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What would you most like to bring into your army from another?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
What would you most like to bring into your army from another?
A Weapon 12% [ 511 ]
A Special Rule 23% [ 1023 ]
A Tank 25% [ 1102 ]
A Monstrous Creature 19% [ 820 ]
A piece of Wargear 6% [ 283 ]
A Psychic Power 8% [ 365 ]
Other (write in) 6% [ 282 ]
Total Votes : 4386
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Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

London, UK

Poll suggested by IHateNids
Made in us
Fanatic with Madcap Mushrooms

Auburn CA

If we are also counting WHFB I would love a Storm banner in every list

Made in gb
Zealous Shaolin


A Blood Angels DoA army with Fleet of Foot would just be deliciously evil. I don't think anybody would enjoy playing against something like that, though.

EDIT: Just to be clear, I was specifically thinking about BA Vanguard Veterans, who can already assault on the turn they arrive from deep strike. Mmm... Overkill...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/01/05 00:25:43

Made in gb
Courageous Grand Master


For Dark Elves, Brettonian peasants would be ideal, as you'd be able to beat a few up before the battle started

"Our crops will wither, our children will die piteous
deaths and the sun will be swept from the sky. But is it true?" - Tom Kirby, CEO, Games Workshop Ltd 
Made in us
Badass "Sister Sin"

Camas, WA

Pumpkin wrote:A Blood Angels DoA army with Fleet of Foot would just be deliciously evil. I don't think anybody would enjoy playing against something like that, though.

Not sure I get what you're getting at here. If it's a DOA army, they're deep striking and they can run anyways and not assault. Unless you mean for Vanguard, in which case, yes that's evil.

Looking for great deals on miniatures or have a large pile you are looking to sell off? Checkout Mindtaker Miniatures.
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Made in gb
Zealous Shaolin


pretre wrote:Not sure I get what you're getting at here. If it's a DOA army, they're deep striking and they can run anyways and not assault. Unless you mean for Vanguard, in which case, yes that's evil.

Oh, right. I should have been clearer...

That is precisely what I was getting at.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/01/05 00:23:40

Made in dk
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

Sisters of battle with leman russes Like the good old days.
Made in ca
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God


this is going to happen in the next few releases ( until next edition )

Anti av 10-12 weapons

So str 7+ multi shot ( special rules )

           ◂◂  ►  ▐ ▌  ◼  ▸▸
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Made in us
Twisted Trueborn with Blaster


Fateweaver. Fateweaver with 3++ save wraiths that have two wounds would be hilarious.
Made in se
Deadly Dire Avenger

Norrkoping Sweden

I would love to have Lash for my farseers.

Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom.

Rain is snow falling in the summer
6th ed with Eldar W: 2 D: 0 L: 1 
Made in us
Calm Celestian

Florida, USA

SoB with Land Raiders.

There is a fine line between genius and insanity and I colored it in with crayon. 
Made in gb
Pious Warrior Priest

English Russia.

A Tank

I'd bring some of the Space Marine tanks into Chaos Space Marines or more probable to give variety design new vehicles on the rhino chassis for the Chaos Marines as it's been said before, Why do they Razorbacks etc and Chaos don't!

Oh man, the first monster I see I'm going to sneak up behind him, whip out my wand, and shoot my magic all over his ass.

Woodville Household, Prepare for maximum toast! 
Made in gb
Secret Inquisitorial Eldar Xenexecutor

Leeds, UK

Is love my de archon to be able to take a pet carnifex or something similarly huge

Made in us
Rough Rider with Boomstick

New England, U.S.A.

Land Raiders in an Imperial Guard List Oh, deliciously evil.

Made in us
Nurgle Predator Driver with an Infestation

The Memphis Sprawl

You can't tell me that in ten thousand years the forces of chaos haven't gotten their mitts on so much as one crate of storm shields...

Made in gb
Man O' War


nemesis force swords on my thuosand sons

Khador 75p
Menoth 35p
Circle 25p
Legion 25p 
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

Denver CO

I just want guards men with bolters
Made in us
Badass "Sister Sin"

Camas, WA

DeadGaurd wrote:I just want guards men with bolters

GK Henchmen army?

Looking for great deals on miniatures or have a large pile you are looking to sell off? Checkout Mindtaker Miniatures.
Live in the Pacific NW? Check out http://ordofanaticus.com
Made in gb
Battle-tested Knight Castellan Pilot

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

I want mindshackle scarabs for my marines!

Better to sit quietly and look the fool than to open your mouth and confirm the fact!

My Blogs:
Emperor's Wings chapter
Pre Heresy Death Guard
Misc painting blog
Made in gb
Outraged Witness

North East UK

Evil Lamp 6 wrote:SoB with Land Raiders.

SoB with an Assault vehicle of any kind…

My blog at www.40kuk.com
New posts everyday, my posts wednesdays and the occasional Sunday.

For the Emperor! For Dorn! For Rynns World!

Digital Unicorn is GO!!! 
Made in us
Napoleonics Obsesser

A daemonic trygon

If only ZUN!bar were here... 
Made in us
Anointed Dark Priest of Chaos

Kaime wrote:Sisters of battle with leman russes Like the good old days.

I'd settle for Drop pods for SOB...

++ Death In The Dark++ A Zone Mortalis Hobby Project Log: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/663090.page#8712701
Made in us
Perfect Shot Dark Angels Predator Pilot

Vancouver WA

I'd like a Terminator Command Squad for Vanilla Spacemarines OR Plague marine rules for vanilla Devastators. I apologize in advance for my SM fanboyhood.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/01/06 01:56:50

Made in us
Death-Dealing Devastator

Los Angeles

Necron's need Melta, big issues with that.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Chaos need Psychic hood, now please

Made in us
Yellin' Yoof

Carrollton, Georgia

A Monstrous Creature. I'd like to see Grotsnik's supa ork on the table!

Madboss Weerdtoof's Confed-a-ration o' Ruff'yan Freebootas 3000 2000 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut



3rd Ed. Codex: CSM into current Codex: CSM

Mandorallen turned back toward the insolently sneering baron. 'My Lord,' The great knight said distantly, 'I find thy face apelike and thy form misshapen. Thy beard, moreover, is an offence against decency, resembling more closely the scabrous fur which doth decorate the hinder portion of a mongrel dog than a proper adornment for a human face. Is it possibly that thy mother, seized by some wild lechery, did dally at some time past with a randy goat?' - Mimbrate Knight Protector Mandorallen.

Excerpt from "Seeress of Kell", Book Five of The Malloreon series by David Eddings.

My deviantART Profile - Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Madness

"You need not fear us, unless you are a dark heart, a vile one who preys on the innocent; I promise, you can’t hide forever in the empty darkness, for we will hunt you down like the animals you are, and pull you into the very bowels of hell." Iron - Within Temptation 
Made in us
Lead-Footed Trukkboy Driver


predator annihilator with my orks, we need some anti-vehicles!
Made in no
Terrifying Doombull


And they shal know no fear for my Guardsmen. And eternal warrior for my commisar Lord
Made in us
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps

Let me mount rail cannons on my predators / land raiders instead of twin linked lascannons, and I'll be a happy man.
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