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User:sugna the repairible

Hellsguardians Ten Commandments of a Space Marine

1. Thou shall not call thy Chaplain a "Big weener" no matter how funny it is ][ 6. Thou shall not tease the Dreadnought

2. Thou shall not fill thy battle Brothers boltgun with water ........................ ][ 7. Thou shall not stick a sticker saying "My other ride is a Predator" on thy Rhino

3. Thou shall not draw a moustache on thy Captain's helmet with crayons.. ][ 8. Thou shall not use thy Dreadnought's Lascannon for a lightshow

4. Thou shall not honk thy Rhino's horn and shout "Hey sexy" at thy SOB. ][ 9. Thou shall not expose and slap thy bum cheeks at thy enemy

5. Thou shall not attempt to sweet talk thy scantily clad Sisters of Battle ...... ][10. Thou shall not tease the Librarian with magic tricks

Hellsguardians Ten Commandments of a Fire Warrior

1. Thou shall not engage the greater demon in combat ][ 6. Thou shall not taunt the Knarloc

2. Thou shall not make donuts with the Hammerhead.. ][ 7. Thou shall not use a fly swatter on thy vespid allies

3. Thou shall not point the Markerlight at thy Ethereal. ][ 8. Thou shall not use thy Broadsides railgun for a tin opener

4. Thou shall not subsquently call in a seeker missile.... ][ 9. Thou shall not wolf whistle Shadowsun

5. Thou shall not play bumper cars with the drones.... ][10. Thou shall not shoot the stealth team in the ass claiming not to have seen them

(feel free to copy and paste, just give me the kudos )


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