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Hi guys!

I've just joined the site and have a project that I need some help with.

Basically I'm in the process of writing my own Warhammer 40K codex loosely based on the modern British army and other nation. To go with this codex I am also raising an army and this is where I need help.

While I have the infantry side sorted with a preferred 28mm supplier, I am rather stuck when it comes to suitable vehicles.

I'm ideally aiming for 1:48 or 1:56 scale vehicles here and preferably modern (cold war- modern day) vehicles.

What I need are vehicle ideas for the following roles: (in brackets you will see roughly an imperial guard equivalent to give you an idea)

Light recon vehicle (Scout/ armored Sentinel)

light armored personnel carrier. (Chimera)

Main battle tank (Leman Russ)

Self propelled artillery (basilisk)

anti aircraft tank (hydra)

Aerial transport (Valkyrie)

Aerial gunship (Vultcher)

fighter bomber (thunderbolt)

This army is a long standing work in progress, the codex inst even finished yet. so any ideas would be appreciated.

many thanks for suggestions



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