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BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/03 22:47:43

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Everto mos non increbresco.... the daemon will not prevail

Sino non immunda vivo.... suffer not the unclean to live

Fides est sanctimonia.... Faith is purity

Go go Google!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/03 22:56:05

Post by: IceAngel

I need TP for my Bunghole


how about.....

The Emperor Protects
Fear is the Mindkiller

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/03 22:57:42

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Pardon?! That does not sound nice, you should get that checked out.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/03 22:58:16

Post by: Gitsplitta

I like spoon... That's a good one!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/03 22:59:17

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Aaarghh, spoon is not in the latin dictionary.

How about Spoonus, or Spoonii.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/03 23:01:56

Post by: Revenent Reiko

'We are the Hammer!' - Nos es Pango!

shame about spoon though, that would have been epic!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/03 23:06:56

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Lol, Reiko, is that Spanish?!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/03 23:15:48

Post by: Gitsplitta

Spoon... it's a moral imperative.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/03 23:23:08

Post by: TyraelVladinhurst

Sino non Everto vivo!
meaning "Suffer not the demon to live!"

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/03 23:26:43

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Vitruvian XVII wrote:Lol, Reiko, is that Spanish?!

hmm a quick check on a different translator makes me think i may have not been paying attention to the language tool
cheers Vit.

how about 'Lorem malleo!' instead?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/04 00:22:18


Well...that brough everyone out of the woodwork didn't it.

So far I like "suffer not the demon to live" and "we are the hammer" the best but I will leave the voting open for bit yet.

Oh and I will now be doing a new version in of the Dreadknight, it will be a 30 foot tall blue humanoid with a huge hammer with the word "spoon" carved into it

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/04 02:18:57

Post by: IceAngel

BLACKHAND wrote:Well...that brough everyone out of the woodwork didn't it.

So far I like "suffer not the demon to live" and "we are the hammer" the best but I will leave the voting open for bit yet.

Oh and I will now be doing a new version in of the Dreadknight, it will be a 30 foot tall blue humanoid with a huge hammer with the word "spoon" carved into it

Don't forget the little antennae things on his head!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/04 02:20:44

Post by: Santobell

Not quite everyone.

How about Titans Nemesis Ageis... oh wait

Or better yet

"This is my BFS (Big F-ing Sword) There are many like it but this one is mine".

But seriously
"fides mea est scutum meum" My Faith is my Shield.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/04 15:07:55

Post by: inmygravenimage

Trust BH to spot the tick reference



Nille illegitimati carborundum - don't let the bastards get you down...

Or for a real ones how about Constantia praesta (Excel in Perseverance), Bellum gratia bello (war for war's sake), Semper Fidelis (always faithful), Via Veritas (the path to truth), Invictus (invicible) or Desperandum totalis (Despair to all)?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/04 15:45:14

Post by: Gitsplitta

Actually Via Veritas and Invicus are both *really* good choices for a sword inscription.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/05 00:28:47

Post by: whalemusic360

I'm a fan of Invictus, mostly because its my favorite poem ever.

Molon labe is pretty badass too (come and take them).

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/05 09:28:07


So here are my two picks for either side of the blade,

Santobell wrote:"fides mea est scutum meum" My Faith is my Shield.

TyraelVladinhurst wrote:Sino non Everto vivo! meaning "Suffer not the demon to live!"

Thanks guys!

And here is the process I came up with for transferring the words to the blade

First I printed the phrase out on paper in the right size to fit between the two strips of plasticard I glued to the blade

Then I superglued it into the recess

I then rolled out a thin rod of GS

I then used the GS build raised letters approximately over the printed letters

Needs a lot of clean up work and I think I will get a lot better by the end of the sword but its a start!

C&C welcome as always



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/05 10:39:17

Post by: Santobell

Yay sword writing, next we will ahve you scribbling names on the heads of rice grain.

Nicely done though you could do the lettering on paper with gs without it being on the sword then cast them from resin so you can use them on tanks and other things as well without having to redo
each time...though now I think about it you could do that anyway with the sword and some modeling putty.

Well done

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/05 10:51:35

Post by: Miss Dee

Looks like some people have been watching too much TICK,

Good stuff btw the Multi Meltas are cool.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Why not call them Exorcists

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/05 12:53:17

Post by: Gitsplitta

BLACKHAND.... you need to seek medical attention... that's insane bro! (but great!)

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/05 19:33:07


@Santobell - Thanks man, like I said it is still pretty rough, will go at it with some sandpaper and a very sharp hobby blade and hope to get the look I am going for.

As for recasting I actually have a friend who is in the process of buying an etching machine for making rubber stamps. The upside of this is he can etch plasticard with it.....imagine, custom computer etched chapter symbols, sword blades, armour plates, banners....I told him he could make a tidy little side business with a webstore as I don't know of anyone providing that kind of service.

@Miss Dee - Yeah the Tick is possibly the finest subversive kids program since Ren & Stimpy...I'm showing my age again aren't I?

And which Multi Meltas, do you mean the incinerators a couple of pages back? They are basically heavy flamers for GKs and the unit is called "Purifiers" in the GK codex...can't remember why as I skipped Matt Wards "awesome" fluff and went straight to the rules pages

@Gits - Thanks man, and how did you know I needed to see a doctor? This itch has been killing me........

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/05 19:35:28

Post by: Miss Dee

Nope cuse I remember them too.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/05 19:44:36

Post by: Gitsplitta

You're a dad... you aren't supposed to get those itches any more... (try penicillin)

And tell your buddy he's got a customer already.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/05 19:46:08

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Aww im so jealous right now :(
great work as ever BH, the writing looks killer

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/05 19:55:20

Post by: Miss Dee

Penacillin makes me worse

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/05 20:32:49

Post by: Knightley

Nice stuff BH, while I would have liked to see a hollow blade, one with custom writing is pretty mint anyway.

If your itching, just use a can of fly spray, problem sorted

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/05 20:54:04


Wow... I am never asking for medical advice on Dakka again.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/05 20:55:45

Post by: shingouki

cool work.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/05 20:59:08

Post by: Revenent Reiko

BLACKHAND wrote:Wow... I am never asking for medical advice on Dakka again.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/05 21:59:26

Post by: inmygravenimage

I never say this on principle but... LOL.

Also, great work, you terrifying obsessive you.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/05 22:01:08

Post by: TheChronoTrigger

Swords gonna look fantastic

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/06 08:10:33

Post by: Miss Dee

Medical advice from gamers ... not good, unless its from me and 99.9% of the time say see the doctor (the one without the sonic screwdriver.)

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/06 11:19:53

Post by: Santobell

BLACKHAND wrote:@Santobell - Thanks man, like I said it is still pretty rough, will go at it with some sandpaper and a very sharp hobby blade and hope to get the look I am going for.

As for recasting I actually have a friend who is in the process of buying an etching machine for making rubber stamps. The upside of this is he can etch plasticard with it.....imagine, custom computer etched chapter symbols, sword blades, armour plates, banners....I told him he could make a tidy little side business with a webstore as I don't know of anyone providing that kind of service.

Yeah I've been on the wall about buying a laser cutter to make small parts, bases and vehicle kits etc, or some kind of CnC machine but the costs are huge. That said I have the number of a couple
of rapid proto-typers who could make masters of my ideas in a 3d printer that I can then cast. they cost about 50 bucks for a terminator sized prototype or a small spru of say shoulder pads.

One place can even do a 3d scan of something I make in GS and then rebuild it in resin though I'm not sure how that would help if I already made it.

Anyway back on subject, I really like the direction your taking with that dreadknight, I don'tlike the GW one it's not Imperial enough, though with some modding I can see a new suit of
armor for Commander Farsight somewhere in there.

And the sword is looking excellent!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/06 11:28:05

Post by: prototype_X

wow thats way better than the gw one

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/06 11:36:36

Post by: Santobell

Miss Dee wrote:Medical advice from gamers ... not good, unless its from me and 99.9% of the time say see the doctor (the one without the sonic screwdriver.)

Not much fun if it's not the sonic screwdriver kind of Doctor

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/06 22:06:08

Post by: platypuscorps

Yeah, med. advice from nerds who have nothing better to do(NOT AN INSULT! JUST A STATEMENT OF SAD TRUTH. I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM). Not the best. But I'm not a dad(I'm not even in high school yet!), so I wouldn't now.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 10:12:11


Ok, so I know its been less than a week since I have posted but a lot has happened.

A, I have been totally hammered at work

B, My last paper has arrived for my online Management Cert, I really want to get a decent mark on it as I have had all As and A+s so far and don't want to let myself down.

C, Demonspawn Baby Felicia has found the perfect point in the middle of the night just before I go into REM sleep in which to wake up and cry. It's not so much that I have to get up and help as much as I have to pretend to be a sleep while simultaneously elbowing my partner to wake her up so she can get the baby. This has resulted in me spending the entire week in a zombie like state.

Oh and I tore a book sales rep to pieces for being an arrogant douche and telling me how to run my store and told him not to come back. Now he totally deserved it and more, but it's not how I usually handle things and I think the sleep depravation may have been a large part of the whole thing.

D, I have reached the point where painting 40k armies is getting less fun. The amount of models I need to paint to get a viable army list, the expense of the codexs, the amont of work I make for myself by converting masses of models...its all getting a bit much.

Sooooo....(I cringe as I type this) while I will keep playing my Blackhand marines and Imperial Guard....I plan on selling my Grey Knights.

(Please don't hit me through the internet!)

I will finish their basing and of course the Dreadknight but at that point I'm going to sell them to anyone on Dakka or my local Forum who offers me a decent price for them, if that doesn't work I will throw them up on Ebay or something.


I want to keep up with the hobby but can't really face the thought of painting another 40+ troops and vehicles for a 40k army plus I have basically no time ( see above comment on the Demonspawn Baby Felicia)

I have however found a skirmish game called Infinity...and I kind of like the look of it. Cool figs in a "real" 28mm scale (no gigantic heads and hands), a very fluid and reactive battle system, free rule book available as a download and, best of all, army sizes that top out at about 12 and you can start playing at around 6 models. I have already converted a friend of mine that lives about 45 seconds down the street from me and we plan on getting some figs in the next week or so. I really like the idea of only having 6 or 7 models on my painting desk staring guiltily at me instead of 60!

My big question to you guys is.......

....Will you be interested in seeing Infinity models on my blog or should I keep my shameful secret to myself?

And remember, I will still be working on 40k models..just not new armies. It will be fun stuff like completing my DP Librarian and the chaos portion of the Blackhands as well as some kitbashed Commissars for my IG, that sort of stuff.

Oh and did I mention there will be power armoured Samurais and cyber Ninjas?

Your thoroughly burnt out buddy,


BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 10:17:08

Post by: prototype_X

(Please don't hit me through the internet!)

i HAVE just hit you through the internet

i went there

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 10:59:32

Post by: Gitsplitta

You've hit the wall... I sometimes thing I'm heading there in a hurry.

Would love to see whatever you're working on. Dakka is not just for 40k.


BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 11:08:32


@Prototype X - If I have to be beaten through the net, at least it was a kiwi

@Gits - Thanks bud, I feel a bit useless about the whole thing, considering how much time and effort you put into your blog and Dakka as a whole, but I am loving spending time with my girls and not holed up downstairs in my hobby room painting for hours at a time.

Its gotten to the point where I turn around and my 3 year old is sitting on the concrete floor next to my chair playing with the lego I use for my casting boxes just so she can be "playing" with dad... pretty sad TBH and something I need to remedy.

Sorry this all may sound more maudlin than it really is, I am loving life just not so much the 40k part of my life!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 11:22:15

Post by: Gitsplitta

You got your priorities straight my friend... never apologize for that. I spent last night fishing with my little one. No painting, no 40k. Just hanging out by the water.

Go be dad... we'll cope.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 11:36:37

Post by: inmygravenimage

Seconded, bro. Kids are mental but wonderful. I have had 3 days of kiddy vomit and 5 hrs sleep in last 72; all sympathies. If you were not on other side of globe would probably get your GKs off you. Ah well. Also, Infinity pretty, show us stuff.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 12:04:42

Post by: Arakasi

The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long. Welcome to the speed of the rest of us

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 12:25:06

Post by: IceAngel

Blackhand, I don't think it matters what kind of models you post up here. Sometimes your conversions are so awesome they are barely 40k models any more, so infinity or not I'm sure we'll still watch in amazement. You could probably convert and paint an upright turd and we'd still check it out.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 12:29:34

Post by: Alfndrate

Fatherhood is rough, but from what I hear its worth it, or at least thats what my dad says every June. Just paint what you can, when you can, and when you feel like it. I've never posted in this thread, but your work is awesome, I want to see what you can do with Infinity models. Keep it up, and get some sleep

Automatically Appended Next Post:
IceAngel wrote:You could probably convert and paint an upright turd and we'd still check it out.

I would check it out, it would be a new Mr. Potato Head

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 12:34:25

Post by: Lorna

Dude, do it. Kids are the future. However much you might just want those 5 hours of sleep, they can still make you happy.

I don't have kids, but enough of my friends do that I spend enough time looking after them, that simetimes I juust wanna be angry, but they can be unbearably cute.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 12:40:27

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Seriously BLACKHAND, stop being silly! Of cors we dont mind if you want to spend more time with your kids and not painting massive new armies!
Just do what you can when you can with your modelling, we can deal, go and make the most of being a father

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 12:49:50

Post by: prototype_X


keep your grey knights and do a gits: give them to your kids when (not if, when) they express an intrest

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 13:18:58

Post by: Santobell

Inf mini's are awesome I've had the rulebook on my desktop for over a year and have one or two ofthe minis floating about somwhere (probably still packed away
from my big move to the city 12 months ago)

I'm a big fan of the Hospitalar Mini and some of the characters/robots.

So short story cut long... hell yeah I'd love to see your take on some Infinity lines.

I'll ask about see if anyone I know needs a GK army as well.

Anyhow matey, Yes I would like to see the Infinity stuff and I too have a REM depriving Demonspawn so I know how you feel!

(Just a Tip.. Best way to elbow and still look asleep is to do it has you roll over that way it seems accidental )

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 19:32:36


Thanks a lot guys, I know it seems crazy for me to feel guilt for not posting regularly on Dakka but its a big part of my life and I really enjoy the sense of community that has developed in the P&M blog in the last year or so.

I'm glad to hear you aren't all 40k snobs, and Iceangel the Turd Marine will drop pod in as soon as I have a decent meal

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 19:49:21

Post by: IceAngel

BLACKHAND wrote:Thanks a lot guys, I know it seems crazy for me to feel guilt for not posting regularly on Dakka but its a big part of my life and I really enjoy the sense of community that has developed in the P&M blog in the last year or so.

I'm glad to hear you aren't all 40k snobs, and Iceangel the Turd Marine will drop pod in as soon as I have a decent meal

Just a heads up, the Turd Marine drop pod always arrives on turn DEUCE!

OMG! I crack myself up!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 19:59:33

Post by: Gitsplitta

*bangs head on desk*

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 20:01:54

Post by: IceAngel

I hope my bad toilet humor still applies in New Zealand. If you need an explanation send all PM's to Gitsplitta.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 20:02:57


Oh god...this could last a while....especially when I bring it up at my club day this weekend

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 20:09:33

Post by: Revenent Reiko

"Turd Marines, kicking for the Emperor!"

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 20:12:26

Post by: Miss Dee

Keep it clean please boys *wonders where her Minbari fighting pike is*

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/11 20:12:27

Post by: Knightley

Ahh the dreaded wall. I understand about priorities so go and do what you've got to do, your thread will remain here (unless by some curse it gets deleted)

RE: your GK's I'd be keen on any bits you may have left over at this point I'm up to my eyeballs in models and really don't need any more (for reference check out my blog and the to paint pic)

Do you have any of the OOP metal GK term's, unpainted would be preferable (I do need about 2 of them + Justicar)

Go get some sleep!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/12 15:15:56

Post by: Gitsplitta

So.. BLACKHAND.... RE the title of this thread... I guess the Red Knights "won" eh? ;-)

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/12 19:18:31


Gitsplitta wrote:So.. BLACKHAND.... RE the title of this thread... I guess the Red Knights "won" eh? ;-)


Just because I am not being so active with my painting doesn't mean I won't be watching threads for smart ar$es!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/22 08:45:33


Sorry for the long silence people, have been organizing the sale of my Red Knights and working on what has become the most ridiculously elaborate MDF terrain project ever...I just don't learn it seems. At least I can work on it at the kitchen table and keep an eye on my girls rather then hide away down in my painting nook under the stairs.

I have made some progress on the Dreadknight and the GK Dread, the buyer of my Knights was kind enough to take the bulk of them "as is" but I couldn't bear to send two half finished models (plus he seems to like my work and wanted the finished product.... go figure)

So in the interest of keeping the thread from dying before my Infinity models arrive and I can move to a more sedate pace of painting here are some pics!

Here's the dread, he is pretty enough to run as a Ven if need be. I haven't modeled the arms as the buyer plans on building a set of Rifleman arms for him.

Still not sure about the helmet color, I was thinking of white to show he is a Veteran but was worried it will blend in too much all his purity seals... oh and in case you were wondering, he has so many seals because I had to cover up a very bland front armor as this guy used to be a Space Wolf Dread. I bought him in a bits lot years back and had to rebuild and refurbish a LOT, why someone would use pliers to cut off all the SW symbols I don't know but they did a crap job and he has a significant amount of GS work under the paint.

Here's the DK, just the basecoat so far as every time I put paint on the brush I notice something else I need to glue or GS, he is lagging behind the dread at the moment.

And a comparison shot to show the DK's height, I am pretty sure its around the "regulation" DK size.

So there we are! A lot more work to do but I have a second wind now that I know the Knights are nearly out of my hair, and that they are going to someone who will appreciate them and give them the final touches that will really make them something special.



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/22 10:05:17

Post by: Gitsplitta

They're looking great Blackhand. They buyer is going to have his work cut out for him keeping up with your standards...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/22 13:21:47

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Gitsplitta wrote:They're looking great Blackhand. They buyer is going to have his work cut out for him keeping up with your standards...

Seconded, the buyer is a lucky man/woman, they look excellent

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/22 17:21:50

Post by: Moltar

I like your DK! Looks kinda retro sci-fi 50's era robot. Are you going to give him that giant sword for his left hand? I think your dred looks good too. I like the termi head crammed in there. Not sure on the color though, I know what you mean about the white.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/28 21:29:54


Thanks for the comments guys, I am hoping the buyer is happy with them when he can see them in Real life!

And yes Moltar he will have the will have the giant sword, just need finish the GS work on it.

No actual update today just a short message to say I am halfway through a local tournament ( we have 4 games on saturday, break for the local churchies to have a service on sunday morning then have two games on sunday arvo) and I am currently coming 7th!!! two draws, a minor victory and and a crushing victory has made me pretty happy, may be a bit tougher today as I head up the table due to the fact that 3 of the top 5 ranked players in the country are here but we will just have to see how it goes. I am hoping to get respectable scores in the painting and sportsmanship and would love to finish in the top 5... the Blackhands have really fronted up for me this time!



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/28 21:41:13

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Congrats on your results so far BLACKHAND!
Bat reps please when you are finished of cors
Im so jealous of the buyer getting your models i could cry, they are so lucky!
*going off to gnaw my liver for a while*

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/29 21:54:12


Thanks Reiko, will do my best to give a summary of the games, I am usually concentrating too hard to take pics and notes.

Game 1 - Vs Vostroyans

Mission - Get your secret messenger into the opponent’s deployment zone for a win.

This was my most enjoyable game, Phil was a nice guy and his all metal vostroyans were a joy to look at. He really had it in for my Riflemen but the MotF really did the job and kept them shooting till the end. I managed to get my messenger into his zone but the game went to 7 turns and he ended up getting shredded, luckily his messenger was bogged down in the middle of the board too so no points.

Result - A draw with 3 bonus points.

Best Part - Phil charged a 10 man squad of Rough Riders across the length of the entire board to get into the fight, through massed stormbolter and Autocannon fire, we just couldn’t help humming Ride of the Valkyries every time they moved.

Game 2 - Vs Chaos Marines

Mission - From turn 2 through 4, 8 inch pie plate objectives come from the sky, scattering 6 d6 from the centre of the board and doing str 10 ap 2 hits. hold the objectives at the end of the game to win.

Really scary game as at any time we could lose units, from the beginning I just tried to scatter and take out some trouble troops (I hate Obliterators, even Oblits converted from fantasy Minotaurs!) The Objectives didn't end up killing anything on the board and after a lot of tussling and denying (and another 7 turn game!)we again ended up with a draw.

Result - Draw and 3 bonus points.

Best Part - Drawing his defiler & two squads of berserkers into the far side of the table when I sent my termies after his oblits. I ended up taking out the oblits, losing my termies and watching Luke's face fall when I used Gate of Infinity to 'port my libby out of trouble.

Game 3 - Vs Chaos Marines

Mission - 3 objectives 18 inches apart along the centre of the board, from turn two any unit out of cover takes 1d6 str 4 ap - hits.

Somehow the draw put me up against our youngest player Scott, we had a bunch of cover but he avoided it like the plague and took a lot of hits from the random rain of fire. I was getting tired by the end of the game but Scott said it was most enjoyable game of the day so far so that made it worth it. Scott has copped a bit of flak for not knowing all the rules in the past and has worked hard over the last year to get better and it showed in a nice fast game.

Result - Minor victory with 2 bonus points

Best part - Drawing 2 squads of berserkers out of cover with a tac squad and walking them backwards into my termies.

Game 4 - Vs Eldar

Mission - Annihilation with 1 VP for troops, 2 for Elites, Heavies and Fast, 3 for HQs.

Dave is our oldest player and brought an ancient Eldar force which was fun to see and was also my first time playing Eldar. I was really mystified by how fragile they are as it doesn’t seem to go with their decent weapons. In the end I castled in a corner and tore open his tanks with the riflemen, weight of fire ended up beating their shields. Most of his army ended up clustered on hill in the middle of the board and I was able to keep them huddled there until a couple of tac squads could get into hand to hand. A lot of guys wondered why I wasn’t bringing walk my termies in but I really didn’t want to give him 2 VPs and it paid off as I took out several of his Elites and 1 HQ without losing more than 2 troops.

Result - Crushing Victory with 3 bonus points

Best part - Finally trashing his WraithLord walker-thing after six turns and more Autocannon fire than I want to count.

Game 5 - Vs Ultramarines

Mission - 3 objectives worth 0 VPs 18 inches apart down the centre of the board. Every unit that dies adds a VP to the closest objective.

This mission was so fun, against a more tactical player I think it could have been even better but I still liked it. I managed to castle my termies in a piece of 3+ terrain within 18 inches of two of the objectives and sat my Riflemen in the corner to cover them both as well. My opponent walked two five man squad to with in 4 inches of one objective then went to ground ( why?) and despite a crusader full of termies, cronus and sicarius, a nasty vindicator, a predator and a late reserved rhino full of marines he never actually contested any of the objectives. I ended up taking the 2 objectives worth 6 and 4 VPs respectively.

Result - Crushing Victory with 2 bonus points.

Best part - Watching my opponent spend all game trying to knock out my three riflemen and ignoring my 4 tac squads as they took the objectives.. despite my Autocannons not being able to take out his vehicles anyway!

Game 6 - Vs Chaos Demons

Mission - One objective in the centre of the board, every troop within 9 inches of the objective at the end of the game gets a VP.

Kurt is so suited to Demons its scary, he always goes for annihilation no matter what the mission. I used the MotF to bolster a hill in the corner of the board that would let me cover the centre of the board with my termies and Riflemen but never ended up getting them onto it as kurt really wanted that 3+ cover save and we fought over and around it the whole game. He only had two troops of bloodletters and a deepstrike mishap saw one squad of 20 fly off the board so he was screwed from the beginning, Despite two Soulgrinders, a DP and some huge named Demon Prince he just couldn’t beat the tac squads and I ended up with 3 troops in the objective zone.
Result - Crushing Victory with 3 bonus points

Best Part - His named Demon popping a rhino and the tac squad inside rapid firing and melting him to death in the next turn, go Bolters!!!

So in the end I got really lucky with my match ups and did far better than I ever thought I would. My final scores were....

Generalship - 3rd....really cant believe that one.

Painting - 7th, I fully understand this. Despite all the resin and converting the Blackhands have, they are still painted in a very muted and quick fashion so I can understand the score plus there were some beautiful armies, one of the club members, Andre, that took away Best Sportsman and Best Painted has some of the cleanest freehand I have ever seen and fully deserved the wins.

Sportsmanship - 15th. A bit disappointed with that as I felt I had a lot of fun with most of my games and I thought my opponents did too. I can only assume that everyone that played in the tournament was having as much fun or was perhaps more helpful with rules.

Overall score - 5th!! Fricken 5th!!!

Am totally stoked with my score, especially with the amount of top ranked players that came, and will keep working on the Blackhands paintjob to see if I can up the score next year.



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/29 23:22:17

Post by: Knightley

Gratz on the 5th placing mate!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/29 23:40:46

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Well done!
Sounds,like you had fun AND did well, you cant do better than that
Sportsmanship sounds like chipmunking to me(not accusing anyone), but then i wasnt there so i cant really say either way.
Thanks for the Bat reps, brief or not i always enjoy seeing how other people do.
What was your list btw?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/29 23:55:47


Heres the list

Librarian Reza Malin in terminator armor w/ Force Weapon & Stormbolter
Phaedon, Master of the Forge w/ Servo Harness
Combat squad "Wrath"
Marine sergeant w/ Powerfist & Bolt Pistol
Tactical marine x 9 w/ Meltagun & Heavy Bolter
Tactical squad "Fury"
Marine sergeant w/ Chainsword & Bolt Pistol
Tactical marine x 9 w/ Meltagun & Multi-Melta
Tactical squad “Rage”
Marine sergeant w/ Powerfist & Bolt Pistol
Tactical marine x 9 w/ Meltagun & Heavy Bolter
Tactical squad "Malice"
Marine sergeant w/ Chainsword & Bolt Pistol
Tactical marine x 9 w/ Meltagun & Multi-Melta
Terminator Squad "Rancor"
Terminator Sergeant w/Power Axe and Stormbolter
Terminators x 7 w/ Chainfist & Assault Cannon
Dreadnaught w/ T/L Autocannon x 2
Dreadnaught w/ T/L Autocannon x 2
Dreadnaught w/ T/L Autocannon x 2

Pretty simple list, lots of troops, not a lot of long range Anti armour with punch but it didn't bother me in too many situations.

I'm thinking of dropping the libby since he didn't do much but run away from assualts in order to save my opponent from getting an easy bonus point.

Will probably make the following changes, points allowing,

Out - Termie Libby

In - 2 more Termies to make a 10 man squad, and add in a cyclone launcher. If I have the points spare I will throw a conversion beamer on the MotF since he hangs out with the Riflemen more often then not.

What do you guys think?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/30 00:14:32

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Personally (and i am not an expert by any meaning of the word when it comes to lists) i would opt for MLs over Heavy Bolters, but that may just be my preference.
Otherwise it seems fairly solid, and i bet it looks great!
Cheers for the list too

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/30 00:21:00

Post by: perplexiti

Well done mate!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/30 02:50:40


@ Reiko - Thanks bud, and yeah looking back I could have definitely had more use out of a couple of MLs than the two heavy bolters so I might make a couple up and see how they perform, cheers

@Perpelxiti - Thanks man, you'll have to wander up here sometime and enter a tourney...I say this having never played outside of Whangarei

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/30 02:57:49

Post by: Gitsplitta

Congrats Blackhand! Sounds like a great outing!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/30 03:20:45

Post by: IceAngel

Nice job Blackhand, did you have a picture some where of your force? Did I miss that?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/30 08:40:20


@Gitsplitta - Cheers man, I think a most of my luck came from my match ups but it gives me hope that my playing is improving.

@Iceangel - Thanks bud, and I don't think I have done an army pick yet. Trouble is the army getting to be a lot bigger than the list I played with, I also have a drop pod, Land Raider, 7 man scout squad with Telion and a 10 man Assault squad. I'm not sure a pic big enough to show them all with have very good detail but I will look at it next time I have free hobby time.

Ok the big question guys.

I'm planning on switching out the heavy bolters as you know but I found more bits in my bitz box than I thought I had so....

Should I drop in two MLs so I can at least glance AV 14 at a distance and also have a couple of blast templates for pesky infantry?


Add in a Lascannon in each squad so I have a much greater chance punching holes in tanks and monstrous creatures but losing out on the small blast template?

I also found enough termies to round out my squad to 10 and I have a cyclone missile launcher buuuut...

Do I drop the Assault Cannon and add in another Cyclone? Giving me 4 Missiles a turn as suggested by a friend, but losing out on the 4 Assault Cannon shots.

The other thing to think of is that with the 20 points I am potentially spending on the Lascannons I could give my MotF a power weapon and maybe some melta bombs to a Tac Sergeant.... decisions, decisions!



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/30 17:11:31

Post by: Imperial Monkey

Conversion beamers are too cool not to be included

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/30 18:34:55

Post by: Miss Dee

need GW to make one

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/30 18:49:23


I had a long think about the conversion beamer but if you arm the MotF with one then you have to take off the Servo Harness... you know the one with a flamer, t/l Plasma pistol and two Powerfist attacks, everything that makes a MotF such a fantastic deal at 100 points.

While I didn't have a lot of ranged anti tank I still managed, I don't think I need it so much that I lose the servo harness especially if I add in a couple of ML or Lascannons

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/30 19:45:00

Post by: Gitsplitta

Conversion beamers are terrible. It's like arming your MoTF with a missile launcher *at best*, and in most games you won't even get to shoot at that range for more than 1 turn. I'll take the mobility and servo harness any day.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/30 19:49:47


That kind of confirms my opinion, I have never seen it do well unless the MotF is mounted on a bike so he can move to get the range. Plus with my rolling I prefer more shots than one powerful one.

So what do you think Gits, Missile Launchers or Lascannons?

Of course I have enough parts to build both but its not the point

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/30 22:01:42

Post by: Gitsplitta

Well, one of the interesting things to come out of this disaster of a tournament was that I ran a squad of 4 MLs w/ 3 extra guys and no one shot at it until there was practically nothing else left. People weren't the least bit intimidated by them, but because of the variety of ammo, they were busy shooting every turn & I felt had good effect. I'm looking at building 2 las cannons for my sternguard mainly because they're so cheap (compared to what other units pay for them)... I suspect this will however, make them a larger target.

I guess it would depend on the make-up of the rest of your force. If you really need extra armor punching power at range, go with the las cannons. If you think you're covered there (or your tactics don't require it), MLs are versatile, cheap and and likely to be a low priority target.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/30 22:08:19

Post by: Imperial Monkey

For really good anti-tank firepower, go with a Autocannon Predator with LC sponsons. It can move and fire all weapons an will generally take most tanks or MC's down...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/30 22:15:25


Thanks for the replies guys,

I will model them both up and try a few games with each to see how they play, I don't worry too much about anti armour as most games I have 6 meltas screaming towards the enemy in the rhinos, this was just a reaction to the realization that they 3 or 4 times I actually used the HBs was to fire into squads of termies and independant characters out the top of a rhino and both ML and Lascannon will do a better job of punching those targets than the HB.

Unfortunately I am too enamoured of having 4 tac squads to drop anything in order to add a Pred of any kind, plus vehicles are so easy pop, if they want to try and knock out my Meltas and other heavy wepons they will have to chew through an entire tac squad at the moment

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/31 19:10:07

Post by: perplexiti

@Perpelxiti - Thanks man, you'll have to wander up here sometime and enter a tourney...I say this having never played outside of Whangarei

I may just have to do that one day, you guys have many tourneys up there?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/31 19:48:45


We have a singles tournament around this tim every year and a doubles at the end of october.

A good mate and I are planning to clean up at the doubles this year, he is building an assault orientated chaos marine list to compliment my shooty Blackhands, I personally enjoy the Doubles more than the normal tourney as you can shore up each other's weakness. For instance I am terrible at deploying but always know what my boys need to do, Bayonet sets up well but often gets frustrated and charges all out to his plans detriment

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/05/31 22:12:10

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Sounds like a plan BLACKHAND! Complimentary armies do work really well together, i would advise having something assaulty to back him up though, same as for him to have something shooty, that way you are both involved in everything that happens rather than one take over on each bit if that makes sense?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/01 00:06:42


Bayonet runs a couple of defilers so he has a couple of pie plates to crop and I am currently running 10 termies so we have a bit of redundancy I spose...might be worth taking up with him though

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/01 00:16:27

Post by: Revenent Reiko

BLACKHAND wrote:Bayonet runs a couple of defilers so he has a couple of pie plates to crop and I am currently running 10 termies so we have a bit of redundancy I spose...might be worth taking up with him though

Ahh thats cool then. I played a 4-way battle once (it ended up 2v2 after about..... oooo 20 seconds ), and the biggest problem we had was lack of synergy between lists and tactics (which you seem to have covered), but the next one was we couldnt support each other properly (me having sod all CC units after Mephy and his 'Honour Guard' -readeath Company- bit it, and him having nothing in the way of range). Then again, it was AGES ago and we were all still learning then so YMMV.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/20 08:24:59


Hey people, sorry for the long silence, I have been hammered by a 1-2, combo of never ending social commitments and a baby who likes to wake up around 3 and say hello to mum and dad.... honestly, great to have a bright, alert baby but why at 3 in the morning

So I have been bashing away at a problem behind the scenes and have come to a well, satisfactory, solution.

Basically the idea of GSing script on the DreadKnight blade, while cool, was far too small for my clumsy fingers and myopic eyes ( -14 for those who know about these things, basically blind ) I came up with a plan to cast the script and got a local company to cut a rubber stamp of the script to use as a master... unfortunately something in the rubber they use stopped my silicone from curing so it was a no go.

I then got them to cut me a negative version of the script into a different rubber, which they did, and when it arrived they had cut the finest, thinnest script into the rubber I have ever seen... uh oh.

So I cast it in resin anyway and apart from a tiny part of an "S" it came out pretty well,... just not what I was originally hoping for.

Anyway enough blathering, I gave the MK2 sword a thin coat of white and a wash to bring out the text and took some pics

So now all I have to do is add a few more GS details to the hilt and crossbar, paint everything but the blade which will just an enchanted blue basecoat and its time to ship the DreadKnight and Dreadnaught to their new owner!

And don't worry I haven't been sitting around waiting for rubber stamps! I received a bunch of Infinity models and while the bulk of them have been just been glued to their bases I did have a play around with the fella who needs the most work, the Mercenary Ninja, Saito Togan!

So in his original form he looks kinda silly... but the rules for him are so sweet I really needed him (apparently Smoke Grenades are the s&%t in Infinity)

I decided I couldn't handle the high kicking leg so I cut him in half, carved down the legs and together with some GS and a couple of pins I came up with this.....

And here he is with a bit of paint on him....

I really can't say how nice it is to work on a model with actual human proportions, it may be hell to pin and assemble but they look so nice and already I can feel the fun returning to my hobby time as I think about all the neat conversion possibilities

C&C welcome as always, especially the new owner of my GK, would love to know if you like the sword, there is still time for me to make up a new one if you like



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/20 09:31:38

Post by: Knightley


The infinity model looks pretty awesome, even better once you got him on the ground more (I agree the high kicking version was a little OTT)

I do like the inscription done in resin, I think that if it was any bigger you might lose the scale somewhat. Was there only one font choice?

Also I can't imagine the constant disruptions of sleep at 3am with a wide awake child! The closest I had was disruptive sleep while in deployment every 4 hours there was an "attack" one guy firing blanks forcing us to get up and go find him. and he had already gone back to bed....

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/20 10:49:45

Post by: Santobell

Yeah I really like some of these infinity mini's and really want to get holdof some new ones (my oldies are trashed). Nice work as always BH.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/20 11:24:33

Post by: Gitsplitta

The sword turned out beautifully Blackhand! Wow!

That infinity model is something special, and your modifications are done extremely well. Unfortunately I've discovered that no one in my area does infinity... so I guess it's either 40k or War Machine for me.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/20 13:32:06

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Very nice mods BH!

You shouldnt let that stop you Gits! Either you convince other people to play after showing them awesome models, or you have awesome models just for the fun of painting. A win win situation

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/20 13:49:20

Post by: Gitsplitta

Good point Vit. Perhaps if I make significant progress on the various and sundry 40k armies that I'm working on (or helping my boys work on), I'll feel better about starting a new system. Granted it's just a few models, but still... I have so much to do.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/20 19:30:07


@Knightley - Thanks man, I am not sure if a crying baby is the same as coming under fire... no wait, its exactly like that!

@Santobell - Thanks mate, the new Infinity minis seem to be getting better and better, more detail and better proportions and its so nice to have dynamic poses!

@Gits - Thanks, and just as I hear rumours that GW are going to to split the starter box so that you only get one army and have to buy two boxes, Privateer Press releases a two army starting box with a Warcaster, 5 man unit and 2-3 Warjacks for both armies... seems a very nice way to have a try at Warmachine.

@Vitruvian - Thanks as well!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/20 20:33:57

Post by: perplexiti

Good to see ya back Blackhand, babies sure can be fun that early.....although it's been a few years since I've had that pleasure.

Your mod of that infinity ninja is heaps better than the original, funnily enough I've also been looking at infinity since GW decided to price me out of the hobby.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/20 20:37:34

Post by: whalemusic360

The ninja looks like it would make a hell of a assassin too. might have to get one, they gw models are terribad.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 08:14:57


@Perplexiti - Thanks, the GW price price helped justify our move to Infinity but tbh it was the smaller army size and hence less painting that attracted me most. This way I can bring my entire 10 man squad upstairs in a box and do my painting at the kitchen table and be closer to the girls.

@WM360 - Yep they would be a nice proxy for assassins... though I always thought some of the new Dark Eldar would look great in that role as well.....

Anyhoo got a bit more done on the Dreadknight, pretty close the finish line now

I am taking these pics with my phone camera as it has a higher resolution than my el cheapo camera, seems to be sharper anyway... unfortunately it flattens the reds and metallics something terrible, believe me there is a LOT more shading and highlighting than is readily apparent.

Oh and here is a pick of how many pieces the big fella is in, I figured he is taking a trip around the world so he will need to be packed as carefully as possible to avoid the fate that befell his terminator brothers who took a fair beating on their voyage.

Oh and the skull is only pinned on the end of the hilt so it can slide out of the "Doomfist" and the DK can be run without the sword.

C&C is welcome as always guys



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 12:57:03

Post by: Gitsplitta

He looks fantastic Blackhand. That extra bit on the sword really stands out and was worth the effort.

Have you thought about something slightly less phallic to cover up his nether regions??


BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 13:03:13

Post by: nerdfest09

Thanks gits! :-/ now that's all i see!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 13:25:42

Post by: Gitsplitta

Perhaps he should be called a "Rude Knight"?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 18:26:27

Post by: perplexiti

Yeah, I'm still looking around at the moment.

And anything that gets you closer to kids is a good thing, I did some more painting with mine yesterday, my 6yr olds coming along ok, but my 4yr old still wants to do multi-coloured marines! They look kinda cool though.

Also I'd like to second nerdfest09, I didn't notice before, and now it's all I can see too!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 18:36:41

Post by: Gitsplitta

And the ball joints for the legs work right into that mental image don't they??

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 18:45:36

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Damn it Gits!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 18:47:32

Post by: Gitsplitta

I think Blackhand is compensating for the fact that all the other people in his house are girls!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 19:24:23

Post by: Moltar

Haha @ Gits!

If you got it, flaunt it!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 19:44:30


Damn you Gits! Um, I guess I can have a look through my bits box and track down a shield or something that will "De-Phaillify" the DK... damn even the acronym for DreadKnight is phallic!

Honestly I'm not doing it on purpose!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 19:52:38

Post by: Gitsplitta


I'm wondering of a panel from the chapterhouse heresy era drop pod armor would look good.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 20:00:27


You don't happen to have one do you? Otherwise post a link to it and I may be able to jig one up out of plasticard.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 20:05:31

Post by: Gitsplitta

Yeah, I bought enough for all my pods, and then decided not to use them (at least on 3 of them) so I can cover that. No worries.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 20:51:42

Post by: perplexiti

Hehe, it's only fair Gits, espicially since you were the one to point it out...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 20:55:54

Post by: Gitsplitta

Yes, and especially pertinent since I am the one who bought them... :-)

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 21:02:51

Post by: BoA.Raccoon

He's got a dick.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 21:24:23

Post by: Knightley

Here we were all beating around the bush, and BoA feels free to speak his mind

That aside, the paint job is looking pretty good Blackhand, I hope the new owner is as stoked as I would be to own it!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 21:25:47

Post by: Gitsplitta

He is.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 21:50:00

Post by: perplexiti

Good one Gits, you going to take them to any tourneys this year?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 21:52:50

Post by: Gitsplitta

I'll need to finish them first. Blackhand's got them most of the way, but I want to get some special bases for them, need to finish the power weapons and add some fine details. They'll be ready to go by Christmas I guess, but since I have a number of other projects to do as well, it'll probably take me a bit to give them the careful attention they deserve.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Man, why am I double posting?? Never done that before and now twice in 1 day!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 21:53:57

Post by: perplexiti

Sweet as, and good on you for paying for Blackhands girls to go to university!

Well that or more infinity minis....

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 21:55:03

Post by: Gitsplitta

He's going to be totally doting dad... God help the first boy that wants to date his eldest.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 22:02:53

Post by: perplexiti

lol, yeah I'm feeling that. My girls only 4 and I'm already looking forward to tormenting any boys she brings round

Although having lived with her I also feel kinda sorry for them too.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 22:25:45


BoA.Raccoon wrote:He's got a dick.

Awesome... of course now I have to explain to my boss why am laughing while I should be answering work emails!

And Gits! way to let the cat out of the bag! at least now I can totally wash my hands of the DK erection issue and leave it in your capable hands so to speak

And yes the sale of the knights has funded my Infinity purchases but don't worry my girls are gonna get an education if it kills them, neither their mum or I finished high school and working while studying sucks so we are pretty determined that the girls will get a decent qualification.

Oh and as for boys..I am kinda worried. I took the family to a house warming party the other day, My 3 yr old found a couple of boys the same age to play with and spent the night running around the yard with a torch (the things they find interesting!) When it came time to leave she broke down and started screaming and crying in the middle of the road, when I finally wrestled her into the car and asked what was wrong she said " I need to go back and give the boys a kiss goodbye"

No crap it was like someone walked over my grave... she is going to be trouble.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 22:50:20

Post by: Gitsplitta

LOL. Can empathize buddy. Helped a friend terrorize potential suitors of his girl. Great sport!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/21 22:59:51

Post by: perplexiti

Yeah, my girl is already following my son's friends around whenever they come over to play with him. It's scary all right.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 00:11:23

Post by: BoA.Raccoon

AHAHAHHAHA.. All I know, is that I'm crying of laughter right now! Aahhhahaha! Git posted it on his blog (as we all know) and so I go, look at the picture and post my previous comment. I just now read the very mature conversation and the sudden "He's got a dick." Aww man, I love being a kid Most I've laughed in a LOOOONG time

EDIT: Sorry to ruin and interrupt your conversation It'll be my last comment of the sort

BLACKHAND wrote:wash my hands of the DK erection issue and leave it in your capable hands

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 00:33:08

Post by: Matt.Kingsley

Edit: Acually, I won't say that.

BoA, the way you put things is strange and fun, if not immature sometimes!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 02:19:31


BoA never worry that you have to edit yourself on my blogs bud, TBH there is no one on the planet filthier and more lecherous than middle aged guys like myself and Gits, we just hide it better.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 02:25:50

Post by: Gitsplitta

Shhhhhh! Dang it Blackhand, you're going to blow our cover!!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 02:27:16

Post by: Matt.Kingsley

Cover, what cover?

I'm just playing along

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 02:44:10

Post by: BoA.Raccoon

Naww man, if you heard the sh*t I say man You hide it better? Who said I was trying to hide it? I fully embrace my awesomeness

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 02:54:50

Post by: Gitsplitta

Because there are (a-hem), "children" who frequent this blog and in the hopes of getting back to a discreet discourse... I have prepared a properly sanitized and attired version of your Dread Knight BLACKHAND. This should conceal any anatomical issues that arise.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 03:00:59

Post by: Matt.Kingsley

This has to be done, now!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 03:05:16

Post by: BoA.Raccoon

Ahh, how I love this forum

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 03:06:49


My thanks good sir!

And now I have had to explain to my boss a second time as to why I am laughing at the computer

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 03:07:05

Post by: Matt.Kingsley

How you love your sig while almos everyone else dislikes it...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 03:07:51

Post by: BoA.Raccoon

Fine fine I'll change it D: I thought it was an awesome moment >.< Jeez

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 03:08:45

Post by: Matt.Kingsley

You don't have to, it is your sig.
But as Gits said, there a people under 12 on this blog

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 03:10:08

Post by: BoA.Raccoon

In the words of Eminem: "They have the discovery channel, don't they?"

Nahh, it's fine I understand, I just laughed harder at that than anything in a month.. When I think about it, that's sad...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 03:10:41

Post by: Gitsplitta

It *was* a great moment BoA... but it was it's blatancy in the midst of the rest of us dancing around the obvious that made it so funny. By itself and out of context, it's more vulgar than funny. Again, your sig... you're welcome to keep it if you want, but you did ask for opinions.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 03:11:19

Post by: Matt.Kingsley

Then dont think about it!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 03:15:03

Post by: BoA.Raccoon

Yes yes, calm down people. Didn't mean to make such a big fuss about something so insignificant

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 03:35:25

Post by: darkkt

BoA.Raccoon wrote:Yes yes, calm down people. Didn't mean to make such a big fuss about something so insignificant

Thats what she said!


BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 05:14:29

Post by: Gitsplitta

Back to your model BH, what's left to do?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 05:32:55


Not much at this point (PM sent) I may just add the odd highlight and make sure I haven't missed anything.. from here on in I hope to relax and fool around with a new colour scheme for my JSA Haramaki ( cyber-Samurais)

I started one a couple of days ago and ended up with a red and black scheme which bugged me as EVERY SINGLE ARMY I have ever painted has been red and black..so she is going to get a dip in acetone and I will have a play around with some new colours.

Any ideas on what a Cyber-Samurai should have as a colour scheme?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 08:43:37

Post by: Lorna

Purple and yellow or blue and orange.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 09:08:17

Post by: inmygravenimage

Honestly, I'm away from my threads and it devolves into filth and purility. Seriously, why wasn't I informed

I have to say that, they first thing I thought when I saw your DK was "Balls." So, yeah, cover up I think! Also, in the dull, mechanical, pseudo-tech way, you'd not want to leave them that exposed (oh, hush, smutty folk).

But, other than that, he is top-tastic, and I love it (also, got your care package, can't rememeber if pm'd that)!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Bother! Tron samurai. Disney store had great Infinity scale light-cycles, too.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 10:19:34

Post by: prototype_X

im sorry but this must be said.

because i didnt know what phalic ment i googled it......

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 12:23:38

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Ewww, i bet that was an interesting search!

Yeah, i would go tron-esque as well, could be super cool looking to have a whole warband like that.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 13:11:47

Post by: BoA.Raccoon

prototype_X wrote:im sorry but this must be said.

because i didnt know what phalic ment i googled it......

AHHAHHA! I lol'd almost as hard as my previous comment DDD

Okay okay, guys, you're going to give me a heart-attack.. Enough, please

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 19:37:15


Well without looking at the thread I went and painted one with boltgun metal metallics, foundation grey cloth and white armour plating so he nearly is a tron-samurai. I will give him a few more coats of white tonight and see how it looks, I am thinking of adding just a few red touches to do a sin-city style scheme but if its not enough I will keep lining the armour to get a tron look, thanks guys great minds think alike huh?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 19:43:39

Post by: inmygravenimage

That, or fools seldom differ.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 19:45:15


so true...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/22 20:27:51

Post by: BoA.Raccoon


'Nuff said

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/24 07:12:52


Ok so no flash conversions today, just a few pics of my Haramaki (read Samurai) colour scheme... though the word "colour" is a bit deceptive as I ended up with a very monochromatic model.

First I was thinking of a red and grey scheme, something like this...

But I found I wasn't making enough use of all the armour plating by painting it in metallics and after I finished I looked up and saw my two 40k armies..... all in black and red!

I figured that since at most I am going to paint 5 Haramaki ( the 4 in the set I already have and the missile launcher is in the mail from Maelstrom) I decided on a more intensive paint scheme than is normal for me..... I went white!

Now white is not normally in my palette but I have always wanted to learn how to paint with so I am having a go, this guy is built up from black, with a foundation grey then the white is what seems like a hundred layers of thin white.

Again not something I would have chosen for an army of 60+ models but when I only have 5 pieces to do I am pretty confidant I will be able to get through it

There are still a few armour plates that need some more white coats and then I will have a go at adding the JSA stripes along the bottom edge of the trousers and perhaps a few details on the shoulderpads and various other armour plates, not sure yet.

Well thats my plan for the Haramaki, C&C is very welcome!



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/24 09:30:35

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Oh my God! A non-red Blackhand army??? What madness has befallen the world?

Looks great, the thin layers certainly pay off, super smooth. Though i feel your palette could do with a couple of "warm" accents. All the colours are cold, which is fine, but a spot colour or a super warm base would go a long way towards making it pop more.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/24 10:33:21


Thanks Vits, I know what you mean about colour and I will be adding a splash of something. Everything in me leans towards a bright red, a la Sin city but I think if I use red again I will actually implode into a parody of myself

The question now is what colour to use? The usual colours for the ninja are black and green so I will stay away from green for the time being in case I end up using it on them.... that leaves a blue perhaps?

In any case it will be just a few spots to break up the black and white....

..... of course this is a Japanese Army so a red rising sun on the shoulderpad would make sense.....

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/24 10:43:19

Post by: Gitsplitta

Blue... orange perhaps. Love the figure and your patience with the white really paid off.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/24 11:15:35

Post by: BoA.Raccoon

-applause- the white is amazing. I agree with Blue.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/24 13:43:26

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Wow BH, the white looks beautiful!
ill put my vote in for blue as well, its a classic combination for a reason

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/24 14:36:43

Post by: Miss Dee

How about silver for the"Silver Samurai"

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/24 17:35:56

Post by: BoA.Raccoon

Silver.. ehh..

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/24 19:17:27


Thanks guys, I have been moonlighting over on the Infinity threads as well and the general consensus has been to stay away from red as well.

Oh and Miss Dee you are spot on the money, the normal colours for a Haramaki are black cloth , silver armour and red helmet but as I am such a rebel I decided to do a non standard paint job

Since I may as well make a decision at some point and the votes are all in ( ) I will give a blue a try, probably paint up a marine in white and test a few different shades before I go at the Haramaki.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/24 22:07:35

Post by: Miss Dee

All you need now is the Ol' Knuckle Head.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/25 14:48:33

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Problem is that blue is a cold colour as well (iirc). It would look cool but depends on whether you want to keep the "cold" palette or not.

Orange would be cool as well. Tbh, if you went super-bright red it would still be different to your usual broody dark red.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/25 19:14:46

Post by: Sageheart

beautiful models! love the Samurai. The white works really well with those models.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/25 19:31:31

Post by: monkeytroll

Nice. Like the white look, has a pretty cyber-ninja vibe to me, more on the cyber side than the ninja. If you're going with blue accents maybe a touch of red or orange on the base for a warm contrast, or a very bright red for the eyes if they'll show on the model.

And I hear you on the black and red thing, that seems to be my default unless I try really hard to go another route, and then I normally find it's snuck in somewhere without me realising.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/26 07:26:27


@Miss Dee - If you mean Wolverine then you need to check out my Sabre Legion blog, I have a space marine wolverine on a stretched out SM bike...there's even Deadpool!

@ Vitruvian - True, a crimson would be out of the ordinary for me and would suit the japanese them more, but I am not averse to a cold scheme anyways

@Sageheart - Thanks bud!

@Monkeytroll - Yeah its funny how easy it is to get stuck in a painting rut colourwise, my hope is to try and break out of it with the Infinity models.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/26 13:34:47

Post by: Miss Dee

Got a link sweetie?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/26 18:43:32

Post by: perplexiti

Nice start bro! I'm looking forward to seeing where you take them too!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/26 19:21:30


@ Miss Dee - About half way down this page is the Deadpool I made up


And here is the Wolvie on Chopper, again about the middle of the page


@Perplexiti - Thanks man.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/26 22:05:04

Post by: BoA.Raccoon

Deadpool <3 EDIT: no homo

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/06/26 22:09:47

Post by: monkeytroll

I remember seeing Deadpool before, but I managed to miss Logan in there somehow. Awesome stuff man!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/07/04 09:25:20


Thanks for the comments everyone,

Ok pic time!

Here are my Keisotsu Butai, they need some more layers on their skin and a couple more layers of highlights on the charcoal armour and grey pants... but are painted enough for demo games at my club

Obviously I am following the same monochrome scheme as my Haramaki and I have yet to decide on a highlight colour for my army. I have a few resin bases for them, problem is they are urban bases and will likely end up in shades of grey as well.... oops!

Oh and here is my Oniwaban, I saw this colour scheme somewhere on these forums and loved it straight away..... if I only could remember who's blog it was on I would thank them

Please pardon the quality of the pics, I thought my phone's camera was doing better than my distinctly average camera but tonight I just can't get a nice shot.

C&C welcome as always,



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/07/04 12:37:17

Post by: Gitsplitta

Looking good my friend. Love that swordsman!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/07/04 14:50:01

Post by: Revenent Reiko

great work BH, the samurai (ninja?) especially looks top notch

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/07/04 15:23:23

Post by: Miss Dee

You know what Im tempted to get some grey knights and turn them into Exorcists

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/07/04 19:49:06


@Gitsplitta - Thanks

@Reiko - Cheers

@Miss Dee - Ok.....

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/07/04 21:17:43

Post by: tipios

Loads of great work here since I last checked.

The Dreadknight is fantastic, I especially like the job you did on the Psycannon

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/07/04 21:57:54

Post by: perplexiti

Looks great Blackhand, I'm thinking of starting with haqqislam, just gotta get my head around the game.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/07/04 22:11:56


@Tipios - Thanks, keep an eye on Gits thread as he will be adding some finishing touches to it no doubt.

@Perplexiti - Cheers, don't worry so much about the rules of the game itself as it plays fast and ruthless ( snipers can be a stone cold bi&*h, get in a ton of solid terrain) it is the sheer amount of special rules that bogs you down. My firend an I have solved this as much as possible by learning to play with the most basic troops we have and adding more specialized troops as we progress.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/07/04 23:01:26

Post by: perplexiti

Sweet as, yeah I've become a huge terrain fan, especially after starting malifaux a while back. Even when I've played 40k or fantasy I've been stacking the board with loads of LOS blocking stuff.

I'm really looking forward to getting in some games with proxies, moneys too tight to go out and order them yet...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/25 03:21:13

Post by: redscorps

Man, fantastic work! I just went through all 16 pages being as I have meant to for ages (Since you first mentioned infinity to me) but just kept forgetting.

Really great work mate.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/25 03:26:15


Cheers bud, will eventually update the blog with pix of the rest of my painted figs as well as the 8 x 4 urban table I have built... the 5 month old is keeping me away from the computer more than I though she would ( you know except for now when I am work and should be doing something )

If you are at interested in starting Infinity try the official forum, the guys there rival Dakkites for their welcome and great advice.


Oh and well done on the amount of painting you have done lately, it seems whenver I log on to blogger you have like a dozen new posts!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/25 05:17:08

Post by: inmygravenimage

Hey - he's back! Glad to see you're back in the saddle, and trust all is well with you and your brood.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/25 05:56:38


Hehe, never really left have just been lurking due to an almost complete lack of any painting progress..... little girl has had silent reflux so last night has been the first night with only one wake up in weeks :S

I will repost some of the stuff I put up on the infinity forum just to prove I haven't been totally slack, hope your family is doing ok as well bud.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
First up is a Dragonborn Warlord for an upcoming D&D game I am going to be part of, I am playing a Dragonborn Warlord, can't wait to boss my team mates around! Model is pretty much just the Avatars of War Lizardman Hero with a sword instead of a club.

Next is a Teifling Warlock that I converted up for a friend who is part of the same game. Mostly the Warhammer Wizard kit, with a high elf head and some GS horns.... God those wizard hands are huge! This is also the first time I have tried OSL effects.... not incredibly happy with it to tell the truth.

And here is a Shang Ji Invincible ( think a heavy armoured warrior AKA Space Marine) I managed to get hold of, mainly cause the model is just plain cruel looking
The paint job was me experimenting with a blues, trying to get something dark but still with enough definition for the armour plating to stand out.

But despite the fooling around I did actually get some paint on my converted Myrmidon, be gentle! The simple fact is that both the Myrmidon and my Aleph scheme are basically monochrome with a tiny amount of red and purple for the eyes... I may look at adding a secondary color but I kinda like it.

And here is the terrain I am building for us to play Infinity on, it is basically blocks of foam that has been faced with cardboard, I can put up a tutorial if you guys are interested?

Sorry bout the glare in the pics it was beautiful spring day here and the room was washed out with sun through the windows.

So I need to add another half a dozen buildings and I think it will be dense enough, after that it is just the small scale stuff like bins and barrels for models to duck behind.

C&C always welcome,



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/25 12:16:38

Post by: Gitsplitta

That's very ambitious, and very cool. Can we see a pic with some infinity figures in with the terrain for scale?

The two infinity figures look really good. I think you might consider making your paints even thinner, especially with the white on her legs... in order to make the blending smoother.

The OSL on the mage is a good start... and I'm certainly far from an expert (most of my attempts thus far have been pretty sketchy). If anything... I would say there is a tad too much (i.e. the glow goes too far up the hands and arms)... and you might consider a bit different shade for the ambient glow as it would be affected to some degree by the color of the material (skin) it was shining on. I'm not sure if that's scientifically correct... but it does seem to help with the illusion.

All-in-all great work!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/25 13:54:20

Post by: Miss Dee


BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/25 19:47:28


@Gitsplitta - Ha yeah I realised when I was uploading the pics that there were no figs on the table, I will hopefully get some pics tonight when I have a game. As for the glow do you mean trying a lighter green for the glow? I could definitely give it a try.

@Miss Dee - You know there are several casting companies that make them right? As well as different versions of al the Doctors....

And thanks to the Photoshop wizardry of Gitsplitta I have a couple of the pics I posted yesterday that have been colour balanced or contrasted or something technical... they just look better ok?

Oh and part of the reason the mymidon is a little rough in places is that its a conversion from another fig, basically I want to run an all female Aleph force and since the myrmidons are all female I needed to build one....

..... of course this month they have actually released a female myrmidon but whatever.

Cheers Gits!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/25 21:08:12

Post by: perplexiti

Good to see ya back mate, great work on that urban table too. What scale are those toy cars?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/25 21:15:01

Post by: Gitsplitta

I would look at adjusting the color of the glow to a slightly darker shade *and* making the glow not reach out as far.

Actually scratch the shade adjustment for now... just try limiting the glow to, say... 6-8" of figure distance... and I don't think I'd wrap the fingers and arm with it... it's just too much. If you look there's glow way down the arm but almost none on the cloak right next to the ball. I think if you sort that out it'll look a lot better.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/25 22:31:58


@Perplexiti - Cheers, the police and ambulance vans are 1:50, the rest are just $2 cars I picked up in some of the $1 or more stores around town, basically guessed they would fit.

@Gitsplitta, thanks for the tips, I will grab the model back off my friend and maybe have a go at repainting the glow, it really didn't feel right from the moment I did it.

Would you guys like me to post a tutorial on how to make the buildings I used on the urban table, I have one posted on the infinity site that I can repost her if you are interested?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Well I have a spare five minutes at work so here we go,

Blackhand's extremely simple LOS blocking terrain tutorial

Step 1 - get a couple of foam blocks, this is styrofoam, slightly denser then the norm, I get it from a local fireplace store it used to pack the heavy fireplaces and so is a little firmer.

Step 2 - I then glue them together and pin them together with kebab sticks, would love to skip this step by having bigger blocks of foam but I haven't found anything this big. the reason I pin them is for strength and so I can work on them straight away.

Step 3 - I then measure and cut out 4 pieces of 4mm card for the walls and another for the roof. I make the walls wider by about 5 or 6 mm, so that when I glue them on to the foam there is an overhang.. you will see why later.

Step 4 - I then get my hot glue gun heating up, while this is happening I put a small amount of PVA or wood glue in the centre of the side of the foam I am glueing the card to. This will make sure the wall stays on in the future if the hot glue doesn't bond particularly well to the foam.

Step 5 - Once the glue gun is hot I run a line down the left edge of the foam and then a couple of globs and lines on the right, and lay the card down flush against the left side. The wall will overhang the right side but thats ok as this is something to butt the next wall up against.

You should end up with something like this....

Step 6 - I then use a sharp box cutter to clean up the overhangs and get tidy edge.

Leaving you something like this....

Step 7 - Then measure and cut another piece of card that fits over one wall ( always choose your messiest wall!) this will become your "storefront"

Step 8 - Map out with a ruler and pencil your doors and windows, making sure to take into account where the floor will run in the two storey building. I got a little fancy with this one since I was making a tutorial, usually I have done them much simpler.

Step 9 - This is the part I dislike the most, cutting out the windows and doors without slipping!

Step 10 - After glueing the "store front" on with PVA I then run around the joins of the card with crack filler that you can pick up from hardware stores, it has a pretty light and fluffy consistency like cake icing and dries in around 10 mins, ready to be sanded.

And finally you will end up with this!

This little fella is ready to sand and paint, I have been base-coating them in black then lightly overspraying with a matt grey primer, generic concrete tones really.

And in this pic you can see the building I made for the tutorial on the right

Hope this is of some interest!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/26 04:02:03

Post by: redscorps

Wow man great stuff!!

I just ordered my panoceana military orders starter so I'll keep you updated with how I go.

Your city looks amazing! I hear heaps of terrain is the best way to go with this game.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/26 04:47:31


Thanks man, and yep terrain is king in infinity it needs to be "solid" terrain in most cases too or snipers will shoot straight through and control the board.

Can't wait to see what you can do with the PanO, you will have to post it to the Infinity boards as well as Dakka.

Oh and congrats again on getting your redscorps on the GW site, really well done.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh and now the Secret Weapon Miniatures blog too huh? your arm seems to be everywhere on the net at the moment

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Aaaand the Dragonforge blog, dude you need to start charging for endorsements!!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/26 06:04:55

Post by: redscorps


I had to order new products from both of those guys so I thought I would let them know then BOOM, posts up! Both on the blogs and their facebooks, I'm all over the Forge World facebooks as well (A friend tells me Ead and the lads have a bit of a soft spot for my army) and the GW posts. I'm also posting on Miniature Wargame Conversions as a writer now as well. All int he space of 2 weeks..

Just had a look at the infinity forums, HOLY CONFUSION BATMAN! There seems to be no order to anything, I was trying to find colour schemes and player armies for the Pan-O knights but got completely lost in the format (ended up finding some info, going to go hospitaliers schemes).

Yeah I found a link on there to a guy dave graffam's paper models, he makes these beautiful pdf templates for buildings that seems to fit with the style for infinities. I am probably going to buy a few of those and glue them to foamcore boards for some modular terrain. Do you think a 3x3 board will be enough space for some small games Starter set to 10 miniatures maybe?

Keep up the great work brother.


BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/26 06:45:31


Cool man, well done on the exposure, your painting deserves it for sure, will look forward to your posts!

As for the forums, yeah it takes a bit of getting used to but even just posting some questions in the PanO section will get you plenty of replies from the Big Posters like PsychoticStorm, and Bluedagger and from there you will be sweet.

Hate to say that we were playing on a 3x3 table and it was just too small, even with 6 or 7 figs. It basically came down to who started first, won the game. I have since discovered that was also our lack of knowledge of the rules to a fair degree but since we have moved to a full 6x4 table (starting on the long ends) we have discovered it gives us space to feint and manoeuvre around your enemy before getting stuck in which adds a lot to the game.

I can't stress the amount of terrain needed, at one point we made a maze of foam blocks that didn't leave more than a 6 inch gap between them and we had a TON of fun, like a bloody game of american gladiator In fact if you only have a small table then hyper compressed terrain may be one way to solve the "Who goes first, Wins" issue.

Google search a guy called Topo and another guy from the forums called Toomygun along with the words paper terrain and you will be blown away with how much free infinity themed paper terrain is out there, I have moved away from it since it just won't survive my club environment and needed to make something a bit sturdier but for home use it will really make your table pop.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/26 07:24:06

Post by: redscorps

Cool man I'll check those out for sure now and persist with the infinity forums, seems good community, everyone is very supportive!

I've been drooling over the CB youtubes tutorial videos and the miniatures that Giraldez paints up. So polished!! I'm going to have to learn some new techniques to paint them how I want them I think.

How's being a dad treating you anyway mate?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/26 10:14:33


Yeah Angel does make the Figs seem made of pure win, when you have them in your hand you realise just how fine the details truly are, its definitely made me step up my painting game. Good thing is that 7 or so miniatures is a whole army so I can afford to take my time.

As for being a dad, its pretty damn good. This time round we have had some trouble with reflux so am only just now getting a decent nights rest, but I have never seen a baby smile so much so we must be doing something right

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/26 12:21:31

Post by: inmygravenimage

Reflux is hellish - but glad to hear your little one's doing well otherwise

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/26 13:29:51

Post by: Miss Dee

Got any links for them?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/26 19:31:45


@Graven - Thanks bud, now that she is sorted I may even get some decent hobby time in

@Miss Dee - Links for Redscorps stuff ?





Or for the Infinity stuff?

this Angel's blog, he paints studio models for just about every model company except G-Dub


and here is the official forum, bunch of really nice guys


and this is the remote presence blog, acting as a king of Blog hub for infinity blogs


So I got a game in last night, managed to table my friend's Ariadne (ariadne are a bunch of french, american, scottish and russians that got stranded on a planet together, surprisingly they didn't kill each other and are now the low-tech faction... with werewolves ) with my Aleph (Aleph is the AI that runs all the human sphere planets, its army is made up of perfect bio-engeneered killing machines...sexy female killing machines )

I will try and dig out a few good pics from the ones I took of the game, unfortunately it was pretty dark.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/26 20:39:13

Post by: Gitsplitta

*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*

Were waiting.....

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/26 23:18:55


Jeez! I'm back to posting 5 mins and you expect regular updates!

And its not like you post on your blog that much Gits ..... oh, right....

Anyway I mainly tried to get a few snaps of the table to show the scale of the buildings vs models, now you have to understand my squad consists of 6 figs, two of which are Netrods ( basically missiles that are deployed from the air in the first turn and act as well, cellphone towers for the Aleph AI, they provide an extra order but no actual bullets) two of the other figs are unpainted and the last two are in a black and white scheme.... so not that flashy on the table

I won't even mention my opponents painting (honestly bro, black undercoated figs on a black tablecloth?) the amount of times I have moved a model around the corner only to walk straight into one of his figs simply because I didn't see it! He claims its camo, I claim its just more of his "bending the rules"

So first up is a high shot showing my two Asuras ( heavy infantry with a visor that lets them see through smoke grenades and Camouflage, and the ability to ignore wounds until they drop dead, basically like the chick from ghost in the shell)

As you can see the cars provide decent cover but let the models shoot over the top. In infinity if you can see a model to shoot at it, they can shoot back but if there is a car in the way and you are touching it with your base then you get a cover bonus.

Her you can see my opponents troops as they cover each other on the approach to my deployment. Bayonet always has to take an aggressive stance as his Dogface ( the super jumping werewolf) has "impetuous". This gives him an extra move every turn but he has to spend it moving towards the enemy, this generally leaves him too far ahead of his lines and the rest of the army trying to catch up and cover him.... they often arrive to see my Asuras riddling the poor doggy with lead

Here is my Asuras w/ Spitfire covering an approach, the Spitfire is a small machine gun that fires 4 shots a turn with a high damage stat... really fun.

This is my Asuras Lt, I took a bit of a risk to run her up into a forward position as I really needed to take out his Heavy Machine Gun Sapper (in game Sappers are able to spend a turn digging a foxhole and as long as they don't move they gain a cover bonus...even on top of buildings dammit!). As you can see she took a few hits on the way to the cover she is now cowering behind, the red marker denotes a wound and the 2 shows how many she has taken.

And I just had to take a pic at the end of the game, this shows the HMG, Moblat (french Heavy Infantry), Highlander Grey (Scottish Heavy Veteran, damn his dual shotguns!) and best of all, his Medic..... all of them shot to pieces at the end of my Asuras Suppression Fire lane.

Well there you are, hope it shows exactly how big all those buildings are and how much terrain you really need for Infinity. I admit I don't many tables this big and dense but it has been worth it for the way it changes the game.

That enough for ya Gits?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/27 00:03:35

Post by: Gitsplitta

Sure, it's like watching an Aard Boys tournament here in the 'states! (ie nothing's painted).

So, how do the figs get into the buildings? Surely there are floors and windows to fire out of?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/27 00:31:25


Nope, having internals in the building slows down the game IMHO, taking off the top stories to move models around is a hassle and to be honest we like the way game flows when everyone is screaming around like madmen rather then skulking inside.

Several of the buildings have low walls around the roof so you can position snipers with cover if you want but other than that I have stayed away from interior detail.

Another factor, and I have had several people agree on the infinity forums, is that once you start doing interiors the time taken on each building increase exponentially. I was building and painting 6 buildings a weekend for a couple of weeks, the entire table was done in a month... compare that to the guy that built a 3 story doctor's office, inside and out, from hirst arts moulds. Don't get me wrong, his building is a thing of beauty, but it took him a year to finish and a whole table of terrain like that will take the rest of his life while I can play immediately.

Speaking of terrain the next project will be a s^&t ton of jungle and forest terrain for my friend's Ariadne to roam about in, he bought an entire box of aquarium plants so it should be interesting!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/27 01:57:20

Post by: Gitsplitta

Teasing you is just no fun when you don't take the bait!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/27 02:24:11


Oh....guess I am a little too serious when it comes to 1:50 scale buildings

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/27 10:16:42

Post by: Miss Dee

Nay TARDIS links

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2011/08/28 00:57:37

Post by: Santobell

Tardis syle decals can be found here.

This guy makes some great urban gear for wargaming everything from porta potties to park benches.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/03 10:13:31


Umm, so Hi!

Sorry I've been of the grid for so long, it's been a busy year and a bit for sure, but it has been starting to get embarrassing when I PM you guys and you ask when I will get back to posting... there is only so long I can keep blaming my actually pretty cool kids!

So I have spent the time away from Dakka to experiment a bit with new games, obviously I have bought far too many Infinity figs (I know have 2 armies and a a random assortment of other faction's figs to use as mercs) A friend and I put in for the Dust Tactics starter set and the Dust Warfare rulebook, has been fun in the couple of games I have played so far.. pretty lethal TBh.
The same friend also had the unmitigated gall to suggest he liked the look of the new Empire models from Warhammer Fantasy and that he would like to collect a few.....

.....I now have around 3k of (painted)Skaven...damn you to hell!

MY long running 40K project, the Knights of Dark Renown has been slowly tracking along. I am basically trying to enjoy modelling for the sake of it, not pushing to get an entire army painted and done in a set time, just having fun with the army model by model.

For those of you who don't have incredible memories or feel like trawling through pages of my long necrotic blog (come on people, you know you want to ) the Knights of Dark Renown are a Space Wolf counts as based around Logan Grimnar, 15 termies with power weapons and storm shields ( Knights get it?), a squad of Thunderwolf cav (mounted knights, duh!) and two squads of missile Fangs( ummm, archers...a bit of a stretch I know). So a real cheesy list that I have no real idea how to play with but has been pretty cool to model as each and every knight is modeled differently and painted in their own livery.

But lets be honest, you aren't reading through this drivel for the sheer joy of finally being able to experience the poetry of my written word after so long....

.... your here for the pictures right?

Well fine, have your filthy pictures!

First up is my Logan Grimnar counts as , Berethain Lord of Misrule

I am planning on building some form of cloak to bulk him up a bit, will probably try and track down a Chaos Termi Lord cloak for a base....sometime....eventually

Next is Tarvesh the Lion, my barely converted FW termie (whose name escapes me just now)

Here is Feramon the Burnt, the smoke censor and smoke came from the various Skaven bits I had lying around

One of my favourites, Tyriel the Dawn Prince (little worried that is the name of some elf in a book I read that I can' t even remember but whatever)

Another one I am pretty happy with , Maleshar the Serpent

And the last of the Foot Termies I have started, very much WIP..... Arask the First Law.

In the book I am loosely basing my army theme on there is a cursed gate that a bunch of goody two shoe knights get tricked into entering to save a land from tyranny...and instead leads to a land dominated by psychic vampires.... five years later the knights come back in a pretty bad mood. Now while the the actual "Knights of Dark Renown" were the scumbags and murderers who were scraped together to combat the vampire knights I have decided to model my Knights as the bad guys....and they have decided to bring their Cursed Gate along with them into battle.

Hence my the Land Raider "Cursed Gate"... imaginative name no?

Next are my Counts as Thunderwolf Cavalry, now I decided to make sure to use absolutely no Space Wolf bits in my army and so had to try something a bit different for my TWC, namely the sweet Chaos Knight mounts from WFB.

First up is Trevain the Brutal....

.....Arukan the Lost and....

...Morat, Ender of Days.

I REALLY like how the TWC came out, an I am still considering modeling up another squad...will just have to see how they play first in 6th ed.

So that is as far as my Knights of Dark Renown have gotten so far, but I am happy with the speed I am going, I have just started work on an Egyptian themed knight using a red scorpion shoulderpad I traded for but thanks to 6th wound allocation being so different I have been able to change around the weapon loadouts on the rest of the termies and will need to begin again on most of them.

My Guard army has been pretty much collecting dust but will be having an outing in a couple of months when My friend and I take a Guard/Guard army to our local doubles tournament. I will be taking a mech vet force with 4 Leman Russ and a Vendetta, my friend will be taking a footslogging Catachan force with 3 Leman russ and ...well I am a little ashamed of this...21 mortar teams...yes 21 mortars....pinning checks anyone?

Pretty much all I have built for the event is a new Punisher Gatling turret ( pics to come, its pretty nice if I do say so myself) and a new Lord Inquisitor

I really like the original fig, but I felt the need to carve off his head and add a sweet Blackhand gasmask

Oh and speaking of Blackhands, I have decided to add a small Allied detachment to my Blackhand Marines....honest a just a little one... um, a squad of BA assault marines and um, well er ......Mephiston.

I know, cheesy as hell... I'm sorry but everyone always goes on about how much of a beast in CC he is so I want to try him out...honest!

So I have traded for a squad of marines, slapped on a few jump packs and worked out a paint scheme. I have decided to run the detachment as a squad of Void Dragons, the made up progenitor Chapter for my Blackhands ( which in turn are a descended from Salamanders) hence the mix of black and green.

In the next couple of days a copy of Astorath the Grim will arrive in the post and I will begin converting him to a Mephiston counts as, hopefully will make for some interesting WIP pics for you guys!

Well thats it for me so far, thanks everyone who still subscribes to my long dead thread and to anyone new!



PS, nice to be back!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/03 10:57:24

Post by: Revenent Reiko


Nice to see you back bud!

Ok, so im not going to do a blow by blow, just a huge WOW for all your beautiful sculpts! As ever, they are something special in the world of resin and toy soldiers

BLACKHAND wrote:So I have spent the time away from Dakka to experiment a bit with new games, obviously I have bought far too many Infinity figs (I know have 2 armies and a a random assortment of other faction's figs to use as mercs) A friend and I put in for the Dust Tactics starter set and the Dust Warfare rulebook, has been fun in the couple of games I have played so far.. pretty lethal TBh.
Welcome to non-GW games, i shall be joining you shortly.
The same friend also had the unmitigated gall to suggest he liked the look of the new Empire models from Warhammer Fantasy and that he would like to collect a few.....

.....I now have around 3k of (painted)Skaven...damn you to hell!

For those of you who don't have incredible memories or feel like trawling through pages of my long necrotic blog (come on people, you know you want to ) the Knights of Dark Renown are a Space Wolf counts as based around Logan Grimnar, 15 termies with power weapons and storm shields ( Knights get it?), a squad of Thunderwolf cav (mounted knights, duh!) and two squads of missile Fangs( ummm, archers...a bit of a stretch I know). So a real cheesy list that I have no real idea how to play with but has been pretty cool to model as each and every knight is modeled differently and painted in their own livery.

I will be re-reading your blog later, however some thoughts:

Long Fang 'Archers' are not as much of a stretch as you might think:
Wikipedia wrote:One rebel leader, a man known only as "The Archer,"

This Homicidal gentleman is known as the Archer due to his excepitionally accurate use of Stinger missiles to take out USSR Helicopters...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/03 12:19:26

Post by: inmygravenimage

Like a lovely boomerang, he's back, baby! And in spades. Love the knights. And those TWC - staggered. Bring it on, BLACKHAND!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/03 12:26:55

Post by: ghostmaker

Very cool army. Great conversions great work!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/03 13:46:33

Post by: Gitsplitta

Wonderful to have you back in the game my friend, and you do not disappoint! Wow! Those "Knights of Dark Renown" are spectacular. Each with their own individual character and feel... just fantastic.

I really like those assault marines... the helmets are just too creepy...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/03 13:51:46

Post by: Hyenajoe

Drum rolls
Ladies and Gentlemen, Modeling fans, rejoice! You are about to witness the return of BLACKHAND!

Glad to see you're back!

The Dragon prince termie is wonderful!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/03 14:26:05

Post by: whalemusic360

Bout time you got back here!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/03 14:29:11

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

He's actually alive..... 0.o

Great way to jump back in buddy, they're all looking nasty, some damn sweet conversions going on there. I love the individuality of each one.

Keep it up, and please dont leave it such a long time before updating!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/03 14:29:14

Post by: Imperial Monkey

Is that a cyberman helmet on the sarge of the assault marines?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/03 14:47:25

Post by: Gitsplitta

Hey, if you guys hadn't noticed... Puppet's War produces some insanely good samurai helmets.

I think the knights need a samurai... more specifically a Ronin, to make them complete.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/03 16:54:06

Post by: Revenent Reiko

....Good call Gits...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/03 18:18:04

Post by: Sageheart

nice to see you back! those knights are looking pretty baller.

Are you painting each in its own color scheme?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/03 20:06:32


Haha, thanks everyone I should have known it would be the old crew still watching the thread

@Reiko - Thanks! and yeah its been nice to try some new game systems, what were you planning on getting into? Oh and I really like the idea of my Long Fangs taking down flyers, I hope that Missile launchers get FAQd to have Flack so we don't have to hit on 6s.

@Graven - I have to admit it has been Gits steady PMs that made me think about about posting again but it was completely missing your birthday that shamed me into restarting Happy Birthday again!

@Ghostmaker - Hi there, and thanks!

@Gits - Thanks Gits, you know I have been itching to show these guys off and yeah I had no idea where the look of the assault marines were going until I finished the (admittedly simple) paint job, I have a feeling the counts as Mephiston is gonna look pretty creepy to know

@Hyenajoe - Thanks Joe, the great thing about the dragon prince is to get the dragon helms I had to buy a whole set of High Elf Dragon Prince torsos and helms so I have a bunch of them to convert the missile troops. I figure the Missile squads will be made up of each Knights household troops and men at arms so they will have livery and conversions that echo their lords.

@Whalemusic - Nice to see you too

@Vitruvian - Thanks bud and while I won't be pushing myself to update with pics everyday or so I won't be away for a year this time

@Imperial Monkey - Hi, and nope it is a helmet I sculpted, was trying for a skull like helmet that looked like someone could actually wear.... with the paintjob it came out looking like General Grievous but I am still pretty happy with it.

@Gits - Yep I saw the helmets too, and yes I plan on building a Samurai/Ronin Knight, I had a prototype made up but was not happy with the helmet or shoulderpads so I stripped it down. Will have to look at the price of those heads.....

@Sageheart - Cheers, and yep each knight will have their own livery, though I have been trying to think of something that I can use on every one of them to try and tie them together into a cohesive army, maybe an army badge or symbol that I can sculpt somewhere on their bodies or paint freehand, not sure yet.

Thanks again everyone for posting, nice to know my long absence was noticed!



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/03 20:10:47

Post by: whalemusic360

I hear ya on the new games as well. Picked up a few infinisty minis, and am hopelessly addicted to Kisckstarter/Indiegogo. Got Dark Potential, Zombicide, and Sedition Wars.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/03 22:17:36


Oh dude, the sedition wars models look great, even if you only used them fro extras/enemies in games of Inquisimunda or some other Scifi RPG they would still be totally worth it, though I am sure the game will be great in and of itself.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/04 02:44:25

Post by: Gitsplitta

You know, once of Chapterhouse's "Heresy Era" terminator pad sets would look fantastic with Japanese armor, all you have to do is trim off the straps. See below.

Just a thought.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/04 03:15:14


Thanks Gits, I am happy enough to sculpt the pads, I have realised over the last couple of tries at a Samurai style armour (this is my will be my fourth attempt) is that typical samurai armour contains a lot of cloth which is hard to represent on a termie. I tried sculpting GS pants ( I think their proper name is budo?) but I wasn't very happy with it so this time I will keep to resculpting the torso and shoulders and finding a decent grinning demon samurai helmet.

Plus I am notoriously cheap and the thought of ordering a whole set of shoulderpads for one guy makes my wallet cry a little

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/04 03:19:06

Post by: Gitsplitta

Sounds like you have things well in hand. You just have to forgive me for being hopelessly untalented and needing to rely on the artistic skills of others for my models.

Think I'll just have an "L" tattooed to my forehead for good measure.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/04 05:02:52


Sure, and I would believe all that if you didn't have one of the biggest P&M blogs in Dakka history and obviously far greater painting skills than me

Though I will be honest and say that once I have what I feel is a decent Samurai style upgrade kit for a termie I may look at casting it for a very limited production run...maybe...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/04 11:17:39

Post by: Gitsplitta


BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/05 08:44:04


First up, I checked out the Puppetswar facebook site... they haven't got the Samurai heads cast up yet...bummer

But the reason they haven't cast them yet is that is that they are working on a weapon set to go with it...sweet!

Next I got finecast copy of Astorath today...Wow! All the rumours are true! Finecast is absolute crap!

I admit that I picked a model with a ton of tiny skulls and fine muscle detail but still holy jesus! The nose was so thin it almost crumbled as I tried to repair it with GS, hell I could sit here and type for 20 mins describing all the bits I had to fix but no one want to hear yet another Finecast rant so suffice to say I don't believe I will be buying any again.

Anyhow enough grumbling here is my Converted Astorath the Grim Ie (insert cool name here) Chapter Master of the Void Dragons who counts as Mephiston

There are still a few decisions to be made about what details to try and save and what to just scrape off so I don't think I will get any paint on him for another day or so, but I am happy with the direction he is taking so far... he looks kinda nasty

C&C is welcome as always!



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/05 11:04:25

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Wow, i think we can see from all the GS just how much there was to fix....Saying that, he looks excellent!

Definitely forgot to say as well:
Was looking into Infinity, the New Ariadhna Metro model is AMAZING looking! (Hood + HMG, yes please!) But im being hampered by not having access to the Infinity site at work, so i cant read up on the fluff very much (im WAY too tired when i get home to do any serious reading :( ). That and some of the models being ugly as hell, but then some of the others are so peretty i cant describe it...*sigh* time to start a shopping list

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/05 19:44:45


One of the things about Infinity is that if you don't like a model you don't have to have it, there are no auto-includes in a faction.
Oh and what about the Dozer engineer with the skull kerchief, though painting it freehand must have been a real test.

And yes, the new Metro is pretty cool but the Kazak side of Ariadne still does it for me, they are so modern day day spec ops

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/05 20:59:44

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Yeah, i spotted that, makes me a LOT more inclined to get into it.

dozer engineer? will have to check that out. Im always KNACKERED when i get back form work so i tend to crash out, and (typically) i cant get the Infinity site at work..*sigh* EDIT: just found the engineer....NOW i see why you like the model!! (her) and the Kazak for that matter

true, i like the Kazaks, but that Metro...just kicks ass! liking some of the Dog soldiers as well, and the snipers, and the Spec Ops, and the Tankhunter....DAMMIT!! My wallet is gonna hate me.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/05 21:20:04


Haha, not the old female model, the new male model that was released a month or so ago.. see if you can find it, he would fit well in a merovingian ( french/metro) force.

My friend has a couple of Dog Soldiers in his force and they always cause 1st-2nd turn madness as they scream across the board and into my lines, luckily my Marut and Asuras usually manage to put them down... gotta love HMGs with explosive ammo

Oh and Tankhunters are fantastically lethal to heavy infantry and TAGs...definitely pick one up, just try not to throw it against the wall when assembling it.

I may try and take a few photos tonight of my latest Infinity figs and post em up, they aren't Ariadne but they are still pretty!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Edit : the Dozer I meant was this guy


Man does Angel Giraldez know how to paint!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Ok Reiko, these are for you!

This is my big daddy, the Combined Army Avatar. Armour 10, Multi HMG and Grenade Launcher...soooo much fun

and here he/she/it is beside a marine for comparison

This is a Combined Drone with Combi Rifle

This is a Combined Army Anethematic, nice armour, sweet weopon loadout and the best level of stealth you can get in the game. And yes those head tentacles are as hard to get on as you would imagine, and they are too thin to pin so they basically stay on due willpower alone.

Nomad Hellcat, has Combat Drop so she can get in behind enemy lines where they least want it and a HMG to really make their day

And my other TAG, the Aleph Maruts, less armour then the Avatar but a similar weopon loadout and costs a lot less in points. She usually comes with extra knee and shoulderplates and a shield on one of it's combat arms but I wanted a more lean uncomplicated look.

and a comparison shot with Mr Blackhand,

Honestly, you have no idea how many thin layers of white paint I put on that girl and it still looks rough under a close up, GRRR

Oh and I apologise for the poor lighting, it has meant a lot of the torso detail is missing from the Avatar especially as he is crouched over a lot. Sooner or later I will fork out for a decent light booth....maybe when I run out of new shiny models to buy



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/06 08:53:02

Post by: inmygravenimage

Your nomad hellcat is one of the most interesting paintjobs I've seen in a long time. Love it. You make me actually like Infinity, which is quite an achievement - not a fan of the mecha aesthetic ordinarily.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/06 09:26:42


Thanks Graven, I was going for red leather and black plastic, the picture really brought the blazing orange in the highlights, it is much more red in RL. I kinda cheated and used a gloss varnish on all the black to get a plastic look.

I'm not trying to pimp infinity or anything but try browsing through their Ariadne line, it has a really nice modern day army feel to it that you may like.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/06 10:14:02

Post by: Revenent Reiko

oops, definitely thought you were looking at the female model my bad. Thanks for the link! Will look at when i get home (stupid firewall!)

Awesome, thats EXACTLY how i wanted to use them ,get up close and personal while the rest of my force flanks/sets up lanes of fire/grabs objectives/does some other sneaky stuff....Explosive ammo on a HMG...evil, evil man....

Throw it against a wall?! ill...try not to do that... Ive heard a couple fo them set up in the right place(s) can be BRUTAL, but ill have to get hold of the rules/learn the game before i work out whether thats true or not i guess.

BLACKHAND wrote:...Gorgeous models...

Wow BH! Thanks for posting.

The Combined Army is the aliens right? The Avatar/Drone/Anethematic are excellent (those tentacles, i can only imagine your pain....), but the Aleph Maruts is mindbogglingly good, dont worry about the white, it looks great from where im sitting! Havent seen the non-customised model (as it were), but i can see how taking the extra parts off has slimmed her down a lot.

Really like the insectile look of the Hellcat too, gameplay-wise, i can see how a DeepStriking (assuming Combat Drop is something like that?) HMG is a beautiful thing

Thanks again for the pics my friend, makes me want to get some of my own even more (curse you!)

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/06 10:51:42


Revenent Reiko wrote:oops, definitely thought you were looking at the female model my bad. Thanks for the link! Will look at when i get home (stupid firewall!)

Hehe, no worries, I do appreciate how many fine female figs are in the Infinity range

Revenent Reiko wrote:Awesome, thats EXACTLY how i wanted to use them ,get up close and personal while the rest of my force flanks/sets up lanes of fire/grabs objectives/does some other sneaky stuff....Explosive ammo on a HMG...evil, evil man....

My friend always forgets to hug cover when he charges his Dogs up so I can usually pop a few wounds off them, but once they are in close it can go downhill pretty quick especially since they have two chainrifles each. Literally a gun that shoots pieces of chain that rip apart into blasts of white hot metal, uses a blast template so autohits ftw......Rank

Revenent Reiko wrote:
........ but ill have to get hold of the rules/learn the game before i work out whether thats true or not i guess.

Check out their website, free rules download and they have a link to Devilteam who make the free army builder, damn thing is linked to a constantly updated wiki for rules clarification as well.... man this is making me remember how crap GW treats us!

Revenent Reiko wrote:
The Combined Army is the aliens right? The Avatar/Drone/Anethematic are excellent (those tentacles, i can only imagine your pain....), but the Aleph Maruts is mindbogglingly good, dont worry about the white, it looks great from where im sitting! Havent seen the non-customised model (as it were), but i can see how taking the extra parts off has slimmed her down a lot.

Yep CA are the aliens, several different species that have been brought under the domination of an Evolved Intelligence, all three of the Avatar/drones/Anethematics are basically Bioandroids that the E.I. use as host bodies... funnily enough the Maruts is basically the same thing, an android combat body for the Aleph A.I to inhabit. Both my Infinity armies have turned out to high tech spec ops forces with high cost troops, exact opposite of IG and SM armies which is kinda fun.

Revenent Reiko wrote:
Really like the insectile look of the Hellcat too, gameplay-wise, i can see how a DeepStriking (assuming Combat Drop is something like that?) HMG is a beautiful thing

Yeah I love the smooth swept back helmet design of the Hellcats, will probably pic up one each of the other Hellcats cause they all look as good. Combat Drop is far more powerful than Deepstriking, if you drop them in on the start of your turn and have plenty of orders to burn then you can potentially tear up your opponents backfield..... of course your opponents Reaction Orders always send the plan up the wazoo! Oh and since AD troops start the game in reserve (and an army that starts the game without their lieutenant on the table goes into retreat) and cost a bit points wise it is impossible to build an entire army of them, sad face :(

Revenent Reiko wrote:
Thanks again for the pics my friend, makes me want to get some of my own even more (curse you!)

Haha, my plan is working....

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/06 11:01:43

Post by: Gitsplitta

Nice figures Blackhand... that's quite the force you have there.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/06 11:15:06

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Hehe, no worries, I do appreciate how many fine female figs are in the Infinity range

BLACKHAND wrote:My friend always forgets to hug cover when he charges his Dogs up so I can usually pop a few wounds off them, but once they are in close it can go downhill pretty quick especially since they have two chainrifles each. Literally a gun that shoots pieces of chain that rip apart into blasts of white hot metal, uses a blast template so autohits ftw......Rank

So THATS what the Chain Rifles do! OUCH!
Theres one i quite like the look of modelled with a CCW and a shotgun of some variety (at least, i assume its a shotgun...), so was going to run with that as a basic 'plan' for at least one os my Dog soldiers. Run up, [i[hug cover[/i] (ty for the tip), blast away, chop up whats left . But the Chain rifles sound brilliant, gonn alook into those when i get home.

BLACKHAND wrote:Check out their website, free rules download and they have a link to Devilteam who make the free army builder, damn thing is linked to a constantly updated wiki for rules clarification as well.... man this is making me remember how crap GW treats us!

Will do, firewall blocks me at the moment, but i am planning on browsing this weekend to really get a feel of where i want to go with them.
Completey agree! Find it really ironic how its the 'big' complany that treats their customers like crap, and the 'little' (read: smaller) company that has such great support, both online and otherwise. FREE rules downloads and automatically updating rules....*enters state of bliss*

BLACKHAND wrote:Yep CA are the aliens, several different species that have been brought under the domination of an Evolved Intelligence, all three of the Avatar/drones/Anethematics are basically Bioandroids that the E.I. use as host bodies... funnily enough the Maruts is basically the same thing, an android combat body for the Aleph A.I to inhabit. Both my Infinity armies have turned out to high tech spec ops forces with high cost troops, exact opposite of IG and SM armies which is kinda fun.

Yay, got it right lol thanks for the explanation, makes much more sense now. And i wondered how the Aleph faction worked as well, they all look humanois to me, so i assumed they were just in armour/cyborgs, something like that. Independant AI controlled fighting platforms makes more sense thinking about it now.

BLACKHAND wrote:Yeah I love the smooth swept back helmet design of the Hellcats, will probably pic up one each of the other Hellcats cause they all look as good. Combat Drop is far more powerful than Deepstriking, if you drop them in on the start of your turn and have plenty of orders to burn then you can potentially tear up your opponents backfield..... of course your opponents Reaction Orders always send the plan up the wazoo! Oh and since AD troops start the game in reserve (and an army that starts the game without their lieutenant on the table goes into retreat) and cost a bit points wise it is impossible to build an entire army of them, sad face :(

Same here, why ive always wanted to get a Wraithlord, purely for the awesome helm/face.
ooooo, ok, havent read up much on Orders, or Lieutenants for that matter, but as i understand it, the Lieutenant is your 'General', and the amount of orders you have decides how many units can move/fight etc.? Im going to have to dedicate tomorrow to reading the rules. First order of business: Orders and Lieutenants....
EDIT: yes, that would be awesome! a whole force of Combat Dropping troops....ELlsian Drop Troops anyone? Or SMs for that matter...haha
Shame you cant get away with it. I hear the all-Camo army is about to get nerfed as well :(
Haha, my plan is working....

*shakes fist in BLACKHAND's general direction*

This may intereest you as well mate:

Having a figure to represent your 'character' in the game.....SOLD

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/06 20:54:16


Basic premise is this -

For every model in your army you will get one Order ( barring some of the drones which act as remotes fro specialist characters like engineers and docs)

Certain troop types in your army list can be nominated as and LT, you must have an LT on the table at all time. If the LT goes down you can spend 2 orders to nominate a new one, if you don't your army goes into retreat and at the start of your next turn every model will get a free move back towards your deployment zone and you will only have two Orders to spend no matter how many troops you have on the field. Note you can still fight and move using those two Orders so it is possible to win while in retreat... have actually done this myself and royally pissed off my mate.

You can spend Orders from your Order Pool on any model in your army and can spend as many Orders on them as you like. I.e You have seven models and seven Orders, you can spend 3 on one model and 4 on another or all 7 on one. Orders allow your model to Move+Shoot, Move+do an Action (climb, hack, drop to the ground) basically Orders are what makes your army run.

The LT gets a special Order that it can use on itself or to allow a model in your army to pass a Guts check, basically a morale check whenever a model gets hit.

If a model is in full TO (Thermo-Optical) Camouflage or in AD reserve then it doesn't contribute to the Order pool. So Armies that have a high percentage of these kinds of troops will be Order starved at the beginning of the game and will get usually get creamed by their opponent .

Thats a pretty much a vague idea of how Orders and LTs work, I have to say the rulebook suffers from pretty poor translation but the english Infinity forum is great and the users ther are the ones who update the wiki so your in good hands if you ask questions there.

Oh and a model that represent you in the game which you can earn experience for and upgrade....so cool.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/07 11:10:22

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Thanks BH!

Really great summary, it all makes SO much more sense now. Appreciate you taking the time to explain.

Going to get into a full read now on their website (cheers for the heads up on the translation), but now knowing the basics, should make my life a lot easier.

Retreat sounds sucky, LOSING while in retreat...well, i can imagine why your mate was pissed off

Really looking forward to the upgradeable guy, shame i will probably never get a chance to use him/my figures (no games around here). Need to find an Infinity Vassal equivalent or something....Google here i come

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/12 20:34:23

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Just bought the Infinity Rulebook (wanted the fluff) so i am taking it to work when i get it and i dont care if i get funny looks...

On Topic, get your paint on!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/13 07:07:54


Lol, cool man I havn't seen the rulebook yet but I hear it is worth it for the backstory and the art is great.

As for paint I have kind of got sidetracked......

... I spent today converting and sculpting 3 Nurgle Termies out of AoBR termies, plan on adding them as an "allied" unit to the Chaos Marine Blackhands

Going for a dirty white scheme so far and will get pics up soon...

,,, really Sir, I promise!

Speaking of the Chaos Marine Blackhands I am running a 500 pt version of them in our next Combat Patrol Tournament (My friend and I run a combat patrol tourney every 2 months out our local club, trying to give something fun to do for the kids without a huge collection of figs) and it forced me to finally paint my Reaper Autocannon Havocs, will get some pics up of them at some point........

... no really, I'll do it!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/13 12:24:43

Post by: Revenent Reiko

*slitted eyes*

hmmm, we shall see, and there will be consequences if there is no delivery....

on the other hadn, having seen your sculpts/conversions before, im looking forward to seeing how those Nurgle Termies come along! Dirty white eh? sounds like primer to me....

Awww the Combat Patrol Tournies sound like an excellent idea!

glad to see the Chaos Marine Blackhands havent been forgotten.

as a side note: no rush on the painting mate, i know you are putting 40k on the backburner in favour of family time, you have no complaints from me (honest) about that. And im really excited about the rulebook now, hoping to dive into the fluff and (finally) understand what people are talking about

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/21 22:11:52


Ok so my week of Nurgle Distraction is nearly over... I hope....there are currently some ideas for a Nurgle Daemon Prince percolating but I am almost over Nurglyflying things for the time being.

Heres a painted shot of my three Nurgle Termies, I am currently waiting for a Reaper AC to arrive from Ebay. I have also magnetised all the arms so I can play around with loadouts a bit. Oh and yeah I changed the Paint scheme to a classic green, am still thinking of a secondary colour to add to the shoulderpads, may end up just adding a dark angels green or black.

And here are some WIP pics of the conversion work I did

I later went over them with a drillbit and knife blade to add some corrosion, felt weird to trash models like this but the result is pretty nice

And here are the nine Plaguemarines I put together, they are mostly made up of Loyalist Marine bits, just a few CSM arms and backpacks, I like to think of them as Renegades rather than original Deathguard Marines, slowly being corrupted and replacing broken and damaged gear with CSM parts.

Again mainly just drillbit corrosion and a couple of Plague Blisters per marine and something special on every backpack like the spore chimneys or a bit of guitar string pipeing to the chest.

Oh and I sculpted a Nurgle Fly shoulderpad and cut down a Nurgle Champ pad and cast them ( 8 cast in a night!! so boring) so they all have resin pads,

I ran out of marine bodies, hence only 9 marines but as these guys are third hand, have have been stripped at least twice and still came out ok (Nurgle doesn't mind old bits) I figure I will be able to track down enough parts eventually.

Oh and just because I was happy to finally lay down some paint on them ( not that the Blackhand scheme is especially taxing ) here are my four AC Havoks

C&C always welcome



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/22 00:34:59

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very fine work my friend! Great update!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/22 00:40:37


Thanks Gits, what do you think about adding a background colour to the shoulderpads? the more I think about it the more I want to add a heavily washed Dark Angel green, dark enough to look black in most places with the green showing through in the centre

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/22 05:29:43

Post by: inmygravenimage

I think that sounds like a good idea with the pad colours. I love those nurgle chappies, they're a great balance between addition detail and the original models. Don't get me wrong, I love a pustule covered, rotting plague marine as much as the next guy, but sometimes less is more.
Also the BLACKHAND devestators are looking great. I do love a mk 4 helmet on a fella!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/22 06:20:48


Yeah I really like the Nurgle themes of corruption, corrosion and eruption of blisters...but kinda dislike the whole bloated fat thing so decided to build my own.

Plus the whole 10 man squad has cost just the price of the two plasmaguns and the GS, which I already owned, and bit of bits trading... you know, instead of $85 for 7 Finecast Plaguemarines.

Was a difficult choice as you can imagine

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/22 08:19:54

Post by: Matt.Kingsley

Those Marines look great!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/22 17:32:17

Post by: Miss Dee

Sick as in sick in the head?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/22 18:16:59

Post by: Gitsplitta

Either dark green or a kind of leathery brown would work well I think.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/22 19:40:45


@Matt Kingsley - Thanks!

@Miss Dee - Well... my friends call me the Joy Vampire due to the jokes I tell, funny at first then everyone realises they are laughing about something horrible .. one of my workmates once described me as a Narcissistic Sociopath, I objected as I am far two awesome to be narcissistic.... so only sick in the head as far as a clinical psychologist would say sick in the head

@Gits - I hadn't thought of brown, I may have to do a couple of colour tests tonight and see which one looks right.



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/22 22:21:45

Post by: Gitsplitta

Take a look at the "parchment" pad that yggs did on one of his nurgle marines... pretty cool effect (I copied it on one of mine) and easily accomplished.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/23 10:35:39


Ok so here is something a little different. In the last year I have been playing around with Fimo, a heat curing sculpting putty, in the hope of creating a completely original miniature.

Now I just don't have the ability yet to sculpt 28mm figs in the kind of detail I would be happy with, and to be honest I don't think Fimo is the right product to use anyway, so I have been working on bigger 56mm type figures.

At first I was working on a werewolf type model to stand in for Thunderwolf cav in a 13th company army I was thinking of building, you know instead of thunderwolves just a huge hulking werwolf style marine. But the more I delved into the cost of the 13th company marines the more I realised I just couldn't lay down the cash

Which brings me to todays post, as I worked away on my Nurgle marines and termies my mind wandered to my favourite Chaos Iconic model, the Daemon Prince!

Now since I want to stay away from the whole fat slob models and I find the standard GW Daemon Prince to be an embarrassingly bland model (honestly GW, an ancient Prince of Daemons flipping the bird???) I decided to repurpose the werewolf.

So after tearing of the original arms I had sculpted I built some new ones and put him in the oven to bake.

After 20 mins, I pulled him out and let him set. Here he is in all his naked glory.

Now the final inspiration , and impetus, for him came last night while I watched a show called Planet Dinosaur. Yes I am that nerdy, I also made my four year old girl watch it with me much to her mothers disgust
On the show it had a couple of minutes of footage of a huge Pterasaur walking around on the ground, which finally clicked with my need to give my DP wings. I wanted wings but not the typical dragon, bat or feathered wings so seeing this massive flyer walking around on all fours with its wings attached to its hands and folded up besides body really spoke to me.

Unfortunately floppy wings membranes and spindly finger bones didn't scream combat monster, so I have repurposed the wing struts as blades and will minimise the amount of wing membrane between the struts.

So after a short bit of cutting and sanding I have got to this point.

So have to sleep but I really wanted to get some pics up of the little beastie to get some feedback, especially since this such untested waters for me. Tomorrow night I will begin work on Greenstuffing details like hands and feet, and the all important Nurgle boils, spore blister and such.

C&C is very much appreciated



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/23 11:13:01

Post by: Gitsplitta

Great job on the sculpt (as usual) B-Hand. The wing-like things are intriguing... but kind of hard to get a hold on conceptually. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for them.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/23 12:06:22

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Nice Plague Marines BH! and painted too!

Agree a 'nice' brown would work, or maybe a dirty yellow? might be a little bright though...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/23 16:51:16

Post by: Miss Dee

I did the intro to councilling ......................


So I can call ya sick in the head

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/23 19:47:51


@Gits - Thanks,and yeah I realise the wings are very WIP at the moment, essentially I my design of the wings will something like this guy


but with much less wing membrane. Obviously it is a much more humanoid body form rather then the hyperspecialised pterasaur form so I have had to lengthen the forarms and shorten the legs to give him the ability to move on land... but hey he's a foul daemon from the warp so reality can stretch a bit.

@Reiko- Thanks man, and yeah I will revisit the Plaguemarines in a few days once my DP distraction is over with.

@Miss Dee - You and everyone else who spends more than 10 minutes in my illustrious company... and quite a few who haven't!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/23 20:02:55

Post by: Miss Dee

I have some good news Im moving in with my GF Tazzy next monday so Im happy.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/24 07:08:28

Post by: inmygravenimage

Looking really cool BH. The pose reminds me a bit of the aberration clone from Confrontation, and can totally visualise what you're up to with the wings. Also, you're a talented man with the old gs, don't do yourself down.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/24 08:30:40

Post by: Revenent Reiko


@Reiko- Thanks man, and yeah I will revisit the Plaguemarines in a few days once my DP distraction is over with.

How...but, how....how did i miss the Daemon Prince??!!

REALLY like the idea of him BH, Pteresaur DP? Yes please

Agree with graven, dont put yourself down, we all know (and have seen) your GS skills, believe in yourself!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/24 20:00:28


@Miss Dee - Congrats!and good luck with the move.

@Graven - Cheers mate and yeah I realised after a while that I had copied a lot of the style of the abomination without thinking about it. But having never seen one in real life I figure I won't end up with something exactly the same!

@Reiko - Thanks Reiko I have no idea how you missed him as well...he's pretty big!

After a nights work GSing the chest and sides of the DP to clean up the muscle definition and adding most of the wing membrane I am fairly happy with the direction he is taking. Didn't have time to take pics last night but will definitely get to it tonight, my only worry is that I am rapidly coming to the end of my Galeforce9 Greenstuff, damn I love how much you get in their pack!



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/25 09:42:13

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Yes, apparently i am blind...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/25 09:52:36


Cheers Reiko, try missing him now!

Ok so I have a few WIPs, I have only laid down one layer of GS on the wing membranes and will need to do some very careful sanding and probably add another layer on the under side to add strength to them.

Began the hands, wanted a meat cleaver type look to the claws but at least if I don't like the end result I have plenty of material to carve away to get a more curved look.

Added bulk to the feet but have not even begun the toes, and the back and neck need a lot more before I am done. Only problem there is that I need to hold the damn thing somehow and at the moment its the back so it will be done last I think.... funny the things you learn doing big GS sculpts like this, next time I think I will keep all the limbs separate as long as possible!

Hopefully these pics will help explain where I am going with the wings, they obviously need a lot of work yet but I am pretty happy with him to tell the truth

C&C is welcome as always



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/25 10:11:13

Post by: Revenent Reiko

BLACKHAND wrote:Cheers Reiko, try missing him now!

'its right there!'

BLACKHAND wrote:I am pretty happy with him to tell the truth

As you should be! Great work BH, he is coming along nicely!

not totally sold on the claws yet, but im happy to see where you go with them, i have no doubt you will convince me....

Really like how he feels like he is moving along the ground in the pose, definitely more apparent with the wings on. Stays very true to the Pterosaur theme as well (as in i can see him moving the same way they do).

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/25 11:51:16

Post by: Gitsplitta

OK mate, that's coming into focus nicely now. Where are you thinking of going with the feet?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/25 19:44:17


@Reiko -Thanks bud, I am pretty happy with the sense of movement he has as well, like he has just landed and is moving in to attack (or at least that is what I am going for)
As for the claws I will spend a bit more time on them before I look at cutting them down, the image in my mind is of a killing machine with meat cleavers for fingers but if that doesn't translate then I will carve them down to a more easily recognisable curved avian claw.

@Gits - Cheers Gits, hopefully the wings make more sense now. I still am not sure about the feet, I keep thinking of quite dinosaur like feet with scales and pretty stubby claws but I think that is more me being worried about how I am going to sculpt a detailed foot when it is so far back and under the arms and torso, I have a feeling it will be pretty hard to get the tools into that space.

Any suggestions on feet designs?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/25 19:44:41

Post by: inmygravenimage

Very cool. Somehow, this dp needs stealth. Or maybe just stealth(Reiko)...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/25 20:58:50

Post by: Revenent Reiko

BLACKHAND wrote:@Reiko -Thanks bud, I am pretty happy with the sense of movement he has as well, like he has just landed and is moving in to attack (or at least that is what I am going for)
As for the claws I will spend a bit more time on them before I look at cutting them down, the image in my mind is of a killing machine with meat cleavers for fingers but if that doesn't translate then I will carve them down to a more easily recognisable curved avian claw.

Not saying i wont like where you will go with it as things stand, just that i cant see it yet ( badum tish)

BLACKHAND wrote:Any suggestions on feet designs?

Sticking with the dinosaur theme....something along the lines of a Tyrannosaurus Rex?

inmygravenimage wrote:Very cool. Somehow, this dp needs stealth. Or maybe just stealth(Reiko)...

Pretty sure it already has!! Must be the GS, blends it into the 'background' ;D

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/25 21:01:22

Post by: Gitsplitta

It can be reptilian... but perhaps an elongated wolf foot in shape where the heel looks more like part of the leg than the foot? Perhaps with a little spur on it or something?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/25 22:26:08


I was thinking about a spur/claw on the back of the heel, mainly cause I can easily reach it

It is hard to see by the photos but the Lower leg is pretty much as you suggested Gits, the only part of the foot touching the ground in the front "pad" of the foot aqnd the toes, it just need more GS to add a more defined achilles and heel spur, after talking it through with my partner and firned of mine I am thinking a lot of what I am seeing in the model is either still not actually sculpted or will need a paint job to show up.

It's quite interesting sculpting Vs kitbashing/converting, with a kitbash you can tack the pieces together and people will instantly get a feel for the final shape of the model. With this sculpt especially I have a failry complete vision of the final product but it's not showing through to a lot of the people I have shown it to. I wish my sketches were better so that I could show you all my vision for ht esculpt but I think it would only make it worse!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/26 01:14:07

Post by: Gitsplitta

Ah, well.... great minds think alike obviously. I'll just be patient and watch it come to fruition over time.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/26 01:38:24

Post by: whalemusic360

I like it a lot! Would def get one if casts are offered. Would make a kickin night lords dp.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/07/26 03:16:55


@Gits - Never...stop...posting...ideas!

@WM360 - I have endevoured to stick just to my own sculpting so that it would be possible to cast without stepping on anyone's IP...but.

I kinda used a really thick wire for the internal skeleton, thick enough that a hacksaw will be the only way to "delimb" it enough that it can be cast. I am not sure what preparing a model of this size and complexity will entail but I think once I have gotten him to a stage that I am happy with I will give a shoutout as to wether it looks good enought to cast and depending on interest will jump into a very careful deconstruction process...would be interesting to do if only as a learning experience.

Also I made the decision last night to leave off any nurgle boils and scabs and instead will probably make a couple of different heads that I will magnetize to represent different Marks, that way he can be used through a lot more versions of my chaos army.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/08/06 08:51:06


Ok, despite a quiet week with no posting I have been fairly busy! no really, honest!

Work on the DP has stalled as I have reached the last few grams of my GS and want to preserve it for any conversions that may come up, will be buying some more in the near future though.

Before I ran out of GS I have added layers on both sides of the wing membranes to add bulk and texture, have basically covered over about 80% of the surface of the whole model as well to smooth out the skin as the Fimo had plenty of cracks and sculpt marks on it.

I then bit the bullet and cut the whole thing into pieces

He is now in 7 different bits, not counting claws and a head that is still in the vague planning stages. I am sooo glad I cut him up, it has made it a lot easier to sculpt the feet (which are about 70% done) and to reach the underside of the wings.

I am still trying to decide what to do with the groin... man that is terrible to type.

I am thinking of a loin cloth which will help hide a few of the joins on the hip/leg area or a bunch of shaggy hair, still not sure.

Anyway didn't take any pics yet as a pile of bits doesn't look too exciting but I am quietly confidant that all of the bits will be castable and that after a small investment in casting materials I will be able to reproduce him a few times at least.

To try something different and get my juices flowing for phase 2 of the DP I have gone to something more Imperial.

I have always wanted a Jump Chaplain and now that I am playing Combat Patrol regularly I have found that Chaplains and Libbys are the only kinds of HQ I can legally take so it was time to raid the bits box!

So the following guy is made up of various stuff including,

- GK Justicar legs
- Astorath the Grim's Jumpack
- Hand made chaplain head
- More purity seals than I can count

Oh and if anyone wants to know how to convert their own Chaplain helmet, check out Ron's fantastic tutorial on From the Warp


I have also repainted and re shoulderpadded ( is that even a word) the assault marines I built up as Void Dragons as I utterly despise the Finecast Astorath I bought and converted ( hence there are no pics of him "finished" on this blog, he truly looks crap and its not just my mediocre painting) and I decided the Chaplain needed an assault crew to run with.

They all now have Blackhand pads and the same Skull and Bones pad that the Chaplain is wearing.

And now back to my Nurgle obsession

After a quick game of Combat Patrol with my Plague Marines I decided to add another couple of Plasmagun marines so that I can rock 2 squads of five with two Plasma in each as well as my AC Havoks, lots of fire power but not a lot of bodies... will see how it goes..

Aaaand I just realised I havn't got any pics of them, well they look pretty much like the other Plaguemarines I have built

So yesterday I was trawling Ebay looking at the cheapest I could find a copy of Typhus to lead my rotten Nurgle ( a METAL Typhus of course!) and just couldn't find a copy that would be reasonable. I also remembered a comment on a blog once that the reason you often see Typhus on a raised base is that compared to modern termies he is quite short, stocky and mean looking but still short... so I started cutting plastic!

I took a basic Assault Termie body and cut it at the knees, added 1mm of plasticard. I then added another 1mm of plasticard to the sole of his feet and added a rim of 1mm around his foot so that I could add bulk to the foot and sculpt in the bifurcated toes that Typhus has. This also meant that I could add a lot of GS to his lower leg and then sculpt in the boils and plague blister that all Nurgle have. I added another 2mm to the waist and extended the base of the torso about 3mm all the way around. I then cut the back of the termie torso right down the middle and added a 2mm strip of plasticard. This got me a pretty tall termie compared to the rest of the Nurgle Termies I have already and I could begin the fun stuff.

After a few hours of GS work and a tube of Superglue I had this little fella.....

And here is a comparison shot with one of his wrecking crew....

What do we think? C&C always welcome!



Oh and I have a random question, I am looking at producing a couple of pseudo imperial certificates for the Combat Patrol Tournament I am running on the weekend and I am sure I have seen some "official" documents up on Dakka... ... I just can't remember where for the life of me!

Any chance anyone can recall where this might have been...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/08/06 09:34:03

Post by: Matt.Kingsley

A big bad Typhus, nice!
looks very similar to the actual model!
Great job Blackhand!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/08/06 11:24:48

Post by: Gitsplitta

Nice work on the chappy BLACKHAND. I think that's a fine conversion. They Typhus model you cooked up is fantastic though! Very appropriate.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/08/06 12:20:15

Post by: inmygravenimage

Like the tubules! And that's a great chaplain, clever crozius conversion.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/08/06 19:56:14


@ MK - Thanks!

@Gits - I am quite happy with how Typhus came up, he matches the other Nurgle conversions i have done which a "proper" Typhus never would have.

@Graven - Thanks bud, I was a bit worried when I couldn't find an eagle for the Crozius but the piece I found kinda matches a marine in size and looks like something a guy could swing while zooming through the air



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/08/07 15:02:14

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Aww poor DP *sniff sniff*.....on the other hand, yay, DP casts! Not surprised that cuttig him up made access a lot easier (hmmm, that came out wrong....)

Typhus looks great BH, as does the Chappy!
EDIT: Just saw Typhus' double knife...is this in case of a 'Knifey-Spooney Contest', so he can pull out a second, even BIGGER knife?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/08/07 19:53:59


Lol, I actually have a bigger knife from the Skaven Stormvermin box that I was considering adding to his waist, thought maybe it was too much

After some suggestions on my local forum where I double post my updates I have decided to add some detail to his scythe Manreaper, will probably for for a cable and maybe a handguard like on the original

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/08/07 20:45:31

Post by: sennacherib

Nice work blackhand.

I Sculpted two different models with hand made wings. It is NOT the easiest thing to do. I ended up throwing one model in the trash a few times over the course of the months that i worked on it out of rage/frustration (gosh darn stupid wings grumble grumble). Keep at it dude.

Nice to see the conversion work you have done with the AoBR. I converted the terminator for my nurgle army as well. Good stuff dude. I like seeing the sickle armed CSM. Are you going to treat them as power ax. thats how i am counting mine.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/08/07 22:13:12


Thanks Sennacherib! Yeah the wings are proving a bit of a block as I am still not exactly sure how I want them to look but after a bit of a break I am sure that an idea will come to me.

The Termie with the sickle is a Typhus "counts as" but I like the idea of using them in my army for some of the other guys and counting them as axes, would be a good way to get a mix of axes and swords on the termies.

I am still holding out for the new codex before I go crazy converting as I am not sure what changes it will bring to Nurgle marines and I don't want to waste hobby time by converting a weapon option that is illegal.... have already done that by making a Plaguemarine with an autocannon.... so annoying but easy to break down and rebuild.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/08/08 01:08:19

Post by: sennacherib

eh... whatever. Instead of remodelling just use the AC as a counts as option. I too am waiting for the day that the new chaos dex comes out. I have some dirty plans. Namely using nurgle havok squads to ramp up casualties so that epididimus will confer AP 2 and a 3+ feel no pain to my boys when i play in less freindly games (ie. tourni play).

Dont give up on the wings. Yours are far more ambitious than any that i attempted. They look like they are off to an awesome start.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/09/18 09:54:47


Hey people, sorry for long silence! Has been a very odd couple of months modelling wise, have found it hard to stick to just one project... not that I have had much time for the hobby due to real Life.

Just let me reiterate, Chickenpox is the bane of a parent's life having both my girls get the pops at the same time( and I mean Get Them, I had no idea you could get them in your mouth and ears) has kinda wrecked my energy levels, but anyway enough whining! I have pics!

So what have I done, um oh yeah! a friend of mine had a couple of landspeeders that he had received in a trade, they seemed to have been hit by a heat gun or something and after hacking them apart in order to rebuild a working speeder I discovered that there was less then one speeders worth of bits :p

So I decided to try my hand at converting a Landspeeder Tempest since word is that they will be in the new DA codex.

Of course once I finished I read the data sheet and saw that it was a single cockpit vehicle, mine was a double.. Doh!

Oh and I thought the third engine was a really cool and interesting touch...then I saw my first landspeeder Storm and saw that it had a third engine....

I also have been searching around for something fun and lets face it, expensive, to buy as a treat for myself... mainly because of my awesomeness, partly because I was exhausted one night and hit buy now on an online auction ...wait maybe it was mostly exhaustion.

Anyway I ended up with a FW contemptor Chassis which I went to town on and built twin Kheres Pattern Assault cannons for ( 12 str 6 ap4 rending shots a turn) and slapped a Cyclone missile launcher on as well.

Will get some paint on him soon and post up pics as and when I get the chance... no honest really, I am sure I won't forget about him like the other dozen or so projects on my shelf

I also dragged out an Infinity fig I bought about 6 months ago and finally built and painted him, he is a Q-drone from the Combined Army line

and he joins his cousin the M-drone ( I might have those switched up)

I really enjoy going to town with their colour schemes and sculpting their bases.

Next up I have a couple more Knights of Dark Renown, First is my scorpion themed guy... haven't got a name for him .. I'm slipping I know

And this guy is like a turkish/arab/mongol mash up that pretty much came about when I was digging through my Orks bits box, gotta say I am really proud of his pose though.

Club has kept me pretty busy too, the Combat Patrol Tournaments that my friend and I have been running are going well but eating up a lot playing time and I have been taking my turn GMing our club's Star Wars RPG, this particular module takes place on Bespin and we have reached the part where the characters defeat a Hutt gangster and his gang and steal their fleet of Headhunters( a precursor to the xwing) and have to take off to save a ship full of slaves from being blown up. Being the person I am I could not just let the guys move a bunch of cardboard discs representing ships around the table for the whole day so I bought a bunch of beads and dragged out the plasticard and made these

first the Headhunters that the characters will pilot

then the Bespin Security forces

and last is the real fun, the Imperial forces that they will battle above Bespin

To be honest when they are all arrayed on the black grid board I made they look pretty damn cool, will try and get some pics of the action for you!

And last up..... my secret modelling shame!

All of the excuses I have given you up till now have been smoke and mirrors, the real reason I have had no time for modelling has been all the work I have been doing on my Little girl's present She is turning 5 in november and is dead set on a Barbie birthday... so I stupidly decided to build her a dollhouse...so stupid, so fantastically stupid.

I am building in my friend's garage... my friend who is a trained cabinet maker... my friend who used to build kitchens and now builds school furniture... my friend who watches my feeble attempts to work with a medium harder than plastic( who invented this wood stuff anyway!) and cruelly laughs while shaking his head. Anyway I figured I would need photographic evidence of my shame to excuse my lack of updates and decent modelling progress.

Here it is in all it's glory..

Its' about a metre tall and wide, big enough for a goddamn barbie house party....

....oh and it's now candy pink

I better win the Father of the Year award this year dammit!

Anyway thanks for reading through the wall of pics and excuses, C&C is welcome as always



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/09/18 10:31:52

Post by: Gitsplitta

Fantastic stuff Blackhand. Good to see an update from you again!

I love your tempest, don't worry about the cockpit thing, no one will know or care. The sculpting work on the basis for those infinity figures is phenominal. Better even than the cast bases I'm buying currently for my son's Nids.

I bet those ships do look great on the black background, how about an "action shot"?

Never apologize for being a good daddy for your little girls. Barbies away!!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/09/18 13:26:51

Post by: inmygravenimage

Chickenpox (or Chicken Pops as my 4 year old calls them) with 2 kids = hell on toast. Been there, done that, wife got shingles. Fun times.

Tempest seems a bit chunky but I see where you're going with it and have faith in your fu.

Like Captain McStabby and his little arachidae.

That contemptor's looking corking, wouldn't want to wander into him on a dark table edge.

Love the Infinity stuff, really creepy.

And as for the dolls' house - see, it pays to have girls after all!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh, and props on the SW minis - article, mayhap?

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/09/18 14:43:41

Post by: Revenent Reiko

'Apologises for not doing much recently - Posts collection of pics/models that puts many (me included) to shame...'

Sucks on the chickenpox front, my only memory from when i had it is our Reverend making a home visit to bless me while i lay on the sofa....:angelic halo: LOL

Loving the work BH, it all looks great! Nice work with the Landspeeder, bringing it back from the brink like that, congrats.

Contemptor=pure win.

Marines are great, its amazing how much extra character you add with just a little posing and GS.

Ooo more Infinity goodies (got my fist Ariadna bundle last week, deciding if i should desecrate them with paint or not....) looking good! The new drone it technically the T-drone with GML, but as there isnt a Q-drone model (AFAIK) i dont think its a problem (yay for promoting proxies, you gotta love CB). Also, the bases....*drools*

Awww a dolls house?! Good on you my friend, if ever theres an excuse for being absent, i think thats one that will be universally accepted

EDIT: forgot the Star Wars they look brilliant! Home made too, damn! Makes me want to dig out my joystick, find my copy of X-Wing vs Tie Fighter and force my PC to make it work...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/09/18 19:56:16


@Gits - Yeah I am pretty happy with the bases, I bought a set of the smaller infantry bases but when I went to buy the bigger ones I found I was paying the same amount for one 60mm or two 50mm bases as I was for 10 small ones... made no sense so I gave sculpting them a go.

Oh and I may even bust out the SW minis and take a few action shots, relatively easy to do and I won't have to venture into my painting nook and tidy the hideous mess I have left there

@Graven - Funny, my girl calls them Chickenpops as well! And I feel for your wife, I got Shingles last time my girl brought home the Pops, think I am past the point where they would have developed this time so am pretty relieved,

And by article do you mean a "how to"? I could always knock together a couple more ships and take some pics.

@Reiko - Ariadne huh? I really love the Vet Kazak models, if I had the cash ( and had already bought the rest of the Aleph, CA and Nomad models I want) I would build a Kazak/Moblot team. My friend has an Ariadne team with two werewolves that bound up the tabel in his first turn and wreak havok... lucky my Maruts likes to eat puppies

Cheers guys, always nice to have replies to a post after such a long silence


BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/09/18 20:49:20

Post by: Revenent Reiko

@Reiko - Ariadne huh? I really love the Vet Kazak models, if I had the cash ( and had already bought the rest of the Aleph, CA and Nomad models I want) I would build a Kazak/Moblot team. My friend has an Ariadne team with two werewolves that bound up the tabel in his first turn and wreak havok... lucky my Maruts likes to eat puppies

Hehe i got the August Deal (Aridana starter + HMG Vet Kazak + Para HMG + Mirage 5 and i bought the AC Tankhunter and the Spec Ops too) so i have 2 Vets (!)....[insert smug grin] I love them too i have to say!

Yeah, im definitely looking forward to the Ruskie sectorial, Vet Kazaks, TankHunters, decent line troops (that look amazing) whats not to like?! Currently looking at either Vanilla (fora little bit of everything) or MRRF as a Loup Garou link team would own face...Since i have Duroc, i am planning on trying a Wulver or a Cameronian to see the joy of the crazy werewolf...

Not surprised about the Marut, MULTI HMG is not something i want to using impetuous troops against....*shudder*

Still, this is all dependant on me finding a gaming group, as none of my mates play any figures games, and theres little chance of me convincing them *sigh*

Cheers guys, always nice to have replies to a post after such a long silence


O Please, i sit here wating for another update BH (not just from you, but you are one of the few), no apologies are necessary. RL is the worst distraction....

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/09/19 05:57:34

Post by: wolfshadow

Just found this thread. I've been busy with RL stuff and havent been modelling , but pop onto Dakka every once in a while. You've got some awsome stuff in this thread Blackhand. I'm in awe of your GS skills.

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/10/04 09:07:39


Ok, time to post some more proof of my modelling ADD

So I bit the bullet and found a deal on the Chaos half of the Dark Vengeance box set, since I plan on running a nurgle list with Typhus and around 60 Plague Zombies I have sold the Chaos Cultists to my friend and kept the Chosen, Lord and Helbrute.

At this point I will admit to forgetting to take any pics of the chosen I have painted...but take my word for it, they are great models and painted in Nurgle colours they fit the rest of the army really well...gee why haven't I thought of just telling you guys my models look great and not posting pics to the contrary before?

Anyway, while I like the Helbrute as he is out of the box I decided he would need some nurglyfying (thats a word, honest) so I lopped off the armpit tentacles, some spikes an d chains and added a bunch more Spore Chimneys and Plague Blisters...well I will let the pics do the talking...

I have given hi ma few coats of paint so will post some PIP pics i the near future..

Now, after waiting with baited breath to see the rumoured "Dragon" flyer for Chaos I was a little let down. I am quite happy with the overall shape and silhouette of the model but I didn't like the raised patterning all over the wings or the truncated tail and Giant Flaming, Rocket Bum of Doom.

Having seen the rules I thought it my be worth converting something up and giving it a try, so I ordered up the head,torso and tail of the Vampire Counts Zombie Dragon and built some plasticard wings and rocket engines....

....Behold Nurgle Heldrake!

I know he isn't exactly true to the fluff of an Imperial flyer that has been possessed and slowly morphed into the shape of a predatory armoured dragon but he fits right in with my Nurgle Marines and thats what I was looking for

Plus he has fricken rocket engines! Honestly why design a zooming flyer that doesn't have rocket engines? Isn't that kinda missing the point GW?

Thanks as always for reading, C&C is always welcome



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/10/04 09:33:52

Post by: vent

I want to paint everything you make... So start making two of everything! This all looks amazing Blackie...

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/10/04 10:55:31

Post by: Revenent Reiko

*drools* ooo the pretties....

Lovely work as always BH, ill take your word on the Chosen, but the Hellbrute looks like hes about to spew Nurgle infested vomit all over anone standing in his way, and the Nurgle Heldrake will be the terror of the skies!! Much prefer your zombie-Nurgle version to the official one (and with added rockets indeed! )

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/10/04 22:03:30

Post by: ArchaonSon

Absolutly loving this Blackhand was reading waaaay back when you were doing the Blackhand Marines and now the Nurgle stuff has peaked my interest love the paint work and conversions keep it up man! .

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/10/04 22:17:41


@ Vent - Thanks bro, maybe I should send all my conversions to you to get a decent paintjob Not sure about making two of everything though.....

@Reiko - Cheers, as usual I hope my paintjob does the GS work justice!

Oh and watch the drooling, keyboards and liquids don't mix... I know this due to spilling acetone onto my mostly plastic keyboard once.,,,, looked cool though!

@ArchaonSon - Thganks for commenting, good to know that a change in army and converting style hasn't scared people away.



BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/10/04 22:38:06

Post by: Revenent Reiko

@Reiko - Cheers, as usual I hope my paintjob does the GS work justice!

Oh and watch the drooling, keyboards and liquids don't mix... I know this due to spilling acetone onto my mostly plastic keyboard once.,,,, looked cool though!



I have faith that it will BH

O God! Acetone? Ibet it looked like a messy, melted puddle in the end? I have a handy drool catcher ready for when i see your updates, saves me buying a new keyboard every time

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/10/05 17:17:16

Post by: Gitsplitta

Both the Hellbrute and Helldrake look fantastic. The Nurglifying of the brute really adds depth and dimension to the model and makes it stand out as a unique creation. The changes to the Drake are a significant improvement over the original, rather sophomoric sculpt. Much more of an imposing figure and believable as a construct.

Can't wait to see paint on them (and to be able to see them not on my phone).

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/10/05 18:00:56

Post by: A Kvlt Ghost

Great gods that heldrake looks amazing. Can't wait to see what he looks like painted!

BLACKHAND Vs. The Great Unclean One @ 2012/10/05 18:09:44

Post by: FutureTense

That heldrake is significantly better than the official model.

I can't wait to see how you paint it up.