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Hobby Resolutions for 2013

  1. Play more often. I have 11 different table top games now. Only have played 2. I want to play the rest.
  2. No buying new models until I paint what I have or get rid of it. (per game system)
  3. Finish Black Templar painting (its only 36 models right now!)
  4. Finish more Cadians
  5. Paint all the Dreadball stuff I have. That should be easy!
  6. Paint remaining Cygnar
  7. Work on KoW, Project Pandora, and Dreadfleet
  8. Either strip or sell Catachans.
  9. Improve modeling skill (assembling and what not)
  10. Improve painting skills (which will happen if I complete any of the above)

Hobby Resolutions for 2012

  1. Paint 2500 points of Black Templar before playing them (lower points allowed, just must be painted) (failed)
  2. Paint 2500 points of IG Cadians before play (as above) (haven't played, not painted though)
  3. Paint my Tomb Kings and expand army a bit (sold)
  4. Paint Bretonnians or sell (kept, not painted/ fail)
  5. Assemble, paint, and play Dreadfleet (fail)
  6. Paint small Cygnar force and play more often (1/4 done)
  7. Repaint Catachan models (fail)
  8. Paint my super heavies and expand with more (yay Apoc!) (first basecoat is done)
  9. Create some terrain pieces for the store (minor success)
  10. Improve on my painting techniques, including airbrushing. (success)


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