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Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2008/03/21 16:26:34

Post by: Anonymous

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Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2008/04/01 01:06:06

Post by: Tacobake

nice, I had been thinking of doing something similiar.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2008/04/03 17:00:08

Post by: legoburner

If you can think of anything that would be useful to add then please be my guest

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2008/08/18 21:16:04

Post by: AzurePhoenix

I'm not sure if this is the best place to reply... but I haven't found much success anywhere else.

I just ran out of a really really old Citadel colour called "Deadly Nightshade"... it's a really dark navy colour. I haven't been able to find an equivalent with any current Citadel colour and I don't know if it matches up with any of the competitor paints. If you happen to come across it and add it to the list... please let me know.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2008/08/18 21:39:43

Post by: Apone

Wow! What a great idea. Well done guys!


Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2008/08/22 00:40:42

Post by: legoburner

AzurePhoenix wrote:I'm not sure if this is the best place to reply... but I haven't found much success anywhere else.

I just ran out of a really really old Citadel colour called "Deadly Nightshade"... it's a really dark navy colour. I haven't been able to find an equivalent with any current Citadel colour and I don't know if it matches up with any of the competitor paints. If you happen to come across it and add it to the list... please let me know.

All of the really old citadel paints are carried by Coat D'arms so check them out and there should be a listing with conversion charts somewhere!

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2008/11/16 12:59:57

Post by: Treeman

From the link below the paint comparison chart you can go to Silicon Dragon - http://colors.silicon-dragons.com/full_line.php

You can use the link to match the whole set of Citadel colours with another range such as Vallejo, Ral Partha or Foundry.

You can also search for equivalent paints in other ranges from one in GW for instance

However Nightshade Blue isn't on the list so they only do the Citadel paints that they insourced after they gave up on HMG (which became Coat D'Arms as you all know).

The Coat D'Arms Fantasy range has an almost grey colour called Deadly Nightshade but then the paint chips aren't very accurate on this site as Angel Green looks grey as well.

But this doesn't look like much of a dark blue colour so another colour from Cote D'Arms might do and perhaps the names of the colours are out to avoid copy infringement with the current range of GW paints.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2008/11/17 20:07:46

Post by: AzurePhoenix


Yeah, I found that Coat D'arms still produces some of the old odd colours I picked up years and years ago. Deadly Nightshade is exactly the one I need and it's going to be nice to get a fresh paint pot that hasn't had it's life extended from water and thinners lol.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2008/11/17 20:33:27

Post by: legoburner

I recently got a bunch of coat d'arms paints as well. I missed the metallic colours like enchanted blue... anyone else remember the metallic paint set that came out just before 2nd edition 40k?

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2009/03/24 17:37:17

Post by: George Spiggott

The PP section is a little thin on the ground.

Here's a couple of matches with Citadel paint I found

Gnarls Green = Dark Angel Green
Battlefield Brown = Scorched Brown

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2009/04/04 18:11:58

Post by: legoburner

Finally got round to adding those two, thanks.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2009/09/13 05:46:16

Post by: medd

Any chance that someone might be able to update the list? Most of the reference links are dead as well.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2010/08/31 07:04:32

Post by: infernus1986

Thanks alot ive been wanting to switch to reaper paints from gw so this make that much much easier

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2010/09/01 01:39:52

Post by: templeorks

This is fantastic it is a invaluable resource.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2010/10/30 07:27:58

Post by: RiTides

Excellent links, incredible article... my first time reading it. Instant bookmark

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2010/12/02 20:07:27

Post by: Khorne Flakes

now on my favorites bar. used it buy brown shades i need to airbrush in vallejo since GW's paint was really hard to dillute

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2011/08/20 20:10:22

Post by: JB

This article has come to my rescue several times but never more so than now when I needed to buy a complete set of Vallejo Game Colors so that I can finally paint models here in Germany. I don't use GW paints (though I do use their washes and inks) unless there is no other choice so I quickly jotted down a list of compatible Vallejo colors. Now I have the paints I need.


BTW, I edited the article by changing or adding to the names of four Vallejo Game Color paints. The labels on the bottles for Leather Brown (40), Black (51), Silver (52), and Gunmetal Metal (54) have different names than the compatibility chart (which reflects the previous catalog/stock order names for the paints). I'm not sure why the labels are now different than the catalog/stock order names but I changed the chart to add the label names since that is what a buyer will see in the store. Those who order online will see the catalog/stock order names.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2011/09/18 04:58:40

Post by: Fray

An excellent article!

I was looking it over though and noticed something I thought odd; the article suggests that the Model Color equivalent of the Citadel paint "Bleached Bone" is "Pale Sand" (837). I don't happen to have a bottle of the Citadel paint but I have a bottle of both "Bonewhite" (GC equivalent) and "Pale Sand" and these two colours are certainly not the same. "Pale Sand" is a much lighter beige colour than the GC "Bonewhite" and so, this made me curious. After looking around on the 'net and, most importantly, taking a peek at the Vallejo website, I discovered that Vallejo maintains an equivalent value document in pdf format on their website. While it's not 100% complete, it offers equivalences for quite a large number of paints between the Citadel, Rackham, Tamiya, Model Color and Gamecolor paint ranges as well as a few others.

So, after looking through this document, I found that the document has some discrepancies between it and the chart here one of which is the "Bleached Bone" example here; Citadel's Bleached Bone has an equivalent Model Color of "Buff" (976) according to Vallejo.

The following are all the differences I noted with the final column being what is found in the Vallejo pdf for the Model Color equivalent of the Citadel / Game Color paints:

Now, at least one of these colours doesn't seem to be right - Brazen Brass -> Copper (999) according to the pdf for example. This just doesn't seem right to me. The rest of the "corrections" seem like they might be right but I can't really confirm them as I don't have each version of these various paints on hand and my "local" game store is more than 100km out of my way sadly.

So, just tossing this information out there to see if anyone is able to support or refute any of these "corrections".

Oh, and the link to the pdf I mentioned: Equivalent Values

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2012/03/24 10:06:35

Post by: filbert

I have added in a column for the new Citadel paints that have been released according to the comparison chart published by GW here:


At some point, this article will need to be revisited to add in the new shades that have been produced as it is entirely likely that some of the gaps on the chart as it stands now will be filled by the new shades.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2012/03/24 17:01:33

Post by: InyokaMadoda

I may be missing something here, but are the Vallejo Model Air colours different from the other Vallejo ranges? If so, could they be added to the chart? If not, ignore me completely!

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2012/03/24 22:31:57

Post by: legoburner

Thanks filbert, that is massively helpful of you!

InyokaMadoda, Vallejo Air, Vallejo Model Colour and Vallejo Game Colour are three distinct ranges. Vallejo Air is a bit too different for direct comparison with the citadel line at this time, so is not listed as the matches are too far off in many cases to be useful.

(and thanks Fray for your addition last year - hopefully it will help people determine the comparisons in a bit more detail)

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2012/03/25 02:58:56

Post by: Shredsmore

Looks good, but Kantor blue is listed in two different shades as Necron abyss and Regal blue.

EDIT: Never mind, I just noticed that Kantor blue is the replacement for Necron abyss and regal blue.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2012/03/25 18:57:19

Post by: kitycat529


Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2012/03/25 20:52:57

Post by: legoburner

The colours are background cells, so they will not print by default. Try copy and pasting the whole table into a spreadsheet and then try printing that.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2012/04/02 16:28:32

Post by: Muskie

legoburner wrote:If you can think of anything that would be useful to add then please be my guest

I'm glad Coat D'arms is included as supposedly they match the original GW paint formula with the white flip tops or something, but what about Foundry? They make a lot of paint and I use it along with Citadel, Vallejo, Reaper, etc. etc.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2012/04/23 21:59:34

Post by: Jstncloud

Not sure if this was posted yet, GW put a PDF up with a break down:

Couple of the paints on the Dakka chart do not match what GW has suggested for example, Ultramarines Blue=Altdorf Guard Blue not Calgar Blue.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2012/04/24 11:13:38

Post by: filbert

I based the update off the PDF that GW put out on the day that they announced the paint range change - presumably they have subsequently amended that PDF. Feel free to make the changes to the article though

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2012/05/04 22:43:40

Post by: Jofus

Does any of the new paints match brazen brass pretty good? Brass Scorpion is too red and Runelord brass is too bright. If I had to pick one so far Runelord is the best.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2012/11/04 02:24:47

Post by: Compel

Is it worth updating this chart now comparing the new GW paints to, well, reality, as opposed to that paint chart.

For example. And I've learned this through bitter experience.

Wazdakka Red looks NOTHING like Red Gore. Wazdakka is significantly lighter.

Ushbati does not match Bleached Bone. However, Screaming Skull does.

Caliban Green sort of matches Orkhide Shade but does NOT match Dark Angels Green (Different hue is the technical term, maybe?????)

Kantor Blue does not match Necron Abyss at all. Abyss is significantly darker.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2012/11/04 09:47:29

Post by: legoburner

The new GW paints are deliberately different to make it harder to find and buy alternatives. The matches given there are the ones that GW claim are the official matches on their compatibility chart PDF.

In a year or so once Vallejo have had a chance to release colour matches for the new range, I suspect we'll just set up a second chart beneath the first, and do colour matches for the new range instead of the old. I will add a disclaimer to the two GW paint columns now though.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/02/06 04:49:49

Post by: Largeblastmarker

thank you for this... now to get these deathwing termies dont with a 50/50 mix of rakarth flesh and mournfang brown

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/02/25 12:56:54

Post by: adlard.matthew

You seem to have missed the Foundry paint ranges which are citadel close. And as far as awre have the highest pigment content of all the paints, about 4x, makes them great for airbrushing. (Updated)

Automatically Appended Next Post:
http://www.wargamesfoundry.com/paints they also offer a range of skin colours for all ethnic types

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/04/02 00:22:30

Post by: SuTech

I'm curious if anybody has already gone through the effort to match the Badger Minitaire paint to the chart? http://minitaire.com/

I've been using the paint to pretty good effect. Been looking around for a conversion chart though to GW.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/04/02 09:00:25

Post by: adlard.matthew

The badger paint colour list

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/04/03 00:07:42

Post by: 3fishes

FYI, the first nine links in the references section are dead. Great chart otherwise!

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/04/03 03:19:23

Post by: Jburch

One thing that should be updated on this chart. Mechanicus Standard Grey is nothing like Vallejo Game color Heavy Grey. The VGC color has a green tint to it.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/04/03 08:58:01

Post by: gilljoy

 Jburch wrote:
One thing that should be updated on this chart. Mechanicus Standard Grey is nothing like Vallejo Game color Heavy Grey. The VGC color has a green tint to it.

I agree its no where near close, its actually closer to death world forst ( i think thats what its called)

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/04/03 11:47:50

Post by: filbert

Gents, it's a wiki - that's the beauty of the system, so if you feel something is missing/wrong/mislabelled etc, then feel free to edit it and correct where necessary.

It is a living article after all so the more attention and care it gets, the better for all concerned.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/04/04 22:42:44

Post by: 3fishes

gilljoy wrote:
 Jburch wrote:
One thing that should be updated on this chart. Mechanicus Standard Grey is nothing like Vallejo Game color Heavy Grey. The VGC color has a green tint to it.

I agree its no where near close, its actually closer to death world forst ( i think thats what its called)

Does anyone know a better Vallejo alternative to Mechanicus Standard Grey?

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/04/05 09:34:41

Post by: adlard.matthew

Not Vallejo, but Wargames Foundry are a good bet, with 'Storm
Blue 39B'

They are very close to old citadel and work on a triate colour system with 'Shade 39' being the dark shade, 'Storm Blue 39B'being mids, and 'Light39C for highlights'.

Stone 57B is close

Hope that helps

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/05/01 15:09:05

Post by: Jburch

Updated the chart to remove VGC Heavy Gray as a substitute for Mechanicus Standard grey. Figured its better to have nothing, than to have something that would cause someone to purchase something that is not what they expected

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/05/02 10:11:05

Post by: Hivefleet Oblivion

A few people miss the old Badab Black wash, which I reckon works better than Nuln Oil.

Anyway, last night I was in Dark Sphere, and they told me that Army Painter have now, essentially, sourced three of the old GW washes, Gryphonne Sepia, Devlan Mud and Badab Black, from the previous manufacturer. The Badab Black equivalent is called Dark Tone.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/05/02 10:14:30

Post by: legoburner

Hivefleet Oblivion wrote:
A few people miss the old Badab Black wash, which I reckon works better than Nuln Oil.

Anyway, last night I was in Dark Sphere, and they told me that Army Painter have now, essentially, sourced three of the old GW washes, Gryphonne Sepia, Devlan Mud and Badab Black, from the previous manufacturer. The Badab Black equivalent is called Dark Tone.

You can see a comparison I did on this subject here:
in my quest for a devlan mud replacement.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/05/02 13:17:02

Post by: Hivefleet Oblivion

You seem to have established by experimentation what Dark Sphere are saying - that Strong Tone is Devlan mud, rebadged.

The slight difference you noted in flow etc are probabyl sample variation. AS I mentioned, it's only that, Dark TOne and, I'm guessing Soft TOne that are from the old Citadel supplier.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/05/02 13:57:45

Post by: legoburner

Once I contacted them, army painter told me directly that all three of their tones that I tested are from the same supplier as the old citadel range.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/05/02 16:34:01

Post by: RiTides

Wow, I didn't know about that thread of yours, lego, until you linked to it above. Why did I bother hoarding my Devlan Mud (I still have 6 or 7 pots). Thanks for the info!

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/06/13 03:59:09

Post by: Ghaz


PDF has an equivalency chart for Vallejo Game Colour, Vallejo Model Colour and Reaper Master Series paints to the new Citadel paint line as recommended by Vallejo. Posted a link to the PDF at the bottom of the article but if somebody wants to incorporate it into the chart, be my guest.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/07/15 18:34:23

Post by: sing your life

Edited the article, mainly to match up some P3 paints.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2013/08/18 22:12:33

Post by: Pacific

There are several blog articles on the subject, most of them come to the conclusion that the Army Painter Dark Tone is as near as damn Badab black.



Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2014/03/17 13:30:09

Post by: Maddog3025

Does anyone know of a conversion chart that include the Badger Minitaire colors?

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2014/03/17 15:52:43

Post by: sing your life

 Pacific wrote:
There are several blog articles on the subject, most of them come to the conclusion that the Army Painter Dark Tone is as near as damn Badab black.



Actually I'd say that all the quick shade inks are nearly identical to the old GW washes effect-wise.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2014/06/02 17:26:02

Post by: morgoth

Is it me, or is the real "Xereus Purple" new-GW closer to the "Imperial Purple" old-GW ?

One thing is sure, it has nothing in common with the "Liche Purple", and I'm having a hard time finding a replacement.

The Vallejo Model "Royal Purple" does *not* match, although it's a bit closer than the new-GW.

Does anyone know of a good resource to help me mix the same shade ? That would be an interesting link to have with the compatibility chart.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2014/08/23 03:35:13

Post by: lliu

It's nice. Very accurate.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2014/08/23 10:15:49

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 Jburch wrote:
One thing that should be updated on this chart. Mechanicus Standard Grey is nothing like Vallejo Game color Heavy Grey. The VGC color has a green tint to it.
Greys are so annoying, most greys have the slightest hint of blue or purple and many have a slightly reddish or greenish tint which you almost never can pick up on until after you've painted it on a model.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2014/08/23 13:10:49

Post by: sing your life

GW legion drab is a fair bit lighter than VMC English uniform and far more accurately matched to US Field Drab. And Deathworld Forest is nothing like VMC middlestone, with Russian Uniform being the closest match in the Model Colur range.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2015/07/20 17:22:22

Post by: HGChamberlainIV

The sad part to me of this otherwise awesome chart is that it really favors moving from Citadel colors to other lines, but not necessarily the other way...

For instance, before the latest changeup of Citadel's paint range (where they introduced the different formulations - Base, Layer, Dry, etc), I had ventured away from using their paints and collected quite a bit of Vallejo Model Color. Now I'm moving back to Citadel because I really like the finish it gives me, among other reasons, but there are certain colors that have been hard to match.

Such as Vallejo Model Color 912 - Tan Yellow. Closest I've come is Balor Brown, but even that isn't right.

Same for Vallejo Model Color 887 - Brown Violet. I'm using Castellan Green, but I'm not exactly happy about it.

Now I know that exact matches are not going to happen, but could we at least put ALL of the Vallejo colors on the chart and leave a blank on the Citadel side, showing where it falls in the spectrum?

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2015/07/20 17:36:20

Post by: Compel

I've been in balor brown hell the other way when trying to do airbrushing. As far as I could see, there's no other vallejo colour quite like it. The closest I could get was either Middlestone or Velljo Extra Opaque Heavy Ochre.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2015/09/12 18:31:41

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Thanks again for this! Stupid, stupid new paint names, so so so stupid...

I wouldn't use them if I had an option in India.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2015/09/12 20:26:53

Post by: adlard.matthew

As have said before Wargames Foundry paint ranges make a good compromise on GW both old and new, and ship world wide.

http://www.wargamesfoundry.com/paints/foundry-painting-system/ Foundry paint link

Use them a lot and always happy with consistency ad results, do use some GW for glazes and washes, and Vallejo, but as a paint stock and stable range found cannot beat them.

Google Drive PDF link for anyone who wants to download a list of the paint ranges.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2015/09/13 13:18:05

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

The issue is customs and delays, not everyone will even ship to India and there's a chance the paints could sit forever.

So I'm planning a big order when I go to Japan next month.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2016/04/04 03:04:10

Post by: Backspacehacker

Not to Necro an old thread but,

I would like to update this letting you all know, Bone white (Vellejo) is the equivalent to Ushabti Bone.

Bone white = Screaming skull

I am currently waiting to get another paint from them, Skeleton Bone primer paint. Which is part of their air range, will let you know once i get it how it pans out.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2016/07/13 18:25:03

Post by: TylerSteele

I know this thread is probably really old but does anyone have any information on the new army painter colours brought forward by zombicide? Like Dirt spatter? its brown and am trying to find equivalents in vallejo model color?

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2016/07/13 19:28:23

Post by: adlard.matthew

This might help you,

If your having issues trying to get matches, then consider Wargames Foundry range, link in previous message.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2016/07/13 19:42:33

Post by: TylerSteele

Sorry if im being thick here, but the one in the centre is the army painter one and the others are from other manufacturers right?

* Edit - Thanks that was really helpful just need to work out some of the shaders now I might just use the army painter ones for those not shure model color vallejo do shaders.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2016/07/29 22:21:41

Post by: Ogait-Nas

Hi, I was at home and I noticed that this row is actually wrong
Wazdakka Red Red Gore* Gory Red (011) Cavalry Brown (982) Natural Leather (34) Carnage Red (9135) Vampire Red (129) Dragon Red (WP1105) 940008

Cavalry Brown is a true brown that does not look what Wazdakka Red and Red Gore is. I think RED (70926) is a much much closer color to Gory Red (sorry, I only own Vallejo Paints. I would like to edit the table, but I don't know if I am allowed without the agreement of the community of something


Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2016/07/30 03:37:46

Post by: Ghaz

Vallejo themselves have said that Cavalry Brown is their closest equivalent to Wazdakka Red in the Model Color line (see link at the bottom of the chart).

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2016/08/15 10:16:43

Post by: SixT4Pixels

Not sure if anyone has already asked this but:

Would it be possible to add in some of the Tamiya paint ranges to the chart? There's a couple hobby stores near where I live and they always have Tamiya paints, but don't really restock Vallejo paints that I really like, so I don't know which colours match up.


Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2016/08/15 11:49:30

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 SixT4Pixels wrote:
Not sure if anyone has already asked this but:

Would it be possible to add in some of the Tamiya paint ranges to the chart? There's a couple hobby stores near where I live and they always have Tamiya paints, but don't really restock Vallejo paints that I really like, so I don't know which colours match up.

Have you tried Vallejo's own equivalency chart?


Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2016/09/05 11:34:26

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

OMG I hate GW paint names SO SO MUCH.

I've been going nuts trying to find silver in my collection.

Turns out it's called Runefang Steel. Because apparently silver and steel are the same color

I have something in there called 'The Fang' I have no idea what color it might be, it's not bone or ivory though.

Thank you Dakka paint guide!

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2016/09/06 08:40:43

Post by: Compel

The Fang is a darker blueish grey. Effectively the basecoat for what would have been Space Wolves Grey in the past

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2016/09/17 14:48:29

Post by: TylerSteele

Ive been trying to find equivalents for the Stegadon Scale colours!

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2016/10/15 10:48:46

Post by: Flancen

Would it be possible to add the reaper HD series for basecoating purposes?

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2016/11/20 22:02:20

Post by: reluxor

Great chart. I would be interested in two things: first of it would be nice to have a mark for the colors that are the closest to primary and secondary colors. Secondly is their a way or could it be indicated each complementary color of any given color in the chart ? Like Red Gore closest to complementary color is Dark Angel green. Guess it would be very useful. Thanks!

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2016/10/21 19:20:17

Post by: white-k

I looked up a few colors on the dakka Compability Chart and found them to differ greatly (not just slightly) to how the colors look on Vallejo's PDF-chart here:


For example, have a look at the Dakka-chart at 'Doombull Brown' (New Citadel)... according to the dakka chart this translates to Vallejo Model Color named 'Mahogany Brown (846)'.
But if you look at 'Mahogany Brown (846)' in Vallejos own chart (link above) you'll see that it's a completely different color.

It was the same (big difference) with more colors as well... With such big differences it makes the dakka chart rather useless, or am I missing something here?
Just wondering :-)

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2016/10/21 20:36:39

Post by: Ghaz

There is no hard and fast 'rules' for paint compatibility. It all boils down to the method the person used to determine which color in one paint line is the closest equivalent to a color in a different paint line.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2017/01/02 08:12:32

Post by: TylerSteele

So many GW colours missing from this chart. Im finding it a struggle to find equivalents or even close colors for some things that other guides use. :( Like stormhawk blue or stegadon scale.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2017/01/02 08:16:36

Post by: Drummernathan

What's the old citadel equivalent of Eshin Grey? Anybody know?

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2017/01/02 09:47:33

Post by: Compel

There wasn't one. Gf W just simply didn't have a grey that dark.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2017/01/02 10:37:43

Post by: TylerSteele

Juts found out beige red is apparently the equivalent for Kislev flesh too.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2017/04/04 21:58:25

Post by: Drummernathan

 Compel wrote:
There wasn't one. Gf W just simply didn't have a grey that dark.

Cool I figured as much as I used to have to mix chaos black into codex grey to get a nice dark one. Thanks!

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2017/01/06 03:08:27

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Still very helpful! Used to buy $50 in Valejo last week

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2017/02/19 00:24:37

Post by: TylerSteele

Who can make adjustments here? It say mechanicus standard grey is the same as Russian uniform in vallejo. I can confirm Russian uniform is green not grey.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2017/02/19 01:30:14

Post by: Ghaz

TylerSteele wrote:
Who can make adjustments here? It say mechanicus standard grey is the same as Russian uniform in vallejo. I can confirm Russian uniform is green not grey.

Vallejo themselves say that Russian Uniform is their closest equivalent to Mechanicus Standard Grey in the Model Color line.


Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2017/08/21 12:16:25

Post by: nordsturmking

In the paint chart it says Polished Gold is like Shining Gold. I think GWs Auric Armour Gold is like Polished Gold. and IMO Polished Gold is not like Shining Gold. But Glorious gold is like Shining Gold. And I also Retributor Armor is like Shining Gold.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2017/09/02 09:59:17

Post by: Power Elephant

There is a german company called Kreul that has paints that are suitable for painting models. They are not as resistant to damage as the standard citadel and vajeho ones, but as long as you seal them that shouldn't be a problem. They are cheap and come in large pots, you get more paint for less money. Their coverage is mostly good and I have never seen them split. I think they should be added to the paint compatibility range.
Matte range: https://www.c-kreul.de/KREUL-Acrylic-matt-paint.249.0.html?&L=1
Gloss range: https://www.c-kreul.de/KREUL-Acrylic-gloss-paints.248.0.html?&L=1
Metalic range: https://www.c-kreul.de/KREUL-Acrylic-metallic-paints.247.0.html?&L=1
Flourescent range: https://www.c-kreul.de/KREUL-Acrylic-Day-fluorescent.984.0.html?&L=1

I am unsure as to where exactly they are available, I have seen them in some hobby shops and in Muller, so they should be available in europe at least.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2017/10/19 21:04:26

Post by: ArcaneMarine

I'd like to make a suggestion for a change on the chart, the Vallejo Game Color match for the old Midnight Blue isn't Night Blue, it's actually Stormy Blue.

Night Blue is closer to Kantor Blue, where as Stormy Blue is an exact match for the old Midnight Blue.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2017/10/25 14:27:25

Post by: jeff white

Anyone looking for direct matches to GW colors should see INSTAR paints - search for threads here on DAKKA for contact info or send me a PM and I will send you direct contact info. Large bottles, great service, new company delivering ideal results at half the price. INSTAR has a side by side color chart. Again, PM me and I can send it to you or if there is interest then I will post one up.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2018/01/21 06:28:36

Post by: sinndogg

(Hoping it's alright to reply to this thread, even though the last post was 3 months ago.)

I just have a few recommendations for the article:

1. Vallejo Game Colour Dead Flesh is nowhere near a match for Nurgling Green. If I had to suggest a straight-from-the-pot Citadel equivalent for Dead Flesh, it'd be Ogryn Camo (which doesn't seem to be on the chart yet), but even that's not quite yellow enough.

2. Khorne Red can be used as a first-stage highlight over Army Painter Chaotic Red, it's that much brighter. They're definitely not comparable.

3. I think Backspacehacker was trying to say that Vallejo Game Color Bonewhite is a closer match to Screaming Skull than Ushabti Bone. From my experience, this is correct. It's slightly dimmer than Screaming Skull, but it's a lot brighter than Ushabti Bone.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2018/01/21 12:13:00

Post by: filbert

 filbert wrote:
Gents, it's a wiki - that's the beauty of the system, so if you feel something is missing/wrong/mislabelled etc, then feel free to edit it and correct where necessary.

It is a living article after all so the more attention and care it gets, the better for all concerned.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2018/01/21 20:37:25

Post by: Ghaz

sinndogg wrote:
1. Vallejo Game Colour Dead Flesh is nowhere near a match for Nurgling Green. If I had to suggest a straight-from-the-pot Citadel equivalent for Dead Flesh, it'd be Ogryn Camo (which doesn't seem to be on the chart yet), but even that's not quite yellow enough.

Vallejo says in their Equivalent Values PDF that VGC Dead Flesh is their equivalent (i.e., closest match) for Nurgling Green.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2018/07/20 18:44:27

Post by: Adron

Noticed Averland Sunset seems to be wrong, the code I find only (which seems to match the look of the colour) is FCB825

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2018/10/09 13:22:20

Post by: Supershandy

How would we go about getting my line INSTAR added to the list?

Our matches are quite possibly the closest in the industry with around 98-99% accuracy

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2018/10/10 12:27:33

Post by: Rochronos

Closest match to Mephiston Red is Vallejo Carmine Red, imo. As well as Khorne Red seems to look like Vallejo Red.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2018/10/10 14:22:36

Post by: Supershandy


Closest match to Mephiston Red is our Crimson Red, it's practically impossible to tell the difference.

Our Equivalent to Khorne Red is Wine Red, It has a little more punch to it pigment wise, side by side you would notice a slight difference but by itself, you'd have a hard job to tell the difference

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2018/10/16 07:37:24

Post by: insaniak

 Supershandy wrote:
How would we go about getting my line INSTAR added to the list?

Our matches are quite possibly the closest in the industry with around 98-99% accuracy

Anyone can edit articles. Just add a column.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2018/10/16 16:00:44

Post by: Supershandy

 insaniak wrote:
 Supershandy wrote:
How would we go about getting my line INSTAR added to the list?

Our matches are quite possibly the closest in the industry with around 98-99% accuracy

Anyone can edit articles. Just add a column.

I did not know that, I;ll get everything sorted out then

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2019/04/15 11:48:34

Post by: Supershandy

Updated with new colours from our range

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2019/04/22 18:34:15

Post by: StygianBeach

Cool, but is IV-07 Mephiston Red or Mechrite Red?

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2019/04/27 11:41:37

Post by: Supershandy

 StygianBeach wrote:
Cool, but is IV-07 Mephiston Red or Mechrite Red?

INSTAR Vintage covers the Old Citadel Range, So Crimson Red is our 1:1 match for Mephiston Red and IV-07 is our 1:1 match for Mechrite Red

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2019/06/21 17:48:19

Post by: Dynas

I updated the article. Added Edge paints (which have some AP equivelents). I also added a scale 75 column. May take a while, but Ill add them as I go.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2019/06/27 17:52:40

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Dynas wrote:
I updated the article. Added Edge paints (which have some AP equivelents). I also added a scale 75 column. May take a while, but Ill add them as I go.

you're doing good work, I consult the chart all the time!

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2019/07/14 00:11:34

Post by: codejanux

Hello, I am fairly new to miniature painting; the chart has helped me a lot. But there's one particular color that I just can't find an equivalent of anywhere. Does anyone know any of the equivalencies to Citadel's Death Guard Green?

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2019/07/19 18:15:17

Post by: Wayniac

Depending on its hue I'd look at something like game color dead flesh, or one of the military type greens in the Vallejo Model Color range, there are a lot. You can probably find something that's a close approximation.

The paint chart here is pretty out of date,and often flat out wrong in many, many cases (a lot of the approximations aren't even close to being the paint it says is compatible). This is one of the best resources I've found for comparing since it actually has color swatches, not just hex codex:


Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2019/07/22 16:40:12

Post by: Dynas

 codejanux wrote:
Hello, I am fairly new to miniature painting; the chart has helped me a lot. But there's one particular color that I just can't find an equivalent of anywhere. Does anyone know any of the equivalencies to Citadel's Death Guard Green?

Hobby Converter App

Im getting two colors. The spray and pot based paint.

For the pot paint. Vallejo Khaki Matt is 96% color match

The Spray which appears slightly more green, says AK SEries RAL 7028 Dunkelgelb is 98%
Army Painter Combat Fatigue is 96% match
Vallejo model color Golden Olive is 95% match

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2020/04/08 14:50:08

Post by: Flancen

i find misfits green to be really close match to caliban/dark angels green, that is from the scale75 fantasy line, any differing thougts on this?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I find "Misfits Green" to be really close match to caliban/dark angels green, that is from the scale75 fantasy line, any differing thougts on this?

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2021/04/14 08:41:49

Post by: Raton-Laveur

Not enough posts in the forum to edit the wiki. New URL to Vallejo PDF, link to acrylicosvallejo.com/en/hobby-color-charts/ then point to the game color PDF that is being regularly updated.
Also, Humbrol has a conversion chart towards Tamiya, Revell and Vallejo Model color: uk.humbrol.com/support-and-advice/advice/humbrol-wallchart, check "Humbrol Enamel Paint Conversion Chart" PDF.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2021/06/09 19:11:44

Post by: Treeman

Sorry to add to this old discussion. I came across this old article on the Reaper Forum where Anne Foerstor typed what she considered were the equivalents in the RMP series compared to the old Citadel paints. It was posted December 22, 2007 but may still be relevant. Not sure if this was used originally to make the list, Most of the paints are spot on what Anne suggests with a few deviations.


I'm getting back into painting miniatures after many many years of careers getting in the way. I use RPM, Old Citadel paints (plus the foundations and washes), VGC and VMC, Tamiya Acrylics, and the old Hobby craft range Miniature Paints, most are still in great condition apart from half of the inks have precipitated out of solution and bound into a lump at the bottom of the paint. All my old Citadel inks are dead, but with some flow medium and a vortex, I've managed to revive nearly all my paints, including some of the old Citadel paints which barely had any medium left. I hated using Humbrol enamels all those years ago. The thinners used to give me bad headaches so I had to change to acrylics from a very early period in my gaming career back in the late 80s and 90s.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2023/08/08 14:01:14

Post by: Gammelanz

I registered an account just to fix something in this chart, but apparently I need to have 6 posts to do that.

If anyone cares (and have the ability to edit the chart):

Army Painter Crusted Sore isn't the color it's listed under, and it's definitely not the same as Citadel Barak-Nar Burgundy (I compared them in a test yesterday). Crusted Sore should have the color code 531E28, and I have found no equivalent.

Article Discussion: Paint Range Compatibility Chart @ 2024/03/01 13:42:04

Post by: Hartax

Hi all, I joined the forum for add my impressions.
Firstly I would congratulate with the authors of this table, is well made and is a must have for an old returning painter with old Citadel colours (as me).
I've noticed a possible error, I'm sure that old Citadel Colour Ice Blue is clearer than Lightning Bolt Blue, i got both and I can assure that. But even serching google we can easily find out that Lothern Blue is clearer than Teclis Blue.
So I think the two colors in the first column should be reversed.

Thank you