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pdawg517's Grey Knights

This is the start of the profile. I will try and update the fluff and unit names in the near future.

Full Army Photo

Unit Photos

Librarian and Paladin escort

The Strike Squads

"Psycannon" Dreadnoughts

Mulitmelta Dreadnought


Scenic Base

Army List

This army is 2000 points.


Librarian - 175 shrouding, sanctuary, might of titan, quickening, warp rift


Strikes Squad - 250 2 psycannons 1 Daemon Hammer psybolts

Strikes Squad - 250 2 psycannons 1 Daemon Hammer psybolts


5 Paladins - 335 Warding Stave Sword Halberd Halberd/psycannon Hammer/pyscannon

Fast Attack

Stormraven - 205 TL multimelta TL lascannon

Stormraven - 205 TL multimelta TL lascannon

Stormraven - 205 TL multimelta TL lascannon

Heavy Support

Dreadnought - 130 Assault Cannon psybolts

Dreadnought - 130 Assault Cannon psybolts

Dreadnought - 115 Multimelta

Why I Started This Army

Grey Knights were the army I have always wanted. Between all the models being metal, an extremely outdated codex, and being broke I simply could not do a GK army. With the new codex, plastic models, and good paying Coop/internship job I was able to start this army. My original idea was more of a traditional LR spam list. But seeing how I have Vulkan list which is tank heavy and a BA list that is all jump infantry I opted for something different; Air cav GK's! I was so excited about this army that I spent most of my free time (what little bit I get) working on them. I took me about 1.5 months to build and paint them.

Normally I view painting as a chore but this army was a blast to build and paint!


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