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What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 18:21:39

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Inspired by the "What are you reading right now" sticky I figured the Video Games subforum could definately use one. So what are you playing right now and how do you like it?

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 18:27:27

Post by: Strimen

Heores of Newerth using the new John St John announcer. So much fun.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 18:43:30

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

I'm playing, or should say was playing because I just beat it, Brutal Legend. As a Metalhead I loved it, such a fantastic game world. However it contains an RTS game within it that uses 3rd person perspective that doesn't quite work. I'm sure that turns a lot of people off. I'll give 'em points for trying to be original though.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 18:54:42

Post by: Wolfun

Marvel vs Capcom 3, Naruto:Ninja Storm 2 and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 19:02:37

Post by: asimo77

I finally played the Mount & Blade: Warband demo sitting on my hard drive and then soon after got the game. So addicting :O

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 19:27:18

Post by: Tyyr

Minecraft - 80%
World of Tanks - 15%
COD:BO - 5%

Minecraft is insanely addictive as there's always some mega project idea bouncing around in your head. I really wanna figure out how to make a damn and create an artificial lake at some point. You can literally do as you please in the game and the most exciting part is that it's still in Beta so who knows what more is to come between now and release.

World of Tanks - Is great. Just the right mix of historical accuracy but balance to make for a great game. It has it's issues, mostly in the realm of matchmaking, but it's just great fun and best of all its free.

COD:BO - I like it, I do. It looks great, it's fun to play, and I don't get the feeling that I'm totally useless without weapon X or cheap trick Y. The downside. It's still just a FPS without adding much to the genre.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 19:29:57

Post by: Scrazza

I' playing...nothing. It's been a month or so since I swept the dust off my PS3. I don't even remember the game I used to play.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 19:33:21

Post by: TheMightyDM

Minecraft, a bit...toooo addicting!
World of Warcraft for the most part
and sometimes I get onto xbox live and kill my buddies in black ops

Waiting for Bulletstorm, which hits at midnite tonite! WOOHOO!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 19:54:56

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Scrazza wrote:I' playing...nothing. It's been a month or so since I swept the dust off my PS3. I don't even remember the game I used to play.

Then use this to get some ideas!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 19:55:59

Post by: Melissia

RUSE, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Minecraft, and I'm waiting on DoW2: Retribution and Homefront.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 19:56:55

Post by: Scrazza

KamikazeCanuck wrote:
Scrazza wrote:I' playing...nothing. It's been a month or so since I swept the dust off my PS3. I don't even remember the game I used to play.

Then use this to get some ideas!

My computer won't let me install Minecraft. So, that's all of the inspiration I will get, thrown of the window for me. Oh snap.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 19:58:00

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Melissia wrote:RUSE, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Minecraft, and I'm waiting on DoW2: Retribution and Homefront.

Is RUSE on PC?

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:01:20

Post by: The Dreadnote

Currently playing Fallout: New Vegas, and enjoying it much more than Red Dead Redemption, which I'm also part way through. Once I beat fallout, I fear Red Dead will remain on the shelf until I complete my epic Mass Effect 2 replay with all the DLC I missed

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:08:07

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

At the moment I'm mostly playing a mix of Company of Heroes, Minecraft, Mount & Blade: Warband and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:09:47

Post by: BrookM

A bit of Minecraft, some Borderlands in coop and a lot of Sims 2 again since the girl dug up the game and six expansions.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:11:26

Post by: DA's Forever

Minecraft and Diablo II, both are great games

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:12:24

Post by: Melissia

KamikazeCanuck wrote:
Melissia wrote:RUSE, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Minecraft, and I'm waiting on DoW2: Retribution and Homefront.

Is RUSE on PC?
wait, RUSE is on consoles? But why would you want to do that?

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:16:32

Post by: DA's Forever

Melissia wrote:
KamikazeCanuck wrote:
Melissia wrote:RUSE, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Minecraft, and I'm waiting on DoW2: Retribution and Homefront.

Is RUSE on PC?
wait, RUSE is on consoles? But why would you want to do that?

I tryed the demo on my xbox it was rather clunky and made me not want the game

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:23:05

Post by: Macok

God damn.. Stop writing about the Minecraft..
I spent waaaaaaay too much time playing it during summer and now you are making me want to play again

Currently I'm mostly killing stuff playing Starcraft 2..
Sometimes a hour of Assasins Creed 2 or Desktop Dungeons.. Did try rift but I can't what's see the big deal.. Another WoW ripoff with better graphics..

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:24:06

Post by: Melissia

DA's Forever wrote:
Melissia wrote:
KamikazeCanuck wrote:
Melissia wrote:RUSE, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Minecraft, and I'm waiting on DoW2: Retribution and Homefront.

Is RUSE on PC?
wait, RUSE is on consoles? But why would you want to do that?

I tryed the demo on my xbox it was rather clunky and made me not want the game
Of course it was, it was a console RTS games. All console RTS games ahve been clunky.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:29:19

Post by: DA's Forever

Melissia wrote:
DA's Forever wrote:
Melissia wrote:
KamikazeCanuck wrote:
Melissia wrote:RUSE, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Minecraft, and I'm waiting on DoW2: Retribution and Homefront.

Is RUSE on PC?
wait, RUSE is on consoles? But why would you want to do that?

I tryed the demo on my xbox it was rather clunky and made me not want the game
Of course it was, it was a console RTS games. All console RTS games ahve been clunky.

Yes true, but most i can adjust to rather quickly, never got to that point with RUSE

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:29:40

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Melissia wrote:
KamikazeCanuck wrote:
Melissia wrote:RUSE, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Minecraft, and I'm waiting on DoW2: Retribution and Homefront.

Is RUSE on PC?
wait, RUSE is on consoles? But why would you want to do that?

Indeed. I tried the Demo on Xbox. Yeah, that doesn't work.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:32:41

Post by: Melissia

I was in its PC beta. It is very different in style but still quite damned good.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:33:43

Post by: DA's Forever

I'll have to look into it then if i ever get a decent PC

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:34:45

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Rainbow six Vegas 2 is $8 at my local store so I'm going to pick that up and finish it off too. (Stupid Rainbow six vegas cliffhanger ending).

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:44:20

Post by: Melissia

I got it from a friend for my birthday, along with RUSE. Which is why I'm playing the two right now.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:44:24

Post by: Manchu

How about games I should be playing?

- ME2 (halfway through PS3 playthrough)
- Dead Space (still on level 2!)
- Dead Space 2 (haven't even put it in my PS3 yet!)
- Red Alert 3 (did some tutorials)

I think I am subconsciously giving myself reasons to avoid DA2 . . .

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:46:44

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Dead Space also on my "To Play" list. Everytime something about it comes up I try to avert my eyes and cover my ears to maintain the surprise but I think too much has gotten through especially with Dead Space 2 coming out.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:53:51

Post by: Melissia

Don't worry, the game's horrible pacing will ruin it for you anyway.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 20:59:51

Post by: templeorks

I'm playing borderland right now it has tons-o-guns.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 21:00:50

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Melissia wrote:Don't worry, the game's horrible pacing will ruin it for you anyway.

really? People seem to like it...

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 21:01:21

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Melissia wrote:Don't worry, the game's horrible pacing will ruin it for you anyway.

But only if the terrible controls and complete lack of atmosphere don't get there first.

Seriosuly I know that awful controls are a bit of a staple for "horror" games (I'm looking at you Resident Evil) but Dead Space realy does feel terrible. Then there's the complete generic blandness of it, I've never played anything so dull to walk through, what frights are in the game are just shock not proper horror.

Then again I'm a fan of the Stalker series so anything will suffer compared to constant that series trademark of soul crushing dread mixed with brief moments of absolute terror.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 21:01:27

Post by: Coolyo294

Team Fortress 2 and Half-Life 2

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 21:01:45

Post by: Billinator

Dawn of War: Soulstorm - SSPro Mod
- Also currently involved with further developing the Mod.
Dawn of War: DC - Firestorm over Kronus Mod

Audiosurf once in a while

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 21:06:29

Post by: Melissia

KamikazeCanuck wrote:
Melissia wrote:Don't worry, the game's horrible pacing will ruin it for you anyway.

really? People seem to like it...
Yes, some people like mediocre games . That's why WoW is successful.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/21 21:08:10

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Melissia wrote:
KamikazeCanuck wrote:
Melissia wrote:Don't worry, the game's horrible pacing will ruin it for you anyway.

really? People seem to like it...
Yes, some people like mediocre games . That's why WoW is successful.

Well, that's because that's a social network masquerading as a game.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/22 02:09:59

Post by: Phototoxin

Pokemon HeartGold and Platinum. Plat is my experimental version where I breed stuff. I'm working on a shiny umbreon at the moment..

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/22 08:21:10

Post by: The Dreadnote

KamikazeCanuck wrote:
Melissia wrote:Don't worry, the game's horrible pacing will ruin it for you anyway.

really? People seem to like it...
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll love it. Don't let the internet trick you into believing that things that are liked by lots of people are actually bad, because they are disliked by a few people.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/22 17:05:57

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Now that I've freed the Brutal Land of Metal from Tyranny I'm back to freeing The Stanley Cup evil tyranny of Chicago in NHL 10.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/22 17:31:44

Post by: blood reaper

Dawn of War , Winter assault , Dark Crusade and Soulstorm. But not Multiplayer , everyone really dislikes playing with me

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/22 17:37:59

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

blood reaper wrote:Dawn of War , Winter assault , Dark Crusade and Soulstorm. But not Multiplayer , everyone really dislikes playing with me

Because you're so good or because you're so bad?

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/22 19:48:12

Post by: blood reaper

Because I suck , but still I cant be good at every thing. I just stick with campaign , even with the crap characters and bad plots.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/22 20:02:19

Post by: Little lord Fauntleroy

Assassin's Creed 1. Which I still maintain is the best game of the series.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/22 21:00:18

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Little lord Fauntleroy wrote:Assassin's Creed 1. Which I still maintain is the best game of the series.

You're crazy. Crazy I say!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/22 21:06:08

Post by: Little lord Fauntleroy

Or are you the crazy ones?

...Probably not, actually.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/22 21:08:20

Post by: Black Corsair

a modded Oblivion and.... BATTLEFIELD VIETNAM!!!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 01:11:17

Post by: metallifan

-Minecraft. I'm sorry, but being able to build anything, anywhere is just boss.

-Cities XL 2011 (with the GEM unlocker mod - hurray Ski/Beach Resorts!)

-Trying to force myself to suffer through the Dead Space snoozefest, but... Meh.

-Just finished Metro 2033 from the Homefront preorder, which wasn't bad for a game based on a book. I really liked the way that ghosts worked in it, how you needed a flashlight to see their shadows so that you didn't walk into them.

-Also waiting until Summer to get back into ME2 so that I don't have to wait forever for more Shepard Epicness.

And just blew $200 on 2 copies of Duke Nukem Balls of Steel Edition - One for me and one for a buddy, whose birthday happens to fall on the release day

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 01:24:02

Post by: DA's Forever

metallifan wrote:-Minecraft. I'm sorry, but being able to build anything, anywhere is just boss.

And just blew $200 on 2 copies of Duke Nukem Balls of Steel Edition - One for me and one for a buddy, whose birthday happens to fall on the release day

Yous sir, are awesome

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 01:27:11

Post by: metallifan

DA's Forever wrote:Yous sir, are awesome

Thanks, I'm well aware of that, but hearing it from the common masses is always a pleasant experience

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 01:39:14

Post by: Manchu

Melissia wrote:Don't worry, the game's horrible pacing will ruin it for you anyway.
Nick Ellingworth wrote:But only if the terrible controls and complete lack of atmosphere don't get there first . . . Then there's the complete generic blandness of it, I've never played anything so dull to walk through, what frights are in the game are just shock not proper horror.
metallifan wrote:-Trying to force myself to suffer through the Dead Space snoozefest, but... Meh.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one having trouble paying attention on this one!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 01:46:56

Post by: Battle Brother Lucifer

DIABLO 2!!!!!!!!
Best game ever.

Also, Black Ops. Its alright, I guess. *looking at D2 shortcut on desktop*

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 01:52:30

Post by: DA's Forever

metallifan wrote:
DA's Forever wrote:Yous sir, are awesome

Thanks, I'm well aware of that, but hearing it from the common masses is always a pleasant experience

We live to serve!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 03:16:35

Post by: metallifan

Manchu wrote:I'm glad to see I'm not the only one having trouble paying attention on this one!

For me it's kind of a huge, HUGE put off that your starting weapon is practically the best gun in the game. And the general rules of predicting Necromorph ambushes? "Does the room have vents, scattered undamaged corpses, large open areas, or dead Necromorphs that you didn't kill? Ambush!"

After a while it gets so easy to tell when/where you're going to get attacked that calling Dead Space a survival horror game, and not simply a sci-fi adventure or adventure horror game, is insulting to the survival horror genre. There's less survival and more "AH-HAHAHA! TAKE PLASMA CUTTER FUGLY! YOU WANT SOME!? HOW 'BOUT YOU! BOOM! HEADSHOT!"

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 03:22:07

Post by: Cryonicleech

I'm actually playing Warhammer Online right now, just subscribed for 2 months, despite the horrible forum community...

I plan to get a couple of characters to Rank 40/Renown Rank 100, just because I like the game, then drop it for something else...

Also, I'm probably the last person in the world still playing Lord of the Rings Conquest. I would literally kill for it to go back online, even if just for a day...

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 03:56:08

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Minecraft seems popular. There's a fething 23 page thread on it!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 04:02:03

Post by: DA's Forever

KamikazeCanuck wrote:Minecraft seems popular. There's a fething 23 page thread on it!

Made by my Genius, alright!

But seriously minecraft is more addicting than most of the illegal substances on this earth

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 04:46:37

Post by: Karon

Cryonicleech wrote:I'm actually playing Warhammer Online right now, just subscribed for 2 months, despite the horrible forum community...

I plan to get a couple of characters to Rank 40/Renown Rank 100, just because I like the game, then drop it for something else...

Also, I'm probably the last person in the world still playing Lord of the Rings Conquest. I would literally kill for it to go back online, even if just for a day...

Made me laugh. Jump off the boat before it sinks, mate. Andy did it early.

RR100 isn't as easy as you say...it will take you probably a month of real-time playing at the least.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 07:11:05

Post by: Soladrin

Warhammer 40k: Squad command on my way to work.
Splinter Cell Conviction.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 12:18:05

Post by: Sgt.Snail

Metro 2033

Its weird.But I like it.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 12:30:02

Post by: davij

Can't wait for pokemon B lack and Whitre to come out...oh and Resident Evil The mercenaries on 3ds

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 14:05:22

Post by: Battle Brother Lucifer

davij wrote:Can't wait for pokemon B lack and Whitre to come out...oh and Resident Evil The mercenaries on 3ds

More like Pokemon: More Money Grubbing and Pokemon: Extra Money Grubbing

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 15:13:30

Post by: Cryonicleech

Karon wrote:
Cryonicleech wrote:I'm actually playing Warhammer Online right now, just subscribed for 2 months, despite the horrible forum community...

I plan to get a couple of characters to Rank 40/Renown Rank 100, just because I like the game, then drop it for something else...

Also, I'm probably the last person in the world still playing Lord of the Rings Conquest. I would literally kill for it to go back online, even if just for a day...

Made me laugh. Jump off the boat before it sinks, mate. Andy did it early.

RR100 isn't as easy as you say...it will take you probably a month of real-time playing at the least.

Eh, fair enough, I suppose it is a sinking ship, seeing as it has little to no support anyway... just wanted to stick around with it for a while. Should have clarified a couple meant 1-2, my bad.

I mean, I know T4 is a major problem, but the game seems solid to me, I mean, it'll die due to lack of support, but playing through T1-T2 seemed good enough...

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 19:56:12

Post by: daedalus-templarius

Deadspace 2 is an excellent game, as was the first, at least in my opinion. There is a demo, so download it and find out if YOU like it before buying it. However, it isn't as much a horror game as a stressful game; it is much better at inducing stress than horror anyway, especially on harder difficulties.

-Going through Deadspace 2 again on Zealot difficulty

-Lots of DoW2: Retribution beta multiplayer, and of course my collectors edition is on order

-some WoW raiding, meh

Looking forward to Space Marine, and DoW2:Retribution single player campaigns. Need to download the demo for Dragon Age 2 as well.

Oh, and playing Photoshop every night as well.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 19:57:16

Post by: Strimen

Civ5. Just got it off steam for $30. A good turn-based strategy game.

Oh and if anyone is thinking of getting Heroes of Newerth use this link and help a fellow dakka memeber get some free coinage! Hehe.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 20:16:23

Post by: davij

Money grubbing? A money grubbing company? Good heavens lol!

I think some of the new pokemon look sick as well.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 20:26:02

Post by: Nulipuli2

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat mostly even though S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl was way better. sometimes Starcraft 2 or Command and conquer 3

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/23 20:26:35

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

Playing WoW again at the moment, its seems a month break did the trick, plus i'm leveling lower alts again.

Paused on my Main, the heroics stuff can wait till I know the guild is doing it nightly. I'm just enjoying lvling my secondaries.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/24 00:53:19

Post by: Melissia

Well, someone got me RUSE and another person got me Rainbow Six Vegas 2, so that's what I'm playing right now along with minecraft.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/24 02:58:23

Post by: Jaon

Halo Reach.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/25 18:30:02

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Chaos Rings.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/25 23:24:07

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Black Ops, soon to be bypassed by KZ3 and DS2.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/26 00:04:53

Post by: Bloodfever

Got back into Counter-strike:Source. Used to be in a semi-pro clan 3-4 years ago but had to stop playing so am a bit rusty now, its a nice change from CoD though. Also a friend recently got a cheap copy of C&C: Kane's wrath so have been playing that with him. Plus replaying Super Scribblenauts when on the bus to work =D

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/26 02:29:19

Post by: Battle Brother Lucifer

davij wrote:Money grubbing? A money grubbing company? Good heavens lol!

I think some of the new pokemon look sick as well.

Two games each release with the tiniest of tiny differences? Thats where I draw the line.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/26 06:41:11

Post by: Chrysaor686

Lord of Arcana for the PSP (Monster Hunter done right, with tons of name dropping from every popular JRPG series, like Final Fantasy, Persona, and Breath of Fire, and work from industry greats such as Nobuo Uematsu, Hitoshi Sakimoto, Tetsuya Nomura, and even a helping hand from Todd McFarlane of Spawn fame), Dead Rising 2, The Lord of the Rings Online, The Sims 3, and Midnight Club: Los Angeles.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/26 09:22:24

Post by: Daba

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix
Blazblue: Continuum Shift
Marvel versus Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
Bloodbowl: Legendary Edition

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/26 14:02:09

Post by: KingCracker

Elder Scrolls 5 Oblivion GOTY
Havnt ever played the expansions and wanted to replay the thing anyways. Im currently enjoying it

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/26 15:06:07

Post by: Corpsesarefun

KingCracker wrote:Elder Scrolls 5 Oblivion GOTY
Havnt ever played the expansions and wanted to replay the thing anyways. Im currently enjoying it

Elder scrolls 4*

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/27 03:57:05

Post by: brotherskeeper74

360 - Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Dragon Age, Dead Space 2 and FO: New Vegas.

PSP - Stupid Pangya golf game. Daughter was having a hard time w/ it and I offered to help her w/ it. Now I can't stop playing it.

I want Dragon Age 2 NOW! Not in March, NOW!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/27 11:43:58

Post by: Soladrin

360: Splinter Cell Conviction
PSP: Squad Command, Armored Core, Tales of eternia
PC: TF2 DoW2

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/27 17:20:04

Post by: KingCracker

corpsesarefun wrote:
KingCracker wrote:Elder Scrolls 5 Oblivion GOTY
Havnt ever played the expansions and wanted to replay the thing anyways. Im currently enjoying it

Elder scrolls 4*

lmao, I was just in the Skyrim thread before I posted that

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/27 18:02:06

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

I see a lot of people throwing down like 6 games. You guys really play 6 games at once? I usually just play 1-2 straight through until I beat it.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/28 21:18:45

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Rainbow Six Vegas 2.

Kinda a weird story behind this one. Got it for $8 used at Electronics Boutique (That's Canadian for Gamestop) and used one of those gift cards they give you for trade-ins that had a $1.50 on it. It only had $1.50 on it because EB is the devil and gives horrible trade in values and because they're the devil http://ps3.ign.com/articles/115/1152196p1.html. Shouldn't have actually made the trade but it was for a game that is probably the best simulator of what its actually like to be a field commander by which I mean extremely fustrating and confusing: End War.
Anyways, when I opened up RSV2 I was surprised to find out they had inadvertendly put another Tom Clancy game in there in addition to RSV2: my frikkin End War! So I got my End War back with the card that I got for End War. Strange but true.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/02/28 21:41:30

Post by: Necros

I'm on Mass Effect 2 now .. will be doing Dragon Age 2 next week.

I got ME2 now because I was under the impression that 3 was "coming soon", but apparently it's more like next xmas :(

I can't play more than 1 game at a time either. I gotta focus on one or I'll never finish em.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/01 14:15:25

Post by: Slarg232

Battle Brother Lucifer wrote:
davij wrote:Money grubbing? A money grubbing company? Good heavens lol!

I think some of the new pokemon look sick as well.

Two games each release with the tiniest of tiny differences? Thats where I draw the line.

That's waht all hte pokemon games ever were: Red and Blue only had different pokemon in very specific areas, other than that, exactly the same game.

Anyway, I am playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent Demo. Can't decide if I want to buy it or not.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/01 14:29:15

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

Aye, with Pokemon its on purpose to promote the trading aspect of the game, previous to the wireless trading of current DS machines, it was wired. So its always been part of it.

I don't see that as money grubbing, I see it as one of the points of the franchise. If you are not in the games target age bracket, and feel hanging out by school gates asking the passing kids 'do you want to trade Pokemanz' is a little dodgy.
Then you can always buy both and trade off against yourself, it's what I've done in the past.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/02 02:40:38

Post by: Matt070

Castlevania Lords of shadow, Fear 2, Enslaved, Fallout New Vegas, Black ops (online gaming) and Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare.. I will finish at least one of these by next month...

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/02 21:35:44

Post by: Corpsesarefun

Slarg232 wrote:
Battle Brother Lucifer wrote:
davij wrote:Money grubbing? A money grubbing company? Good heavens lol!

I think some of the new pokemon look sick as well.

Two games each release with the tiniest of tiny differences? Thats where I draw the line.

That's waht all hte pokemon games ever were: Red and Blue only had different pokemon in very specific areas, other than that, exactly the same game.

Anyway, I am playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent Demo. Can't decide if I want to buy it or not.

If you enjoy lovecraft then you will probably like amnesia.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/02 21:39:35

Post by: EvilTim

Currently Playing:
DakkaDakka Forums

Its Multi-player notepad!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/02 23:02:53

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Matt070 wrote:Castlevania Lords of shadow, Fear 2, Enslaved, Fallout New Vegas, Black ops (online gaming) and Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare.. I will finish at least one of these by next month...

beat Red Undead Redemption recently...that was an odd one.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/02 23:18:37

Post by: Dreadwinter

Playing WoW right now, meh.

Waiting for Dragon Age 2 to come out so I can get to conquering that and debating on if I wanna beat ME2 bafore then.

I cannot keep focused on Dead Space though. I like the game, just never a fan of the Horror genre of games.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/07 17:27:21

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/07 20:17:19

Post by: djphranq

Xbox360 - Forza 3
PS3 - Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur
DS - Final Fantasy IV
PC - Dragon Age: Origins and Dead Space

Actually... these are the last games I played... I haven't touched them in a couple weeks due to my resurrgence in activity related to tabletop gaming.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/23 21:17:44

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Surprisingly enough I'm playing an FB game called Project Legacy which is actually a tie-in to Assassin's Creed. As you play it you actually get bonuses that apply to the real game. Technology! The future is now! I never thought I'd play a FB game again but I must admit this one is well done.
Brotherhood itself is quite good. At first I though it would just be like a big expansion but it has this whole other concept that involves building a brotherhood of assassins and sending them on missions around the world. That and the fact they've let their imaginations run wild with Leonardo's crazy inventions has made it good enough to distinguish itself from its already great predecessor.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/23 21:29:39

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

Been playing Mass Effect, just started my third playthrough, going to go full Renegade.

Finished ME2 for the second time just a couple of nights ago.

Although I have Lego Star Wars 3 on preorder, so I expect I'll be playing thatby the weekend.

Oh and as always, put in the odd hour of WoW, not been playing much of late mind.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/23 22:03:16

Post by: Lord Scythican

The Mortal Kombat demo. It only has four characters but you do get a good feel for how the game is going to be.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 14:27:08

Post by: daedalus-templarius

DoW2:Retribution and some Gears of War 2, getting ready for the beta.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 16:53:46

Post by: Necros

Right now working on Prototype for the PS3. I downloaded it off PSN one night when I was bored and it was cheap, it's OK but sometimes it just gets pretty frustrating and the controls can be a pain. In fact, the only real fun part is getting to see zombies destroy new york...

I need a good new game.. I want a good shooter with lots of action, but more focused on single player with a campaign that'll take like 2 weeks to get through instead of 2 nights.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 17:02:48

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

I liked Prototype, but it does get really hard. Thought you didn't like shooters?
Altough I haven't played it myself I've heard Borderlands is endless and addictive.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 17:04:29

Post by: shingouki

mass effect 2(ps3)

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 17:12:45

Post by: lord_blackfang

Slowly working through F.E.A.R. 2 in 15-minute chunks, because I can't stomach more at a time. Very disappointing sequel to my favorite FPS.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 17:47:39

Post by: asimo77

Dragon Age 2. TBH, I'm suprised that I'm enjoying it as much as I am. I thought Dragon Age: Origins was an 8/10 I'd give DA2 a 8.5/10

Then I need to get around to playing some more Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

And in the future I envision myself playings lotsa Mortal Kombat 9.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 17:50:51

Post by: Perkustin

CRYSIS 2: Played the first couple hours of the Campaign, aside from a short, insultingly easy, vehicle section it has been Brilliant. The only problem with it is the fact all the big franchises have such well directed cinematic set-pieces and crysis doesn't quite nail that, a shame as crytek have went for linear level design. Gameplay wise it is a return to the stealth/surprise attack style that i think the FPS perspective was made for.

FEAR 2 is pretty cool, the graphics are fairly ugly but it has plenty atmosphere and good bullet time/combat mechanics.

EDIT: I too bought prototype and i think i was fairly close to completing it (its a level where you have to chase a Massive tank but not destroy it, every time you try to hijack it a miraculous auto missile knocks you off... Cheap tricks ). I quite liked it though, some of the boss battles were BLOODY hard but you could always find some dudes to consume and regain your health, they were just about patience.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 17:53:02

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

I thought Crysis had more "open" level design? Maybe you aren't there yet. It looks pretty sweet though.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 17:57:58

Post by: Perkustin

Crysis 1 is near full freedom. The levels in 2 are similar in scope to Halo reach; LOTS of options but you are still essentially 'marching forward'.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 18:02:07

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

They're touting it as "The best graphics EVAR!". What do you think?

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 18:09:45

Post by: Perkustin

Best lighting ever for sure, Best visual filters/shaders/effects for sure. So if you like flame effects sparks, smoke etc and realistic sunlight. The frame rate is rock solid, not dipping noticably even when i was being filled with lead and greandes.

Wouldn't say the texture resolution is as sharp as unreal engine 3/killzone 3 or ID tech 5 from what i've seen. Does have a bit of Pop in but it doesn't have that hideous slow texture mapping that unreal engine 3 has. The pop in might be attributable to the fact i am playing it on 360.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 18:28:56

Post by: Necros

I like shooters, I just don't like online shooters and it just seems like most games focus on multiplayer and make the campaign an afterthought.

I played through Borderlands twice so far, don't think want to do a 3rd. ME2 was good, but the fighting wasn't FPSy enough for me, in fact most of the fights were pretty easy. just duck, shoot, duck, shoot, rinse & repeat.

A new borderlands kinda game would be great, only with more challenging AI for the enemies. Fights became predictable.. the brute is gonna walk this way and shoot, the fanatics are gonna run at you.

In Prototype I have I think 6 missions left. I just finished the boss with the 3 different health bars, I just sprinted in circles picking up cars and tossing em at it. Took a while but it wasn't too bad. The controls just seem kinda clunky sometimes though, especially when I'm running around and I end up jumping around and all over the place instead of stopping where I want to stop

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 18:31:34

Post by: Perkustin

I remember that tentacle thing. I just got in the tanks each time they respawned. Took about 30 minutes lol, a war of attrition.

Borderlands was kinda unique in being an RPG length shooter. Oh btw crysis 2 appears to have the best AI i've ever seen, the arseholes kept sneaking up on me.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 18:59:58

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Just installed Hearts of Iron III I've had it for a while but never really got my head round it. I'm determined this time to finally figure out just how the game works.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 21:43:21

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Necros wrote:I like shooters, I just don't like online shooters and it just seems like most games focus on multiplayer and make the campaign an afterthought.

I played through Borderlands twice so far, don't think want to do a 3rd. ME2 was good, but the fighting wasn't FPSy enough for me, in fact most of the fights were pretty easy. just duck, shoot, duck, shoot, rinse & repeat.

A new borderlands kinda game would be great, only with more challenging AI for the enemies. Fights became predictable.. the brute is gonna walk this way and shoot, the fanatics are gonna run at you.

In Prototype I have I think 6 missions left. I just finished the boss with the 3 different health bars, I just sprinted in circles picking up cars and tossing em at it. Took a while but it wasn't too bad. The controls just seem kinda clunky sometimes though, especially when I'm running around and I end up jumping around and all over the place instead of stopping where I want to stop

Well there's a ton of DLC for Borderlands. Maybe you can get your fix that way.
Yeah, Elizabeth Greene I think her name was. She and the final boss are the toughest. I also just got in tanks and blasted her but that was basically my strategy for everything in that game However, you can't do that for the final boss so maybe that's why I had trouble.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Perkustin wrote:I remember that tentacle thing. I just got in the tanks each time they respawned. Took about 30 minutes lol, a war of attrition.

Borderlands was kinda unique in being an RPG length shooter. Oh btw crysis 2 appears to have the best AI i've ever seen, the arseholes kept sneaking up on me.

That's odd, some reviews have criticized its AI as inconsistant but whatever, reviewers are pretty hardcore gamers obviously.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 21:53:00

Post by: Perkustin

Alot of games occasionally have dudes running in circles or getting snagged. It is more a problem with pathfinding (in a game with crysis 2's complex geometry it's not surprising) not the tactics. I'll admit it has happened a couple of times but it is far from game breaking.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 21:56:13

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Well that's good. I'll definately check it out one of these days.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 21:58:19

Post by: malfred

Tactics Ogre and Lord of the Rings Online

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/28 22:21:58

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Ogre Battle 64 is one of my favorite games so I always think about picking up Tactics Ogre but it doesn't seem as advanced. It's tile and individual based rather than open-field and squad as far as I understand.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/29 06:47:14

Post by: BAWTRM

Assassin's Creed 2. Second playthrough, I want to get a 100% trophy score (and the game/story are just fun) but the first time I missed the one where you need to kick a guard from a roof while flying around in Leonardo's flying machine. It's the only trophy that can be actually missed in the game I believe.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/29 16:48:08

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

BAWTRM wrote:Assassin's Creed 2. Second playthrough, I want to get a 100% trophy score (and the game/story are just fun) but the first time I missed the one where you need to kick a guard from a roof while flying around in Leonardo's flying machine. It's the only trophy that can be actually missed in the game I believe.

Yes, although one of the DLC episodes lets you try again.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/29 17:23:43

Post by: Strimen

Metro 2033 and Heroes of Newerth.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/31 04:40:35

Post by: IAmTheWalrus

Shogun 2: Total War and Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

Shogun is turning out to be a lot more difficult than any of the previous Total War games and I'm hopelessly addicted to Bad Company 2. Love the multiplayer for it.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/31 09:53:26

Post by: Wolfun

KamikazeCanuck wrote:Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.

This, although online on my 360.
I love Assassinate so much. <3

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/31 11:38:52

Post by: Lord Scythican

Final Fantasy XIII or Demon's Souls. I haven't made my mind up yet. I absolutely hated these games before but my hate has receded and I got them for under $15.00.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/31 16:03:07

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

I am predominantly playing MLB 11, The Show. other than that, its probably DoW2: Retribution.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/31 16:05:00

Post by: Soladrin

DOTA, because I got bored with everything else again.



What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/31 17:26:07

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Just beat AC Brotherhood. I was of the opinion that this one was even better than AC2 but not after that. The final 2 sequences are all disjointed and lame. Then the finale is a platforming all the time lamenes. And then the actual ending is bad too. Also, "The Truth" segment in this one was not as interesting as the last but I guess you can't really top the last one. Still a good game overall but AC2 retains the AC crown.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/31 19:59:46

Post by: asimo77

KamikazeCanuck wrote:Just beat AC Brotherhood. I was of the opinion that this one was even better than AC2 but not after that. The final 2 sequences are all disjointed and lame. Then the finale is a platforming all the time lamenes. And then the actual ending is bad too. Also, "The Truth" segment in this one was not as interesting as the last but I guess you can't really top the last one. Still a good game overall but AC2 retains the AC crown.

I feel like the SP is hardly the main attraction of AC2: Bro'hood. The MP is where it's at, for me at least.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/31 20:48:42

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

asimo77 wrote:
KamikazeCanuck wrote:Just beat AC Brotherhood. I was of the opinion that this one was even better than AC2 but not after that. The final 2 sequences are all disjointed and lame. Then the finale is a platforming all the time lamenes. And then the actual ending is bad too. Also, "The Truth" segment in this one was not as interesting as the last but I guess you can't really top the last one. Still a good game overall but AC2 retains the AC crown.

I feel like the SP is hardly the main attraction of AC2: Bro'hood. The MP is where it's at, for me at least.


What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/31 21:30:24

Post by: Corpsesarefun

KamikazeCanuck wrote:
asimo77 wrote:
KamikazeCanuck wrote:Just beat AC Brotherhood. I was of the opinion that this one was even better than AC2 but not after that. The final 2 sequences are all disjointed and lame. Then the finale is a platforming all the time lamenes. And then the actual ending is bad too. Also, "The Truth" segment in this one was not as interesting as the last but I guess you can't really top the last one. Still a good game overall but AC2 retains the AC crown.

I feel like the Single Player is hardly the main attraction of AC2: Bro'hood. The MultiPlayer is where it's at, for me at least.



What are you playing right now? @ 2011/03/31 21:33:48

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Ah, Yes I like the multiplayer too. I'm a better hider than hunter so I prefer Manhunt.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/03 03:21:43

Post by: AwesomeFex

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, a few minutes ago, I hope it still counts.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/03 11:42:52

Post by: jelisi

I am playing Dawn of War : soulstorm!!
I am playing that game from the day it wame out^^

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/03 13:37:56

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

ME2 DLC: Arrival.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/03 13:53:45

Post by: Yak9UT

Just finnished playing Amnesia Dark Descent,

What a scary game.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/03 19:41:28

Post by: asimo77

Yak9UT wrote:Just finnished playing Amnesia Dark Descent,

What a scary game.

I bought that game a while, but never had a chance to really play.

I should get around to that.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/03 22:21:43

Post by: Corpsesarefun

asimo77 wrote:
Yak9UT wrote:Just finnished playing Amnesia Dark Descent,

What a scary game.

I bought that game a while, but never had a chance to really play.

I should get around to that.

I didn't really enjoy it to be honest.

It takes heavy inspiration from lovecraft and employs many of the same techniques to scare you so if you enjoy lovecraft, you will probably enjoy amnesia.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/03 22:27:26

Post by: asimo77

Well I love me some Lovecraft (and this was before Cthulu became a meme!). I have this giant anthology of his works aptly named "The Necronomicron".

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/03 22:28:10

Post by: Samus_aran115


What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/03 22:32:28

Post by: Corpsesarefun

asimo77 wrote:Well I love me some Lovecraft (and this was before Cthulu became a meme!). I have this giant anthology of his works aptly named "The Necronomicron".

Yeah you will probably like it.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/03 23:06:24

Post by: Mike Noble

Just got Pokemon Black, so that.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/04 03:58:27

Post by: Micromegas

Going through Final Fantasy 8, again.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/04 04:09:44

Post by: asimo77

Micromegas wrote:Going through Final Fantasy 8, again.

Like Amnesia that's another game sitting on my hard-drive I should get around to.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/04 18:43:44

Post by: Pael

Shogun 2

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/04 19:18:48

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Splinter Cell: Conviction which I got from EB Games for $2.50! Don't think I'm being as elegant and stealthy as I'm supposed to be but Uplay gave me a SCAR that fixes things up pretty good when they go to hell

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/05 03:31:55

Post by: Micromegas

asimo77 wrote:
Micromegas wrote:Going through Final Fantasy 8, again.

Like Amnesia that's another game sitting on my hard-drive I should get around to.

I want Amnesia bad. But I haven't gotten around to purchasing it.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/05 03:38:40

Post by: asimo77

I grabbed it around Christmas for 10 bucks and Recettear for the same price. Which by the way is one of the best games I have ever played. Everyone go and buy it...NOW!

Anyway Amnesia should still only be 10 dollars on Steam

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/05 03:39:48

Post by: Micromegas

I can second that Recettear is a good game. It got a bit too repetitive for me, though. My save got corrupted or something -- can't recall what happened but I had a lot of hours put in that got wasted and had to start over. It kind of killed it for me.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/05 03:46:38

Post by: asimo77

Man I have like 35+ hours in that game (most from like one week of play :S) if I lost my data that would be the worst. In fact losing saves in any game really sucks. I became a save-aholic ever since my brother accidentally overwrote my Might & Magic VI save. Now I save every 3 minutes

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/05 20:04:23

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

What's a Recettear?

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/05 20:09:10

Post by: Platuan4th

I'm working through a rotation of:

Pokemon White
Halo Reach
Fallout 3
Fable 3

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/05 20:14:59

Post by: Hasharii

Minecraft, L4D2, TF2, HL2, Donkey Kong Country Returns and Portal.. (i'm so looking out for Portal 2!)

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/05 20:23:13

Post by: asimo77

KamikazeCanuck wrote:What's a Recettear?

Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale.

It started out as an indie game in Japan and finally got translated (and amazingly localized) for the rest of us. Imagine a JRPG but instead of being the hero you're the person running the item shop, that's the best way to explain it I suppose. Don't let it's cutsey artsyle fool you, it has a metric ton of depth to it. On the surface it seems simple but there's so much content packed into it. On top of that it has a great sense of style, self awareness, and top-notch writing. And yes I'm trying to sell you this game because it freaking awesome and them small devs need the cash! One of the best games of 2010. Buy it. Now...Or else...

Or at least get the demo

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/05 20:24:18

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

asimo77 wrote:
KamikazeCanuck wrote:What's a Recettear?

Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale.

It started out as an indie game in Japan and finally got translated (and amazingly localized) for the rest of us. Imagine a JRPG but instead of being the hero you're the person running the item shop, that's the best way to explain it I suppose. Don't let it's cutsey artsyle fool you, it has a metric ton of depth to it. On the surface it seems simple but there's so much content packed into it. On top of that it has a great sense of style, self awareness, and top-notch writing. And yes I'm trying to sell you this game because it freaking awesome and them small devs need the cash! One of the best of 2010. Buy it. Now...Or else...

Or at least get the demo

That does sound interesting. For PC?

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/05 20:26:38

Post by: asimo77

Yup, I think Steam only, but I could be wrong about that.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/06 20:25:07

Post by: Amaya

Bejeweled Blitz. Waiting for ME3 since it is the last game I give a crap about.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/06 22:15:28

Post by: Soladrin

Vanquish, mostly the challenges.
Fallout new vegas shotguns are fun!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/12 19:44:28

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Toy Soldiers.
Not the real toy soldiers that we play in Warhammer for fake wars but fake toy soldiers in a video game for a real war. Well sort of. It's like a crazy Wild, Wild West version of WWI but still best WWI game I've played.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/13 05:02:34

Post by: Happygrunt

Fallout: New Vegas, BLOOD BOWL and Pokemon: Black.

New Vegas has me hooked, I LOVE IT!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/15 11:48:51

Post by: Lord Scythican

Seiken Densetsu 3. Looks promising...

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/15 16:39:56

Post by: asimo77

Lord Scythican wrote:Seiken Densetsu 3. Looks promising...

Just starting this game? Little late to the party

It's one of the best JRPG's on the SNES, up there with Chrono Trigger, FF4, and the like.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/15 16:54:49

Post by: happydude

A ton more

add me up on psn: ICEDOG1983

Just mention you are from dakka

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/16 13:34:40

Post by: Orkymike

working on DOW 2. playing through the campaign slowly but surely.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/21 02:32:56

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Saints Row 2.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/21 11:31:08

Post by: Lord Scythican

asimo77 wrote:
Lord Scythican wrote:Seiken Densetsu 3. Looks promising...

Just starting this game? Little late to the party

It's one of the best JRPG's on the SNES, up there with Chrono Trigger, FF4, and the like.

Oh yeah, very late! I actually had no idea that the game existed until a fellow dakkite informed me about it. It never came out in the states and when I did some research on emulators years ago, it was solely to play my old favorites.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/21 16:45:39

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

I've never heard of it either. Just looked it up: It's got something to do with the secret of mana!? Whaa?

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/24 00:05:53

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Puzzle Quest.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/24 00:36:24

Post by: Battle Brother Lucifer

Just got re-obsessed with Blazblue: Calamity Trigger on the 360
I even changed my black ops emblem to Arakune from it

If anyone has it on the 360, I'd love to play you

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/24 15:27:10

Post by: ChaosWarhound

I am playing oblivion the elder scrolls on the xbox 360 maxing out my skills ;D got all the achievements on it and now just playing it for the fun because its overall an awesome game!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/24 19:27:56

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

WoW, wasn't planning on playing much this week, that was until I went to hand in my 100 Noblegarden choc eggs for the spell book Polymorph Rabbit this morning, and discovered my lvl 26 Blood Elf Mage needs to be lvl 60.

So yep, planning on lvling like a crazy fool this week, as it ends on Sat and she needs the rabbit version. *Playing a parody of Galinda from Wicked. Yeah, thats sad, but if I wasn't doing odd things like this, I'd have probably stopped playing ages ago.

Just got to get Aurelia to start her Elphaba Ork Warlock at some point.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/24 19:38:58

Post by: BrookM

I'm watching the LP of Fiddy Cent: Blood on the Sand.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/24 20:36:35

Post by: Melkhiordarkblade

Zelda Oracle of Ages and Season

Gotta play them both at the same time.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/30 15:43:59

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Beat Puzzle Quest and Saints Row 2. I learned they released an update that made the game harder by giving police helicopter person-seeking missiles (errr, Saints Row 2 not puzzle quest) and nearly threw it out the window because of that; . However did eventually beat it with some sticktoittiveness.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/04/30 19:16:15

Post by: asimo77

You can never truely beat Puzzle Quest! The colored gems will always call you back! Btw Puzzle Quest 2 is even better IMO. I also need to try Bejewled 3 at some point...

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/01 06:25:43

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

I beat that sonuvabitch Lord Bane so it's beat. The achievement for level 50 is calling me back but I'd rather get Puzzle Quest 2.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/07 16:15:03

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Going to start the divisive Final Fantasy XIII.....wonder if it'll be good.

What are you playing right now? @ 2000/07/10 08:28:28

Post by: Devastator

Day of Defeat.

Even after six years its still my favorite FPS.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/09 17:47:07

Post by: Banesword

Age of Empires Online.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/09 19:44:39

Post by: Brother Coa

I play Mass Effect - it's 10'th time for part 1 and 15 time for part 2...

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/09 19:52:46

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

You're a mad man.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/09 19:55:04

Post by: daedalus-templarius

Playing through Red Faction: Guerrilla again in preparation for Red Faction: Armageddon.

Some Reach with friends.

DoW2:Retribution still

Darksiders again off and on

was playing the GoW3 beta, but I like Halo better.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/09 19:56:56

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Liked Red Faction: Guerrillas a lot. Armageddon isn't open world though. I hope that doesn't ruin it.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/09 20:12:34

Post by: daedalus-templarius

I think its funny, from what I've read, quite a few people complained about the "open-world-ness" of guerrilla, after the initial games were not open world.

Now of course, all the people who like the open-world are complaining this is too linear.

The demo is out on 360, and I found it to be pretty enjoyable. The multiplayer has a horde mode, where you can destroy/rebuild the map as you play, so I am really looking forward to what you can do in that.

Also, the exo-suit is basically terminator armor, which is cool

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/09 22:56:54

Post by: DickBandit

Devastator wrote:Day of Defeat.

Even after six years its still my favorite FPS.

Did we just become friends?

If you want to find a good server to play on with a great group of guys look for the {USA} Brother Hood server.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/09 22:58:30

Post by: Brother Coa

KamikazeCanuck wrote:You're a mad man.

I was joking take it easy

I am now playing AoE III with British

And I am downloading DoD Source to try it out...

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/09 23:25:19

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Brother Coa wrote:
KamikazeCanuck wrote:You're a mad man.

I was joking take it easy

I am now playing AoE III with British

And I am downloading DoD Source to try it out...

Yeah, cuz you're finished your 15th ME playthrough.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/09 23:33:41

Post by: Brother Coa

KamikazeCanuck wrote:
Yeah, cuz you're finished your 15th ME playthrough.

I have a little ritual, every game that I like I finish at least 5-6 times ( not including skirmish ).
Mass Effect is unique game to me, the times I finished it tells you that...
Beside that I play every day at lest 1-3 skirmish games of DoW:SS...

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/09 23:34:11

Post by: johnscott10

Lets see I'm currently playing:

World of Warcraft(free week of membership)

Games I was playing:
Theme Hospital (Such an epicly old game)
Black Ops (Completed Campaign on Veteran)
Anything else on my computer

Games I may start playing again:
Elder Scrolls 3 and 4
Black Ops(Just for achievs really)

Think thats about it.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/09 23:36:22

Post by: Brother Coa

johnscott10 wrote:
Black Ops (Completed Campaign on Veteran)

Good for you

Did you complete other CoD-is on Veteran to? ( exept part 3, we don't count it... )

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/09 23:41:20

Post by: johnscott10

Brother Coa wrote:
johnscott10 wrote:
Black Ops (Completed Campaign on Veteran)

Good for you

Did you complete other CoD-is on Veteran to? ( exept part 3, we don't count it... )

I have completed MW1 on hardened, MW2 on Veteran(1000G aswell), WAW on the one below hardened(never liked WAW tbh).

So I have completed most of them on a decent difficulty and the hardest so far has been MW1.

The funny thing is that im not really an FPS player, im more at home playing Oblivion and the likes.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/09 23:45:25

Post by: Brother Coa

johnscott10 wrote:
Brother Coa wrote:
johnscott10 wrote:
Black Ops (Completed Campaign on Veteran)

Good for you

Did you complete other CoD-is on Veteran to? ( exept part 3, we don't count it... )

I have completed MW1 on hardened, MW2 on Veteran(1000G aswell), WAW on the one below hardened(never liked WAW tbh).

So I have completed most of them on a decent difficulty and the hardest so far has been MW1.

The funny thing is that im not really an FPS player, im more at home playing Oblivion and the likes.

I have completed ALL CoD on veteran. You should try the first part - it's the most difficult to finish ( mainly because there are health bars ).
And will you play Dark Millennium when it comes out? ( same as Oblivion, only 40k )

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/09 23:50:49

Post by: johnscott10

Brother Coa wrote:
And will you play Dark Millennium when it comes out? ( same as Oblivion, only 40k )

Um im really unsure tbh, coz tbh i am a Fantasy fanboy but i do play the odd Sci-fi game, so theres a strong chance i may end up getting it.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/10 05:44:20

Post by: DickBandit

Battlefield Bad Company 2
Star Wars Republic Commando
Deus Ex
Mass Effect 2
And soon... Brink

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/10 06:33:40

Post by: Brother-Sergeant Maraksus

The Entire Half-Life series, Audiosurf, Dystopia, Suicide Survival, Blade Symphony, Magicka, and Garry's Mod. There may be a few more that I missed.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/10 07:51:02

Post by: Brother Coa

Brother-Sergeant Maraksus wrote:The Entire Half-Life series, Audiosurf, Dystopia, Suicide Survival, Blade Symphony, Magicka, and Garry's Mod. There may be a few more that I missed.

Well, here you go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Half-Life_(video_game)#Expansions_and_sequels

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/10 08:19:27

Post by: Ashrag

Hi there,
I just finished:
Bulletstorm (PC)
Drakes Fortune ( the first part, still waiting for the second to be delivered)

Currently playing:
Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3)
The Witcher (PC)
Patapon 3, Final Fantasy IV, God of War: Ghost of Sparta (PSP)

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/10 09:04:14

Post by: Chrysaor686

I've been playing Fallout: New Vegas at least five hours a day for the past week, I play a little bit of LOTRO here and there, and I just beat Dead Rising 2.

When 10:00 AM rolls around, I'm off to pick up Brink, and will definitely be spending the majority of my free time playing it.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/10 11:49:27

Post by: Lord Scythican

I picked up Fable III for $5.00 at the flea market, (Game guide included!). I started playing it last night. I haven't did much besides shake a lot of hands and belch in kid's faces.

What are you playing right now? @ 3011/05/11 05:49:33

Post by: earth-star

Currently playing:
The unemployed ninja izuna 2

My favorites are kinda weeabooish, but I like:

Touhou 6: embodiment of the scarlet devil
Resident evil 4
Shin tensei megami: nocturne
H-dating sims

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/11 06:32:37

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

Been awhile since I last posted in this thread, and the games i've been playing alot have changed a bit...

So, right now, I'm playing

Tiger Woods '12: The Masters,

MLB: The Show 11

NHL 11

Dragon Age 2

Gran Turismo 5 (the real one, not prologue)

(what can I say, I rather enjoy sports games)

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/11 15:53:24

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Ensis Ferrae wrote:Been awhile since I last posted in this thread,

Better late than never.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/13 21:53:50

Post by: DickBandit

Castlevania broke my psp... Well I crushed it in my hand in RAGE because of Castlevania.

Thanks Konami... you're a dick.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/14 16:17:23

Post by: gaovinni

Resident Evil 5

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/14 17:34:02

Post by: Movac

gaovinni wrote:Resident Evil 5

Awesome game, almost as good as 4.

DoW 2, Warcraft 2, and the original Fallout for me atm.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/19 17:01:34

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Puzzle Quest 2.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/19 17:03:00

Post by: Devastator

DickBandit wrote:If you want to find a good server to play on with a great group of guys look for the {USA} Brother Hood server.

Is it for source or "vanilla"?

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/26 08:28:53

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Generally having mixed feelings for FFXIII. The combat system makes a bad first impression but actually ends up being the best part. Great graphics of course. Story is pretty good I guess but I'm definitely getting tired of going down this tube, pretty though it may be.
It makes you realize how important an open world is in an rpg. You go where you want to go because of a purpose you've come up with. With this linear approach you just go - and hope the next cinema is coming up soon. It just makes the combat more tedious some how.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/26 09:33:43

Post by: Ashrag

Finally finished Patapon, God of War and Batman

now I'm back to
PS3: Demon's Souls (played it through already, but want to get a perfect game with all events)

PSP: Final Fantasy VII, Valkyria Chronicles II

My comment to FF XIII - i was impressed by the grafics, but quite let down by the game itself. The linear levels of fight, watch cut scene, repeat ... turned me away from the game after a mere 3-5 hours (almost nothing for a Final Fantasy game)

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/26 13:52:07

Post by: daedalus-templarius

Besides playing way too much Photoshop...

Still DoW2
Red Faction: Armageddon demo (I've played through it like 5 or 6 times just trying different things)
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Some Reach
Oh and some XBL game with my fiancee, Spare Parts... its pretty decent actually.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/26 14:00:57

Post by: DickBandit

Trying to beat Resident Evil for the first time. It's really grating on my nerves

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/26 16:06:35

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Ashrag wrote:Finally finished Patapon, God of War and Batman

now I'm back to
PS3: Demon's Souls (played it through already, but want to get a perfect game with all events)

PSP: Final Fantasy VII, Valkyria Chronicles II

My comment to FF XIII - i was impressed by the grafics, but quite let down by the game itself. The linear levels of fight, watch cut scene, repeat ... turned me away from the game after a mere 3-5 hours (almost nothing for a Final Fantasy game)

Did you at least make it to the paradigm system? The first 5 hours are brutal. Literally push the button when the the thing tells you to push the button.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/26 16:11:02

Post by: Wolfun

I just got DoW2: Retribution for pretty cheap. So playing that.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/26 16:39:00

Post by: thedude

Just got Castlevania LOS last night, taking a break from WoW, DOW chaos rising and ME2

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/26 16:56:18

Post by: Lord Scythican

Secret of Mana.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/26 17:06:04

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

L.A. Noire

Not sure what the noire part of the game is yet, but oh well

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/26 17:08:53

Post by: htj

Since my fething internet has decided to place heavy embargoes on what I'm allowed to play co-op, for some bizarre, inexplicable reason, I'm currently mainly playing Final Fantasy IV on the DS.

You spoony bard!!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/26 17:15:27

Post by: Samus_aran115

Metroid Fusion

Automatically Appended Next Post:
htj wrote:Since my fething internet has decided to place heavy embargoes on what I'm allowed to play co-op, for some bizarre, inexplicable reason, I'm currently mainly playing Final Fantasy IV on the DS.

You spoony bard!!

Good game! How far are you? I've been playing too, but I had to cheat to beat antlion

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/26 17:24:06

Post by: htj

I'm just approaching Antlion... That's worrying.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/26 19:15:51

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Lord Scythican wrote:Secret of Mana.


What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/28 19:24:09

Post by: Warlord Gazghkull Thraka

In order from least to recently played:
Mass Effect 2(little under a month ago)
Mass Effect 1(2 and a half weeks ago)
Halo: Reach(last night)

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/28 19:56:37

Post by: Devastator

Mass effect 1
F:New vegas
Alien swarm

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/29 00:00:13

Post by: timetowaste85

Finally got around to playing my copy of Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions that I got for Christmas. I have to say, playing as Spiderman Noir is by far the best, as it is in a similar vein to Batman: Arkham Asylum. The only way to survive is to sneak around, sneak up on your opponents and silently take them down. This gameplay is different from all of the other Spideys, who act similarly.

Amazing gameplay, and one of the better Spidey games yet (even though the story is nothing fantastic, it's not bad) There are three acts to it, and depending on how long you take (and how often you die) each act is about 2-3 hours in length. I'm a little more than 50% through it (about 3 hours an act) and it's been about 6 hours of gameplay so far.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/29 01:29:24

Post by: asimo77

Well I finally got around to purchasing "Dawn of War 2: Retribution" and I've been spreading Chaos corruption like a good little Chaos Space Marine.

I also finally started playing "Amnesia: The Dark Descent", which I purchased many moons ago but never got a chance play. I don't mean to boast but I hardly get scared, especially from movies and games, but this one is giving me the chills!

Next up I purchased "The Next BIG Thing!" it's a charming adventure game from a spanish developer, with some of the best writing, voice-work, animations, and art style I have ever seen in a game. I mean I HATE adventure games and I think this is swell.

Lastly I finally got "Shogun 2: Total War". Let's see I like 1000's of dudes cutting each other in the face, and I have one of my majors in Asian Culture and languages (with quite a bit of focus on Japanese). So if you couldn't figure it out already this game was perfect for me!

Anyway I highly recommend all these games, especially "Amnesia: The Dark Descent" and "The Next BIG Thing", mostly because they are from small developers that need your money! The kind of games they make will soon disappear if you don't give them your business! Support these guys!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/29 01:30:53

Post by: Monster Rain

I'm rather obsessed with Mortal Kombat these days.

Awesome, awesome game.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/29 01:33:41

Post by: asimo77

Monster Rain wrote:I'm rather obsessed with Mortal Kombat these days.

Awesome, awesome game.

Oh wow how could I forget to list MK9

I've been playing that obsessively as well!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/29 01:34:08

Post by: ChocolateGork

Section 8 Predjudice

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/29 03:11:55

Post by: timetowaste85

asimo77 wrote:
Monster Rain wrote:I'm rather obsessed with Mortal Kombat these days.

Awesome, awesome game.

Oh wow how could I forget to list MK9

I've been playing that obsessively as well!

I was playing it obsessively as well...but I stopped for a bit of time so I don't get burned out. I forgot to mention Borderlands myself. Another awesome game. If I had to choose to lose ALL of my games except for two...I'd keep MK9 and Borderlands. No question, no hesitation. Both amazing in their respective game-fields and I wouldn't trade either for the world. Well, okay. Maybe for the world...

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/29 03:19:13

Post by: Monster Rain

I'm glad it's not just me.

I thought I may have been caught up in the MK3 Nostalgia of it all.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/29 16:10:57

Post by: Strimen

Currently playing:

Whitcher 2
Heroes of Newerth

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/30 01:22:38

Post by: candy.man

Dungeons and Dragons Online (the new crafting system is full of win)

Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance 2 (one of the best co-op console RPGs I’ve played)

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/30 06:32:32

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Call of Duty: World at War. Or CoD:WaW as the kids call it.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/30 07:12:31

Post by: halonachos

MK9, Sins of a Solar Empire, Black Ops, and Bad Company 2.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/30 07:19:50

Post by: kanefora

Dragon Age2

Mass Effect2

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/30 16:09:27

Post by: Brennian

l4d 2 and Brink

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/30 19:05:58

Post by: timetowaste85

candy.man wrote:Dungeons and Dragons Online (the new crafting system is full of win)

Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance 2 (one of the best co-op console RPGs I’ve played)

Have you played Champions of Norrath at all? Or DC heroes? They're both made by Snowblind as well, and I feel are better games. Champions is a LOT longer...and has TONS of replayability. The second one wasn't as good, but the first CoN was amazing. DC heroes was also quite fun, and I'm more of a Marvel guy, but DC Heroes was leaps and bounds better than X-men Legends, MUA, etc. Snowblind makes all-around great games, and I have every single one-including part two of Dark Alliance which is impossible to find for less than 50 bucks now (last year anyway). I liked Dark Alliance, but CoN is much better and is cheap. It's available on PS2 only though, as far as I know.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/30 23:59:42

Post by: candy.man

Thanks for your reply. I might look into tracking down a copy of CON and DC Heroes.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/31 01:50:18

Post by: halonachos

Ensis Ferrae wrote:L.A. Noire

Not sure what the noire part of the game is yet, but oh well

Even though it should be in Black and White in order to fit the noire part, I think its reference to the large amount of detective films that were filmed in black and white. Casablanca, Dick Tracy, etc.

Otherwise it doesn't fit.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/31 03:58:37

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Is there a voice-over monologue?

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/31 04:32:39

Post by: halonachos

KamikazeCanuck wrote:Is there a voice-over monologue?

Yes, it happens all of the time in the game. I believe its called "player's venting frustration when they get killed" and it varies by player which was a good bit of work by the Rockstar team to make the game as individualistic as possible.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/31 05:54:55

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

halonachos wrote:
KamikazeCanuck wrote:Is there a voice-over monologue?

Yes, it happens all of the time in the game. I believe its called "player's venting frustration when they get killed" and it varies by player which was a good bit of work by the Rockstar team to make the game as individualistic as possible.

I think you might be the only one with that feature in the game...

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/31 15:49:40

Post by: daedalus-templarius

Finished Red Faction: Guerrilla, again; awesome game.

Now playing the single player DLC, where you play a marauder.

Soon, Red Faction: Armageddon

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/31 19:45:31

Post by: coast_guard

playing Sins of a solar empire and waiting for space marine

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/05/31 20:11:14

Post by: Chowderhead

Playing Minecraft, as always.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/01 05:11:28

Post by: the scarecrow

minecraft, nuff said.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/01 07:47:29

Post by: Ratius

Spending some time between BFBC2 and replaying Fallout3.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/03 00:38:24

Post by: Tazz Azrael

Well I've been playing ALOT of Mount and Blade Warbands (with the OSP and Diplomacy mods), Gotcha Force, and Baldures Gate

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/03 00:53:05

Post by: Flaming Troll

I have been playing a lot of GTA 4, until GTA 5 comes out, that game is timeless.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/03 01:21:39

Post by: Monster Rain

How's the MK9 online?

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/03 01:23:49

Post by: djphranq

About to put some time into DoW: Dark Crusade

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/08 17:32:25

Post by: Devastator

Have been sync killing ogres in DA:O.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/08 17:53:16

Post by: Soladrin

WoW, Pokemon White, and in 2 days, Duke Nukem forever

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/10 12:55:46

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

Just picked up the DoW2 Retribution CE for £24 in HMV, so will be giving that a whirl for the next few days.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/12 18:33:29

Post by: Monster Rain

As it's Double XP weekend I'm playing the hell out of CoD:BO.

I know there's a lot of haters out there, but that game is fun!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/12 20:53:53

Post by: Soladrin

Duke Nukem forever.

For those who are wondering how it is...

The shooter aspect isn't as good, and the graphics are sub par to say the least. However the whole atmosphere is great. It also has quite a lot of puzzly gameplay (HL2 like physics usage).

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/13 18:44:28

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Finally, Finally beat Final Fantasy XIII. There's so many pros and cons that even though they are big pros and cons it all just ends up evening out. I'll give 'er a 3.5/5.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/16 17:01:51

Post by: Nulipuli2

Just Finished metro 2033, great game btw, now playing NFS most wanted.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/16 17:25:01

Post by: Necros

Just got LA Noire last night, liking it so far.. don't know what to make of the facial expressions thing.. it's great that they're able to do that, but half the time they look creepy, like demons about to possess your soul. And the lead hero guy is kinda annoying, with his whole grumpy cop routine whenever you think someone is lying. He's not anywhere near as likable as John Marston was in Red Dead Redemption.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/16 17:36:54

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

Playing a lot of Dynasty Warriors 7 now I've figured out how to unlock characters in Conquest mode.

Also got the download pack with the re-skinned Yellow Turbans and Hu Luo Gate levels from Dynasty Warriors 2. It's bizarre and equally awesome to be running potentially two of the best levels Koei ever did on the latest game.

I'm hoping more DLC goes this way, some DW3 levels wouldn't go amiss either.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/16 20:42:24

Post by: Lego397

Bit of red dead as I just got the zombie DLC. Zombies and cowboys is a great mix! I'm surprise no ones done it before that I've heard of.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/18 17:01:29

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Beat CoD:WaW.
I think over my video game career I've killed more virtual Nazis than there were actual Nazis.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/18 19:30:03

Post by: Da Boss

Playing Fallout 3 til my thumbs bleed. Having a blast!
Thinking about getting back into Oblivion and finally finishing it after a 7 month break, too. (I like Bethesda.)

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/18 20:34:25

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Da Boss wrote:
Thinking about getting back into Oblivion and finally finishing it after a 7 month break, too. (I like Bethesda.)

Me too. Except mine is like a 3 year break. I think it's the skyrim hype that's makIng me want to go back.
However got distracted by free Homefront multiplayer demo. I think the Homefront guys are worried the community is dwindling or something because this isn't a timed demo so pretty much a free game right now for XBLA. it's pretty good the use of vehicles distinguishes it from CoD.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/18 23:35:02

Post by: Soladrin

I just finished Vanquish on God Hard mode in one inning (8 hours I think)....

I believe I just did one of the best things in my life. I am satisfied.


What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/19 01:04:02

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

KamikazeCanuck wrote:
Da Boss wrote:
Thinking about getting back into Oblivion and finally finishing it after a 7 month break, too. (I like Bethesda.)

Me too. Except mine is like a 3 year break. I think it's the skyrim hype that's makIng me want to go back.

Aye, third here, I have alot of achievements staring back at me that need unlocking, my growing interest in Skyrim and lack of a WoW sub for the first time in two years (last time was a month out to try WaR) means I might get it done.

Think I might start a new character though, no idea what I was doing with my previous ones, will need to look.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/19 01:10:02

Post by: Monster Rain

The new Donkey Kong is way more fun than should be legal.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/19 02:22:45

Post by: remilia_scarlet

We'll, I finished touhou 13: ten desires, so now I think I'm going to play resident evil 4 or finish amnesia, which is scary, since you can only run.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Of course, I wanna replay mgs2: sons of liberty

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/19 14:30:26

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

Wiped all my Oblivion saves this morning and started fresh, I could have lucked through, but my highest character was only lvl 12 anyways.

Gone back to a Dark Elf Mage/Warrior combo class. Managed to get to where the Emperor pops his clogs before I had to dash to work. So will be continuing that later.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/19 14:41:27

Post by: johnscott10

Lovin how it seems te hype for Skyrim is gettin people to play Oblivion again, which I might do aswell haha.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/19 20:44:36

Post by: Da Boss

Just finished Fallout 3. That was one of the best gaming experiences I've had in ages. Debating whether I want to leave it on that high note or get Broken Steel/New Vegas. New Vegas sounds like it adds a lot of stuff I wouldn't be too keen on, like advanced crafting and so on.

Think I'm ready to go back to Oblivion now.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/19 21:03:53

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Broken steel. I would have recommended downloading that before even starting FO3.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/19 21:19:59

Post by: MaximusPrime


What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/19 21:30:16

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

MaximusPrime wrote:ASSASINS CREED 3!!

...but there's no such thing.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/19 21:56:42

Post by: Soladrin

Going along with the Skyrim hype, and getting my last 4 Oblivion achievements (which means I'll actually have to complete the game for once, the most boring thing in the game imo is the main quest)

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/19 22:09:57

Post by: johnscott10

Soladrin wrote:Going along with the Skyrim hype, and getting my last 4 Oblivion achievements (which means I'll actually have to complete the game for once, the most boring thing in the game imo is the main quest)

Goin through 60 Oblivion Gates is more boring

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/19 22:28:28

Post by: KamikazeCanuck


What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/20 00:32:35

Post by: Jaon

I'ma playing OE cake.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/20 05:49:09

Post by: Soladrin

johnscott10 wrote:
Soladrin wrote:Going along with the Skyrim hype, and getting my last 4 Oblivion achievements (which means I'll actually have to complete the game for once, the most boring thing in the game imo is the main quest)

Goin through 60 Oblivion Gates is more boring

Been there, done that XD Still think main quests are more boring

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/21 03:47:04

Post by: KamikazeCanuck


What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/21 03:50:04

Post by: KingCracker

inFAMOUS. Thanks Sony

great game BTW

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/21 10:53:41

Post by: Pilau Rice

Demons's Souls and loving every infuriating death I suffer.

Sill can't get parry right though

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/21 11:15:22

Post by: MaximusPrime

.but there's no such thing.

Well I suppose brotherhood is still creed 2. (DUH!!)
But there will be when revalations come out!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/21 11:50:53

Post by: Gorechild

Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

I've been waiting for this game for a decade, totaly worth spending £180 on a new console just to play it

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/21 12:11:34

Post by: johnscott10

Gorechild wrote:Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Isnt this just meant to be the exact same game just updated to be 3D?

I will admit that I dont follow or play the Zelda games, even though it oddly looks to my kind of game.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/21 13:11:46

Post by: Devastator

Have been re-playing F:NV.
Riot shotgun ftw.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/21 13:28:02

Post by: Gorechild

johnscott10 wrote:
Gorechild wrote:Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Isnt this just meant to be the exact same game just updated to be 3D?

I will admit that I dont follow or play the Zelda games, even though it oddly looks to my kind of game.

It's the same story, but they've improved the graphics, made it 3D and created a "master quest" mode that has a few extra's and they've cranked up the difficulty.

I loved the original and played it when I was a kid so I couldn't resist getting the new version, it's just me being nostalgic as much as anything else I'd recomend it to anyone though.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/21 16:28:16

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

MaximusPrime wrote:
.but there's no such thing.

Well I suppose brotherhood is still creed 2. (DUH!!)
But there will be when revalations come out!

More like 2.1.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/21 17:12:12

Post by: Soladrin

Devastator wrote:Have been re-playing F:NV.
Riot shotgun ftw.

Get all shotgun perks, and you win the game

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/22 04:03:46

Post by: DickBandit

Legend of Legaia.

I love trying to figure out what they are saying when they do their hyper arts. Especially Gala:

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/22 10:05:48

Post by: RiChYc

Fifa 11 and Assasins Creed Brotherhood.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/22 13:22:32

Post by: SkaerKrow

Hunted: The Demon's Forge
American McGee's Alice
Lost Planet 2
3D Dot Game Heroes

What can I say, variety is the spice of life.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/22 16:19:52

Post by: mega_bassist

Final Fantasy Tactics AAdvanced 2

I'm not a huge fan of the FF series, but I LOVE the Tactics games...I'm almost at 105 hours on Advanced 2

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/22 16:22:06

Post by: Toastedandy

I would be playing DOW retribution if it wasnt for fething gak pile steam

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/22 16:22:21

Post by: mega_bassist

Gorechild wrote:
johnscott10 wrote:
Gorechild wrote:Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Isnt this just meant to be the exact same game just updated to be 3D?

I will admit that I dont follow or play the Zelda games, even though it oddly looks to my kind of game.

It's the same story, but they've improved the graphics, made it 3D and created a "master quest" mode that has a few extra's and they've cranked up the difficulty.

I loved the original and played it when I was a kid so I couldn't resist getting the new version, it's just me being nostalgic as much as anything else I'd recomend it to anyone though.

Master Quest was actually released a few years ago on the Gamecube, and I got the the Desert Temple with Adult Link before I gave up lol...it's waaaaay harder than the original, but totally worth the play through

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/23 05:55:04

Post by: WarhammerTabletop

Witcher 2, Terraria, and TF2 when the update hits.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/23 08:42:57

Post by: Shooms

Im playing minecraft on my own server, it's so goddamn addictive.

Also Company and Heroes and Bad Company 2.

Can't wait for BF3!!

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/23 12:34:11

Post by: EmilCrane

Company of heroes, and getting my arse kicked online by it

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/23 15:31:58

Post by: mega_bassist

Shooms wrote:Can't wait for BF3!!


I'm totally buying that before MW3...I loved Bad Company 1&2, and BF3 looks leven better...I just hope they change the leveling system a tad...I find that it takes waaaayyyy too long to level anything up

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/23 16:03:05

Post by: TrollPie

Don't ask me why, but Rome: Total War. One of the most polished games in history

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/24 04:58:18

Post by: Shooms

mega_bassist wrote:
Shooms wrote:Can't wait for BF3!!


I'm totally buying that before MW3...I loved Bad Company 1&2, and BF3 looks leven better...I just hope they change the leveling system a tad...I find that it takes waaaayyyy too long to level anything up

Yeah wow it takes aaaaaaages. Ive racked up over 200 hours and still am only on level 36 I think. Ill never buy MW3, I was really disappointed with their trailers/E3 :(

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/27 22:24:25

Post by: Hazardx987

Terraria, Brink, and Fallout NV: Honest Hearts

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/27 22:29:19

Post by: Happygrunt

Terraria and Borderlands.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/27 22:36:50

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

Final Fantasy I.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/28 23:03:54

Post by: Flaming Troll

Portal 2 and Minecraft.

What are you playing right now? @ 2011/06/29 07:24:45

Post by: Laughing Man

Dwarf Fortress.