PC Devs were suddenly used! My walking Termies weren't so odd, and the cuts to vehicles didn't hurt me. Sadly, I still don't win a lot, but that's because I'v not had many non-tournament games with my non-tournament lists. I like to use all my armies regularly. However, the games I've LOST IN 6E have been close. I lost one game because it ended turn 5, and my opponent had just dropped the relic (had another turn started, my guy standing on it would have picked it up...). Most of my games now are meat grinders, and I tend to roll poorly (5 Termie saves, four 1s... two turns in a row, 3 games in a row. Want to use Iron arm? Boxcars! Both Tyrants, every turn they were alive, 5 games in a row. Then it became snake eyes...), but I do ok overall. A lot of my games have been won over slay the warlord and linebreaker, because neither of us had troops left alive. I enjoy playing, win or lose, though I'm not a fan of the power gaming everyone at my game store does, but oh well. When my friend and I play, I usually win. Though its been getting closer and closer... [Also, we play 'purge the alien' with no turn limit. Person who loses all their units loses the game, usually around turn 10.]

Currently, my armies (barring what I said I have at college) are stored. I'll replace codexes as I have money, but it may be a while. My C:SM Iron Warriors will be Blood Angels until I get the new SM codex. Eldar and Dark Angels are staying in storage, I'll get the new codexes after college, same for everything else as it gets updated. I'll really only be playing SM through college, the other stuff is so that I have something other than marines to build and paint!



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