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So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 06:20:47

Post by: SilentScreamer

So what are you are all doing today for games like WH40k, WHFB and other war games? Me, I'm planning on making a Skaven army list and talking to my friend a bit more to try and convince him to purchase a dwarf army he's interested in, how about the rest of Dakka?

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 06:23:39

Post by: Ouze

When I get home from work, I'm casting more winged butts in urethane resin. In between pouring those, I have a pair of Rhinos I want to try getting a basecoat on - I want to try making a conversion Hyperios and Damocles, respectively.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 06:24:50

Post by: motyak

Painting up the little wee assault boats from the Australian Fleet box. Crocodile class I think?

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 06:49:21

Post by: SBG

Got 10 NOS Space Wolves for $25. Primed two tyrant guard, too. Now that it's almost midnight, I want to figure out my magnetizing strategy for the Wolves and look into Terminator wolf guard options.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 07:01:36

Post by: Laughing Man

After shaving a Bones frost giant (using him as an Enlarged Shoanti barbarian for Pathfinder), I'm sculpting ears on it and smoothing the sculpting on the hammer I swapped into his hand.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 07:27:11

Post by: Tibbsy

When I get home I'll probably be building/painting some PSC Shermans for Flames of War.

Either them or the Brit infantry platoon to go with them...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 09:53:27

Post by: timetowaste85

After works ends I'm meeting up with Porkuslime to go play a few board games tonight and Kings of War tomorrow night.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 10:03:43

Post by: PhantomViper

Going to pick up my new "introductory" airbrush that arrived in the mail.

Also trying to decide what faction / list to take to tomorrow's SR tournament!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 11:27:05

Post by: Leigen_Zero

I'm going to browse Dakka in my lunchbreak at work, look at everyone else's wonderful contributions to the hobby, convince myself I'm gonna do something too when I get home. Then not actually follow-up on it and achieve absolutely nothing hobby-wise

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 11:45:39

Post by: Palindrome

I am writing some more background for the Only War campaign that I will hopefully running later in the year. Just done the Troopship's history and I plan to make a start on the introductory scenario which will feature the ship's recent owner quite heavily (a Rogue Trader who was executed by the Ordo Xenos for somereason)

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 11:51:00

Post by: chromedog

Painted some terrain.

No miniatures left to paint at this point.

The sedition Wars pieces will get paint WHEN I decide what I want them to be (I'm turning the boards into terrain pieces, and the minis were going to be repurposed anyway).

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 13:10:18

Post by: Nevelon

Just put The Boy on the bus for his first day of 2nd grade, so my my mid-mornings/afternoons are free for hobby work.

Today's plans are to work on the sarge/flamer/ML from the Battle of Macragge box set, and possibly clean and assemble another bike. Might get to the attack bike today. I also need to clear a landing zone for tomorrow's supply drop. I've got a tub of stuff in simple green that needs to be scrubbed, but would need to clean the kitchen before I get to that. But I want to get that stuff ready for a fresh coat of primer.

I have to level my character for tonight's Pathfinder campaign.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 13:23:19

Post by: Alfndrate

Playing Bolt Action tonight, and trying to decide which jacket color to go with on my US Army infantry.

Tomorrow I"ll take part in the Magic Celebration Day because hey, free magic cards. Then when I get home sunday morning after celebrating a buddy's birthday I'll put the finishing touches on my Bolt Action Figs, and prime the next bunch to be painted and probably assemble more US Infantry.

I'm still trying to figure out when historicals became my main game

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 13:26:26

Post by: wildboar

 chromedog wrote:
Painted some terrain.

No miniatures left to paint at this point.

The sedition Wars pieces will get paint WHEN I decide what I want them to be (I'm turning the boards into terrain pieces, and the minis were going to be repurposed anyway).

What a bloke! If I front the plane fare you can always stay here for a few weeks, I've got cases full for you to be cracking on with!


If I get chance I'd like to start magnetizing my Chimera hulls.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 13:32:17

Post by: nwns

Painting Chaos Space Marines whilst on conference calls....

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 13:45:12

Post by: Snrub

Well gotta go vote tomorrow. But after that i might attempt to get my airbrush working so i can spray my Leman Russ.

That's the plan anyway.... Whether it actually happens or not is a different matter entirely.

 Ouze wrote:
When I get home from work, I'm casting more winged butts in urethane resin.
How's that coming along btw? No pressure or nothing.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 14:16:05

Post by: mega_bassist

A friend of mine wants to do one more skirmish before getting rid of his models. He's engaged and moving into a house with his future wife, and is downsizing...since he never plays 40K anymore, he's not interested in keeping anything. But, on the plus side, I'll get some Necron and IG models out of it

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 14:36:19

Post by: dakkajet

I'm finishing off my trolls base and reading my new wd!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 14:40:25

Post by: MrDwhitey

I'm going to set about basing a unit of infantry, and then not do it.

Like I have for a week.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 15:02:04

Post by: pities2004

My buddy is coming over after work and we are gonna get our Warhammer Fantasy on, either Empire vs Chaos Daemons or Dogs of War vs Chaos Daemons.

I haven't played my Dogs of war yet but might give it a go around tonight.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 15:29:13

Post by: RossDas

I'm on a pretty long break from war gaming stuff right now, so the closest thing to it is my 1/700 HMS Rodney build, which is progressing very quickly. It's mostly painting left to go, plus the fiddly nightmare that is photo-etch railings!

I may revisit some of my old High Elf models after the Rodney is completed, as my mini painting skills probably need some practice, and I can't really afford any after-market sets for my remaining ships stash for a while.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 16:03:09

Post by: Azreal13

I will finish the base on one Daemon Prince, while considering how to rescue the other one, which, while far from being a disaster, isn't looking how I want it to.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 16:10:56

Post by: Big Mek Dattrukk

Turning my third Hellbrute into a Deamon Prince.

all i have left to cut is removing the exhaust pipes so i can replace them with the Power armor exhaust that comes with the DP kit.

i might throw the DP trophy racks on as well.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 16:16:58

Post by: CadianXV

A pleasant evenings gluing Cultists while listening to the Thrawn trilogy on audiobook.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 16:21:55

Post by: jah-joshua

painting a Knight Models 72mm Boba Fett...
watching the deadline approach closer and closer...
only two weeks left before he has to fly off to America...


So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 16:29:31

Post by: gossipmeng

Painting more of my farsight enclave. Its a tedious process with rhinox hide base, 2 coats of mephiston red over leg/shoulder/chest armour, fortress grey over center chest/shas'vre head/certain links of the armour, bolt gun for jet pack thrusters. I've only got 5 of my 14 suits to this point and 2 firewarriors.

Then after that I need to do green OSL on their optics, apply freehand marking/decals, then experiment with my FW weathering pigments. Finally I'll worry about basing them properly.

This is what I will be doing for the next few weeks every other days... :(

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 16:33:32

Post by: Daniel_Holmes

Painting my Landraider Crusader in the desert-tan color scheme of my custom-chapter the Fire Dragons

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 16:33:48

Post by: Lucarikx

Finishing my Mephiston count-as!

Maybe I'll finish those Tau Pathfinders and FW too


So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 16:33:52

Post by: hotsauceman1

If i somehow get a chance. I might Pait my widowmakers or something else

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 16:46:07

Post by: Pacific

First of all, checking out some of the lovely looking Sedition Wars stuff (from the Kickstarter) that arrived in the post today.

After that, in no particular order
- Finishing off my Haqqislam Qapu Khalqi (5 down, 4 to go!)
- Painting up some Hail Caesar Romans and Gauls (about 300 hundred to go!)

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 16:56:48

Post by: Bomster

Painting, painting, painting. For my last birthday almost a year ago, some mates gave me a "Campaign Weekend among Gentlemen" as a gift - i.e. they would write a series of narrative scenarios, provide for beers and food and we would play for one to two days non-stop. Really nice idea, and I got a gift coupon to properly arm myself, too.

As that weekend is (after some drawn-out planning among four members of the active work force) Saturday/Sunday in a week, I still have to get some Chaos stuff finished, so I blocked what free time I had in the course of this and next week and got to paint a bunch of models (mostly the cultists from DV, an squad of FW Death Guard and the Maxmini Siege Gun are the models I'll have to finish within the next few days).

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 17:19:52

Post by: erratyk

Finishing up the scratchbuilt "watering hole" I made for Malifaux, and depending if i feel like painting, finishing the airbrushing on my brother's gargantuan mammoth for Hordes.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 18:13:57

Post by: fishy bob

Today I've like this...

...waiting for a text from the post office, that I can pick up my parcel with hobby-sweetness. It did not come today (Friday), so I have to wait till Monday

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 18:22:32

Post by: Shandara

Painting, packing army for this weekend's tournaments.
Sweating because it's hot and humid.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 19:09:47

Post by: TheCustomLime

Almost finished painting a Blood Raven librarian and I'm going to go to the FLGS to play in a bit. I might finish my captain and some tac marines when I get home.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 19:39:09

Post by: Ouze

 Snrub wrote:
 Ouze wrote:
When I get home from work, I'm casting more winged butts in urethane resin.
How's that coming along btw? No pressure or nothing.

Much slower than I anticipated, but otherwise quite well

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 19:46:50

Post by: Comassion

I finished writing the Suicide Mission scenario, and am looking forward to playing it.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 19:52:03

Post by: Wyrmalla

I was due for terrain painting, though as one of my opponents have dropped out of the 7ombieTv game I had planned I now need to paint 30 zombies. Otherwise I'm writing up some rules for 7ombieTv.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 22:35:47

Post by: jonolikespie

I got a guy from the Spartan games vanguard program coming down to help out me and a couple of mates who have recently started Dystopian wars.
I've also arranged my first game of infinity and there is a chance another mate will show up with Flames of War later too.
As well I have the X wing starter set, the beta rules for Arena Rex, a mordheilm warband, a necromunda gang and I am contemplating throwing two of my battlefleet gothic ships in the car too in case anyone wants to play any of those.

Overall I'm hoping for a good, long day of gaming that doesn't involve 40k or WHFB at all for a nice change of pace

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/06 23:14:44

Post by: Snrub

 Ouze wrote:
 Snrub wrote:
 Ouze wrote:
When I get home from work, I'm casting more winged butts in urethane resin.
How's that coming along btw? No pressure or nothing.

Much slower than I anticipated, but otherwise quite well
Good to hear. Can't wait to see them all finished.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 05:55:30

Post by: Schmapdi

Last night I painted an Ogre Gorger (my first addition to that army in 3ish years).

Today I got 2 new Freebooter starters & a few blisters (now I'm only missing the newly released expansion starter) so I just finished assembling one of those crews.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get a SDE hero painted - down to only 6 minis left to paint from the Roxxor expansion.

*Feeling hobby motivated lately*

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 07:40:54

Post by: Magc8Ball

Been working on a small squad of Fallen to give my Noise Marine army some much-needed AP2, using a spare Rhino I had and a few of the old metal Dark Angels models. With the Black Legion supplement, it even lets me field Cypher as an HQ instead of just a squad champion (also making the unit, fielded as Chosen, into Troops).

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 07:45:09

Post by: Joyboozer

Painting zombies for a vampire counts army. Endless zombies.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 08:14:36

Post by: aliusexalio

Im running to GW nearby in an hour picking up my new space marine codex and maybe some models!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 09:54:32

Post by: Azazelx

I browsed Dakka on and off for awhile, sorted through my week's hobby loot - a big pile of wood and high elves, some vostroyans, 3 1/48 challenger tanks, 3 Eldar Falcon kits and a bunch of old Warhammer Armies books from eBay, a Rogue Trader RPG book from Book Depository.

Sorted out a bunch of hobby-related files and PDFs on my PC. Wrote up a new blog post for some painted Bones models and posted some pics on three forums after cropping and resizing them in photoshop.

Might play some X-Wing with my wife later tonight and attempt to teach her (some of) the advanced rules..

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 10:22:12

Post by: Howard A Treesong

I'm going to a 'celebration' event for Mtg's 20th year. It'll be a sealed deck using four Dragon's Maze and one of the guild double packs left over from the pre-release.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 15:59:08

Post by: ciaotym

Well, as it was technically yesterday, got the new White Dwarf, read a chunk of it and painted an Ork Killer Kan that has been waiting for a year or so.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 17:41:12

Post by: Flood

Staring at a desk full of models which need the mould-lines scraped before priming, and avoiding it completely. It really is the one thing about this hobby that puts me off, but I'm far too much of an obsessive to skip it.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 17:48:48

Post by: Largeblastmarker

Finishing a Terminator assault based army with 2 landraiders. one is still NOS.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 17:52:01

Post by: weeble1000

I based some prairie tick swarms, and started work on a scratch build farmhouse.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Flood wrote:
Staring at a desk full of models which need the mould-lines scraped before priming, and avoiding it completely. It really is the one thing about this hobby that puts me off, but I'm far too much of an obsessive to skip it.

I know exactly what you mean.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 18:19:44

Post by: Squidmanlolz

I'll probably paint a firewarrior...
Underwhelming, I know.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 18:44:12

Post by: nwns

Bought the new SM codex and picked up an Imperial Sector...and some plastic glue.

Painted yet more cultists....

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 18:53:36

Post by: Eggs

Building the first piece of terrain for my new table, (a damaged church), and finishing up a unit of spider riders.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 19:29:55

Post by: sing your life

After tea I'm going to be working on a 1000pts DA list with no SCs.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 19:42:10

Post by: Ruglud

Browsing Dakka while watching Notting Hill... Too tired after a day of decorating to do anything else :(

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 19:43:22

Post by: AegisGrimm

I'm beginning painting on 6 shoota boyz, 8 slugga boys w/Nob, a Black Reach Warboss, and Mek w/ kustom-blasta from the Lootas set to add to some existing Ork boar boyz (an old Gorkamorka project) and a mob of Rebel grots (also from Gorkamorka) to make a fledgling 2nd edition 40K army.

Primed them Armypainter angel green, and just got done drybrushing a lighter green on all the skin, production line style.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 19:44:02


Bought some discounted cans of liquitex spray paint in fruity colours from hobby craft and backed anarchy models kickstarter.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 19:59:42

Post by: Happygrunt

Probably going to paint some Infity and IG.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 20:21:30

Post by: AegisGrimm

Oh, and just now I found out that there is no way I can put some Snotling bases inmy army "for fun" because they are 17 dollars for two of them. Well....nope.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 20:13:40

Post by: gohkm

Finally back in Oz, so I can get painting properly again. I've done up about 50% of a Marchosias from Anima Tactics, so I'll plug away at this today.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 22:14:50

Post by: timetowaste85

Half an hour away from my Kings of War game with Porkus.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 22:35:37

Post by: Pacific

 AegisGrimm wrote:
Oh, and just now I found out that there is no way I can put some Snotling bases inmy army "for fun" because they are 17 dollars for two of them. Well....nope.

Might be worthwhile asking some people with Mantic collections - every sprue of Orx has some of these small 'orcling' style things, and anyone who has collected an army of Orx probably has a ton of them unused that they will probably have no use for. I've probably got several bases worth just sitting around in my bits box.

This is what they look like..

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 22:42:40

Post by: Ugavine

Nothing today.

Last night I played my Tyranids vs Tau. Was a great game.
Turns 1-4 I was shot to pieces leaving only a Tyrannofex & Tyrgon Prime on the table.
Turn 5 my MCs kill two tanks including making a 12" charge! The Doom comes in and devastates his troops (rolls 17 for Leadership on one Spirit Leech!) .

His troops on the objective just survived to give him a 4-2 win (Warlord + 3pt objective vs First blood & Linebreaker).
Game ended, but really think I could have got that victory if it went another turn.

But hey, it was a blast with lots of carnage. And they are the games I like, when everything dies on both side. And in the end my 'nids did me proud.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/07 22:55:01

Post by: AegisGrimm

 Pacific wrote:
 AegisGrimm wrote:
Oh, and just now I found out that there is no way I can put some Snotling bases inmy army "for fun" because they are 17 dollars for two of them. Well....nope.

Might be worthwhile asking some people with Mantic collections - every sprue of Orx has some of these small 'orcling' style things, and anyone who has collected an army of Orx probably has a ton of them unused that they will probably have no use for. I've probably got several bases worth just sitting around in my bits box.

This is what they look like..

Thanks for the info, Pacific! I'll have to look into that.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 00:43:10

Post by: Ascalam

Painting Burna Boyz. All day.

I'm a slow painter, and i want to get this sodding unit done!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 01:53:48

Post by: SilentScreamer

 Ugavine wrote:
Nothing today.

Last night I played my Tyranids vs Tau. Was a great game.
Turns 1-4 I was shot to pieces leaving only a Tyrannofex & Tyrgon Prime on the table.
Turn 5 my MCs kill two tanks including making a 12" charge! The Doom comes in and devastates his troops (rolls 17 for Leadership on one Spirit Leech!) .

His troops on the objective just survived to give him a 4-2 win (Warlord + 3pt objective vs First blood & Linebreaker).
Game ended, but really think I could have got that victory if it went another turn.

But hey, it was a blast with lots of carnage. And they are the games I like, when everything dies on both side. And in the end my 'nids did me proud.

A Battle report would be great, if you wouldn't mind making a thread on it?

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 01:57:57

Post by: Twoshoesvans

Finishing painting a tyranid kill team, debating setting off my outdated templar and nurgle armies. You know... the usual.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 02:05:09

Post by: greenskin lynn

finished building my trollblood war wagon and did some greenstuff gap filling on a few other things that will finally be ready for a coat of primer

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 03:23:26

Post by: AegisGrimm

Painting Burna Boyz. All day.

I'm a slow painter, and i want to get this sodding unit done!

I feel you. I am now at 2 completed Orks today, with 15 still to go on my painting table. Urk. Could never stand assembly style painting, so I do them one or two at a time.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 04:04:19

Post by: J'santai Khan

I've got 40 Saurus to finish up and attach the shields to, then 30 Skinks, all for a commission. A unit of DW knights tip knock out with Belial & Azreal (when I can't stand to look at another Lizardman for a while), and I've got at least 4 (maybe 8!) mycetic spores to pour and clean for a couple of my fellow Dakka-ites. Oh, and then there's all of my stuff I want to get done too! No rest for the wicked, eh? Lol!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 04:46:01

Post by: That-Black-Templar-Guy

Finally got some more of my guard painted. Only 90 left to go...yay

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 05:05:12

Post by: Ascalam

 AegisGrimm wrote:
Painting Burna Boyz. All day.

I'm a slow painter, and i want to get this sodding unit done!

I feel you. I am now at 2 completed Orks today, with 15 still to go on my painting table. Urk. Could never stand assembly style painting, so I do them one or two at a time.

Same here, only aggravated by nerve damaged hands, and a tremor in my right hand when I get tired.

4 left to go, then on to the next unit :(

I like building them, and playing with them, but painting is a chore...

I promised myself that I can do one of my Cronos engines next. Those I'm looking forward to painting.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 10:49:23

Post by: -Loki-

Put together Miranda Ashcroft (fiddlyest model I've ever built, for all of its simple construction) and put a bit of paint on my last Nasmat.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 11:17:13

Post by: lord_blackfang

Having revised my White Scars list to conform to the new Codex, I am now in the painful process of pulling apart old miniatures to swap wargear, etc.

I will also be airbrushing the interior of my Storm Eagle today and placing an order with GW Direct for more White Scars shoulder pads.

Time permitting, I should also go through my Bones Vampire box and see if anything's missing.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 11:19:32

Post by: darkslife

Finishing off painting my tesseract ark. First time I've painted anything with an airbrush.

Just have the driver to assemble and paint and it will be done.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 11:23:14

Post by: MaCa

Just finished painting my Riptide. Next one up - the Commander and his retinue.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 11:24:58

Post by: carlos13th

Staring at some semi painted models in the corner of the room that will probably remain untouched all day.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 14:17:04

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Finishing painting my devilfish, maybe another fire warrior.
Finishing my 500pt tau list
Rolling up characters for my group's DnD campaign

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 14:44:03

Post by: sparkywtf

Today is a massive cleaning day for me, but part of that is organizing the hobby area and getting it squared away. Once finished I will either work on painting my Valkyrie weapons or magnetizing some sentinels

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 14:58:33

Post by: frozenwastes

Today I'm looking at my 6mm sci-fi collection (same scale as Epic stuff, but I don't think any of it is GW) and putting together a couple forces to test out the Alpha Strike rules at the next gaming club meeting.

A local store has just gotten into miniatures by stocking the entire Reaper Bones line, so I'm going to go talk to the owner about doing a miniature painting club day at their store once or twice a month. Their primary gaming is Magic and board games and Pathfinder, so I'll probably start some sort of fantasy skirmish gaming there as well.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 15:24:45

Post by: ScootyPuffJunior

Heading down to my FLGS to pick up some new goodies and then I'll work on my Imperial Fists legion praetor while I watch some football.

I worked overnight as well, so I might squeeze a nap in some time today too.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 20:30:49

Post by: sing your life

Tomorrow I'm going to be doing some more painting considering I've decided not to buy anymore stuff until I have everything else painted.

Also I'm going into town to buy some VGC cobra leather to use as a NMM gold basecoat.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 20:46:54

Post by: Trondheim

Just got home from spending two days working as security at a local convetion. Must say it was a very, very awesome time, and the crowds where great too. A very nice way to spend the weekend

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 20:55:23

Post by: SilenzZzz

do some more detail work on a friends Grey Knights Stormraven.
basecoat some terrain parts for the LGS in town.
finish details on a trophy for the LGS in town.
stare at my 40k orks and longingly wish to paint them, then sigh knowing i have projects for others to finish first before i can start on my own.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 23:15:51

Post by: Haight

I assembled a couple grey knight terminators and a nemesis dreadknight while my kid watched a movie.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/08 23:33:11

Post by: Ascalam

Finished my burnas.

Finishing Eppy for my Nurgle guys next, then starting a Cronos..

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/09 01:08:20

Post by: SBG

Magnetized a DV Terminator with lightning claw and power fist, converted DV Sergeant to have a helmet... Drilled barrel holes on a storm bolter (tricky!), and shaved DA emblems off of two plasma cannon troopers so as to run them in my Devastator squads. Didn't seem like much at the time, but written down it's surprising how much I got done in that hour...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/09 01:40:34

Post by: snurl

Beginning to paint some Mimics.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/09 12:31:53

Post by: -Loki-

Spent an hour putting together my Maghariba Guard, only to discover Corvus Belli decided to pack two left side exhausts. Complaint code sent.

Then spend half an hour putting the first green highlight on the Nasmat I've been working on.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/09 13:14:06

Post by: Alfndrate

Spent Saturday reading the new codex... Sunday was spent playing FF14...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/09 13:27:12

Post by: fishy bob

Still waiting for that bloody parcel... Sure, in the meantime I could paint one of the models I currently have unpainted.

But we all know that's not how it works

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/09 13:36:45

Post by: master of ordinance

Hopefully going to my gaming group and getting a game.
As college may be finishing late ive got my carrycase with me and im atracting some funny looks.
Might be due to the fact my carry case is a .50 ammo tin.....

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/11 02:56:13

Post by: Largeblastmarker

Magnetising a landraider door cuz the frakking mechanism pooped out on me.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/11 02:57:57

Post by: AegisGrimm

FINISHED the single Nob in Mega Armor I have had since they first came out in metal......... That was one damn long journey for him

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/11 03:22:28

Post by: SickSix

Finally did a video review of one of the third party kits I have had laying around forever.


So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/11 03:36:58

Post by: timetowaste85

I ripped the arms off my shooty Mantic Ogres to switch from blunderbusses to crossbows, turned regular Warriors into Berzerkers, and built my goblin cavalry as well. It was a good hobby day...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I ripped the arms off my shooty Mantic Ogres to switch from blunderbusses to crossbows, turned regular Warriors into Berzerkers, and built my goblin cavalry as well. It was a good hobby day...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/11 03:45:48

Post by: -Loki-

Finished that Nasmat last night, tonight starting my Hassassin Barid. Hoping to have the colours all blocked in and washed before the weekend, since I'm having a game.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/11 13:41:35

Post by: squall018

Last night I built my first Whirlwind tank. Tonight I am gonna prime it and maybe get started on a basecoat. Maybe work on some Black Orcs. I have 3 left to finish the unit.

Also, will probably read over the new Space Marine codex some more tonight. I haven't gotten through the whole thing yet and everyone else seem to already be experts on it.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/11 14:50:34

Post by: fishy bob

Removing mold lines from some Privateer Press plastic. Or dying trying.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/11 23:45:32

Post by: Mr. Grey

Got some gretchin primed for painting. Aside from that, not much.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/11 23:51:41

Post by: PrehistoricUFO

Built my Swarmlord. Much swordage!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 00:14:47

Post by: rothrich

Same thing I do every night... paint a single model. Probably a grot. A single grit takes about 20 to 30 minutes and that's about all I usually have in me.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 00:24:00

Post by: drock403

Just got home from university, girlfriend works until 10 which means it's time to crank my hobby dial to 11. I'll be priming two squads of new tac marines, two squads of vanguard vets, and hopefully finishing up the paint job on my final fire warrior squad. If all that gets done i'll be moving onto my piranha to begin painting that.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 00:25:53

Post by: Alfndrate

Working on developing my own chapter, after having my Ultramarines for 3 years, I think it's time I branched into my own chapter.

But idk where to begin

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 01:07:38

Post by: Mr. Grey

rothrich wrote:
Same thing I do every night... paint a single model. Probably a grot. A single grit takes about 20 to 30 minutes and that's about all I usually have in me.

Slow and steady is the way to go. I'm doing my orks as a fun hobby project, so I'm taking my time on each one....

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 01:40:01

Post by: rothrich

 Mr. Grey wrote:
rothrich wrote:
Same thing I do every night... paint a single model. Probably a grot. A single grit takes about 20 to 30 minutes and that's about all I usually have in me.

Slow and steady is the way to go. I'm doing my orks as a fun hobby project, so I'm taking my time on each one....

really it is the only way to go. You have to paint so many orks to make an army the only way to not go crazy is to do them one at a time and just be patient.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 06:52:36

Post by: Pacific

No, you need to batch-paint them until your fingers bleed and you start to go blind from eye-strain ..

Had a game of Infinity, rolled so many critical hits that I wonder what is going to happen to me today to balance it out the excess good luck..

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 07:59:59

Post by: Herzlos

I spent about 2 hours last night painting boots and rifle-butts on my FoW Paratrooper company. Since they use so little paint each and I'm using Vallejo dropper bottes it seems wasteful to not do all of each colour at a time, even if it's a little dull.

On the plus side, now every team in the company has 2 colours on them, it's a huge improvement. I'm aiming to keep up at a similar pace to have them finished by the end of the month

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 08:09:43

Post by: Palindrome

Painting yet more Catachans (in batches of 20 no less), 2 batches done, 3 more to go and then I can start on all the heavy weapons.....

I will also be reading through some Infinity rules I just downloaded.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 14:56:54

Post by: StraightSilver

I have been waiting all week for it to stop raining so I can get outside and so some undercoating.

Alas every day at 5pm when I finish work it has rained this week.

So I have 3 Marine tactical Squads and a Storm Talon to undercoat, if it's still raining I will be building a Land Speeder Storm.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 15:00:48

Post by: Phatom

When I get home I have 60 gaunts to paint.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 15:12:17

Post by: Ugavine

Finish off my unit of Ork Flash Gitz using Ork Pirate Heads from Spellcrow..

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 15:41:51

Post by: SBG

 Phatom wrote:
When I get home I have 60 gaunts to paint.

I feel your pain. But it will be so rewarding when you're done!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 15:55:31

Post by: Ascalam

Plague drones for me.

Finished Eppy last night.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 16:54:54

Post by: SickSix

Spent more money. Bought a light box and highly rated lazy susan to help in my photography and videos. Tonight I hope to start cleaning up my metal TFC.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 17:06:15

Post by: Some_Call_Me_Tim?

Working on a whole selection of commissions...So far today I've worked on 10 different YuJing models and a Ariadnian Dozer chick with an RPG. Later, I'm going to work on a Heldrake, a Defiler, and a Forgefiend. Also, I need to put the final touches on 20 Grave Guard and then do cleanup work. I'm hoping to get a VC Necromancer from the same job done today as well. Finally, I'm gonna clean up about 20 more Infinity models so I can start in on them...

I have rather a full plate.


So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 17:07:33

Post by: Trondheim

Looking trough the pictures from the convention I worked at last weekend, for anyone intrested look at the link below.

Beside that I am sitting here pondering if I should follow the herd, and buy myself some Centurions, beside that I am finding myself longing for a game of 40k

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 17:17:41

Post by: squall018

Last night I put a good basecoat on my whirlwind. Tonight I'm gonna try to get a second coat on and start doing some of the detail work. I need to get that, a drop pod, and some centurions painted for a tourney on the 28th. I should be able to pull that off.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 17:31:02

Post by: nkelsch

Painting some SDE figures... Drawing out some designs for some terrain. A Crypt, Pyramid and Pirate ship!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 19:47:59

Post by: Allod

Started painting my Rogue Trader's bodyguard in third-rate power armour for Inquisitor.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/12 21:39:45

Post by: Eilif

The club is meeting at a FLGS. We've gotten permission to do a little swap meet among our members.

Afterwards we'll be continuing our summer "Song of Blades and Heroes" Campaign. Two members have gotten together to organize a multiplayer scenario so it should be fun.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 01:55:19

Post by: epil

I am slowly building a swamp board for gaming.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 02:04:51

Post by: Largeblastmarker

figuring out how to manage 9 player characters in a dnd campaing and staring at an unpainted landraider. Feth.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 02:28:36

Post by: PrehistoricUFO

Just went ahead and assembled a Mawloc. It's a really fun kit to build, my second time and it's thoughtfully made and fits together really well. I now officially have more built models than painted - something I wanted to avoid this year.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 03:51:05

Post by: Flood

Today I will, once again, push myself to clean mould lines and prime. The 15 angry genestealers staring at me across the table will not wait any longer!
I also need to spray-varnish some 'gants.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 03:56:55

Post by: rothrich

Another grot done 6 more days and my squad will be done.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 03:58:18

Post by: Jimsolo

Today was another club day. I had my first victorious battle with the new Space Marines codex, as well as my first use of the ability to reroll saves versus flamers, which came in with a bang by converting the total destruction of a combat squad to a completely unharmed one. Nonetheless, an immensely satisfying game due to the fact that it was nail-bitingly close. (And I won, which always adds a little sugar to the sauce.)

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 05:18:00

Post by: Krug001

Poured a little more of my heart and soul into my ADL. First time using oil base paints and mineral spirits to make my own wash.. was very satisfied with it. Pics soon as I finish more this weekend!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 05:21:08

Post by: Ascalam

Started painting my FOR.

Its going to take ages :(

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 05:23:21

Post by: Alex Kolodotschko

Buy spraypaint- Done
Have a chat with a mate for a bit before he goes on holiday- Done
Give some TLC and headswaps to some poorly assembled carnifexes
Assemble a Pyrovore
Work on some more Tyranid terrain- Done
Prime everything!!!!- Done Terrain, Fexes+Pyrovore still to do.
Maybe make a start painting the terrain if there's time.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 09:27:13

Post by: Skinnereal

I gave in to mould lines, and I'll be painting more of my Dreadball Forge Fathers team for tomorrow.
A pity I've got to go to a family do tonight, when they're only half-done

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 09:53:52

Post by: PhantomViper

I really need to put the finishing touches on my Spawning Vessel crew, they've been staring at me angrily for the past week...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 10:11:51

Post by: Shandara

Finishing off 6 Nurgling bases.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 11:14:33

Post by: Nevelon

Drag out the camera and take some pictures, to update my P&M blog.
Update said blog
Continue to clean and assemble honor guard, bikers
Pick the next 4 guys to paint, start.

My goal is to do 4 guys a week, to keep my pace up. I just finished some old Battle of Macragge marines, and need to decide if I'm going with some old metal terminators that have been sitting on the bench forever, or some newer assault marines. The assaults might need to step back from the paint bench to get some magnets put in their backpacks. I was never a fan of drop pod insertion for them, but it might be viable these days.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 12:29:17

Post by: Alfndrate

 Eilif wrote:
The club is meeting at a FLGS. We've gotten permission to do a little swap meet among our members.

Afterwards we'll be continuing our summer "Song of Blades and Heroes" Campaign. Two members have gotten together to organize a multiplayer scenario so it should be fun.

I hear a Jaques of Martinique is kicking some tail in your campaign!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 12:34:10

Post by: gianlucafiorentini123

Building the one of the new Tac squads from GW and hopefully reserving one of the new HH books for GD.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 13:01:34

Post by: Easy E

I picke dup the Dystopian Wars rules, and some of the Zeppelins for playing Aeronautica Imperialis.

I have an AI game set-up for this weekend.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 13:10:06

Post by: Eilif

 Alfndrate wrote:
 Eilif wrote:
The club is meeting at a FLGS. We've gotten permission to do a little swap meet among our members.

Afterwards we'll be continuing our summer "Song of Blades and Heroes" Campaign. Two members have gotten together to organize a multiplayer scenario so it should be fun.

I hear a Jaques of Martinique is kicking some tail in your campaign!

Yeah, we have a member who is using him as their leader. He's got the best record in the club. I haven't updated the rankings in a while, but it's possible the only games he hasn't won have been multiplayer games and scenarios involving his warband vs a NPC warband.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 13:20:05

Post by: Musashi363

Painting a forgefiend!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 13:40:57

Post by: Mightmagic

Painting my OK Pirate Man Eater and bulls.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 14:07:47

Post by: Bomster

In about 3 hours our gaming group will be starting our full-on narrative campaign weekend. Had some frantic painting days this week... and didn't finish all I had planned.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 16:26:51

Post by: jlopatin

 Eilif wrote:

Yeah, we have a member who is using him as their leader. He's got the best record in the club. I haven't updated the rankings in a while, but it's possible the only games he hasn't won have been multiplayer games and scenarios involving his warband vs a NPC warband.

The only loss I have is the damn caravan scenario! I have been EXTREMEMLY lucky. However, I sat out the last couple of games, so I may be a little behind now.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 16:56:53

Post by: Chute82

Pondering how to turn my basement in the ultimate man cave... Plus basing and painting my ork army...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 17:03:20

Post by: necrovamp

Going to work out my lists of purchases for my Rapid Fire Italian Alpini regiment

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 17:07:50

Post by: sparkywtf

Cleaning a space off at work, and them going to prime some dreadball and dreadfleet, hopefully. If not today, it will be getting done tomorrow.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/13 19:48:47

Post by: epil

 Largeblastmarker wrote:
figuring out how to manage 9 player characters in a dnd campaing and staring at an unpainted landraider. Feth.

Kill off five of them. Tell them to go play their own game. 8 people is a lot of people to wait though for a turn to do stuff.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/14 01:27:02

Post by: Largeblastmarker

 epil wrote:
 Largeblastmarker wrote:
figuring out how to manage 9 player characters in a dnd campaing and staring at an unpainted landraider. Feth.

Kill off five of them. Tell them to go play their own game. 8 people is a lot of people to wait though for a turn to do stuff.

Lol. Well we had our first game today. 2 of the 3 newbies (Like, they don't know anything about the game) didn't show up and the people I thought would , lets say, not be any good, wrote amazing backgrounds, and played well. Oh yeah, and every eighteen year old in the group with a job managed to get his shift covered and I even got a ride home! So seven players is manageable enough, considering we are starting from level one and there is tonnes of wiggle room.

Anyway, primed my raider, and am finishing off painting a suit of TDA.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/14 05:14:07

Post by: Shadowseer_Kim

Today I played Killteam games with my friends at 200 points. I went 1 and 1.

Tomorrow, I am practicing painting black armour on some Dark Angels.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/14 13:02:06

Post by: MetalOxide

I am painting up my Infinity and Dust miniatures. Later today I might paint some of my Night Goblins and Chaos Space Marines.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/14 16:30:19

Post by: dreamakuma

I'm setting up a gaming space in the basement, Driving out to buy more reaper bones, and setting up figs.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/14 16:42:17

Post by: GrimDork

@largeblastmarker Any chance of convincing one of your players to co-dm and help you manage rolling and keeping track of stuff? Dropping a player and doubling up your personal resources may be the trick. It even brings up possibilities like splitting the party into two groups to attack a problem (say, a castle/fortress) from two angles, or to have some party members get captured and try to break out without interrupting the overall flow of the game (and then the party meets up for a huge epic clash with the boss!). Its possible to get a couple of part-time co-DMs too, where their characters may have convenient backgrounds explaining occasional absences... just so one guy isn't talked into never playing. Just some thoughts

On topic: I wanna get 16 corporation zombie marines done this month, so today I wanna finish my 3 weapon teams, and or get started on building the last 10 zombie marines.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/14 17:06:08

Post by: col. krazy kenny

Try to work on my LW British army for Flames of war.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/14 17:23:57

Post by: Apple fox

I'm building huts out of balsa wood, building tomb kings, hopefully some daemons and some cultists.
Get some infinity done, start on buildings for that.
Warpwolf needs painting and a daemon prince, :0 I not sure that's all for today, may take a week or two

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/15 17:21:25

Post by: cincydooley

Gonna finish painting my Infinity Szalamadra

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/15 17:29:53

Post by: happygolucky

When I get back home I will be basing my CSM squad I recently re-painted (and then upload the Images to put on my CSM Showcase thread )... and maybe get started with my Obliterator's..

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/15 17:52:46

Post by: GrimDork

@Cincy I demand pics when you're done! I like that one way more than the lizard, too bad I love everything else about Bakunin!

@happy I may have to check that out! Got a link?

I'm about to clear coat my zombie weapon teams and drop my to do or die list down to 10/51 models. They'll promptly show up on my p&m blog. With any luck, I'll assemble a few of those last 10.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/15 18:08:51

Post by: happygolucky

 GrimDork wrote:

@happy I may have to check that out! Got a link?

Yeah sure :


So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/15 18:10:47

Post by: Jangustus

Been converting a counts as Tigurius model. Has been taking a fair few bits and pieces from a variety of kits. 15 bits so far.

Taking my old space marines, and making they are useful in the new codex really. (making more sternguard with combi-weapons and changing heavy weapons to lascannon).

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/15 18:39:44

Post by: Largeblastmarker

Finished an ADL and putting line highlights on my landraider. Also built 4 sponson mounted weapons and will re purpose the flamethrowers.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/15 18:54:45

Post by: Zwan1One

Just reading Dakka. One day it will be more hobby worthy! You guys have such impressive hobby lives!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/15 19:23:43

Post by: Stoupe

Finishing my Hurricanum. Finally 100% painted!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/15 19:28:55

Post by: Trondheim

Working on a setting for the World Of Darkness campagin I will be running next week and onwards,
Beside that I started painting High Elfs once more, Spear Elfs and Dragon princes are the first ones to get primed and such. After that I am considering starting with painting all the armour and metal bitzs on them.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/15 20:46:08

Post by: Pacific

Putting together some 15mm Plastic Soldier Company late war German Infantry. Just received a rather nice Peter Pig Tiger tank as well in the post - forget how big those things were when you compare them in scale!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/16 06:24:23

Post by: Dysartes

Spent the weekend watching Numb3rs and Castle, reading Dakka and the PP forums, and getting some paint on some PP figures (some of whom appear in my P&M blog), as well as sorting out one of my sofas that was covered in gaming stuff. Now have two tables that need further sorting, but that's a minor issue.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/17 00:26:52

Post by: SBG

I began conversion work on a DV Tac squad. Running them as Wolves, so...

-Magnetized one Banner to a Bolter Marine so it can be taken if required.
-Replaced the Sergeant's head with a helmet, magnetized his left hand with a power sword or plasma pistol, replaced his right pistol with a boltgun, and shaved off a bunch of iconography.
-Built one Plasma gunner to replace the cannon, which found a home in my devastator company.
-Picked out miscellaneous wolfy bits to use on the boring bolter-equipped marines.

Also primed 8-9 models...

Built a Mycetic Spore from scratch, going to paint that tomorrow probably.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/17 00:55:30

Post by: Jimsolo

Getting ready to do some repair work on my minis. If I feel like it, I'm going to do some work converting my Sternguard over to have combi-meltas. I may also do some work converting Grey Knights out of some old school terminators.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/17 00:58:51

Post by: augustus5

I'm cleaning up an Avenger Strike Fighter I picked up in a trade a little while back and prepping it for assembly. This is my first time to work with FW resin and there is a very strong smell from the particulates that come off while filing. I had read about people saying that FW resin was dangerous if breathed in, and I think I actually believe it now. I'll be covering my face and running a fan when I get back at it tonight.

I'm really happy with the model though, and it will serve as the centerpiece for a Cadian allied force I'm putting together for my Grey Knights.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/17 04:49:55

Post by: timetowaste85

Well, my 200+ model box of Kings of War kickstarter goodness came in today, and I've been nearly overwhelmed. My hero on lion is built, couple random Men At Arms, Mounted Paladin, all metal infantry heroes, couple gargoyles.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/17 09:55:17

Post by: blood ravens addiction

Painting 10 40k tac marines

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/17 10:53:35

Post by: jonolikespie

A ton of basing stuff arrived today for me to use on my diorama piece. Unfortunately PVA takes forever to dry so I don't think I'll get a ton done tonight :/

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/17 15:03:27

Post by: squall018

I will probably be finishing my Centurions tonight. I have one built, just need to do the other two.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/17 15:23:32

Post by: Balance

 augustus5 wrote:
I'm cleaning up an Avenger Strike Fighter I picked up in a trade a little while back and prepping it for assembly. This is my first time to work with FW resin and there is a very strong smell from the particulates that come off while filing. I had read about people saying that FW resin was dangerous if breathed in, and I think I actually believe it now. I'll be covering my face and running a fan when I get back at it tonight.

To my understanding, it's basically that resin tends to make very fine particles that aren't particularly biodegradable when sanded, filed, etc. These get in your lungs, and can irritate in ways that may cause problems. So, yeah, don't breath dust, especially plastic dust.

For me, no hobby time today at all. May try to paint tonight if time permits.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/17 15:27:18

Post by: Alfndrate

 Balance wrote:
 augustus5 wrote:
I'm cleaning up an Avenger Strike Fighter I picked up in a trade a little while back and prepping it for assembly. This is my first time to work with FW resin and there is a very strong smell from the particulates that come off while filing. I had read about people saying that FW resin was dangerous if breathed in, and I think I actually believe it now. I'll be covering my face and running a fan when I get back at it tonight.

To my understanding, it's basically that resin tends to make very fine particles that aren't particularly biodegradable when sanded, filed, etc. These get in your lungs, and can irritate in ways that may cause problems. So, yeah, don't breath dust, especially plastic dust.

For me, no hobby time today at all. May try to paint tonight if time permits.

To be fair, resin in general is pretty toxic for the human body, regardless of the company it comes from. To quote Ouze:
Ouze wrote:I decided to don my surgical mask before doing the drilling, since I don't know what this new resin is made of, but I'm sure it's not, you know, vitamins and stuff.

As for me, I'm trying to figure out what to paint my Crimson Fists Successor chapter, I'd be willing to hear any suggestions here.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/17 15:29:33

Post by: Shandara

Painting.. and more painting!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/17 15:56:13

Post by: jah-joshua

tonight, after a hard three hour shift at my surf shop, i will be finishing up Boba Fett...
tomorrow is my last chance to do photos, then he has to go off to his new owner on Thursday...

it's been a fun project, but damn, these 70mm minis are big...
i'll be happy to get back to my little Space Marines, and those tiny Infinity minis...


So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/17 19:51:40

Post by: Balance

 Alfndrate wrote:

To be fair, resin in general is pretty toxic for the human body, regardless of the company it comes from.

Definitely! Any fine particulates in the lungs are going to cause problems.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/17 19:55:19

Post by: Opeth30

Just put my old leman russ in some simple green to strip off the "paint job" I did as a 13 year old. thankfully back then I knew to paint in thin coats

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/17 20:02:43

Post by: SBG

Basecoated 6 Marines ... Oh, also drilled out a squad's barrels, and painted plasma weapons.

Mycetic spore is now basecoated too.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/18 06:35:12


Got a day off so heading to a mates to play some dystopian wars aka "totes stopes"

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/18 06:47:03

Post by: -Loki-

Hopefully I'll have the enthusiasm to crack on with my Hassassin Barid. Finishing two Infinity models in a row (a Muyib and a Nasmat) burned me out, but I want to break the habit of not being able to do multiple models in a row to get through some of my backlog.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/18 08:20:09

Post by: TheDraconicLord

Hopefully I'm going to keep on painting WoW board game miniatures.

Started the Gnome Mage yesterday, and am I in love. Never, ever, EVER before have I used so much Moot Green! The guy looks like he's glowing!

I am resisting the temptation to paint his hair and beard pink. But it's so hard

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/18 11:38:58

Post by: GrimDork

Haha, I'll definitely have to check that out in your blog.

I'll be putting down however many or few layers onto my next 5 zombie Marines as is possible. Hoping to push through them this weekend but I'm not going to stress over it.

Also I may do some bases to have ready. And as usual I'll probably scheme about armies I don't have time to work on while at work

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/18 15:22:07

Post by: Nevelon

Just finished painting a pair of bikes I want to include in a list. Next is to clean off the gaming table and prep for a game. A friend is coming over tomorrow with 1,850 points of nids, and I need to make sure I have a clear battlefield and an army to meet him.

Next on the paint list is a HF sternguard, but I doubt he'll be done in time for the battle.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/18 15:47:26

Post by: PhantomViper

Finally, my procrastinating ass has managed to finish painting my Spawning Vessel crew, now I just need to dull coat them.

Anyway, today I'm picking up my second unit of Warspears + UA for my pThags tier list and a couple of extra Harriers in preparation for the Beast Mistress coming out.

Oh, and I better start advancing the painting on my Ravagore and Angelius!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/18 17:01:46

Post by: nkelsch

I made these last night.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/18 17:14:53

Post by: Alfndrate

nkelsch, that's cool, what are they?

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/18 17:25:03

Post by: nkelsch

 Alfndrate wrote:
nkelsch, that's cool, what are they?

Chibi maggots for RPG dungeons... I been practicing sculpting and casting simple models for tabletop RPG games.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/18 17:30:04

Post by: Brillow80

Today I will start researching prices (second hand) for CSM Rhino NOS and Bloodletters NOS, as well as paint supplies (vallejo) for a DA army (after doing a pallet and cross from GW Citadel paints). Next I'm going to flesh out a 500 and 700-750 point DA list limiting armor to troop transports and no fast attack vehicles. (My play group is just starting out and we are still figuring out what army's to play).

Finally, I'm going to try out Army Painter white primer on an airplane model spru because i'm having a terrible time getting Flat and Gloss white to cover properly on my models (it's so transparent that gray primer shows right through). I don't want my white details to look like poo.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/18 17:37:36

Post by: Alfndrate

Brillow80 wrote:
Today I will start researching prices (second hand) for CSM Rhino NOS and Bloodletters NOS, as well as paint supplies (vallejo) for a DA army (after doing a pallet and cross from GW Citadel paints). Next I'm going to flesh out a 500 and 700-750 point DA list limiting armor to troop transports and no fast attack vehicles. (My play group is just starting out and we are still figuring out what army's to play).

Finally, I'm going to try out Army Painter white primer on an airplane model spru because i'm having a terrible time getting Flat and Gloss white to cover properly on my models (it's so transparent that gray primer shows right through). I don't want my white details to look like poo.

Army Painter White Primer is fantastic, that and P3 White or Black are my go to cans.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/18 17:47:46

Post by: gossipmeng

nkelsch wrote:
I made these last night.

Clearly a Caterpie its okay pokemon are still cool!

Edit: Last night I picked up commander farsight, 16x gun drones, and 2 sniper drone sets.... painting has been halted - back to building for the next evening or 2.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/18 19:48:36

Post by: Easy E

I popped a Spartan Games Prussian Gertwhachmacallit Zepp, two Pfitch Zeps, and two FSA Lee Class Zeps out of their packaging and put them on their bases.

Then, set-up my table for an Aeronautica Imperialis game with my gaming buddy this weekend.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/18 22:39:20

Post by: Brillow80

 Alfndrate wrote:
Brillow80 wrote:
Today I will start researching prices (second hand) for CSM Rhino NOS and Bloodletters NOS, as well as paint supplies (vallejo) for a DA army (after doing a pallet and cross from GW Citadel paints). Next I'm going to flesh out a 500 and 700-750 point DA list limiting armor to troop transports and no fast attack vehicles. (My play group is just starting out and we are still figuring out what army's to play).

Finally, I'm going to try out Army Painter white primer on an airplane model spru because i'm having a terrible time getting Flat and Gloss white to cover properly on my models (it's so transparent that gray primer shows right through). I don't want my white details to look like poo.

Army Painter White Primer is fantastic, that and P3 White or Black are my go to cans.

Excellent, I look forward to solid results!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/18 22:49:35

Post by: SheSpits

Try and put together all my KOW orcs. And finish a dire avenger unti that ive put off for to long. Even though i have a gang of eldar i have yet to put them all together and play them. I took my time with them since i wanted them to come out nice. And totaly forgot about them and moved on.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/19 05:39:10

Post by: greenskin lynn

putting together some of my mantic kickstarter stuff
currently building paladin cavalry

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/19 06:30:25

Post by: fishy bob


Don't put your models on the subwoofer, kids

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/19 06:49:45

Post by: SBG

Another busy evening... I figured building two pewter Hive Tyrants wasn't hard enough last time, so I built two more. And magnetized them.

This proved challenging.

The metal sword and lash whip were very difficult to magnetize while ensuring security, so they were installed wih the aid of 10 magnets. This tyrant actually has a really decent pose while maintaining the magnetized versatility, which I am happy about. I will buy plastic for the other one, it was just a lot of labour dealing with the metal.

Anyhow, they are magnetized and assembled, yay, but what else needs doing? Oh, the carnifexes. I magnetized three carnifexes, too - arms and heads. I will do the tails as well, once I find a good source on bits, but for now they're looking good.

A good way to burn a few hours that shoud have been spent doing schoolwork. It was great.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/19 10:14:30

Post by: Kelly502

Painting on my Stormtalon, I hope...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/19 11:46:39

Post by: Nevelon

In a few hours the local tyranid swarm is going to swing by and drop a bunch of bugs on the battlefield I spent yesterday cleaning off. Emperor willing, I will fend them off.

Here's the list I built to do it.

I need to finish up getting my 2nd squad of bikers cleaned and ready. The bikes are done, just need the marines and a good day to prime.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/19 11:55:45

Post by: rohansoldier

I might make a start on painting my chaos sorceror for 40k.

While waiting for my hi tech miniatures terrorizers to turn up for counts as obliterators.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/19 14:36:15

Post by: Widdershinz

I did another base coat layer on my tactical squad and finally stuck the arms on a squad of Kabalite Warriors. Fiddly little things they are.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/19 16:55:03

Post by: Flood

Waiting on a dry(ish) day to prime 15 'stealers and a pair of razorbacks. Shall continue turning my SM bikes into hoverbikes meanwhile (the normal bike looks too clunky for me). Possibly build a pair of landspeeders if the rain holds out another day.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/19 17:01:47

Post by: Shadowbrand

Thinking of a unit filler for my block of Executioners that isn't my cauldron of blood I only want one.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/19 17:32:21

Post by: Kinsley

Going to a two day tourney this weekend so I'm painting like a madman before work today to try and get everything done. Doing some detail work on my Nurgle bikers and my converted heldrake.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/19 17:35:11

Post by: Ascalam

Still painting Plague drones.

One down. 8 to go...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/20 02:37:47

Post by: jonolikespie

 Shadowbrand wrote:
Thinking of a unit filler for my block of Executioners that isn't my cauldron of blood I only want one.

An alter with someone about to get executed on it.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/20 03:53:38

Post by: timetowaste85

Put together 5 KoW Paladins, 5 Mounted Paladins, 5 Men At Arms, and 5 crossbow Men At Arms. Think I'm calling it a night, I'll do another grouping tomorrow.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/20 05:27:04

Post by: Dysartes

Got a little painting done last night, and looked through the cards for the B-Wing and HWK-290 I picked up yesterday. Also continued clearing stuff off the small table - need to bag some 6mm Romans and check through some bases, and I think I'll be done.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/20 05:28:49

Post by: SBG

Got a bike painted up, and took photos of a bunch of my Tyranid stuff and Marines!

I put the photos in my gallery, so if you want to see what I have been up to... check it out. You will also get to meet Lyle and Benny, two Space Wolf troublemakers.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/20 05:30:13

Post by: Kaiserbudheim

Just finished painting up a Rogue Trader Era BA captain over my lunchbreak at the office. Fun model! Pic in my Gallery...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/20 09:58:17

Post by: Trondheim

Started to plan what sort of order I will paint the enourmus amount of Bretonnians that is heading my way. Beside that I am currently finishing up the last of my SW Thunder wolves. When that is done I intend to sit down with the new SM codex and start reading

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/20 14:19:25

Post by: Easy E

Just got my Exodus Wars khazari Gyrocopters in the mail!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/20 14:48:30

Post by: hdbbstephen

So far today I have clear-coated some of my most recently completed models, primed some new ones in the queue for painting, and plan to prime some Sabre Platforms and work on an "Ad-Mech Engineers Special Weapons Squad" for my IG, I have a ton of bits for equipment and gear, they are going to be loaded up!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/21 00:57:06

Post by: jonolikespie

Got my first game of W-wing in yesterday and have some Dyst wars lined up for today

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/21 18:36:38

Post by: sparkywtf

So I did some organizing.
And last night I started working on a few mantic plastic orcs for KoW just to get some models ready for priming.

Today so far I have:
Unpacked Blackwater Gulch gangs from the second kickstarter
Sanded down the tabs on the first BWG kickstarter models so they actually sit flat when the bases are attached.
Next up is putting together the new Blackwater Gulch models.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/21 19:05:37

Post by: GrimDork

Almost done with 5 of my last 10 zombie marines. Gotta do the weapons and other metallic bits, a few detail gubbins, and then dip them. Then I'll have to do some bases. While paint is drying, I've been working out the last five zombies, so may do some gluing on those today as well, time permitting.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/21 19:12:37

Post by: timetowaste85

Took a photo of my painted Basilean Captain, and I'm almost done with a Man at Arms to show they aren't totally horrible.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/21 19:18:15

Post by: Ir0njack

Working on my IG from my blog, now that I have the paint scheme worked out I want to finish building my first squad, hwt included. After that I may start on a squad of vets depending on how late it is. Unfortunately only have enhough parts to build 3 vets untill my order of bitz gets in.

If you guys wat to check them out the link is in my sig

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/21 19:26:17

Post by: Flashman

Made the base for what will be the first board section for my Mordheim table. I've already made the table itself. It's basically a 4' by 4' construct around 3" deep. The board sections will then slot into the table. Planning to make around 8 board sections each with different themes e.g. city streets, market square, river quay, garden of morr, skaven quarter etc etc and then swap them around for variety. The depth will enable me to have some sections below street level e.g. catacombs, sewers, rivers and so forth.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/21 20:51:43

Post by: Dysartes

Finished clearing the table I'd been working on. Did some more work on my WIP PP figures, including posting some pics in my P&M Blog, on the off chance anyone is going to comment.

I was going to start constructing my FW Thunderer for a bit of variety, but found my plastic cement had turned into a lump of goo - guess what I'll be replacing next week...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/21 21:17:43

Post by: nkelsch

Painted a 'Pumbagore'!

Yes, Imma Porche! WHeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I actually quite like the model, He is a Druid Shapeshift for my Porkoids. His Goofy expression looks great!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/21 21:24:25

Post by: GrimDork

Pics or it didn't happen?

Nvm, found it, voted. Adorable, hilarious, pretty cool

Darn it... now I kind of want to invest in that game for the black mage alone, awesome gallery

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/21 21:28:28

Post by: Rainbow Dash

I fixed a plushie's hair (it's a pony)
and made some doll sized knives and other tools of murder for them

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/21 22:12:15

Post by: nkelsch

 GrimDork wrote:
Pics or it didn't happen?


So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/21 22:18:57

Post by: GrimDork

Screee! Thats cool.

Got 5 zombies done today, gonna work on assembling the other 5, and bases. May actually make my goal for this month

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/21 23:12:54

Post by: Ascalam

Still ... painting... Plague.... Drones....

Three done, six to go..

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/22 03:04:01

Post by: jah-joshua

Boba Fett went off to his new owner yesterday:(...
computer broke the day before, so now the pics will sit in the camera for a month until the new computer is here:(:(...

now i'm working on Captain Cato Sicarius...
my first Smurf!!!
blue and white all over the place...


So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/22 04:30:55

Post by: jonolikespie

Was last night not today but I ended up paying a game of Dystopian wars in the dark with torches (flashlights) because there was a big Magic event going on and we didn't realize the backroom's lights didn't work until the end of turn 1.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/22 19:34:44

Post by: SBG

Pics of the as-yet unpainted Magnetyrant!

After I paint my van's bumper and hood (don't ask), I can get on the much more important business of getting Killer here painted up. This of course means that I need to magnetize some scything talons, devourers, and a set of ranged arms with HVC and STC options. As well as a second set of scything talons and devourers.

And maybe some wings.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/22 23:40:28

Post by: nkelsch


So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 01:41:58

Post by: sparkywtf

I put together more metal BWG models today, learning I really hate, and also suck at, pinning models.

Then I pulled out all the models I could find and played a 2v2 40k game at 2k per person. Colonel Strakken kicked but today, killing 2 deathwing terminators, a librarian, and Belial in assault over 4 turns before dying. He will be getting stripped of paint and given a new paint job in reward.

Back to pinning.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 06:30:22

Post by: SBG

sparkywtf wrote:
I put together more metal BWG models today, learning I really hate, and also suck at, pinning models.

Then I pulled out all the models I could find and played a 2v2 40k game at 2k per person. Colonel Strakken kicked but today, killing 2 deathwing terminators, a librarian, and Belial in assault over 4 turns before dying. He will be getting stripped of paint and given a new paint job in reward.

Back to pinning.

Sounds fun! Good luck with pinning, it's not much fun and I always cut myself doing it.

This evening I again avoided my university responsibilities and began work on my 6 DV bikers. Until now they were in primer and left until last... but no longer. I basecoated the bikes a light tan, and the Marines red as usual - see Bolter Brother Benny in my gallery for the Marine scheme. I learned that bikes are larger than they seem.

So many small areas to detail! They're all ready for detail work, that's for tomorrow. Once done, I will post photos... Still contemplating which helmeted head to swap onto the hopelessly bald squad leader. I'm thinking about putting some wolfy icons on them, as well, but we'll see.

I also primed 2 Tyrants and 3 Carnifexes. Yay!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 06:49:40

Post by: Ascalam

Painted the six riders for my drones, started work on the bugs themselves...

Wings and bodies done.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 10:22:16

Post by: TheDraconicLord

Going to finish the last of the wow board game miniature "commission" and then 4 more WoW miniatures from another friend

Once that's all done and done, I'll probably start figuring out if I'm really going to sell my Necrons and finally accept I'm a complete IoM fanboy and that I deserve some SPESH MAREENS!

P.S: nkelsch, your work is FANTASTIC!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 10:50:12

Post by: Tylerion

I just finished painting up the marine squad from Dark Vengeance and will be moving on to the Terminator squad. Haven't quite decided what color scheme I'm going to go with, but I'm thinking yellow and black. The marines are primarily red with grey "under armor" or whatever it is, and black/bronze weapons.

Pretty exciting stuff! We may be heading to the local hobby store this evening, because my wife realized that she has nothing in her Chaos Demon army yet that can shoot anything, and that upsets her greatly

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 12:45:57

Post by: Krellnus

Put some major work into my skeletons for my VC army should be able to finish them in a day or two.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 12:53:18

Post by: Alfndrate

nkelsch, were those cocktrices based on something, or did you sculpt them?

Either way, they look awesome! Love the eyes on them.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 13:11:37

Post by: Easy E

I played a game of Aeronautica Imperialis over the weekend.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 13:33:36

Post by: Alex Kolodotschko

Building and painting some 1/35 WW2 bits for a commission.
I've built everything since 6.30 this morning
3 North Africa Brits with Vickers.
2 Germans getting mown down.
5 Brits on patrol.

Now for some paint, i'm a bit miffed that i've got to paint 3 different uniform schemes but I should get the bulk of it done today.

Update Edit: :Got everything done except for the webbing, there's miles of it! lol.
Also a bit of scenics to do still.

Update edit: all done pics here,,,, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/554079.page

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 13:41:25

Post by: GrimDork

Got 5 zombies finished and on bases now they just need one more coat of sealer. 5 to go to meet September vow.

Bases are built, need some paint. Will try to work on posing cleaning and gluing the last 5 zombies today after work.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 15:06:54

Post by: Flood

Base-coated four ogres and glued down some objective marker pieces. Tonight I'll finish the ogres, hopefully.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 22:13:17

Post by: Daston

Just finished my small Vostroyan force after 10 months lol

Just the basing to do now before I get some FW goodies next week.

Some poor quick photos lol

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 22:16:55

Post by: cincydooley

Just finished painting an Infinity nomads zero. I'll probably get started on another hellcat later.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 22:30:50

Post by: GrimDork

Oooh, jealous! I love those models.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 22:32:58

Post by: FarseerAndyMan

Going to finish up two units of FOW American paratroopers and work a little more on my Daemons display board...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 22:53:23

Post by: Largeblastmarker

Gonna mix an assault kit, 2 leftovers from my PAGK and the new vanguard, to make a bunch of vanguard.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/23 23:24:59

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Painted 2 fire warriors today

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/24 04:31:17

Post by: TheAuldGrump

Painted the green translucent undead figures from the Bones Kickstarter for a commission (only a week late...).

Took longer waiting for the paints and inks to dry than it did to paint all of the figures. (Matte coat, wait to dry. Wash, wait to dry. Green ink, wait to dry. Drybrush with glow-in-the-dark paint, wait to dry (not very long ). Brown ink in eye sockets, wait to dry. Base, wait to dry, Matte coat, wait to dry. Ship.)

The figure was late because the art store was out of Higgins' waterproof green ink.

Not counting drying time, maybe an hour?

The Auld Grump, including drying time... three days....

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/24 05:07:09

Post by: SBG

I painted exhaust and tires on 6 DV bikes. Boring! I should get some of that glow-in-the-dark paint, sounds fun!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/24 05:30:04

Post by: cincydooley

Ended up painting a Dark Age Outcast Pusher instead of the Wildcat.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/24 05:38:36

Post by: Ascalam



Nearly done,but they take sooo fetching long to paint...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/24 05:52:37

Post by: SBG

 Ascalam wrote:


Nearly done,but they take sooo fetching long to paint...

Pics when done?

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/24 14:00:02

Post by: Krellnus

Almost finished those skeletons, one more drybrush and some flock and they are table top ready.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/25 04:53:47

Post by: Ascalam

SBG wrote:
 Ascalam wrote:


Nearly done,but they take sooo fetching long to paint...

Pics when done?

Sure. Should be done in a few days.

Lovely models, but a git to paint..

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/25 05:04:50

Post by: Largeblastmarker

Assembly lining mehreens like a bauss.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/25 13:52:09

Post by: Krellnus

Skeletons are done.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/25 13:58:59

Post by: Herzlos

I'm going to try pressing on with my FOW Infantry; aiming for a colour every other night (since I'm dealing with 3 platoons).

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/25 14:11:19

Post by: Apple fox

I play with lego, it will become terain at some stage. But they are two distracting :0

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/25 14:53:13

Post by: squall018

Tonight I intend to finish my 3 destroyers for my Dystopian Wars fleet. Just need to do some highlighting and they will be done. I love the game, but those ships are a pain to paint up.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/25 15:08:03

Post by: Squidmanlolz

planning to purchase the rest of my Tau
(another box of Fire Warriors, a box of Pathfinders, 2 Broadsides, Cadre Fireblade and an Ethereal (hopefully metal, just because I like working with metal minis))

Hopefully finishing my tau 500 point list if I can get a little more C&C on my thread...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/25 16:51:24

Post by: Trench-Raider

This morning I put together a box of Warlord Games "Bliztkrieg Era WW2 German Infantry" I'm building for Chain of Command . It's a very nice set that is at least as good qality as anything GW puts out at about a third of the price

I'll probably prime them black before I go to work this evening and start painting on them tommorrow.


So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/25 17:03:31

Post by: Daston

Still basing vostroyans. They have their 1st game in a couple of weeks and I need to get 2 thallax cohorts ordered and painted by then lol

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/25 17:27:30

Post by: spacewolved

Picking up a small eldar army, calling people in the next town over to try and get a mini gaming club started, driving to the the local flgs to buy a stupid amount of bikes and only getting one box cause thats all they have.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/26 06:51:58

Post by: SBG

 spacewolved wrote:
driving to the the local flgs to buy a stupid amount of bikes and only getting one box cause thats all they have.

I hate that.

I built a long fang with missile launcher, a grey hunter with plasma gun, two Lictors (metal!), magnetized a DV sergeant with a bolter, magnetized a banner, rebuilt a marine that was missing a bolter, and tried to come up with a good Wolfy foot list.

A good day overall!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/26 07:10:26

Post by: Shadowseer_Kim

Today I finished cleaning the carpet glue off the back of my new store, hung some sheet rock and did a lot of networking and setting of appointments for business services.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/26 17:29:52

Post by: Easy E

Exodus Wars minis assembled...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/26 17:34:54

Post by: col. krazy kenny

Work on my FLmaes of BRitish Armor.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/26 18:48:46

Post by: spacewolved

woke up, found out my flgs allows FW for there tournaments now, ebayed two Spartans as a result, put together 3 whole bikes, traded two drop pods for a pink stormraven, applied lots of simple green to said stormraven, found out i have no black primer or thinner for the airbrush, stopped what i was doing and am now eating cake and posting on dakka.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/26 18:50:30

Post by: Bobaram

Trying out a few test paint schemes for my Space Marines! =D

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/26 21:06:35

Post by: sparkywtf

Getting the last 2 of my BWG models together. Then probably sanding down some of the mounting tabs (some stick down past the base).

If I get really ambitious, I may get some play sand and start basing them, but probably not.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/27 06:14:30

Post by: greenskin lynn

painted up 2 of my mantic kickstarter golems, plus one of the trolls i modified, started work on 2 werewolves and 2 of the angels

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/27 06:38:30

Post by: Ascalam

Five drones down, four to go..

Also started painting my FOR and aegis line..

And gluing epidemius' sodding mushroom on again. There is a toadstool on his base that refuses to stay put.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/27 09:14:06

Post by: TheDraconicLord

Painting more WoW Board Game miniatures... I can't wait to be done with them, tired of the crappy things

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/27 11:59:26

Post by: Alfndrate

Playing Flames of War tonight, first game in... months.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/27 12:23:06

Post by: hdbbstephen

Working on a couple of Sisters-of-Battle-to-CSM-Raptors conversions, assembling and priming my Death Shroud Temies, doing some clear-coating on models finished earlier in the week and maybe finish assembling my Sabre platforms...

It's gonna be a busy day!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/27 12:34:45

Post by: squall018

Tonight I have every intention of painting up 6 escorts for my Empire of the Blazing Sun Fleet (Dystopian Wars). My wife is out of town, so there is a good chance I will actually be able to get this done.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/27 12:49:34

Post by: kronk

Nothing lately, sadly. Just moved into a new house last weekend. Will be unpacking for another month or so. 40k and other gaming stuff is low priority.

Soon, though. By early November, I should have my hobby area set up.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/27 13:22:39

Post by: Nevelon

Finish the last two models to make my 4-a-week goal.
Write up a 1k point list to ally with Tau and take on the forces of Chaos tomorrow.
Pack said force.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/27 14:55:18

Post by: Eggs

Built and primed a unit of devastators, along with my second company captain, and a bunch of backpacks/guns/dread arms/jump packs.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/27 15:23:44

Post by: sing your life

I'm going to my gaming club to sell ma skaven.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/27 17:58:27

Post by: blood ravens addiction

a battle every sunday and painting 10 40K tac marines

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So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/27 20:16:47

Post by: Bobaram

More painting of Space Marines, and also paintin up the Monsters out of Mansions of Madness!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/27 21:07:37

Post by: sing your life

 blood ravens addiction wrote:

Automatically Appended Next Post:


So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/28 15:57:26

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Assembling more Fire Warriors...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/28 15:59:24

Post by: sparkywtf

I am working on... something...

Probably throw some magnets at some sentinels and see what happens. I am trying to avoid painting right now. And it rained so that ruined getting some sand from outside to base.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/28 16:17:25

Post by: GrimDork

Getting my last 5 zombies onto nails, then undercoating them. Maybe laying down the base coat later after they stop stinking. Sorting through my jumbled marine collection as my mind whirs at the various options presented in my shiny new codex.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/28 16:20:36

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Maybe taking a trip to the pet store for some terrain and basing supplies

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/28 16:44:24

Post by: Nevelon

Downloaded and installed the Magic Set Editor, and made some Combat Tactic reminder cards. Real easy to use. While I was at it, printed out some cards for the SM warlord traits I had downloaded earlier and sleeved them all. Right now they are B&W on plain paper, but I might re-jigger the page size and run them through my color printer on 4x6 photo paper.

Got my army packed and ready, game is at 3. Will stop by the grocery store and pick up a 6-pack of beer and some chips to share.

I've got about an hour to kill before I head out, spending it here on Dakka.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/28 16:44:49

Post by: hdbbstephen

Finished my 'Special Forces' SWS, soon to dump some OOP metal Grey Knights in Simple Green, then on to maybe do some priming of the Death Shrouds.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/28 17:25:52

Post by: SBG

 Nevelon wrote:

Got my army packed and ready, game is at 3. Will stop by the grocery store and pick up a 6-pack of beer and some chips to share.

This is an excellent idea. I may be forced to do the same for my game this evening. I spent this morning tweaking my Footwolves list for tonight, now there are 100% more lascannons. And more terminators.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/28 17:33:20

Post by: BladeTX

Going through the great dilemma of what the hell to equip my new 10 man tactical squad with. I can never decide from the huge list of combinations. This is why I never buy sternguard squads. Sheesh.... *pulls hair out*

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/28 17:42:27

Post by: SBG

 BladeTX wrote:
Going through the great dilemma of what the hell to equip my new 10 man tactical squad with. I can never decide from the huge list of combinations. This is why I never buy sternguard squads. Sheesh.... *pulls hair out*

Magnetize them and have all the options all the time!

It's easier than it sounds, and fun too!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/28 17:44:15

Post by: GrimDork

^magnets ftw. Although... its a lot more work.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/28 17:44:21

Post by: Trondheim

Working may way trougth the first of some sixty Bretonnian knigths, Noting beats the smel of a newly opend package of plastic crack to feed my addiction

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/28 17:55:16

Post by: BladeTX

SBG wrote:
 BladeTX wrote:
Going through the great dilemma of what the hell to equip my new 10 man tactical squad with. I can never decide from the huge list of combinations. This is why I never buy sternguard squads. Sheesh.... *pulls hair out*

Magnetize them and have all the options all the time!

It's easier than it sounds, and fun too!

I suppose I need to find out how to magnetize. That would be so neat to swap them before the tournament in January.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/28 17:57:53

Post by: sparkywtf

 BladeTX wrote:
SBG wrote:
 BladeTX wrote:
Going through the great dilemma of what the hell to equip my new 10 man tactical squad with. I can never decide from the huge list of combinations. This is why I never buy sternguard squads. Sheesh.... *pulls hair out*

Magnetize them and have all the options all the time!

It's easier than it sounds, and fun too!

I suppose I need to find out how to magnetize. That would be so neat to swap them before the tournament in January.

If you make a cheater tool from a couple extra magnets and a piece of tubing it gets super easy and almost impossible to screw up. I am magnetizing my BT marines.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/28 18:42:06

Post by: BladeTX

sparkywtf wrote:
 BladeTX wrote:
SBG wrote:
 BladeTX wrote:
Going through the great dilemma of what the hell to equip my new 10 man tactical squad with. I can never decide from the huge list of combinations. This is why I never buy sternguard squads. Sheesh.... *pulls hair out*

Magnetize them and have all the options all the time!

It's easier than it sounds, and fun too!

I suppose I need to find out how to magnetize. That would be so neat to swap them before the tournament in January.

If you make a cheater tool from a couple extra magnets and a piece of tubing it gets super easy and almost impossible to screw up. I am magnetizing my BT marines.

I apologize for my persistence, but all that popped into my head was an arm, glue a magnet, magnet, glue, body, and it all looks terrible in my head.

I suppose I'm imploring you guys for a "how to" or an example or something.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/28 18:49:57

Post by: Pacific

This lady

The final one of these guys

Some PSC 15mm German Grenadierkompanie, and a PzJaeger IV (one of the fixed turret things)

(and yes all at once, this is why I never finish anything! )

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/29 02:40:19

Post by: Ascalam

Took my Daemons to tournament

Did ok, got joint best-painted

Still got four fething Plague drones to finish, but then that army is 100% painted

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/29 03:17:29

Post by: gigasnail

building a converted GUO/daemon prince out of the mutalith vorthex beast + zombie dragon kits.

earlier i did the last apoxiesculpt details for the spine on my converted/counts as khorne lord on juggernaut out of the kits for the skullcannon, mounted warriors of chaos, and possessed CSM kits. it's pretty much ready for final assembly, then on to basing and painting. i still need to do a combination power fist/lightening claw and convert a good axe up for a axe of blind fury, but the arm is magnetized and the sword it comes with will make an adequate counts-as for now.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/29 12:54:11

Post by: TheDraconicLord

more wow miniatures... /wrist

I hope to finish at least 2 more today... or all 3 if I manage to enter painting nirvana so I'm done with them