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references: eBay, Bartertown, BoardGameGeek, RPG.net, Abre o Jogo

location: Cascais, Lisboa, Portugal.

I use Paypal to both send $ and get $. Never used any other sort of international fund transfer, but I'm not against it either.

Shipping is the same anywhere in Portugal, and national mail (CTT) is surprisingly fast and reliable. They lost me 2 incoming packages from overseas and 1 outgoing nationally, out of literally hundreds. UK stuff usually takes 3-4 days to arrive here, and US stuff takes an average of 2 weeks (a month if customs get it).

To avoid the hassle of dealing with customs, always include a receipt in the package itself, and divide payments in lots of 50$ or less.

I'll trade with most of the world. Notice that it's "most" and not "all". Sorry.

purpose: To collect miniatures for their aesthetics and subjective value, rather than their worth or vintage status. And eventually paint them all.

I don't really play any specific game, though I'm hoping to find a point-buy skirmish system where I could DM-less-ly campaign against my friends, party vs party, without the restrictions of a particular setting.

My collection is currently around 800 minis. Roughly 300 GW / Citadel, 200 Reaper, 120 Confrontation, and the rest is Ral Partha, Grenadier, Chronopia, RAFM, Asgard, Chainmail, 100 Kingdoms, Heartbreaker, whatever. I don't have units (boring to paint), have 3-4 miniatures of the same type at most, and no duplicate models.

I got the Warhammer bug in 1996, then sold all of my armies a couple of years later (ah, the curse of hindsight). In 2007 I took it up again, but this time to collect whatever I liked. This 2007-2012 collection cost me around 1000€ and, being the cheapass type, this fact makes me proud.

motto: "Less is more, more or less".

I prefer 75%-off piss-poor paintjob minis to 10% discount NoS or NiB.

I prefer 10 figs for 20$, of which I really only want one, than 10$ for that one fig.

I prefer standard-service USPS, Royal Mail, or whatever the equivalent is, to complicated courier services and overpriced priority shipping options.

bottom line: You found that missing Daemonette, from that old army you sold, in your dog's mouth? Your GF's colour-blind younger brother asked to paint your FW Greater Demon and you managed to trick him into painting a lowly plastic Night Goblin instead, but now no-one wants it? Who you gonna call? Me! Well, PM me. Don't actually call me, please.


You buy LE miniatures in bulk then sit on them waiting for the demand to inflate so you can sell them for more than they cost? You think that 10% off RRP is reasonable and adequate compensation for the fact that your Beastmen Army is painted yellow because you thought it conveyed "orientalness"? You are not someone I see myself dealing with. Also, you're probably racist, what with the yellow thing and whatnot. But thanks for asking anyway.

bonus conclusion: For all of you who trudged through this wall of text, I will now reward you with a hidden joke. A veritable classic:

Why couldn't Mozart find his mentor? Because he was Haydn.


Ivo P.


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